A single microRNA miR-195 rescues the arrested B cell development induced by EBF1 deficiency

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    This useful study reports that the exogenous expression of the microRNA miR-195 can partially compensate in early B cell development for the loss of EBF1, one of the key transcription factors in B cells. While this finding will be of interest to those studying lymphocyte development, the evidence, particularly with regard to the molecular mechanisms that underpin the effect of miR-195, is currently incomplete.

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Accumulated studies have reported that hematopoietic differentiation was primarily regulated by transcription factors. Early B cell factor 1 (EBF1) is an essential transcription factor for B lymphopoiesis. Contrary to the canonical notion, we found that a single miRNA, miRNA-195 (miR-195) transduction let EBF1 deficient hematopoietic progenitor cells (HPCs) express CD19, carry out V(D)J recombination and class switch recombination, which implied that B cell matured without EBF1. A part of the mechanism was caused by FOXO1 accumulation via inhibition of FOXO1 phosphorylation pathways in which targets of miR-195 are enriched. These results suggested that some miRNA transductions could function as alternatives to transcription factors.

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  1. eLife Assessment

    This useful study reports that the exogenous expression of the microRNA miR-195 can partially compensate in early B cell development for the loss of EBF1, one of the key transcription factors in B cells. While this finding will be of interest to those studying lymphocyte development, the evidence, particularly with regard to the molecular mechanisms that underpin the effect of miR-195, is currently incomplete.

  2. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


    Here, the authors are proposing a role for miR-196, a microRNA that has been shown to bind and enhance the degradation of mRNA targets in the regulation of cell processes, and has a novel role in allowing the emergence of CD19+ cells in cells in which Ebf1, a critical B-cell transcription factor, has been genetically removed.


    That over-expression of mR-195 can allow the emergence of CD19+ cells missing Ebf1 is somewhat novel.

    Their data does perhaps support to a degree the emergence of a transcriptional network that may bypass the absence of Ebf1, including the FOXO1 transcription factor, but this data is not strong or definitive.


    It is unclear whether this observation is in fact physiological. When the authors analyse a knockout model of miR-195, there is not much of a change in the B-cell phenotype. Their findings may therefore be an artefact of an overexpression system.

    The authors have provided insufficient data to allow a thorough appraisal of the step-wise molecular changes that could account for their observed phenotype.

  3. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


    The authors investigate miRNA miR-195 in the context of B-cell development. They demonstrate that ectopic expression of miR-195 in hematopoietic progenitor cells can, to a considerable extent, override the consequences of deletion of Ebf1, a central B-lineage defining transcription factor, in vitro and upon short-term transplantation into immunodeficient mice in vivo. In addition, the authors demonstrate that the reverse experiment, genetic deletion of miR-195, has virtually no effect on B-cell development. Mechanistically, the authors identify Foxo1 phosphorylation as one pathway partially contributing to the rescue effect of miR-195. An additional analysis of epigenetics by ATACseq adds potential additional factors that might also contribute to the effect of ectopic expression of miR-195.


    The authors employ a robust assay system, Ebf1-KO HPC, to test for B-lineage promoting factors. The manuscript overall takes on an interesting perspective rarely employed for the analysis of miRNA by overexpressing the miRNA of interest. Ideally, this approach may reveal, if not the physiological function of this miRNA, the role of distinct pathways in developmental processes.


    At the same time, this approach constitutes a major weakness: It does not reveal information on the physiological role of miR-195. In fact, the authors themselves demonstrate in their KO approach, that miR-195 has virtually no role in B-cell development, as has been demonstrated already in 2020 by Hutter and colleagues. While the authors cite this paper, unfortunately, they do so in a different context, hence omitting that their findings are not original.

    Conceptually, the authors stress that a predominant function of miRNA (in contrast to transcription factors, as the authors suggest) lies in fine-tuning. However, there appears to be a misconception. Misregulation of fine-tuning of gene expression may result in substantial biological effects, especially in developmental processes. The authors want to highlight that miR-195 is somewhat of an exception in that regard, but this is clearly not the case. In addition to miR-150, as referenced by the authors, also the miR-17-92 or miR-221/222 families play a significant role in B-cell development, their absence resulting in stage-specific developmental blocks, and other miRNAs, such as miR-155, miR-142, miR-181, and miR-223 are critical regulators of leukocyte development and function. Thus, while in many instances a single miRNA moderately affects gene expression at the level of an individual target, quite frequently targets converge in common pathways, hence controlling critical biological processes.

    The paper has some methodological weaknesses as well: For the most part, it lacks thorough statistical analysis, and only representative FACS plots are provided. Many bar graphs are based on heavy normalization making the T-tests employed inapplicable. No details are provided regarding the statistical analysis of microarrays. Generation of the miR-195-KO mice is insufficiently described and no validation of deletion is provided. Important controls are missing as well, the most important one being a direct rescue of Ebf1-KO cells by re-expression of Ebf1. This control is critical to quantify the extent of override of Ebf1-deficiency elicited by miR-195 and should essentially be included in all experiments. A quantitative comparison is essential to support the authors' main conclusion highlighted in the title of the manuscript. As the manuscript currently stands, only negative controls are provided, which, given the profound role of Ebf1, are insufficient, because many experiments, such as assessment of V(D)J recombination, IgM surface expression, or class-switch recombination, are completely negative in controls. In addition, the authors should also perform long-term reconstitution experiments. While it is somewhat surprising that the authors obtained splenic IgM+ B cells after just 10 days, these experiments would be certainly much more informative after longer periods of time. Using "classical" mixed bone marrow chimeras using a combination of B-cell defective (such as mb1/mb1) bone marrow and reconstituted Ebf1-KO progenitors would permit much more refined analyses.

    With regard to mechanism, the authors show that the Foxo1 phosphorylation pathway accounts for the rescue of CD19 expression, but not for other factors, as mentioned in the discussion. The authors then resort to epigenetics analysis, but their rationale remains somewhat vague. It remains unclear how miR-195 is linked to epigenetic changes.

  4. Reviewer #3 (Public review):


    In this study, Miyatake et al. present the interesting finding that ectopic expression of miR-195 in EBF1-deficient hematopoietic progenitor cells can partially rescue their developmental block and allow B cells to progress to a B220+ CD19+ cells stage. Notably, this is accompanied by an upregulation of B-cell-specific genes and, correspondingly, a downregulation of T, myeloid, and NK lineage-related genes, suggesting that miR-195 expression is at least in part equivalent to EBF1 activity in orchestrating the complex gene regulatory network underlying B cell development. Strengthening this point, ATAC sequencing of miR-195-expressing EBF1-deficient B220+CD19+ cells and a comparison of these data to public datasets of EBF1-deficient and -proficient cells suggest that miR-195 indirectly regulates gene expression and chromatin accessibility of some, but not all regions regulated by EBF1.

    Mechanistically, the authors identify a subset of potential target genes of miR-195 involved in MAPK and PI3K signalling. Dampening of these pathways has previously been demonstrated to activate FOXO1, a key transcription factor for early B cells downstream of EBF1. Accordingly, the authors hypothesize that miR-195 exerts its function through FOXO1. Supporting this claim, also exogenous FOXO1 expression is able to promote the development of EBF1-deficient cells to the B220+CD19+ stage and thus recapitulates the miR-195 phenotype.


    The strength of the presented study is the detailed assessment of the altered chromatin accessibility in response to ectopic miR-195 expression. This provides insight into how miR-195 impacts the gene regulatory network that governs B-cell development and allows the formation of mechanistic hypotheses.


    The key weakness of this study is that its findings are based on the artificial and ectopic expression of a miRNA out of its normal context, which in my opinion strongly limits the biological relevance of the presented work.

    While the authors performed qPCRs for miR-195 on different B cell populations and show that its relative expression peaks in early B cells, it remains unclear whether the absolute miR-195 expression is sufficiently high to have any meaningful biological activity. In fact, other miRNA expression data from immune cells (e.g. DOI 10.1182/blood-2010-10-316034 and DOI 10.1016/j.immuni.2010.05.009) suggest that miR-195 is only weakly, if at all, expressed in the hematopoietic system.

    The authors support their finding by a CRISPR-derived miR-195 knockout mouse model which displays mild, but significant differences in the hematopoietic stem cell compartment and in B cell development. However, they fail to acknowledge and discuss a lymphocyte-specific miR-195 knockout mouse that does not show any B cell defects in the bone marrow or spleen and thus contradicts the authors' findings (DOI 10.1111/febs.15493). Of note, B-1 B cells in particular have been shown to be elevated upon loss of miR-15-16-1 and/or miR-15b-16-2, which contradicts the data presented here for loss of the family member miR-195.

    A second weakness is that some claims by the authors appear overstated or at least not fully backed up by the presented data. In particular, the findings that miR-195-expressing cells can undergo VDJ recombination, express the pre-BCR/BCR and class switch needs to be strengthened. It would be beneficial to include additional controls to these experiments, e.g. a RAG-deficient mouse as a reference/negative control for the ddPCR and the surface IgM staining, and cells deficient in class switching for the IgG1 flow cytometric staining.

    Moreover, the manuscript would be strengthened by a more thorough investigation of the hypothesis that miR-195 promotes the stabilization and activity of FOXO1, e.g. by comparing the authors' ATACseq data to the FOXO1 signature.