Machine learning of honey bee olfactory behavior identifies repellent odorants in free flying bees in the field

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    eLife Assessment

    This valuable study tests a methodology for the discovery of new honey bee-repellent odorants via machine learning. The conclusions of the study are supported by solid evidence, with predicted compounds validated in the lab and the field. This work will be of interest to researchers in ecology, pest control and olfactory neuroscience.

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Preventing beneficial insects like honey bees ( Apis mellifera ) from contacting pesticides on crops using odorants could counter current pollinator declines. However, the discovery of behaviorally aversive odorants is impeded by the complexity of the honey bee olfactory system where >180 odorant receptors detect volatiles and generate valence. To solve this systems-level challenge we generated a machine-learning model to predict aversive valence from chemical structure using published olfactory behavior data in honey bees. We refine the predictive model by generating species level behavioral data for honeybees and Drosophila on an initial set of novel predicted repellents. The improved second computational model was then used to screen a chemical space of >50 million compounds and identify >130 repellent candidates. Behavioral validation using honey bees in the laboratory show a high predictive success. Additional testing of the top seven candidates using freely foraging honey bees in a field assay confirmed strong repellency, thus predicting a high probability to repel foraging bees from pesticide-treated crops. Machine learning, with iterative testing and modeling, therefore provides a powerful approach for rational discovery of aversive volatiles for control of insects for which limited data is available.

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  1. eLife Assessment

    This valuable study tests a methodology for the discovery of new honey bee-repellent odorants via machine learning. The conclusions of the study are supported by solid evidence, with predicted compounds validated in the lab and the field. This work will be of interest to researchers in ecology, pest control and olfactory neuroscience.

  2. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


    This manuscript reports a very interesting, novel and important research angle to add to the now enormous interest in how pesticides can be toxic to beneficial insects like the honey bee. Many studies have reported on how pesticides in standard use formulations show both lethality as well as sublethal negative effects on behavior and reproduction. The authors propose to use machine learning algorithms to identify new volatile compounds that can be tested for repellency. They use as input chemical structures that are derived from chemicals that have known repellent effects as identified in their initial behavioral assays.


    The conclusion is that such chemicals specific to repelling bees and not pest insects (using the fruit fly as a model for the latter) can be identified using the ML approach. Have a list of such chemicals that can be rotated among in any field application would be a benefit because of the honey bees' ability to learn its way around any kind of stimulus designed to keep it from nectar and pollen, even when they may be tainted by pesticide.


    The use of machine learning seems well-executed and legitimate. But this is beyond my expertise. So other reviewers can maybe comment more on that.

    The behavioral data report on the use of a two-choice assay for bees in small Petrie plates. Bess can feed from two small wells place of filter paper impregnated with control or the control containing a chemical. The primary behavior, for ex in Fig 2C, is the first choice by one of the five bees in the plate of which well to feed from. For some chemical compound, there seems to be a 50:50 choice, indicating no repellent effects. In other cases the first bee making the choice chose the control, indicating possible repellent effects of the test chemical. Choices in this assay were validated in a free flying assay.

    Concerns with the choice assay:
    - 50-70 microliters amounts to what one hungry bee will drink. Did the first bee drink most of it, such that measures of bait consumed reflect a single bee or multiple bees?
    - How many bees were repelled to the control side? Was it just the one bee? Were other measures considered? E.g. time to first approach; the number of bees feeding at different time points; the total number of bees observed feeding per unit time.

  3. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


    The search for new repellent odors for honey bees has significant practical implications. The authors developed an iterative pipeline through machine learning to predict honey bee-repellent odors based on molecular structures. By screening a large number of candidate compounds, they identified a series of novel repellents. Behavioral tests were then conducted to validate the effectiveness of these repellents. Both the discovery and the methodological approach hold value for related fields.


    * The study demonstrates that using molecular structures and a relatively small training dataset, the model could predict repellents with a reasonably high success rate. If the iterative approach works as described, it could benefit a wide range of olfaction-related fields.
    * The effectiveness of the predicted repellents was validated through both laboratory and field behavioral tests.


    The small size of the training dataset poses a common challenge for machine learning applications. However, the authors did not clearly explain how their iterative approach addresses this limitation in this study. Quantitative evidence demonstrating improvements achieved in the second round of training would strengthen their claims. For instance, details on whether the success rate of predictions or the identification of higher-affinity components would be helpful. Furthermore, given that only 15 new components were added for the second round of training, it is surprising that such a small dataset could result in significant improvements.

  4. Reviewer #3 (Public review):

    The manuscript of Kowalewski et al. titled "Machine learning of honey bee olfactory behavior identifies repellent odorants in free flying bees in the field" did machine learning to predict potential candidates for honeybee repellents, which may keep foraging bees from pesticides. This is a pilot research with strong significance in the research of olfactory behavior and in pest control. However, some major issues need to be addressed to enhance the manuscript's clarity, strength, and overall coherence.

    (1) Drosophila melanogaster is not considered as a true agricultural pest. The manuscript would be more compelling if using true pests, for example, Drosophila suzukii or others.
    (2) For repellency test, the result relies on dosage. An attractant may become a repellent at high concentration. Test a range of concentrations for each chemicals and compare responses between honeybees and pests.
    (3) Be more clear about bee behavior data and their scores (as in Page 4 Results "184 training chemicals and later for 203 chemicals" and Page 10 Methods). I suggest that authors add a supplemental table with each chemical and its behavioral score, feature and reference - which ones were used for training, and which ones for testing. Also add your own behavioral test data (second input) to this table.
    (4) The AUC in the first validation was 0.88 (Page 4), and in Page 5, "As expected, the computational validation results based on the AUC values, show an improvement." However, there were no other AUC values to show improvement.
    (5) Show plots of ROC AUC curves from Round 1 and Round 2.
    (6) In the Discussion, the authors mentioned olfactory receptors in honeybees. It would be useful to provide a general review of the current understanding of these receptors and their (potential) functions.
    (7) I suggest combining Fig. 1 and Fig. 3A as one pipeline for this work.
    (8) Figure 2C, some sample sizes are very small, such as 2-piperidone: 1 first-choice control vs 0 first-choice repellent? Increase sample size and do statistical analysis.
    (9) In general, to assist reviewers, include line numbers to the manuscript.