Regulatory networks of KRAB zinc finger genes and transposable elements changed during human brain evolution and disease
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eLife Assessment
The authors present new expression analysis software (TEKRABber) to help analyze expression correlations between transposable elements (TEs) and KRAB zinc finger (KRAB-ZNF) genes in experimentaly validated datasets. The authors use this method to decipher the regulatory networks of KRAB-ZNFs and TEs during human brain evolution and in Alzheimer's disease. The direction of the work is important, with potentially significant interest from others looking for a tool for correlative gene expression analysis across individual genomes and species. However, identified biases and shortcomings in the current analysis pipeline could lead to an unacceptable number of false positive and negative signals and thus impact the conclusions, leaving this work in its current form incomplete.
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Evidence indicates that transposable elements (TEs) can contribute to the evolution of new traits, despite often being considered deleterious. In vertebrates, some KRAB-ZNF proteins repress TEs, offering genomic protection. Notably, KRAB-ZNF genes evolve rapidly and exhibit diverse expression patterns in primate brains, where TEs remain active. This prompts questions about their interactions in primate brains and potential roles in human brain evolution and disease. For a systematic comparative analysis of TE interactions with other genes, we developed the tool TEKRABber, and focused on strong and experimentally validated cases. Our bipartite network analysis revealed significantly more interactions between KRAB-ZNF genes and TEs in humans than in other primates, especially with recently evolved, i.e. Simiiformes specific, TEs. Notably, ZNF528, under positive selection in humans, shows numerous human-specific TE interactions. Most negative interactions in our network, indicative of repression by KRAB-ZNF proteins, entail Alu TEs, while links to other TEs are generally positive. In Alzheimer’s patients, a subnetwork involving 21 interactions with an Alu module appears diminished or lost. Our findings suggest that KRAB-ZNF and TE interactions vary across TE families, have increased throughout human evolution, and may influence susceptibility to Alzheimer’s disease.
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eLife Assessment
The authors present new expression analysis software (TEKRABber) to help analyze expression correlations between transposable elements (TEs) and KRAB zinc finger (KRAB-ZNF) genes in experimentaly validated datasets. The authors use this method to decipher the regulatory networks of KRAB-ZNFs and TEs during human brain evolution and in Alzheimer's disease. The direction of the work is important, with potentially significant interest from others looking for a tool for correlative gene expression analysis across individual genomes and species. However, identified biases and shortcomings in the current analysis pipeline could lead to an unacceptable number of false positive and negative signals and thus impact the conclusions, leaving this work in its current form incomplete.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The authors present their new bioinformatic tool called TEKRABber, and use it to correlate expression between KRAB ZNFs and TEs across different brain tissues, and across species. While the aims of the authors are clear and there would be significant interest from other researchers in the field for a program that can do such correlative gene expression analysis across individual genomes and species, the presented approach and work display significant shortcomings. In the current state of the analysis pipeline, the biases and shortcomings mentioned below, for which I have seen no proof that they are accounted for by the authors, are severely impacting the presented results and conclusions. It is therefore essential that the points below are addressed, involving significant changes in the TEKRABber program as …
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The authors present their new bioinformatic tool called TEKRABber, and use it to correlate expression between KRAB ZNFs and TEs across different brain tissues, and across species. While the aims of the authors are clear and there would be significant interest from other researchers in the field for a program that can do such correlative gene expression analysis across individual genomes and species, the presented approach and work display significant shortcomings. In the current state of the analysis pipeline, the biases and shortcomings mentioned below, for which I have seen no proof that they are accounted for by the authors, are severely impacting the presented results and conclusions. It is therefore essential that the points below are addressed, involving significant changes in the TEKRABber program as well as the analysis pipeline, to prevent the identification of false positive and negative signals, that would severely affect the conclusions one can raise about the analysis.
My main concerns are provided below:
One important shortcoming of the biocomputational approach is that most TEs are not actually expressed, and others (Alus) are not a proxy of the activity of the TE class at all. I will explain: While specific TE classes can act as (species-specific) promoters for genes (such as LTRs) or are expressed as TE derived transcripts (LINEs, SVAs), the majority of other older TE classes do not have such behavior and are either neutral to the genome or may have some enhancer activity (as mapped in the program they refer to 'TEffectR'. A big focus is on Alus, but Alus contribute to a transcriptome in a different way too: They often become part of transcripts due to alternative splicing. As such, the presence of Alu derived transcripts is not a proxy for the expression/activity of the Alu class, but rather a result of some Alus being part of gene transcripts (see also next point). The bottom line is that the TEKRABber software/approach is heavily prone to picking up both false positives (TEs being part of transcribed loci) and false negatives (TEs not producing any transcripts at all), which has a big implication for how reads from TEs as done in this study should be interpreted: The TE expression used to correlate the KRAB ZNF expression is simply not representing the species-specific influences of TEs where the authors are after.
With the strategy as described, a lot of TE expression is misinterpreted: TEs can be part of gene-derived transcripts due to alternative splicing (often happens for Alus) or as a result of the TE being present in an inefficiently spliced out intron (happens a lot) which leads to TE-derived reads as a result of that TE being part of that intron, rather than that TE being actively expressed. As a result, the data as analysed is not reliably indicating the expression of TEs (as the authors intend to) and should be filtered for any reads that are coming from the above scenarios: These reads have nothing to do with KRAB ZNF control, and are not representing actively expressed TEs and therefore should be removed. Given that from my lab's experience in the brain (and other) tissues, the proportion of RNA sequencing reads that are actually derived from active TEs is a stark minority compared to reads derived from TEs that happen to be in any of the many transcribed loci, applying this filtering is expected to have a huge impact on the results and conclusions of this study.
Another potential problem that I don't see addressed is that due to the high level of similarity of the many hundreds of KRAB ZNF genes in primates and the reads derived from them, and the inaccurate annotations of many KZNFs in non-human genomes, the expression data derived from RNA-seq datasets cannot be simply used to plot KZNF expression values, without significant work and manual curation to safeguard proper cross species ortholog-annotation: The work of Thomas and Schneider (2011) has studied this in great detail but genome-assemblies of non-human primates tend to be highly inaccurate in appointing the right ortholog of human ZNF genes. The problem becomes even bigger when RNA-sequencing reads are analyzed: RNA-sequencing reads from a human ZNF that emerged in great apes by duplication from an older parental gene (we have a decent number of those in the human genome) may be mapped to that older parental gene in Macaque genome: So, the expression of human-specific ZNF-B, that derived from the parental ZNF-A, is likely to be compared in their DESeq to the expression of ZNF-A in Macaque RNA-seq data. In other words, without a significant amount of manual curation, the DE-seq analysis is prone to lead to false comparisons which make the strategy and KRABber software approach described highly biased and unreliable.
There is no doubt that there are differences in expression and activity of KRAB-ZNFs and TEs respectively that may have had important evolutionary consequences. However, because all of the network analyses in this paper rely on the analyses of RNA-seq data and the processing through the TE-KRABber software with the shortcomings and potential biases that I mentioned above, I need to emphasize that the results and conclusions are likely to be significantly different if the appropriate measures are taken to get more accurate and curated TE and KRAB ZNF expression data.
Finally, there are some minor but important notes I want to share:
The association with certain variations in ZNF genes with neurological disorders such as AD, as reported in the introduction is not entirely convincing without further functional support. Such associations could merely happen by chance, given the high number of ZNF genes in the human genome and the high chance that variations in these loci happen to associate with certain disease-associated traits. So using these associations as an argument that changes in TEs and KRAB ZNF networks are important for diseases like AD should be used with much more caution.
There are a number of papers where KRAB ZNF and TE expression are analysed in parallel in human brain tissues. So the novelty of that aspect of the presented study may be limited.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
The aim was to decipher the regulatory networks of KRAB-ZNFs and TEs that have changed during human brain evolution and in Alzheimer's disease.
This solid study presents a valuable analysis and successfully confirms previous assumptions, but also goes beyond the current state of the art.
The design of the analysis needs to be slightly modified and a more in-depth analysis of the positive correlation cases would be beneficial. Some of the conclusions need to be reinterpreted.
Author response:
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The authors present their new bioinformatic tool called TEKRABber, and use it to correlate expression between KRAB ZNFs and TEs across different brain tissues, and across species. While the aims of the authors are clear and there would be significant interest from other researchers in the field for a program that can do such correlative gene expression analysis across individual genomes and species, the presented approach and work display significant shortcomings. In the current state of the analysis pipeline, the biases and shortcomings mentioned below, for which I have seen no proof that they are accounted for by the authors, are severely impacting the presented results and conclusions. It is therefore essential that the points below are addressed, involving significant changes in the …
Author response:
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The authors present their new bioinformatic tool called TEKRABber, and use it to correlate expression between KRAB ZNFs and TEs across different brain tissues, and across species. While the aims of the authors are clear and there would be significant interest from other researchers in the field for a program that can do such correlative gene expression analysis across individual genomes and species, the presented approach and work display significant shortcomings. In the current state of the analysis pipeline, the biases and shortcomings mentioned below, for which I have seen no proof that they are accounted for by the authors, are severely impacting the presented results and conclusions. It is therefore essential that the points below are addressed, involving significant changes in the TEKRABber program as well as the analysis pipeline, to prevent the identification of false positive and negative signals, that would severely affect the conclusions one can raise about the analysis.
Thank you very much for the insightful review of our manuscript.
My main concerns are provided below:
(1) One important shortcoming of the biocomputational approach is that most TEs are not actually expressed, and others (Alus) are not a proxy of the activity of the TE class at all. I will explain: While specific TE classes can act as (species-specific) promoters for genes (such as LTRs) or are expressed as TE derived transcripts (LINEs, SVAs), the majority of other older TE classes do not have such behavior and are either neutral to the genome or may have some enhancer activity (as mapped in the program they refer to 'TEffectR'. A big focus is on Alus, but Alus contribute to a transcriptome in a different way too: They often become part of transcripts due to alternative splicing. As such, the presence of Alu derived transcripts is not a proxy for the expression/activity of the Alu class, but rather a result of some Alus being part of gene transcripts (see also next point). The bottom line is that the TEKRABber software/approach is heavily prone to picking up both false positives (TEs being part of transcribed loci) and false negatives (TEs not producing any transcripts at all), which has a big implication for how reads from TEs as done in this study should be interpreted: The TE expression used to correlate the KRAB ZNF expression is simply not representing the species-specific influences of TEs where the authors are after.
With the strategy as described, a lot of TE expression is misinterpreted: TEs can be part of gene-derived transcripts due to alternative splicing (often happens for Alus) or as a result of the TE being present in an inefficiently spliced out intron (happens a lot) which leads to TE-derived reads as a result of that TE being part of that intron, rather than that TE being actively expressed. As a result, the data as analysed is not reliably indicating the expression of TEs (as the authors intend to) and should be filtered for any reads that are coming from the above scenarios: These reads have nothing to do with KRAB ZNF control, and are not representing actively expressed TEs and therefore should be removed. Given that from my lab's experience in the brain (and other) tissues, the proportion of RNA sequencing reads that are actually derived from active TEs is a stark minority compared to reads derived from TEs that happen to be in any of the many transcribed loci, applying this filtering is expected to have a huge impact on the results and conclusions of this study.
We sincerely thank the reviewer for highlighting the potential issues of false positives and negatives in TE quantification. The reviewer provided valuable examples of how different TE classes, such as Alus, LTRs, LINEs, and SVAs, exhibit distinct behaviors in the genome. To our knowledge, specific tools like ERVmap (Tokuyama et al., 2018), which annotates ERVs, and LtrDetector (Joseph et al., 2019), which uses k-mer distributions to quantify LTRs, could indeed enhance precision by treating specific TE classes individually. We acknowledge that such approaches may yield more accurate results and appreciate the suggestion.
In our study, we used TEtranscripts (Jin et al., 2015) prior to TEKRABber. TEtranscripts applies the Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm to assign ambiguous reads as the following steps. Uniquely mapped reads are first assigned to genes, and reads overlapping genes and TEs are assigned to TEs only if they do not uniquely match an annotated gene. The remaining ambiguous reads are distributed based on EM iterations. While this approach may not be as specialized as the latest tools for specific TE classes, it provides a general overview of TE activity. TEtranscripts outputs subfamily-level TE expression data, which we used as input for TEKRABber to perform downstream analyses such as differential expression and correlation studies.
We understand the importance of adapting tools to specific research objectives, including focusing on particular TE classes. TEKRABber is designed not to refine TE quantification at the mapping stage but to flexibly handle outputs from various TE quantification tools. It accepts raw TE counts as input in the form of dataframes, enabling diverse analytical pipelines. In the revised version of our manuscript, we will emphasize this distinction in the discussion and provide examples of how TEKRABber can integrate with other tools to enhance specificity and accuracy.
(2) Another potential problem that I don't see addressed is that due to the high level of similarity of the many hundreds of KRAB ZNF genes in primates and the reads derived from them, and the inaccurate annotations of many KZNFs in non-human genomes, the expression data derived from RNA-seq datasets cannot be simply used to plot KZNF expression values, without significant work and manual curation to safeguard proper cross species ortholog-annotation: The work of Thomas and Schneider (2011) has studied this in great detail but genome-assemblies of non-human primates tend to be highly inaccurate in appointing the right ortholog of human ZNF genes. The problem becomes even bigger when RNA-sequencing reads are analyzed: RNA-sequencing reads from a human ZNF that emerged in great apes by duplication from an older parental gene (we have a decent number of those in the human genome) may be mapped to that older parental gene in Macaque genome: So, the expression of human-specific ZNF-B, that derived from the parental ZNF-A, is likely to be compared in their DESeq to the expression of ZNF-A in Macaque RNA-seq data. In other words, without a significant amount of manual curation, the DE-seq analysis is prone to lead to false comparisons which make the strategy and KRABber software approach described highly biased and unreliable.
There is no doubt that there are differences in expression and activity of KRAB-ZNFs and TEs respectively that may have had important evolutionary consequences. However, because all of the network analyses in this paper rely on the analyses of RNA-seq data and the processing through the TE-KRABber software with the shortcomings and potential biases that I mentioned above, I need to emphasize that the results and conclusions are likely to be significantly different if the appropriate measures are taken to get more accurate and curated TE and KRAB ZNF expression data.
We thank the reviewer for raising the important issue of accurately annotating the expanded repertoire of KRAB-ZNFs in primates, particularly the challenges of cross-species orthology and potential biases in RNA-seq data analysis. Indeed, we have also addressed this challenge in some of our previous papers (Nowick et al., 2010, Nowick et al., 2011 and Jovanovic et al., 2021).
In the revised manuscript, we will include more details about our two-step strategy to ensure accurate KRAB-ZNF ortholog assignments. First, we employed the Gene Order Conservation (GOC) score from Ensembl BioMart as a primary filter, selecting only one-to-one orthologs with a GOC score above 75% across primates. This threshold, recommended in Ensembl’s ortholog quality control guidelines, ensures high-confidence orthology relationships, (
Second, we incorporated data from Jovanovic et al. (2021), which independently validated KRAB-ZNF orthologs across 27 primate genomes. This additional layer of validation allowed us to refine our dataset, resulting in the identification of 337 orthologous KRAB-ZNFs for differential expression analysis (Figure S2).
We acknowledge that different annotation methods or criteria may for some genes yield variations in the identified orthologs. However, we believe that this combination provides a robust starting point for addressing the challenges raised, while we remain open to additional refinements in future analyses.
(3) The association with certain variations in ZNF genes with neurological disorders such as AD, as reported in the introduction is not entirely convincing without further functional support. Such associations could merely happen by chance, given the high number of ZNF genes in the human genome and the high chance that variations in these loci happen to associate with certain disease-associated traits. So using these associations as an argument that changes in TEs and KRAB ZNF networks are important for diseases like AD should be used with much more caution.
There are a number of papers where KRAB ZNF and TE expression are analysed in parallel in human brain tissues. So the novelty of that aspect of the presented study may be limited.
We fully acknowledge the concern that, given the large number of KRAB-ZNFs and their inherent variability, some associations with AD or other neurological disorders could occur by chance. This highlights the importance of additional functional studies to validate the causal role of KRAB-ZNF and TE interactions in disease contexts. While previous studies have indeed analyzed KRAB-ZNF and TE expression in human brain tissues, our study seeks to expand on this foundation by incorporating interspecies comparisons across primates. This approach enabled us to identify TE:KRAB-ZNF pairs that are uniquely present in healthy human brains, which may provide insights into their potential evolutionary significance and relevance to diseases like AD.
In addition to analyzing RNA-seq data (GSE127898 and syn5550404), we have cross-validated our findings using ChIP-exo data for 159 KRAB-ZNF proteins and their TE binding regions in human (Imbeault et al., 2017). This allowed us to identify specific binding events between KRAB-ZNF and TE pairs, providing further support for the observed associations. We agree with the reviewer that additional experimental validations, such as functional studies, are critical to further establish the role of KRAB-ZNF and TE networks in AD. We hope that future research can build upon our findings to explore these associations in greater detail.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
The aim was to decipher the regulatory networks of KRAB-ZNFs and TEs that have changed during human brain evolution and in Alzheimer's disease.
This solid study presents a valuable analysis and successfully confirms previous assumptions, but also goes beyond the current state of the art.
The design of the analysis needs to be slightly modified and a more in-depth analysis of the positive correlation cases would be beneficial. Some of the conclusions need to be reinterpreted.
We sincerely thank the reviewer for the thoughtful summary, positive evaluation of our study, and constructive feedback. We appreciate the recognition of the strengths in our analysis and the valuable suggestions for improving its design and interpretation.
We would like to briefly comment on the suggested modifications to the design here, and will provide a detailed point-by-point review later with our revised manuscript.
The reviewer recommended considering a more recent timepoint, such as less than 25 million years ago (mya), to define the "evolutionary young group" of KRAB-ZNF genes and TEs when discussing the arms-race theory. This is indeed a valuable perspective, as the TE repressing functions by KRAB-ZNF proteins may have evolved more recently than the split between Old World Monkeys (OWM) and New World Monkeys (NWM) at 44.2 mya we used.
Our rationale for selecting 44.2 mya is based on certain primate-specific TEs such as the Alu subfamilies, which emerged after the rise of Simiiformes and have been used in phylogenetic studies (Xing et al., 2007 and Williams et al., 2010). This timeframe allowed us to investigate the potential co-evolution of KRAB-ZNFs and TEs in species that emerged after the OWM-NWM split (e.g., human, chimpanzee, bonobos, and macaques used for this study). However, focusing only on KRAB-ZNFs and TEs younger than 25 million years would limit the analysis to just 9 KRAB-ZNFs and 92 TEs expressed in our datasets. While we will not conduct a reanalysis using this more recent timepoint, we will integrate the recommendation into the discussion section of the revised manuscript.
Furthermore, we greatly appreciate the reviewer's detailed insights and suggestions for refining specific descriptions and interpretations in our manuscript. We will address these points in the revised version to ensure the content is presented with greater precision and clarity.
Once again, we thank both reviewers for their valuable feedback, which provides significant input for strengthening our study.