Computational modelling identifies key determinants of subregion-specific dopamine dynamics in the striatum

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    eLife Assessment

    The conclusions of this work are based on valuable simulations of a detailed model of striatal dopamine dynamics. Establishing that a lower dopamine uptake rate can lead to a 'tonic' level of dopamine in the ventral but not dorsal striatum, and that dopamine concentration changes at short delays can be tracked by D1 but not D2 receptor activation, is of value and will be of interest to dopamine aficionados. However, the simulations are incomplete, providing only partial support for the key claims. Several things can be done to strengthen the conclusions, including, for example, but not exclusively, a demonstration of how the results would change as a function of changes in D2 affinity.

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Striatal dopamine (DA) release regulates reward-related learning and behavioural activation and is believed to consist of a short-lived phasic and continuous tonic component. Here, we build a three-dimensional model of extracellular DA dynamics in dorsal (DS) and ventral striatum (VS) that include tens of thousands of DA release sites. The model predicts rapid dynamics in DS with little-to-no basal DA, and much slower dynamics in the VS enabling build-up of a tonic DA level. These regional differences do not primarily reflect different release phenomena but rather arise from differential dopamine transporter (DAT) activity. Interestingly, our simulations posit prevalent nanoclustering of DAT as a possible regulator of this activity. Receptor binding simulations show that D1 receptor occupancy follows extracellular DA concentration with millisecond delay, while D2 receptors integrate DA signal over seconds. Summarized, our model distills recent experimental observations into a computational framework that challenge prevailing paradigms of striatal DA signalling.

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  1. eLife Assessment

    The conclusions of this work are based on valuable simulations of a detailed model of striatal dopamine dynamics. Establishing that a lower dopamine uptake rate can lead to a 'tonic' level of dopamine in the ventral but not dorsal striatum, and that dopamine concentration changes at short delays can be tracked by D1 but not D2 receptor activation, is of value and will be of interest to dopamine aficionados. However, the simulations are incomplete, providing only partial support for the key claims. Several things can be done to strengthen the conclusions, including, for example, but not exclusively, a demonstration of how the results would change as a function of changes in D2 affinity.

  2. Reviewer #1 (Public review):

    Ejdrup, Gether, and colleagues present a sophisticated simulation of dopamine (DA) dynamics based on a substantial volume of striatum with many DA release sites. The key observation is that a reduced DA uptake rate in the ventral striatum (VS) compared to the dorsal striatum (DS) can produce an appreciable "tonic" level of DA in VS and not DS. In both areas they find that a large proportion of D2 receptors are occupied at "baseline"; this proportion increases with simulated DA cell phasic bursts but has little sensitivity to simulated DA cell pauses. They also examine, in a separate model, the effects of clustering dopamine transporters (DAT) into nanoclusters and say this may be a way of regulating tonic DA levels in VS. I found this work of interest and I think it will be useful to the community. At the same time, there are a number of weaknesses that should be addressed, and the authors need to more carefully explain how their conclusions are distinct from those based on prior models.

    (1) The conclusion that even an unrealistically long (1s) and complete pause in DA firing has little effect on DA receptor occupancy is potentially important. The ability to respond to DA pauses has been thought to be a key reason why D2 receptors (may) have high affinity. This simulation instead finds evidence that DA pauses may be useless. This result should be highlighted in the abstract and discussed more.

    (2) The claim of "DAT nanoclustering as a way to shape tonic levels of DA" is not very well supported at present. None of the panels in Figure 4 simply show mean steady-state extracellular DA as a function of clustering. Perhaps mean DA is not the relevant measure, but then the authors need to better define what is and why. This issue may be linked to the fact that DAT clustering is modeled separately (Figure 4) to the main model of DA dynamics (Figures 1-3) which per the Methods assumes even distribution of uptake. Presumably, this is because the spatial resolution of the main model is too coarse to incorporate DAT nanoclusters, but it is still a limitation. As it stands it is convincing (but too obvious) that DAT clustering will increase DA away from clusters, while decreasing it near clusters. I.e. clustering increases heterogeneity, but how this could be relevant to striatal function is not made clear, especially given the different spatial scales of the models.

    (3) I question how reasonable the "12/40" simulated burst firing condition is, since to my knowledge this is well outside the range of firing patterns actually observed for dopamine cells. It would be better to base key results on more realistic values (in particular, fewer action potentials than 12).

    (4) There is a need to better explain why "focality" is important, and justify the measure used.

    (5) Line 191: " D1 receptors (-Rs) were assumed to have a half maximal effective concentration (EC50) of 1000 nM"
    The assumptions about receptor EC50s are critical to this work and need to be better justified. It would also be good to show what happens if these EC50 numbers are changed by an order of magnitude up or down.

    (6) Line 459: "we based our receptor kinetics on newer pharmacological experiments in live cells (Agren et al., 2021) and properties of the recently developed DA receptor-based biosensors (Labouesse & Patriarchi, 2021). Indeed, these sensors are mutated receptors but only on the intracellular domains with no changes of the binding site (Labouesse & Patriarchi, 2021)"
    This argument is diminished by the observation that different sensors based on the same binding site have different affinities (e.g. in Patriarchi et al. 2018, dLight1.1 has Kd of 330nM while dlight1.3b has Kd of 1600nM).

    (7) Estimates of Vmax for DA uptake are entirely based on prior fast-scan voltammetry studies (Table S2). But FSCV likely produces distorted measures of uptake rate due to the kinetics of DA adsorption and release on the carbon fiber surface.

    (8) It is assumed that tortuosity is the same in DS and VS - is this a safe assumption?

    (9) More discussion is needed about how the conclusions derived from this more elaborate model of DA dynamics are the same, and different, to conclusions drawn from prior relevant models (including those cited, e.g. from Hunger et al. 2020, etc).

  3. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

    The work presents a model of dopamine release, diffusion, and reuptake in a small (100 micrometer^2 maximum) volume of striatum. This extends previous work by this group and others by comparing dopamine dynamics in the dorsal and ventral striatum and by using a model of immediate dopamine-receptor activation inferred from recent dopamine sensor data. From their simulations, the authors report two main conclusions. The first is that the dorsal striatum does not appear to have a sustained, relatively uniform concentration of dopamine driven by the constant 4Hz firing of dopamine neurons; rather that constant firing appears to create hotspots of dopamine. By contrast, the lower density of release sites and lower rate of reuptake in the ventral striatum creates a sustained concentration of dopamine. The second main conclusion is that D1 receptor (D1R) activation is able to track dopamine concentration changes at short delays but D2 receptor activation cannot.

    The simulations of the dorsal striatum will be of interest to dopamine aficionados as they throw some doubt on the classic model of "tonic" and "phasic" dopamine actions, further show the disconnect between dopamine neuron firing and consequent release, and thus raise issues for the reward-prediction error theory of dopamine.

    There is some careful work here checking the dependence of results on the spatial volume and its discretisation. The simulations of dopamine concentration are checked over a range of values for key parameters. The model is good, the simulations are well done, and the evidence for robust differences between dorsal and ventral striatum dopamine concentration is good.

    However, the main weakness here is that neither of the main conclusions is strongly evidenced as yet. The claim that the dorsal striatum has no "tonic" dopamine concentration is based on the single example simulation of Figure 1 not the extensive simulations over a range of parameters. Some of those later simulations seem to show that the dorsal striatum can have a "tonic" dopamine concentration, though the measurement of this is indirect. It is not clear why the reader should believe the example simulation over those in the robustness checks, for example by identifying which range of parameter values is more realistic.

    The claim that D1Rs can track rapid changes in dopamine is not well supported. It is based on a single simulation in Figure 1 (DS) and 2 (VS) by visual inspection of simulated dopamine concentration traces - and even then it is unclear that D1Rs actually track dynamics because they clearly do not track rapid changes in dopamine that are almost as large as those driven by bursts (cf Figure 1i). The claim also depends on two things that are poorly explained. First, the model of binding here is missing from the text. It seems to be a simple bound-fraction model, simulating a single D1 or D2 receptor. It is unclear whether more complex models would show the same thing. Second, crucial to the receptor model here is the inference that D1 receptor unbinding is rapid; but this inference is made based on the kinetics of dopamine sensors and is superficially explained - it is unclear why sensor kinetics should let us extrapolate to receptor kinetics, and unclear how safe is the extrapolation of the linear regression by an order of magnitude to get the D1 unbinding rate.

  4. Author response:

    eLife Assessment

    The conclusions of this work are based on valuable simulations of a detailed model of striatal dopamine dynamics. Establishing that a lower dopamine uptake rate can lead to a 'tonic' level of dopamine in the ventral but not dorsal striatum, and that dopamine concentration changes at short delays can be tracked by D1 but not D2 receptor activation, is of value and will be of interest to dopamine aficionados. However, the simulations are incomplete, providing only partial support for the key claims. Several things can be done to strengthen the conclusions, including, for example, but not exclusively, a demonstration of how the results would change as a function of changes in D2 affinity.

    We sincerely thank the Editors and Reviewers for their insightful comments on our manuscript. We are pleased that our simulations are recognized as interesting, sophisticated and valuable. Moreover, we fully agree that many of the findings will be of particular interest to dopamine aficionados. While we maintain that our simulations provide a solid basis for the key claims, we acknowledge that the conclusions can be further strengthened by the revisions suggested below.

    Reviewer #1 (Public review):

    Ejdrup, Gether, and colleagues present a sophisticated simulation of dopamine (DA) dynamics based on a substantial volume of striatum with many DA release sites. The key observation is that a reduced DA uptake rate in the ventral striatum (VS) compared to the dorsal striatum (DS) can produce an appreciable "tonic" level of DA in VS and not DS. In both areas they find that a large proportion of D2 receptors are occupied at "baseline"; this proportion increases with simulated DA cell phasic bursts but has little sensitivity to simulated DA cell pauses. They also examine, in a separate model, the effects of clustering dopamine transporters (DAT) into nanoclusters and say this may be a way of regulating tonic DA levels in VS. I found this work of interest and I think it will be useful to the community. At the same time, there are a number of weaknesses that should be addressed, and the authors need to more carefully explain how their conclusions are distinct from those based on prior models.

    (1) The conclusion that even an unrealistically long (1s) and complete pause in DA firing has little effect on DA receptor occupancy is potentially important. The ability to respond to DA pauses has been thought to be a key reason why D2 receptors (may) have high affinity. This simulation instead finds evidence that DA pauses may be useless. This result should be highlighted in the abstract and discussed more.

    We appreciate that the reviewer finds our work interesting and useful to the community. However, we acknowledge that in the revised version we to need to better describe how our conclusions are different from those reached based on previous models.

    We will also carry out new simulations across a range of D2R affinities to assess how this will affect the finding that even a long pause in DA firing has little effect on DR2 receptor occupancy. As also suggested, the results will be highlighted and further discussed.

    (2) The claim of "DAT nanoclustering as a way to shape tonic levels of DA" is not very well supported at present. None of the panels in Figure 4 simply show mean steady-state extracellular DA as a function of clustering. Perhaps mean DA is not the relevant measure, but then the authors need to better define what is and why. This issue may be linked to the fact that DAT clustering is modeled separately (Figure 4) to the main model of DA dynamics (Figures 1-3) which per the Methods assumes even distribution of uptake. Presumably, this is because the spatial resolution of the main model is too coarse to incorporate DAT nanoclusters, but it is still a limitation.

    We will improve our definitions and descriptions relating to nanoclustering of DAT in the revised version of the manuscript. We fully agree that the spatial resolution of the main model is a limitation and, ideally, that the nanoclustering should be combined with the large-scale release simulations. Unfortunately, this would require many orders of magnitude more computational power than currently available.

    As it stands it is convincing (but too obvious) that DAT clustering will increase DA away from clusters, while decreasing it near clusters. I.e. clustering increases heterogeneity, but how this could be relevant to striatal function is not made clear, especially given the different spatial scales of the models.

    Thank you for raising this important point. While it is true that DAT clustering increases heterogeneity in DA distribution at the microscopic level, the diffusion rate is, in most circumstances, too fast to permit concentration differences on a spatial scale relevant for nearby receptors. Accordingly, we propose that the primary effect of DAT nanoclustering is to decrease the overall uptake capacity, which in turn increases overall extracellular DA concentrations. Thus, homogeneous changes in extracellular DA concentrations can arise from regulating heterogenous DAT distribution. An exception to this would be the circumstance where the receptor is located directly next to a dense cluster – i.e. within nanometers. In such cases, local DA availability may be more directly influenced by clustering effects. This will be further discussed in the revised manuscript.

    (3) I question how reasonable the "12/40" simulated burst firing condition is, since to my knowledge this is well outside the range of firing patterns actually observed for dopamine cells. It would be better to base key results on more realistic values (in particular, fewer action potentials than 12).

    We fully agree that this typically is outside the physiological range. The values are included to showcase what extreme situations would look like.

    (4) There is a need to better explain why "focality" is important, and justify the measure used.

    We will expand on the intention of this measure in the revised manuscript. Thank you for pointing out this lack of clarification.

    (5) Line 191: " D1 receptors (-Rs) were assumed to have a half maximal effective concentration (EC50) of 1000 nM" The assumptions about receptor EC50s are critical to this work and need to be better justified. It would also be good to show what happens if these EC50 numbers are changed by an order of magnitude up or down.

    We agree that these assumptions are critical. Simulations on effective off-rates across a range of EC50 values will be included in the revised version.

    (6) Line 459: "we based our receptor kinetics on newer pharmacological experiments in live cells (Agren et al., 2021) and properties of the recently developed DA receptor-based biosensors (Labouesse & Patriarchi, 2021). Indeed, these sensors are mutated receptors but only on the intracellular domains with no changes of the binding site (Labouesse & Patriarchi, 2021)”

    This argument is diminished by the observation that different sensors based on the same binding site have different affinities (e.g. in Patriarchi et al. 2018, dLight1.1 has Kd of 330nM while dlight1.3b has Kd of 1600nM).

    We sincerely thank the reviewer for highlighting this important point. We fully recognize the fundamental importance of absolute and relative DA receptor kinetics for modeling DA actions and acknowledge that differences in affinity estimates from sensor-based measurements highlight the inherent uncertainty in selecting receptor kinetics parameters. While we have based our modeling decisions on what we believe to be the most relevant available data, we acknowledge that the choice of receptor kinetics is a topic of ongoing debate. Importantly, we are making our model available to the research community, allowing others to test their own estimates of receptor kinetics and assess their impact on the model’s behavior. In our revised manuscript, we will further discuss the rationale behind our parameter choices, including: Our selection of a Kd value of 1000 nM for D1R (based on the observed affinities for D1R sensors) and an extrapolated Koff of 19.5 s-1 (Labouesse & Patriarchi, 2021). Our use of a Kd value of 7 nM and an extrapolated Koff of 0.2 s-1 for D2R, consistent with recent binding studies (Ågren et al., 2021).

    (7) Estimates of Vmax for DA uptake are entirely based on prior fast-scan voltammetry studies (Table S2). But FSCV likely produces distorted measures of uptake rate due to the kinetics of DA adsorption and release on the carbon fiber surface.

    We fully agree that this is a limitation of FSCV. However, most of the cited papers attempt to correct for this by way of fitting the output to a multi-parameter model for DA kinetics. If newer literature brings the Vmax values estimated into question, we have made the model publicly available to rerun the simulations with new parameters.

    (8) It is assumed that tortuosity is the same in DS and VS - is this a safe assumption?

    The original paper cited does not specify which region the values are measured in. However, a separate paper estimates the rat cerebellum has a comparable tortuosity index (Nicholson and Phillips, J Physiol. (1981)), suggesting it may be a rather uniform value across brain regions.

    (9) More discussion is needed about how the conclusions derived from this more elaborate model of DA dynamics are the same, and different, to conclusions drawn from prior relevant models (including those cited, e.g. from Hunger et al. 2020, etc).

    As part of our revision, we will expand the current discussion of our finding in the context of previous models in the manuscript

    Reviewer #2 (Public review):

    The work presents a model of dopamine release, diffusion, and reuptake in a small (100 micrometer^2 maximum) volume of striatum. This extends previous work by this group and others by comparing dopamine dynamics in the dorsal and ventral striatum and by using a model of immediate dopamine-receptor activation inferred from recent dopamine sensor data. From their simulations, the authors report two main conclusions. The first is that the dorsal striatum does not appear to have a sustained, relatively uniform concentration of dopamine driven by the constant 4Hz firing of dopamine neurons; rather that constant firing appears to create hotspots of dopamine. By contrast, the lower density of release sites and lower rate of reuptake in the ventral striatum creates a sustained concentration of dopamine. The second main conclusion is that D1 receptor (D1R) activation is able to track dopamine concentration changes at short delays but D2 receptor activation cannot.

    The simulations of the dorsal striatum will be of interest to dopamine aficionados as they throw some doubt on the classic model of "tonic" and "phasic" dopamine actions, further show the disconnect between dopamine neuron firing and consequent release, and thus raise issues for the reward-prediction error theory of dopamine.

    There is some careful work here checking the dependence of results on the spatial volume and its discretisation. The simulations of dopamine concentration are checked over a range of values for key parameters. The model is good, the simulations are well done, and the evidence for robust differences between dorsal and ventral striatum dopamine concentration is good.

    However, the main weakness here is that neither of the main conclusions is strongly evidenced as yet. The claim that the dorsal striatum has no "tonic" dopamine concentration is based on the single example simulation of Figure 1 not the extensive simulations over a range of parameters. Some of those later simulations seem to show that the dorsal striatum can have a "tonic" dopamine concentration, though the measurement of this is indirect. It is not clear why the reader should believe the example simulation over those in the robustness checks, for example by identifying which range of parameter values is more realistic.

    We appreciate that the reviewer finds our work interesting and carefully performed. The reviewer is correct that DA dynamics, including the presence and level of tonic DA, are parameter-dependent in both the dorsal striatum (DS) and ventral striatum (VS). Indeed, our simulations across a broad range of biological parameters were intended to help readers understand how such variation would impact the model’s outcomes, particularly since many of the parameters remain contested. Naturally, altering these parameters results in changes to the observed dynamics. However, to derive possible conclusions, we selected a subset of parameters that we believe best reflect the physiological conditions, as elaborated in the manuscript. This is eventually required in computational modelling of biological systems. In response to the reviewer’s comment, we will place greater emphasis on clarifying which parameter regimes produce a "tonic" versus "non-tonic" DA state in the DS. Additionally, we will underscore that the distinction between tonic and non-tonic states is not a binary outcome but a parameter-dependent continuum—one that our model now allows researchers to explore systematically. Finally, we will highlight how our simulations across parameter space not only capture this continuum but also identify the regimes that produce the most heterogeneous DA signaling, both within and across striatal regions.

    The claim that D1Rs can track rapid changes in dopamine is not well supported. It is based on a single simulation in Figure 1 (DS) and 2 (VS) by visual inspection of simulated dopamine concentration traces - and even then it is unclear that D1Rs actually track dynamics because they clearly do not track rapid changes in dopamine that are almost as large as those driven by bursts (cf Figure 1i).

    We would like to draw the attention also to Fig. S1, where the claim that D1R track rapid changes is supported in more depth. According to this figure, upon coordinated burst firing, the D1R occupancy rapidly increased as diffusion no longer equilibrated the extracellular concentrations on a timescale faster than the receptors – and D1R receptor occupancy closely tracked extracellular DA with a delay on the order of tens of milliseconds. Note that the brief increases in [DA] from uncoordinated stochastic release events from tonic firing in Fig. 1i are too brief to drive D1 signaling, as the DA concentration diffuses into the remaining extracellular space on a timescale of 1-5 ms. This is faster than the receptors response rate, and does not lead to any downstream signaling according to our simulations. This means D1 kinetics are rapid enough to track coordinated signaling on a ~50 ms timescale and slower, but not fast enough to respond to individual release events from tonic activity. In our revised manuscript we will expand the discussion of this topic to provide greater clarity.

    The claim also depends on two things that are poorly explained. First, the model of binding here is missing from the text. It seems to be a simple bound-fraction model, simulating a single D1 or D2 receptor. It is unclear whether more complex models would show the same thing.

    We realize that this is not made clear in the methods and, accordingly, we will update the method section to elaborate on how we model receptor binding. The model simulates occupied fraction of D1R and D2R in every single voxel of the simulation space.

    Second, crucial to the receptor model here is the inference that D1 receptor unbinding is rapid; but this inference is made based on the kinetics of dopamine sensors and is superficially explained - it is unclear why sensor kinetics should let us extrapolate to receptor kinetics, and unclear how safe is the extrapolation of the linear regression by an order of magnitude to get the D1 unbinding rate.

    We chose to use the sensors because it was possible to estimate precise affinities/off-rates from the fluorescent measurements. Although there might some variation in affinities that could be attributable to the mutations introduced in the sensors, the data clearly separated D1R and D2R with a D1R affinity of ~1000 nM and a D1R affinity of ~7 nM (Labouesse & Patriarchi, 2021) consistent with earlier predictions of receptor affinities. From our assessment of the literature we found that this was the most reasonable way to estimate affinities and thereby off-rates. Importantly, the model has been made publicly available, so should new measurements arise, the simulations can be rerun with tweaks to the input parameters.