Synaptic input architecture of visual cortical neurons revealed by large-scale synapse imaging without backpropagating action potentials

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    eLife Assessment

    This valuable study uses a novel method to record spine calcium responses without the confounds of backpropagating action potentials to study how the dendritic integration of large numbers of inputs generates the tuned output of cortical neurons. While the results are generally solid, the study would benefit from more details, characterizations, and quantifications, including better validation of the method to suppress backpropagating action potentials.

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How neurons integrate thousands of synaptic inputs to compute sharply tuned outputs is a critical question in sensory information processing. To answer this question, it is essential to record the location and activity of synaptic inputs in vivo . However, back-propagating action potential (BAP) calcium signals invade dendrites and spines, making accurate recording of spine responses difficult. In this study, we first developed a new method to record spine calcium responses without BAP signals. Using this method, we performed large-scale imaging of visually evoked spine activity from layer 2/3 pyramidal neurons and revealed three patterns of dendritic functional architectures of synaptic inputs: dendrites with clusters of spines of similar responses, dendrites with spines of diverse responses, and dendrites with spines where the majority of them show no visual response. Our model suggests that only a small fraction of spines on dendrites of clustered architectures are sufficient to generate sharply tuned output.

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  1. eLife Assessment

    This valuable study uses a novel method to record spine calcium responses without the confounds of backpropagating action potentials to study how the dendritic integration of large numbers of inputs generates the tuned output of cortical neurons. While the results are generally solid, the study would benefit from more details, characterizations, and quantifications, including better validation of the method to suppress backpropagating action potentials.

  2. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


    In this manuscript, Kondo et al. developed a method to suppress somatic action potentials while recording spine calcium signals using two-photon imaging in the L2/3 visual cortex in response to visual stimuli. The authors identified different patterns of dendritic spine activation by visual stimuli and analyzed how the different patterns of spine responses may contribute to somatic visual responses. Their analysis results suggest that spines on dendrites with a clustered arrangement can potentially generate sharply tuned output.


    This is an interesting study addressing a standing question of how previously reported pepper-and-salt-like distributed sensory inputs on individual spines may give rise to somatic sensory selectivity. The method of somatic inhibition to prevent bAPs appears new and effective. The measurements of spine activity are carefully done. The finding that a small number of spines located in the same branch with similar tuning properties would predict the somatic tuning is consistent with local dendritic nonlinear integration mechanisms.


    (1) The demonstration of the effectiveness of soma-specific inhibition is inadequate. Figure 1 only provides a single example trace showing the inhibition of somatic visual responses. The authors should provide statistical analysis over grouped data. For the effect of soma-specific inhibition on spine activity, the authors provided mostly negative results, lacking effects on spine responses for both soma inhibition and bAP subtraction. This is confusing. One possible explanation is that bAPs normally have little influence on spine activity. However, this would conflict with the known fact that somatic APs can easily invade spines in L2/3 neurons (e.g., Chen et al., Nature 2011). Another possibility is that under the current experimental conditions, somatic APs were rarely evoked by the visual stimulus. The authors should also rule out the possibility that the spines they imaged are from different neurons than the ones with somatic inhibition. The authors may consider identifying those cases where somatic APs have a significant impact on spine activity or spine tuning and show how bAP inhibition influences the dendritic and spine responses.

    (2) Figure 4 shows that the proportion of spines with a preferred orientation similar to the soma (ΔOri {less than or equal to} 30{degree sign}) was 60%, which is surprisingly high. It is intriguing that without somatic AP invasion, there could be such a high degree of similarity between spine activity and somatic tuning. What is the ratio without soma inhibition? One could reason that with bAP invasion, there should be even more spines showing visual responses similar to those of the soma. Moreover, with such a high proportion of spines showing similar sensory tuning to the soma, it is inevitable that many branches contain more spines with similar tuning as the soma, exhibiting an apparent branch-specific clustering. While such apparent clustering may well predict somatic tuning, it primarily reflects a correlational relationship rather than a causal synaptic integration mechanism.

    (3) There has been extensive work studying how the integration of spine activity or sub-branch activity gives rise to somatic output. The proposed main contribution of this study is to use an improved method to inhibit somatic activity in order to more confidently measure spine-specific activity and examine the integration mechanisms. However, the results showed that the measured spine-specific activity under soma inhibition was not significantly different from that measured under normal conditions (see point 1). It becomes unclear how this new method contributes to obtaining new insights into the synaptic integration mechanism.

    (4) Figure 6 shows how the tuning similarity between spines depends on the distance between them. It is unclear what new information was acquired regarding the functional clustering of spines. This result can be largely explained by the overall higher proportion of similarly tuned spines (60%) compared to the soma's preferred orientations. Moreover, the authors did not demonstrate how such clustering may contribute to nonlinear synaptic integration.

    (5) The results shown in Figure 7 can again be largely explained by the static property of a higher proportion of spines tuned similarly to the soma. These results do not reveal any active dendritic integration mechanisms.

  3. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


    The paper from Kondo et al., addresses how the functional organization of synaptic inputs in 2/3 pyramidal neurons contributes to their output firing. Expressing GCamp6s to monitor calcium activity and the bi-stable inhibitory opsin SwiChR++ to inhibit the somatic activity of the imaged neurons, the authors were able to image up to ~5700 spines in basal dendrites from 6 neurons. Mapping the functional responses of such a large number of dendritic spines and relating it to the output firing of the parent neuron is a remarkable feat. The authors studied the clustering of similarly tuned spines within individual dendrites and found that while some dendrites are similarly tuned to the same orientation of the parent neuron, other dendrites exhibit tuning to other orientations and moreover a significant proportion of dendrites exhibit no tuning. Modelling work suggests that the clustering of spines in a small proportion of dendrites should suffice to give rise to the tuning of the parent cell.


    (1) Removal of the potential confound of somatic firing via optogenetic inhibition is convincing and validates a useful tool for the neuroscientific community. As discussed by the authors the tool would be most valuable for the study of excitatory inputs in inhibitory neurons.

    (2) The comparison of optogenetic inhibition of somatic responses and isolation of spine-specific signals using the removal of backpropagating action potential by robust regression is an important control and constitutes an important affirmation of previously published work.

    (3) The large dataset size provides enough statistical power to test for clustering of similarly tuned spines in basal dendrites.

    (4) The study provides a useful replication of previously published results.

    (5) Modelling work in the study shows that as in the ferret visual cortex (Wilson et al., 2016), a combination of dendritic nonlinearity and spike thresholding contribute to the sharpness of orientation tuning in the mouse visual cortex.


    (1) One of the main conclusions of the study, the classification of dendrites according to the presence or absence of visual responses, lacks quantification.

    (2) Some of the statistics employed in combination with shuffling controls are not adequate.

    (3) All the neurons imaged are very highly tuned (with a very high orientation selectivity index (OSI)). The performance of the models is evaluated by the correlation coefficient between the predicted and the measured somatic tuning curve. The high OSI of the neurons reduces the sensitivity of the evaluation of the models, as it results in extremely high or low correlation coefficients (Figure 8a). It would be important to recapitulate the results from the model for neurons with lower OSI, given that not all L2/3 neurons are so highly tuned.

    (4) It is very hard to understand how the modelling results relate to the experimental data, as the definitions of what constitutes a clustered dendrite in the model or in the experimental data are unclear.