Mapping the topographic organization of the human zona incerta using diffusion MRI
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eLife Assessment
This important study uses diffusion magnetic resonance imaging to non-invasively map the white matter fibres connecting the zona incerta and cortex in humans. The authors present convincing evidence to indicate that these connections are organized along a rostro-caudal axis. The findings will be of interest to researchers interested in neuroanatomy and cortico-subcortical connectivity.
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The zona incerta (ZI) is a deep brain region originally described by Auguste Forel as an “immensely confusing area about which nothing can be said.” Despite the elusive nature of this structure, mounting evidence supports the role of the ZI and surrounding regions across a diverse range of brain functions and as a candidate target for neuromodulatory therapies. Using in vivo diffusion MRI and data-driven connectivity, we identify a topographic organization between the ZI and neocortex. Specifically, our methods identify a rostral-caudal gradient predominantly connecting the frontopolar and ventral prefrontal cortices with the rostral ZI, and the primary sensorimotor cortices with the caudal ZI. Moreover, we demonstrate how clustering and gradient approaches build complementary evidence including facilitating the mapping of a central region of the ZI, connected with the dorsal prefrontal cortex. These results were shown to be replicable across multiple datasets and at the individual subject level, building evidence for the important role of the ZI in mediating frontal lobe-associated tasks, ranging from motor to cognitive to emotional control. Finally, we consider the impact of this topographic organization on the refinement of neuromodulatory targets. These results pave the way for an increasingly detailed understanding of ZI substructures, and considerations for in vivo targeting of the ZI for neuromodulation.
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eLife Assessment
This important study uses diffusion magnetic resonance imaging to non-invasively map the white matter fibres connecting the zona incerta and cortex in humans. The authors present convincing evidence to indicate that these connections are organized along a rostro-caudal axis. The findings will be of interest to researchers interested in neuroanatomy and cortico-subcortical connectivity.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This is a study that used 7T diffusion MRI in subjects from a Human Connectome Project dataset to characterize the zona incerta, an area of gray matter whose involvement has been demonstrated in a broad range of behavioral and physiologic functions. The authors employ tractography to model white matter tracts that involve connections with the ZI and use clustering techniques to segment the ZI into distinct subregions based on similar patterns of connectivity. The authors report a rostral-caudal organization of the ZI's streamlines where rostrally-projecting tracts are rostrally-positioned in the ZI and caudally-projecting tracts are caudally-positioned in the ZI.
The paper presents robust findings that demonstrate subregions of the human ZI that appear to be structurally distinct using a …
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This is a study that used 7T diffusion MRI in subjects from a Human Connectome Project dataset to characterize the zona incerta, an area of gray matter whose involvement has been demonstrated in a broad range of behavioral and physiologic functions. The authors employ tractography to model white matter tracts that involve connections with the ZI and use clustering techniques to segment the ZI into distinct subregions based on similar patterns of connectivity. The authors report a rostral-caudal organization of the ZI's streamlines where rostrally-projecting tracts are rostrally-positioned in the ZI and caudally-projecting tracts are caudally-positioned in the ZI.
The paper presents robust findings that demonstrate subregions of the human ZI that appear to be structurally distinct using a combination of spectral clustering and diffusion map embedding methods. The results of this work can contribute to our understanding of the anatomy and structural connectivity of the ZI, allowing us to further explore its role as a neuromodulatory target for various neurological disorders.
There should be further discussion of the clustering methods employed and why they are appropriate for the pertinent data. Additionally, the limitations of analyzing solely the cortical connections of the zona incerta should be addressed, as anatomical studies of the ZI have shown significant involvement of the ZI in tracts projecting to deep brain regions.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
Haast et al. investigated the organization of the zona incerta (ZI) in the human brain based on its structural connectivity to the neocortex. They found that the ZI is organized according to a primary rostro-caudal gradient, where the rostral ZI is more strongly connected to the prefrontal cortex and the caudal ZI to the sensorimotor cortex. They also found that the central region of the ZI is differently connected to the neocortex compared with the rostral and caudal regions, and could be important as a deep brain stimulation target for the treatment of essential tremors.
I think the overall quality of this work is great, and the results are presented in a very clear and organized manner. I particularly appreciate the effort that the authors put into validating the results using 7T and …
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
Haast et al. investigated the organization of the zona incerta (ZI) in the human brain based on its structural connectivity to the neocortex. They found that the ZI is organized according to a primary rostro-caudal gradient, where the rostral ZI is more strongly connected to the prefrontal cortex and the caudal ZI to the sensorimotor cortex. They also found that the central region of the ZI is differently connected to the neocortex compared with the rostral and caudal regions, and could be important as a deep brain stimulation target for the treatment of essential tremors.
I think the overall quality of this work is great, and the results are presented in a very clear and organized manner. I particularly appreciate the effort that the authors put into validating the results using 7T and 3T data, as well as test-retest data.
That being said, I was left with a couple of concerns after reading the paper.
(1) Although the authors discussed animal evidence for a dorsal-ventral organization of the ZI, I thought that the evidence they presented for it in this paper was not so convincing. In Figure S5, the second gradient (G2) shows a clear dorsoventral pattern, but this pattern seems to primarily separate the ZI and H fields rather than show an internal topology of the ZI. This is more likely the case given that there are two bands (superior and inferior) of high G2 values surrounding a single band (middle) of low G2 values. The evidence for the rostrocaudal gradient, on the other hand, is quite convincing.
(2) HCP data is still too advanced for clinical translation. Although 3T is becoming more and more prevalent for presurgical planning, the HCP 3T dataset is acquired with a voxel size of 1.25mm, which is a far higher resolution than the typical clinical scan. It would be very useful for clinical readers to see what individual subject replicability looks like if the data were acquired at the more typical voxel size of 2mm. This could be achieved by replicating the analysis on a downsampled version of the HCP data that more closely resembles clinical data. This is understandably a large undertaking, so it could be left to future validation work.