3D directional tuning in the orofacial sensorimotor cortex during natural feeding and drinking

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    This useful study characterises motor and somatosensory cortex neural activity during naturalistic eating and drinking tongue movement in nonhuman primates. The data, which include both electrophysiology and nerve block manipulations, will be of value to neuroscientists and neural engineers interested in tongue use. However, data analysis needs to be improved to strengthen the inadequate support for some of the main claims in the paper.

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Directional tongue movements are essential for vital behaviors, such as feeding and speech, to position food for chewing and swallowing safely and to position the tongue for accurate sound production. While directional tuning has been well-studied in the arm region of the sensorimotor cortex during reaching tasks, little is known about how 3D tongue direction is encoded in the orofacial region during natural behaviors. Understanding how tongue direction is represented in the brain has important implications for improving rehabilitation for people with orolingual dysfunctions. The goal of this study is to investigate how 3D direction of tongue movement is encoded in the orofacial sensorimotor cortex (OSMCx) during feeding and drinking, and how this process is affected by the loss of oral sensation. Using biplanar video-radiography to track implanted markers in the tongue of behaving non-human primates ( Macaca mulatta ), 3D positional data was recorded simultaneously with spiking activity in primary motor (MIo) and somatosensory (SIo) areas of the orofacial cortex using chronically implanted microelectrode arrays. In some sessions, tasks were preceded by bilateral nerve block injections to the sensory branches of the trigeminal nerve. Modulation to the 3D tongue direction was found in a majority of MIo but not SIo neurons during feeding, while the majority of neurons in both areas were modulated to the direction of tongue protrusion during drinking. Following sensory loss, the proportion of directionally tuned neurons decreased and shifts in the distribution of preferred direction were observed in OSMCx neurons. Overall, we show that 3D directional tuning of MIo and SIo to tongue movements varies with behavioral tasks and availability of sensory information.

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  1. eLife assessment

    This useful study characterises motor and somatosensory cortex neural activity during naturalistic eating and drinking tongue movement in nonhuman primates. The data, which include both electrophysiology and nerve block manipulations, will be of value to neuroscientists and neural engineers interested in tongue use. However, data analysis needs to be improved to strengthen the inadequate support for some of the main claims in the paper.

  2. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


    In their paper, Hosack and Arce-McShane investigate how the 3D movement direction of the tongue is represented in the orofacial part of the sensory-motor cortex and how this representation changes with the loss of oral sensation. They examine the firing patterns of neurons in the orofacial parts of the primary motor cortex (MIo) and somatosensory cortex (SIo) in non-human primates (NHPs) during drinking and feeding tasks. While recording neural activity, they also tracked the kinematics of tongue movement using biplanar video-radiography of markers implanted in the tongue. Their findings indicate that most units in both MIo and SIo are directionally tuned during the drinking task. However, during the feeding task, directional turning was more frequent in MIo units and less prominent in SIo units. Additionally, in some recording sessions, they blocked sensory feedback using bilateral nerve block injections, which resulted in fewer directionally tuned units and changes in the overall distribution of the preferred direction of the units.


    The most significant strength of this paper lies in its unique combination of experimental tools. The author utilized a video-radiography method to capture 3D kinematics of the tongue movement during two behavioral tasks while simultaneously recording activity from two brain areas. Moreover, they employed a nerve-blocking procedure to halt sensory feedback. This specific dataset and experimental setup hold great potential for future research on the understudied orofacial segment of the sensory-motor area.


    Aside from the last part of the result section, the majority of the analyses in this paper are focused on single units. I understand the need to characterize the number of single units that directly code for external variables like movement direction, especially for less-studied areas like the orofacial part of the sensory-motor cortex. However, as a field, our decade-long experience in the arm region of sensory-motor cortices suggests that many of the idiosyncratic behaviors of single units can be better understood when the neural activity is studied at the level of the state space of the population. By doing so, for the arm region, we were able to explain why units have "mixed selectivity" for external variables, why the tuning of units changes in the planning and execution phase of the movement, why activity in the planning phase does not lead to undesired muscle activity, etc. See (Gallego et al. 2017; Vyas et al. 2020; Churchland and Shenoy 2024) for a review. Therefore, I believe investigating the dynamics of the population activity in orofacial regions can similarly help the reader go beyond the peculiarities of single units and in a broader view, inform us if the same principles found in the arm region can be generalized to other segments of sensory-motor cortex.

    Further, for the nerve-blocking experiments, the authors demonstrate that the lack of sensory feedback severely alters how the movement is executed at the level of behavior and neural activity. However, I had a hard time interpreting these results since any change in neural activity after blocking the orofacial nerves could be due to either the lack of the sensory signal or, as the authors suggest, due to the NHPs executing a different movement to compensate for the lack of sensory information or the combination of both of these factors. Hence, it would be helpful to know if the authors have any hint in the data that can tease apart these factors. For example, analyzing a subset of nerve-blocked trials that have similar kinematics to the control.

  3. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


    This manuscript by Hosack and Arce-McShane examines the directional tuning of neurons in macaque primary motor (MIo) and somatosensory (SIo) cortex. The neural basis of tongue control is far less studied than, for example, forelimb movements, partly because the tongue's kinematics and kinetics are difficult to measure. A major technical advantage of this study is using biplanar video-radiography, processed with modern motion tracking analysis software, to track the movement of the tongue inside the oral cavity. Compared to prior work, the behaviors are more naturalistic behaviors (feeding and licking water from one of three spouts), although the animals were still head-fixed.

    The study's main findings are that:

    • A majority of neurons in MIo and a (somewhat smaller) percentage of SIo modulated their firing rates during tongue movements, with different modulations depending on the direction of movement (i.e., exhibited directional tuning). Examining the statistics of tuning across neurons, there was anisotropy (e.g., more neurons preferring anterior movement) and a lateral bias in which tongue direction neurons preferred that was consistent with the innervation patterns of tongue control muscles (although with some inconsistency between monkeys).

    • Consistent with this encoding, tongue position could be decoded with moderate accuracy even from small ensembles of ~28 neurons.

    • There were differences observed in the proportion and extent of directional tuning between the feeding and licking behaviors, with stronger tuning overall during licking. This potentially suggests behavioral context-dependent encoding.

    • The authors then went one step further and used a bilateral nerve block to the sensory inputs (trigeminal nerve) from the tongue. This impaired the precision of tongue movements and resulted in an apparent reduction and change in neural tuning in Mio and SIo.


    The data are difficult to obtain and appear to have been rigorously measured, and provide a valuable contribution to this under-explored subfield of sensorimotor neuroscience. The analyses adopt well-established methods, especially from the arm motor control literature, and represent a natural starting point for characterizing tongue 3D direction tuning.


    There are alternative explanations for some of the interpretations, but those interpretations are described in a way that clearly distinguishes results from interpretations, and readers can make their own assessments. Some of these limitations are described in more detail below.

    One weakness of the current study is that there is substantial variability in results between monkeys, and that only one session of data per monkey/condition is analyzed (8 sessions total). This raises the concern that the results could be idiosyncratic. The Methods mention that other datasets were collected, but not analyzed because the imaging pre-processing is very labor-intensive. While I recognize that time is precious, I do think in this case the manuscript would be substantially strengthened by showing that the results are similar on other sessions.

    This study focuses on describing directional tuning using the preferred direction (PD) / cosine tuning model popularized by Georgopoulous and colleagues for understanding neural control of arm reaching in the 1980s. This is a reasonable starting point and a decent first-order description of neural tuning. However, the arm motor control field has moved far past that viewpoint, and in some ways, an over-fixation on static representational encoding models and PDs held that field back for many years. The manuscript benefits from drawing the readers' attention (perhaps in their Discussion) that PDs are a very simple starting point for characterizing how cortical activity relates to kinematics, but that there is likely much richer population-level dynamical structure and that a more mechanistic, control-focused analytical framework may be fruitful. A good review of this evolution in the arm field can be found in Vyas S, Golub MD, Sussillo D, Shenoy K. 2020. Computation Through Neural Population Dynamics. Annual Review of Neuroscience. 43(1):249-75

    Can the authors explain (or at least speculate) why there was such a large difference in behavioral effect due to nerve block between the two monkeys (Figure 7)?

    Do the analyses showing a decrease in tuning after nerve block take into account the changes (and sometimes reduction in variability) of the kinematics between these conditions? In other words, if you subsampled trials to have similar distributions of kinematics between Control and Block conditions, does the effect hold true? The extreme scenario to illustrate my concern is that if Block conditions resulted in all identical movements (which of course they don't), the tuning analysis would find no tuned neurons. The lack of change in decoding accuracy is another yellow flag that there may be a methodological explanation for the decreased tuning result.

    The manuscript states that "Our results suggest that the somatosensory cortex may be less involved than the motor areas during feeding, possibly because it is a more ingrained and stereotyped behavior as opposed to tongue protrusion or drinking tasks". Could an alternative explanation be more statistical/technical in nature: that during feeding, there will be more variability in exactly what somatosensation afferent signals are being received from trial to trial (because slight differences in kinematics can have large differences in exactly where the tongue is and the where/when/how of what parts of it are touching other parts of the oral cavity)? This variability could "smear out" the apparent tuning using these types of trial-averaged analyses. Given how important proprioception and somatosensation are for not biting the tongue or choking, the speculation that somatosensory cortical activity is suppressed during feedback is very counter-intuitive to this reviewer.

  4. Reviewer #3 (Public review):


    In this study, the authors aim to uncover how 3D tongue direction is represented in the Motor (M1o) and Somatosensory (S1o) cortex. In non-human primates implanted with chronic electrode arrays, they use X-ray-based imaging to track the kinematics of the tongue and jaw as the animal is either chewing food or licking from a spout. They then correlate the tongue kinematics with the recorded neural activity. Using linear regressions, they characterize the tuning properties and distributions of the recorded population during feeding and licking. Then, they recharacterize the tuning properties after bilateral lidocaine injections in the two sensory branches of the trigeminal nerve. They report that their nerve block causes a reorganization of the tuning properties. Overall, this paper concludes that M1o and S1o both contain representations of the tongue direction, but their numbers, their tuning properties, and susceptibility to perturbed sensory input are different.


    The major strengths of this paper are in the state-of-the-art experimental methods employed to collect the electrophysiological and kinematic data.


    However, this paper has a number of weaknesses in the analysis of this data.

    It is unclear how reliable the neural responses are to the stimuli. The trial-by-trial variability of the neural firing rates is not reported. Thus, it is unclear if the methods used for establishing that a neuron is modulated and tuned to a direction are susceptible to spurious correlations. The authors do not use shuffling or bootstrapping tests to determine the robustness of their fits or determining the 'preferred direction' of the neurons. This weakness colors the rest of the paper.

    The authors compare the tuning properties during feeding to those during licking but only focus on the tongue-tip. However, the two behaviors are different also in their engagement of the jaw muscles. Thus many of the differences observed between the two 'tasks' might have very little to do with an alternation in the properties of the neural code - and more to do with the differences in the movements involved. Many of the neurons are likely correlated with both Jaw movements and tongue movements - this complicates the interpretations and raises the possibility that the differences in tuning properties across tasks are trivial.

    The population analyses for decoding are rudimentary and provide very coarse estimates (left, center, or right), it is also unclear what the major takeaways from the population decoding analyses are. The reduced classification accuracy could very well be a consequence of linear models being unable to account for the complexity of feeding movements, while the licking movements are 'simpler' and thus are better accounted for.

    The nature of the nerve block and what sensory pathways are being affected is unclear - the trigeminal nerve contains many different sensory afferents - is there a characterization of how effectively the nerve impulses are being blocked? Have the authors confirmed or characterized the strength of their inactivation or block, I was unable to find any electrophysiological evidence characterizing the perturbation.

    Overall, while this paper provides a descriptive account of the observed neural correlations and their alteration by perturbation, a synthesis of the observed changes and some insight into neural processing of tongue kinematics would strengthen this paper.

  5. Author response:

    We thank the reviewers for their valuable comments and recommendations for improvement. In this provisional response we aim to address a few of the major concerns and briefly outline a plan for revision. We plan to submit a more detailed response along with the revised manuscript.

    The reviewers have suggested additional analyses to strengthen the manuscript. As noted, the primary focus of this paper is on single units, to act as a starting point in the characterization of orofacial sensorimotor cortical activity in relation to tongue direction. Research on the cortical mechanisms that underlie sensorimotor control of tongue movements has lagged research on limb movements. Thus, the goal of our paper was to first characterize the individual neuron’s 3D directional tuning properties to provide a basis for future in-depth analysis of population dynamics. However, as multiple reviewers have pointed out the strengths of further investigating population activity, we will aim to address this through additional analysis and discussion. Our starting point for this will be to try other decoding algorithms and dimensionality reduction techniques.

    Reviewers 1 and 2 suggested we compare a subset of trials from the nerve block dataset that has similar kinematics to the control to eliminate the confounding effect of differing kinematics between the two conditions. We did this for feeding, by sampling an equal number of trials with similar kinematics for both control and nerve block despite the different overall distribution. We will be sure to make this clearer within the text. We will also implement this for drinking by subsampling trials from each category with similar kinematics to see if this can account for the difference in neural activity.

    We understand that while using a small number of datasets is typical in non-human primate neuroscience, the inclusion of additional data would greatly reinforce our findings. We are working to process data from other sessions and have completed a few since this submission, which we will run through the analysis and consider adding a comparison into the manuscript.

    Reviewer 3 has raised a valid point that the different movement of the jaw may be a confounding factor in our study of tongue movements. We reported in our recent paper (see Supplementary Fig. 4 in Laurence-Chasen et al., 2023) that “Through iterative sampling of sub-regions of the test trials, we found that correlation of tongue kinematic variables with mandibular motion does not account for decoding accuracy. Even at times where tongue motion was completely un-correlated with the jaw, decoding accuracy could be quite high.” We expect that this also will be true for the analysis of single-unit activity.

    To address the concern on the robustness of our analytical methods, we plan to show the variability of neural firing rates across trials using the Fano factor and use a bootstrap test for the directional tuning analysis.

    As recommended, we will expand the introduction/discussion to further contextualize the results of this paper within the existing literature and attempt to clarify some of the sections that reviewers have identified.

    “Have the authors confirmed or characterized the strength of their inactivation or block, I was unable to find any electrophysiological evidence characterizing the perturbation.”

    The strength of the nerve block is characterized by a decrease in baseline firing rate of SIo neurons. We can include a figure showing this as supplementary material in the revised version.

    “Can the authors explain (or at least speculate) why there was such a large difference in behavioral effect due to nerve block between the two monkeys (Figure 7)?”

    We acknowledge this as a variable inherent to this type of experimentation. Previous studies have found large kinematic variation in the effect of oral nerve block as well as in the following compensatory strategies between subjects. Every animal’s biology and how they respond to perturbation will be different, which is something we are unable to prevent. Indeed, our subjects exhibited different feeding behavior even in the absence of nerve block perturbation (see Figure 2 in Laurence-Chasen et al., 2022). This is why each individual serves as its own control.