Variations and predictability of epistasis on an intragenic fitness landscape
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This paper addresses the important question of quantifying epistasis patterns, which affect the predictability of evolution, by reanalyzing a recently published combinatorial deep mutational scan experiment. The findings are that epistasis is fluid, i.e. strongly background dependent, but that fitness effects of mutations are predictable based on the wild-type phenotype. However, these potentially interesting claims are inadequately supported by the analysis, because measurement noise is not accounted for, arbitrary cutoffs are used, and global nonlinearities are not sufficiently considered. If the results continue to hold after these major improvements in the analysis, they should be of interest to all biologists working in the field of fitness landscapes.
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How epistasis hinders or facilitates movement on fitness landscapes has been a longstanding question of interest. Several high throughput experiments have demonstrated that despite its idiosyncrasy, epistatic effects exhibit global statistical patterns. Recently, Papkou et. al. constructed a fitness landscape for a 9-base region in the folA gene, which encodes for dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR), in E. coli , and demonstrated that despite being highly rugged, the landscape is highly navigable. In this work, using the folA landscape, we ask two questions: (1) How does the nature of epistatic interactions change as a function of the genomic background? (2) How predictable is epistasis within a gene? Our results show that epistasis is “fluid” - the nature of epistasis exhibited by a pair of mutations is strongly contingent on the genetic background. Mutations exhibit one of two binary “states”: a small fraction of mutations exhibit extremely strong patterns of global epistasis, while most do not. Despite these observations, we observe that the distribution of fitness effects (DFE) of a genotype is highly predictable based on its fitness. These results offer a new perspective on how epistasis operates within a gene, and how it can be predicted.
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eLife Assessment
This paper addresses the important question of quantifying epistasis patterns, which affect the predictability of evolution, by reanalyzing a recently published combinatorial deep mutational scan experiment. The findings are that epistasis is fluid, i.e. strongly background dependent, but that fitness effects of mutations are predictable based on the wild-type phenotype. However, these potentially interesting claims are inadequately supported by the analysis, because measurement noise is not accounted for, arbitrary cutoffs are used, and global nonlinearities are not sufficiently considered. If the results continue to hold after these major improvements in the analysis, they should be of interest to all biologists working in the field of fitness landscapes.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This paper describes a number of patterns of epistasis in a large fitness landscape dataset recently published by Papkou et al. The paper is motivated by an important goal in the field of evolutionary biology to understand the statistical structure of epistasis in protein fitness landscapes, and it capitalizes on the unique opportunities presented by this new dataset to address this problem.
The paper reports some interesting previously unobserved patterns that may have implications for our understanding of fitness landscapes and protein evolution. In particular, Figure 5 is very intriguing. However, I have two major concerns detailed below. First, I found the paper rather descriptive (it makes little attempt to gain deeper insights into the origins of the observed patterns) and unfocused (it reports what …
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This paper describes a number of patterns of epistasis in a large fitness landscape dataset recently published by Papkou et al. The paper is motivated by an important goal in the field of evolutionary biology to understand the statistical structure of epistasis in protein fitness landscapes, and it capitalizes on the unique opportunities presented by this new dataset to address this problem.
The paper reports some interesting previously unobserved patterns that may have implications for our understanding of fitness landscapes and protein evolution. In particular, Figure 5 is very intriguing. However, I have two major concerns detailed below. First, I found the paper rather descriptive (it makes little attempt to gain deeper insights into the origins of the observed patterns) and unfocused (it reports what appears to be a disjointed collection of various statistics without a clear narrative. Second, I have concerns with the statistical rigor of the work.
(1) I think Figures 5 and 7 are the main, most interesting, and novel results of the paper. However, I don't think that the statement "Only a small fraction of mutations exhibit global epistasis" accurately describes what we see in Figure 5. To me, the most striking feature of this figure is that the effects of most mutations at all sites appear to be a mixture of three patterns. The most interesting pattern noted by the authors is of course the "strong" global epistasis, i.e., when the effect of a mutation is highly negatively correlated with the fitness of the background genotype. The second pattern is a "weak" global epistasis, where the correlation with background fitness is much weaker or non-existent. The third pattern is the vertically spread-out cluster at low-fitness backgrounds, i.e., a mutation has a wide range of mostly positive effects that are clearly not correlated with fitness. What is very interesting to me is that all background genotypes fall into these three groups with respect to almost every mutation, but the proportions of the three groups are different for different mutations. In contrast to the authors' statement, it seems to me that almost all mutations display strong global epistasis in at least a subset of backgrounds. A clear example is C>A mutation at site 3.
1a. I think the authors ought to try to dissect these patterns and investigate them separately rather than lumping them all together and declaring that global epistasis is rare. For example, I would like to know whether those backgrounds in which mutations exhibit strong global epistasis are the same for all mutations or whether they are mutation- or perhaps position-specific. Both answers could be potentially very interesting, either pointing to some specific site-site interactions or, alternatively, suggesting that the statistical patterns are conserved despite variation in the underlying interactions.
1b. Another rather remarkable feature of this plot is that the slopes of the strong global epistasis patterns seem to be very similar across mutations. Is this the case? Is there anything special about this slope? For example, does this slope simply reflect the fact that a given mutation becomes essentially lethal (i.e., produces the same minimal fitness) in a certain set of background genotypes?
1c. Finally, how consistent are these patterns with some null expectations? Specifically, would one expect the same distribution of global epistasis slopes on an uncorrelated landscape? Are the pivot points unusually clustered relative to an expectation on an uncorrelated landscape?
1d. The shapes of the DFE shown in Figure 7 are also quite interesting, particularly the bimodal nature of the DFE in high-fitness (HF) backgrounds. I think this bimodality must be a reflection of the clustering of mutation-background combinations mentioned above. I think the authors ought to draw this connection explicitly. Do all HF backgrounds have a bimodal DFE? What mutations occupy the "moving" peak?
1e. In several figures, the authors compare the patterns for HF and low-fitness (LF) genotypes. In some cases, there are some stark differences between these two groups, most notably in the shape of the DFE (Figure 7B, C). But there is no discussion about what could underlie these differences. Why are the statistics of epistasis different for HF and LF genotypes? Can the authors at least speculate about possible reasons? Why do HF and LF genotypes have qualitatively different DFEs? I actually don't quite understand why the transition between bimodal DFE in Figure 7B and unimodal DFE in Figure 7C is so abrupt. Is there something biologically special about the threshold that separates LF and HF genotypes? My understanding was that this was just a statistical cutoff. Perhaps the authors can plot the DFEs for all backgrounds on the same plot and just draw a line that separates HF and LF backgrounds so that the reader can better see whether the DFE shape changes gradually or abruptly.
1f. The analysis of the synonymous mutations is also interesting. However I think a few additional analyses are necessary to clarify what is happening here. I would like to know the extent to which synonymous mutations are more often neutral compared to non-synonymous ones. Then, synonymous pairs interact in the same way as non-synonymous pair (i.e., plot Figure 1 for synonymous pairs)? Do synonymous or non-synonymous mutations that are neutral exhibit less epistasis than non-neutral ones? Finally, do non-synonymous mutations alter epistasis among other mutations more often than synonymous mutations do? What about synonymous-neutral versus synonymous-non-neutral. Basically, I'd like to understand the extent to which a mutation that is neutral in a given background is more or less likely to alter epistasis between other mutations than a non-neutral mutation in the same background.
(2) I have two related methodological concerns. First, in several analyses, the authors employ thresholds that appear to be arbitrary. And second, I did not see any account of measurement errors. For example, the authors chose the 0.05 threshold to distinguish between epistasis and no epistasis, but why this particular threshold was chosen is not justified. Another example: is whether the product s12 × (s1 + s2) is greater or smaller than zero for any given mutation is uncertain due to measurement errors. Presumably, how to classify each pair of mutations should depend on the precision with which the fitness of mutants is measured. These thresholds could well be different across mutants. We know, for example, that low-fitness mutants typically have noisier fitness estimates than high-fitness mutants. I think the authors should use a statistically rigorous procedure to categorize mutations and their epistatic interactions. I think it is very important to address this issue. I got very concerned about it when I saw on LL 383-388 that synonymous stop codon mutations appear to modulate epistasis among other mutations. This seems very strange to me and makes me quite worried that this is a result of noise in LF genotypes.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
This paper reanalyzes an experimental fitness landscape generated by Papkou et al., who assayed the fitness of all possible combinations of 4 nucleotide states at 9 sites in the E. coli DHFR gene, which confers antibiotic resistance. The 9 nucleotide sites make up 3 amino acid sites in the protein, of which one was shown to be the primary determinant of fitness by Papkou et al. This paper sought to assess whether pairwise epistatic interactions differ among genetic backgrounds at other sites and whether there are major patterns in any such differences. They use a "double mutant cycle" approach to quantify pairwise epistasis, where the epistatic interaction between two mutations is the difference between the measured fitness of the double-mutant and its predicted fitness in the absence of …
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
This paper reanalyzes an experimental fitness landscape generated by Papkou et al., who assayed the fitness of all possible combinations of 4 nucleotide states at 9 sites in the E. coli DHFR gene, which confers antibiotic resistance. The 9 nucleotide sites make up 3 amino acid sites in the protein, of which one was shown to be the primary determinant of fitness by Papkou et al. This paper sought to assess whether pairwise epistatic interactions differ among genetic backgrounds at other sites and whether there are major patterns in any such differences. They use a "double mutant cycle" approach to quantify pairwise epistasis, where the epistatic interaction between two mutations is the difference between the measured fitness of the double-mutant and its predicted fitness in the absence of epistasis (which equals the sum of individual effects of each mutation observed in the single mutants relative to the reference genotype). The paper claims that epistasis is "fluid," because pairwise epistatic effects often differs depending on the genetic state at the other site. It also claims that this fluidity is "binary," because pairwise effects depend strongly on the state at nucleotide positions 5 and 6 but weakly on those at other sites. Finally, they compare the distribution of fitness effects (DFE) of single mutations for starting genotypes with similar fitness and find that despite the apparent "fluidity" of interactions this distribution is well-predicted by the fitness of the starting genotype.
The paper addresses an important question for genetics and evolution: how complex and unpredictable are the effects and interactions among mutations in a protein? Epistasis can make the phenotype hard to predict from the genotype and also affect the evolutionary navigability of a genotype landscape. Whether pairwise epistatic interactions depend on genetic background - that is, whether there are important high-order interactions -- is important because interactions of order greater than pairwise would make phenotypes especially idiosyncratic and difficult to predict from the genotype (or by extrapolating from experimentally measured phenotypes of genotypes randomly sampled from the huge space of possible genotypes). Another interesting question is the sparsity of such high-order interactions: if they exist but mostly depend on a small number of identifiable sequence sites in the background, then this would drastically reduce the complexity and idiosyncrasy relative to a landscape on which "fluidity" involves interactions among groups of all sites in the protein. A number of papers in the recent literature have addressed the topics of high-order epistasis and sparsity and have come to conflicting conclusions. This paper contributes to that body of literature with a case study of one published experimental dataset of high quality. The findings are therefore potentially significant if convincingly supported.
In my judgment, the major conclusions of this paper are not well supported by the data. There are three major problems with the analysis.
(1) Lack of statistical tests. The authors conclude that pairwise interactions differ among backgrounds, but no statistical analysis is provided to establish that the observed differences are statistically significant, rather than being attributable to error and noise in the assay measurements. It has been established previously that the methods the authors use to estimate high-order interactions can result in inflated inferences of epistasis because of the propagation of measurement noise (see PMID 31527666 and 39261454). Error propagation can be extreme because first-order mutation effects are calculated as the difference between the measured phenotype of a single-mutant variant and the reference genotype; pairwise effects are then calculated as the difference between the measured phenotype of a double mutant and the sum of the differences described above for the single mutants. This paper claims fluidity when this latter difference itself differs when assessed in two different backgrounds. At each step of these calculations, measurement noise propagates. Because no statistical analysis is provided to evaluate whether these observed differences are greater than expected because of propagated error, the paper has not convincingly established or quantified "fluidity" in epistatic effects.
(2) Arbitrary cutoffs. Many of the analyses involve assigning pairwise interactions into discrete categories, based on the magnitude and direction of the difference between the predicted and observed phenotypes for a pairwise mutant. For example, the authors categorize as a positive pairwise interaction if the apparent deviation of phenotype from prediction is >0.05, negative if the deviation is <-0.05, and no interaction if the deviation is between these cutoffs. Fluidity is diagnosed when the category for a pairwise interaction differs among backgrounds. These cutoffs are essentially arbitrary, and the effects are assigned to categories without assessing statistical significance. For example, an interaction of 0.06 in one background and 0.04 in another would be classified as fluid, but it is very plausible that such a difference would arise due to error alone. The frequency of epistatic interactions in each category as claimed in the paper, as well as the extent of fluidity across backgrounds, could therefore be systematically overestimated or underestimated, affecting the major conclusions of the study.
(3) Global nonlinearities. The analyses do not consider the fact that apparent fluidity could be attributable to the fact that fitness measurements are bounded by a minimum (the fitness of cells carrying proteins in which DHFR is essentially nonfunctional) and a maximum (the fitness of cells in which some biological factor other than DHFR function is limiting for fitness). The data are clearly bounded; the original Papkou et al. paper states that 93% of genotypes are at the low-fitness limit at which deleterious effects no longer influence fitness. Because of this bounding, mutations that are strongly deleterious to DHFR function will therefore have an apparently smaller effect when introduced in combination with other deleterious mutations, leading to apparent epistatic interactions; moreover, these apparent interactions will have different magnitudes if they are introduced into backgrounds that themselves differ in DHFR function/fitness, leading to apparent "fluidity" of these interactions. This is a well-established issue in the literature (see PMIDs 30037990, 28100592, 39261454). It is therefore important to adjust for these global nonlinearities before assessing interactions, but the authors have not done this.
This global nonlinearity could explain much of the fluidity claimed in this paper. It could explain the observation that epistasis does not seem to depend as much on genetic background for low-fitness backgrounds, and the latter is constant (Figure 2B and 2C): these patterns would arise simply because the effects of deleterious mutations are all epistatically masked in backgrounds that are already near the fitness minimum. It would also explain the observations in Figure 7. For background genotypes with relatively high fitness, there are two distinct peaks of fitness effects, which likely correspond to neutral mutations and deleterious mutations that bring fitness to the lower bound of measurement; as the fitness of the background declines, the deleterious mutations have a smaller effect, so the two peaks draw closer to each other, and in the lowest-fitness backgrounds, they collapse into a single unimodal distribution in which all mutations are approximately neutral (with the distribution reflecting only noise).
Global nonlinearity could also explain the apparent "binary" nature of epistasis. Sites 4 and 5 change the second amino acid, and the Papkou paper shows that only 3 amino acid states (C, D, and E) are compatible with function; all others abolish function and yield lower-bound fitness, while mutations at other sites have much weaker effects. The apparent binary nature of epistasis in Figure 5 corresponds to these effects given the nonlinearity of the fitness assay. Most mutations are close to neutral irrespective of the fitness of the background into which they are introduced: these are the "non-epistatic" mutations in the binary scheme. For the mutations at sites 4 and 5 that abolish one of the beneficial mutations, however, these have a strong background-dependence: they are very deleterious when introduced into a high-fitness background but their impact shrinks as they are introduced into backgrounds with progressively lower fitness. The apparent "binary" nature of global epistasis is likely to be a simple artifact of bounding and the bimodal distribution of functional effects: neutral mutations are insensitive to background, while the magnitude of the fitness effect of deleterious mutations declines with background fitness because they are masked by the lower bound. The authors' statement is that "global epistasis often does not hold." This is not established. A more plausible conclusion is that global epistasis imposed by the phenotype limits affects all mutations, but it does so in a nonlinear fashion.In conclusion, most of the major claims in the paper could be artifactual. Much of the claimed pairwise epistasis could be caused by measurement noise, the use of arbitrary cutoffs, and the lack of adjustment for global nonlinearity. Much of the fluidity or higher-order epistasis could be attributable to the same issues. And the apparently binary nature of global epistasis is also the expected result of this nonlinearity.
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
The authors have studied a previously published large dataset on the fitness landscape of a 9 base-pair region of the folA gene. The objective of the paper is to understand various aspects of epistasis in this system, which the authors have achieved through detailed and computationally expensive exploration of the landscape. The authors describe epistasis in this system as "fluid", meaning that it depends sensitively on the genetic background, thereby reducing the predictability of evolution at the genetic level. However, the study also finds two robust patterns. The first is the existence of a "pivot point" for a majority of mutations, which is a fixed growth rate at which the effect of mutations switches from beneficial to deleterious (consistent with a previous study on the topic). The second is …
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
The authors have studied a previously published large dataset on the fitness landscape of a 9 base-pair region of the folA gene. The objective of the paper is to understand various aspects of epistasis in this system, which the authors have achieved through detailed and computationally expensive exploration of the landscape. The authors describe epistasis in this system as "fluid", meaning that it depends sensitively on the genetic background, thereby reducing the predictability of evolution at the genetic level. However, the study also finds two robust patterns. The first is the existence of a "pivot point" for a majority of mutations, which is a fixed growth rate at which the effect of mutations switches from beneficial to deleterious (consistent with a previous study on the topic). The second is the observation that the distribution of fitness effects (DFE) of mutations is predicted quite well by the fitness of the genotype, especially for high-fitness genotypes. While the work does not offer a synthesis of the multitude of reported results, the information provided here raises interesting questions for future studies in this field.
A major strength of the study is its detailed and multifaceted approach, which has helped the authors tease out a number of interesting epistatic properties. The study makes a timely contribution by focusing on topical issues like the prevalence of global epistasis, the existence of pivot points, and the dependence of DFE on the background genotype and its fitness. The methodology is presented in a largely transparent manner, which makes it easy to interpret and evaluate the results.
The authors have classified pairwise epistasis into six types and found that the type of epistasis changes depending on background mutations. Switches happen more frequently for mutations at functionally important sites. Interestingly, the authors find that even synonymous mutations in stop codons can alter the epistatic interaction between mutations in other codons. Consistent with these observations of "fluidity", the study reports limited instances of global epistasis (which predicts a simple linear relationship between the size of a mutational effect and the fitness of the genetic background in which it occurs). Overall, the work presents some evidence for the genetic context-dependent nature of epistasis in this system.
Despite the wealth of information provided by the study, there are some shortcomings of the paper which must be mentioned.
(1) In the Significance Statement, the authors say that the "fluid" nature of epistasis is a previously unknown property. This is not accurate. What the authors describe as "fluidity" is essentially the prevalence of certain forms of higher-order epistasis (i.e., epistasis beyond pairwise mutational interactions). The existence of higher-order epistasis is a well-known feature of many landscapes. For example, in an early work, (Szendro et. al., J. Stat. Mech., 2013), the presence of a significant degree of higher-order epistasis was reported for a number of empirical fitness landscapes. Likewise, (Weinreich et. al., Curr. Opin. Genet. Dev., 2013) analysed several fitness landscapes and found that higher-order epistatic terms were on average larger than the pairwise term in nearly all cases. They further showed that ignoring higher-order epistasis leads to a significant overestimate of accessible evolutionary paths. The literature on higher-order epistasis has grown substantially since these early works. Any future versions of the present preprint will benefit from a more thorough contextual discussion of the literature on higher-order epistasis.
(2) In the paper, the term 'sign epistasis' is used in a way that is different from its well-established meaning. (Pairwise) sign epistasis, in its standard usage, is said to occur when the effect of a mutation switches from beneficial to deleterious (or vice versa) when a mutation occurs at a different locus. The authors require a stronger condition, namely that the sum of the individual effects of two mutations should have the opposite sign from their joint effect. This is a sufficient condition for sign epistasis, but not a necessary one. The property studied by the authors is important in its own right, but it is not equivalent to sign epistasis.
(3) The authors have looked for global epistasis in all 108 (9x12) mutations, out of which only 16 showed a correlation of R^2 > 0.4. 14 out of these 16 mutations were in the functionally important nucleotide positions. Based on this, the authors conclude that global epistasis is rare in this landscape, and further, that mutations in this landscape can be classified into one of two binary states - those that exhibit global epistasis (a small minority) and those that do not (the majority). I suspect, however, that a biologically significant binary classification based on these data may be premature. Unsurprisingly, mutational effects are stronger at the functional sites as seen in Figure 5 and Figure 2, which means that even if global epistasis is present for all mutations, a statistical signal will be more easily detected for the functionally important sites. Indeed, the authors show that the means of DFEs decrease linearly with background fitness, which hints at the possibility that a weak global epistatic effect may be present (though hard to detect) in the individual mutations. Given the high importance of the phenomenon of global epistasis, it pays to be cautious in interpreting these results.
(4) The study reports that synonymous mutations frequently change the nature of epistasis between mutations in other codons. However, it is unclear whether this should be surprising, because, as the authors have already noted, synonymous mutations can have an impact on cellular functions. The reader may wonder if the synonymous mutations that cause changes in epistatic interactions in a certain background also tend to be non-neutral in that background. Unfortunately, the fitness effect of synonymous mutations has not been reported in the paper.
(5) The authors find that DFEs of high-fitness genotypes tend to depend only on fitness and not on genetic composition. This is an intriguing observation, but unfortunately, the authors do not provide any possible explanation or connect it to theoretical literature. I am reminded of work by (Agarwala and Fisher, Theor. Popul. Biol., 2019) as well as (Reddy and Desai, eLife, 2023) where conditions under which the DFE depends only on the fitness have been derived. Any discussion of possible connections to these works could be a useful addition.
Author response:
Thank you for sharing a detailed review of our manuscript titled, Variations and predictability of epistasis on an intragenic fitness landscape. We have now carefully gone through the reviewers’ and the editor’s comments and have the following preliminary responses.
(1) Measurement noise in the folA fitness landscape. All three reviewers and the editors raise the important matter of incorporating measurement noise in the fitness landscape. The paper by Papkou and coworkers makes the fitness measurements of the landscape in six independent repeats. They show that the fitness data is highly correlated in each repeat, and use the weighted mean of the repeats to report their results. They do not study how measurement noise influences their findings. The results by Papkou and coworkers were our starting point, and hence, we …
Author response:
Thank you for sharing a detailed review of our manuscript titled, Variations and predictability of epistasis on an intragenic fitness landscape. We have now carefully gone through the reviewers’ and the editor’s comments and have the following preliminary responses.
(1) Measurement noise in the folA fitness landscape. All three reviewers and the editors raise the important matter of incorporating measurement noise in the fitness landscape. The paper by Papkou and coworkers makes the fitness measurements of the landscape in six independent repeats. They show that the fitness data is highly correlated in each repeat, and use the weighted mean of the repeats to report their results. They do not study how measurement noise influences their findings. The results by Papkou and coworkers were our starting point, and hence, we built on the landscape properties reported in their study. As a result, we also analyse our results working with the same mean of the six independent measurements.
The main result of the work by Papkou and coworkers is that largest subgraph in the landscape has 514 fitness peaks.
We revisit this result by quantifying how measurement noise changes this number. By doing this, we note the subgraph contains only 127 peaks which are statistically significant. We define a sequence as a peak when its corresponding fitness is greater than all its one-distance neighbours with a p-value < 0.05. This shows that, as pointed out in the reviews, incorporating noise in the landscape results significantly changes how we view the landscape – a facet not included in Papkou et al and the current version of our manuscript.
Not incorporating measurement noise means that the entire landscape has 4055 peaks. When measurement noise is included in the analysis, this number reduces to 137, out of which 136 are high fitness backgrounds (functional).
In the revised version of our manuscript, we will incorporate measurement noise in our analysis. Through this, we will also address the concern regarding the use of an arbitrary cut-off to study “fluid” epistasis. However, we note that arbitrary cut-offs to define DFEs have been recently used (Sane et al., PNAS, 2023).
We also note that previous work with large scale landscapes (Wu et al, eLife, 2016) also reported a fitness landscape with a single experiment, with no repeats.
(2) Global nonlinearities and higher-order leading to fluid epistasis. Attempts at building models for higher-order epistasis from empirical data have largely been confined to landscapes of a limited data size. For example, Sailer & Harms, Genetics, 2017 propose models for higher-order epistasis from seven empirical data sets, each with less than a 100 data points. Another recent attempt (Park et al, Nat Comm, 2024) proposes rule for protein structure-function with 20 fitness landscapes. In this study, only one landscape which used fitness as a phenotype had ~160000 data points (of which only 42% were included for analysis). All other data sets which used fitness as a phenotype contained less than 10000 data points. While these statistical proposals of how higher-order epistasis operates exist, none of them are reliant of large scale, exhaustive network, like the one proposed by Papkou and coworkers.
In the edited manuscript, we will replace our arbitrary cut-off with results of statistical tests carried out based on measurement noise.
Global non-linearities shape evolutionary responses. We would like to emphasize that the goal of this work to study and understand how these global non-linearities result in patterns on a large fitness landscape by presenting the sum total of these fundamental factors in shaping statistical patterns.
While we understand that we may not have sufficiently explained the effects of global non-linearities on our results, we do not agree with the reviewer’s conclusion that our results are artifacts of these non-linearities. We will expand on the role of these nonlinearities on the patterns that we observe (like, fitness being bounded, as pointed out by reviewer 2, or differential impact of a mutation in functional vs. non-functional variants).
We also speculate that changing our arbitrary cut-off (selection coefficient of 0.05) to measurement noise will not alter our results qualitatively.
The question we address in our work is, therefore, how does the nature of epistasis change with genetic background over a large, exhaustive landscape. The nature of epistasis between two mutations is analysed in all 47 backgrounds. The causative agents for the change in epistasis will be context-dependent, depending on the precise nature of the two mutations and the background. For instance, a certain background might simply introduce a Stop codon in the sequence. Notwithstanding these precise, local mechanistic explanations, we seek to answer how epistasis changes statistically in a sequence. Investigating statistical patterns which explain switch in nature of epistasis in deep, exhaustive landscapes is a long-term goal of this research.
(3) Last, in our revised manuscript, we will address the reviewers’ other minor comments on the various aspects of the manuscript.