Cyclical MinD membrane affinity differences are not necessary for MinD gradient formation in Bacillus subtilis

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    This important study provides solid mechanistic and modeling data suggesting that the polar localization of MinCD in Bacillus subtilis is largely due to differences in diffusion rates between monomeric and dimeric MinD. This finding is exciting as it negates the necessity for a third, localization determinant, in this system as has been previously proposed. The work is generally strong but is incomplete without some additional quantitative analysis, as well as clarification of the underlying assumptions and details used for the modeling experiments.

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Proteins can diffuse micrometers in seconds, yet bacterial cells are able to maintain stable protein gradients. The best studied bacterial protein gradient is the Min system of Escherichia coli . In rod-shaped bacteria the MinCD proteins prevent formation of minicells by inhibiting FtsZ polymerization close to the cell poles. In E. coli these proteins oscillate between cell poles within a minute, resulting in an increased MinCD concentration at the poles. This oscillation is caused by the interaction between MinD and the protein MinE, which form an ATP-driven reaction-diffusion system, whereby the ATPase MinD cycles between a monomeric cytosolic and a dimeric membrane attached states. Bacillus subtilis also has MinCD, but lacks MinE. In this case MinCD form a static gradient that requires the transmembrane protein MinJ, located at cell poles and cell division sites. A recent reaction-diffusion model was successful in recreating the MinD gradient in B. subtilis , assuming that MinD cycles between cytosol and membrane, like in E. coli . Here we show that the monomeric and dimeric states of B. subtilis MinD have comparable membrane affinities, that MinD interacts with MinJ as a dimer, and that MinJ is not required for membrane localization of MinD. Based on these new findings we tested different models, using kinetic Monte Carlo simulations, and found that a difference in diffusion rate between the monomer and dimer, rather than a difference in membrane affinity, is important for B. subtilis MinCD gradient formation.

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  1. eLife assessment

    This important study provides solid mechanistic and modeling data suggesting that the polar localization of MinCD in Bacillus subtilis is largely due to differences in diffusion rates between monomeric and dimeric MinD. This finding is exciting as it negates the necessity for a third, localization determinant, in this system as has been previously proposed. The work is generally strong but is incomplete without some additional quantitative analysis, as well as clarification of the underlying assumptions and details used for the modeling experiments.

  2. Reviewer #1 (Public review):

    The authors used fluorescence microscopy, image analysis, and mathematical modeling to study the effects of membrane affinity and diffusion rates of MinD monomer and dimer states on MinD gradient formation in B. subtilis. To test these effects, the authors experimentally examined MinD mutants that lock the protein in specific states, including Apo monomer (K16A), ATP-bound monomer (G12V), and ATP-bound dimer (D40A, hydrolysis defective), and compared to wild-type MinD. Overall, the experimental results support the conclusion that reversible membrane binding of MinD is critical for the formation of the MinD gradient, but that the binding affinities between monomers and dimers are similar.

    The modeling part is a new attempt to use the Monte Carlo method to test the conditions for the formation of the MinD gradient in B. subtilis. The modeling results provide good support for the observations and find that the MinD gradient is sensitive to different diffusion rates between monomers and dimers. This simulation is based on several assumptions and predictions, which raises new questions that need to be addressed experimentally in the future. However, the current story is sufficient without testing these assumptions or predictions.

  3. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


    Bohorquez et al. investigate the molecular determinants of intracellular gradient formation in the B. subtilis Min system. To this end, they generate B. subtilis strains that express MinD mutants that are locked in the monomeric or dimeric states, and also MinD mutants with amphipathic helices of varying membrane affinity. They then assess the mutants' ability to bind to the membrane and form gradients using fluorescence microscopy in different genetic backgrounds. They find that, unlike in the E. coli Min system, the monomeric form of MinD is already capable of membrane binding. They also show that MinJ is not required for MinD membrane binding and only interacts with the dimeric form of MinD. Using kinetic Monte Carlo simulations, the authors then test different models for gradient formation, and find that a MinD gradient along the cell axis is only formed when the polarly localized protein MinJ stimulates dimerization of MinD, and when the diffusion rate of monomeric and dimeric MinD differs. They also show that differences in the membrane affinity of MinD monomers and dimers are not required for gradient formation.


    The paper offers a comprehensive collection of the subcellular localization and gradient formation of various MinD mutants in different genetic backgrounds. In particular, the comparison of the localization of these mutants in a delta MinC and MinJ background offers valuable additional insights. For example, they find that only dimeric MinD can interact with MinJ. They also provide evidence that MinD locked in a dimer state may co-polymerize with MinC, resulting in a speckled appearance.

    The authors introduce and verify a useful measure of membrane affinity in vivo.

    The modulation of the membrane affinity by using distinct amphipathic helices highlights the robustness of the B. subtilis MinD system, which can form gradients even when the membrane affinity of MinD is increased or decreased.


    The main claim of the paper, that differences in the membrane affinity between MinD monomers and dimers are not required for gradient formation, does not seem to be supported by the data. The only measure of membrane affinity presented is extracted from the transverse fluorescence intensity profile of cells expressing the mGFP-tagged MinD mutants. The authors measure the valley-to-peak ratio of the profile, which is lower than 1 for proteins binding to the membrane and higher than 1 for cytosolic proteins. To verify this measure of membrane affinity, they use a membrane dye and a soluble GFP, which results in values of ~0.75 and ~1.25, respectively. They then show that all MinD mutants have a value - roughly in the range of 0.8-0.9 - and they use this to claim that there are no differences in membrane affinity between monomeric and dimeric versions.

    While this way to measure membrane affinity is useful to distinguish between binders and non-binders, it is unclear how sensitive this assay is, and whether it can resolve more subtle differences in membrane affinity, beyond the classification into binders and non-binders. A dimer with two amphipathic helices should have a higher membrane affinity than a monomer with only one such copy. Thus, the data does not seem to support the claim that "the different monomeric mutants have the same membrane affinity as the wildtype MinD". The data only supports the claim that B. subtilis MinD monomers already have a measurable membrane affinity, which is indeed a difference from the E. coli Min system.

    While their data does show that a stark difference between monomer and dimer membrane affinity may not be required for gradient formation in the B. subtilis case, it is also not prevented if the monomer is unable to bind to the membrane. They show this by replacing the native MinD amphipathic helix with the weak amphipathic helix NS4AB-AH. According to their membrane affinity assay, NS4AB-AH does not bind to the membrane as a monomer (Figure 4D), but when this helix is fused to MinD, MinD is still capable of forming a gradient (albeit a weaker one). Since the authors make a direct comparison to the E. coli MinDE systems, they could have used the E. coli MinD MTS instead or in addition to the NS4AB-AH amphipathic helix. The reviewer suspects that a fusion of the E. coli MinD MTS to B. subtilis MinD may also support gradient formation.

    The paper contains insufficient data to support the many claims about cell filamentation and minicell formation. In many cases, statements like "did not result in cell filamentation" or "restored cell division" are only supported by a single fluorescence image instead of a quantitative analysis of cell length distribution and minicell frequency, as the one reported for a subset of the data in Figure 5.

    The paper would also benefit from a quantitative measure of gradient formation of the distinct MinD mutants, instead of relying on individual fluorescent intensity profiles.

    The authors compare their experimental results with the oscillating E. coli MinDE system and use it to define some of the rules of their Monte Carlo simulation. However, the description of the E. coli Min system is sometimes misleading or based on outdated findings.

    The Monte Carlo simulation of the gradient formation in B. subtilis could benefit from a more comprehensive approach:

    (1) While most of the initial rules underlying the simulation are well justified, the authors do not implement or test two key conditions:
    (a) Cooperative membrane binding, which is a key component of mathematical models for the oscillating E. coli Min system. This cooperative membrane binding has recently been attributed to MinD or MinCD oligomerization on the membrane and has been experimentally observed in various instances; in fact, the authors themselves show data supporting the formation of MinCD copolymers.

    (2) Local stimulation of the ATPase activity of MinD which triggers the dimer-to-monomer transition; E. coli MinD ATP hydrolysis is stimulated by the membrane and by MinE, so B. subtilis MinD may also be stimulated by the membrane and/or other components like MinJ. Instead, the authors claim that (a) would only increase differences in diffusion between the monomer and different oligomeric species, and that a 2-fold increase in dimerization on the membrane could not induce gradient formation in their simulation, in the absence of MinJ stimulating gradient formation. However, a 2-fold increase in dimerization is likely way too low to explain any cooperative membrane binding observed for the E. coli Min system. Regarding (b), they also claim that implementing stimulation of ATP hydrolysis on the membrane (dimer-to-monomer transition) would not change the outcome, but no simulation result for this condition is actually shown.

    (3) To generate any gradient formation, the authors claim that they would need to implement stimulation of dimer formation by MinJ, but they themselves acknowledge the lack of any experimental evidence for this assertion. They then test all other conditions (e.g., differences in membrane affinity, diffusion, etc.) in addition to the requirement that MinJ stimulates dimer formation. It is unclear whether the authors tested all other conditions independently of the "MinJ induces dimerization" condition, and whether either of those alone or in combination could also lead to gradient formation. This would be an important test to establish the validity of their claims.

  4. Reviewer #3 (Public review):

    This important study by Bohorquez et al examines the determinants necessary for concentrating the spatial modulator of cell division, MinD, at the future site of division and the cell poles. Proper localization of MinD is necessary to bring the division inhibitor, MinC, in proximity to the cell membrane and cell poles where it prevents aberrant assembly of the division machinery. In contrast to E. coli, in which MinD oscillates from pole to pole courtesy of a third protein MinE, how MinD localization is achieved in B. subtilis - which does not encode a MinE analog - has remained largely a mystery. The authors present compelling data indicating that MinD dimerization is dispensable for membrane localization but required for concentration at the cell poles. Dimerization is also important for interactions between MinD and MinC, leading to the formation of large protein complexes. Computational modeling, specifically a Monte Carlo simulation, supports a model in which differences in diffusion rates between MinD monomers and dimers lead to the concentration of MinD at cell poles. Once there, interaction with MinC increases the size of the complex, further reinforcing diffusion differences. Notably, interactions with MinJ-which has previously been implicated in MinCD localization, are dispensable for concentrating MinD at cell poles although MinJ may help stabilize the MinCD complex at those locations.