AVN: A Deep Learning Approach for the Analysis of Birdsong

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    This work introduces a Python package, Avian Vocalization Analysis (AVN) that provides several key analysis pipelines for segmentation, annotation, and visualization of zebra finch song. AVN can be used to predict the stage of song development, quantify acoustic similarity, and detect abnormalities associated with deprived auditory feedback or social isolation. The methods are solid and are likely to provide a useful tool for scientists aiming to automate the analysis of large datasets of zebra finch vocalizations.

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Deep learning tools for behavior analysis have enabled important new insights and discoveries in neuroscience. Yet, they often compromise interpretability and generalizability for performance, making it difficult to quantitively compare phenotypes across datasets and research groups. We developed a novel deep learning-based behavior analysis pipeline, Avian Vocalization Network (AVN), for the learned vocalizations of the most extensively studied vocal learning model species – the zebra finch. AVN annotates songs with high accuracy across multiple animal colonies without the need for any additional training data and generates a comprehensive set of interpretable features to describe the syntax, timing, and acoustic properties of song. We use this feature set to compare song phenotypes across multiple research groups and experiments, and to predict a bird’s stage in song development. Additionally, we have developed a novel method to measure song imitation that requires no additional training data for new comparisons or recording environments, and outperforms existing similarity scoring methods in its sensitivity and agreement with expert human judgements of song similarity. These tools are available through the open-source AVN python package and graphical application, which makes them accessible to researchers without any prior coding experience. Altogether, this behavior analysis toolkit stands to facilitate and accelerate the study of vocal behavior by enabling a standardized mapping of phenotypes and learning outcomes, thus helping scientists better link behavior to the underlying neural processes.

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  1. eLife assessment

    This work introduces a Python package, Avian Vocalization Analysis (AVN) that provides several key analysis pipelines for segmentation, annotation, and visualization of zebra finch song. AVN can be used to predict the stage of song development, quantify acoustic similarity, and detect abnormalities associated with deprived auditory feedback or social isolation. The methods are solid and are likely to provide a useful tool for scientists aiming to automate the analysis of large datasets of zebra finch vocalizations.

  2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


    This paper applies methods for segmentation, annotation, and visualization of acoustic analysis to zebra finch song. The paper shows that these methods can be used to predict the stage of song development and to quantify acoustic similarity. The methods are solid and are likely to provide a useful tool for scientists aiming to label large datasets of zebra finch vocalizations. The paper has two main parts: 1) establishing a pipeline/ package for analyzing zebra finch birdsong and 2) a method for measuring song imitation.


    It is useful to see existing methods for syllable segmentation compared to new datasets.

    It is useful, but not surprising, that these methods can be used to predict developmental stage, which is strongly associated with syllable temporal structure.

    It is useful to confirm that these methods can identify abnormalities in deafened and isolated songs.


    For the first part, the implementation seems to be a wrapper on existing techniques. For instance, the first section talks about syllable segmentation; they made a comparison between whisperseg (Gu et al, 2024), tweetynet (Cohen et al, 2022), and amplitude thresholding. They found that whisperseg performed the best, and they included it in the pipeline. They then used whisperseg to analyze syllable duration distributions and rhythm of birds of different ages and confirmed past findings on this developmental process (e.g. Aronov et al, 2011). Next, based on the segmentation, they assign labels by performing UMAP and HDBScan on the spectrogram (nothing new; that's what people have been doing). Then, based on the labels, they claimed they developed a 'new' visualization - syntax raster ( line 180 ). That was done by Sainburg et. al. 2020 in Figure 12E and also in Cohen et al, 2020 - so the claim to have developed 'a new song syntax visualization' is confusing. The rest of the paper is about analyzing the finch data based on AVN features (which are essentially acoustic features already in the classic literature).

    The second part may be something new, but there are opportunities to improve the benchmarking. It is about the pupil-tutor imitation analysis. They introduce a convolutional neural network that takes triplets as an input (each tripled is essentially 3 images stacked together such that you have (anchor, positive, negative), Anchor is a reference spectrogram from, say finch A; positive means a different spectrogram with the same label as anchor from finch A, and negative means a spectrogram not related to A or different syllable label from A. The network is then trained to produce a low-dimensional embedding by ensuring the embedding distance between anchor and positive is less than anchor and negative by a certain margin. Based on the embedding, they then made use of earth mover distance to quantify the similarity in the syllable distribution among finches. They then compared their approach performance with that of sound analysis pro (SAP) and a variant of SAP. A more natural comparison, which they didn't include, is with the VAE approach by Goffinet et al. In this paper (https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.67855, Fig 7), they also attempted to perform an analysis on the tutor pupil song.

  3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


    In this work, the authors present a new Python software package, Avian Vocalization Network (AVN) aimed at facilitating the analysis of birdsong, especially the song of the zebra finch, the most common songbird model in neuroscience. The package handles some of the most common (and some more advanced) song analyses, including segmentation, syllable classification, featurization of song, calculation of tutor-pupil similarity, and age prediction, with a view toward making the entire process friendlier to experimentalists working in the field.

    For many years, Sound Analysis Pro has served as a standard in the songbird field, the first package to extensively automate songbird analysis and facilitate the computation of acoustic features that have helped define the field. More recently, the increasing popularity of Python as a language, along with the emergence of new machine learning methods, has resulted in a number of new software tools, including the vocalpy ecosystem for audio processing, TweetyNet (for segmentation), t-SNE and UMAP (for visualization), and autoencoder-based approaches for embedding.


    The AVN package overlaps several of these earlier efforts, albeit with a focus on more traditional featurization that many experimentalists may find more interpretable than deep learning-based approaches. Among the strengths of the paper are its clarity in explaining the several analyses it facilitates, along with high-quality experiments across multiple public datasets collected from different research groups. As a software package, it is open source, installable via the pip Python package manager, and features high-quality documentation, as well as tutorials. For experimentalists who wish to replicate any of the analyses from the paper, the package is likely to be a useful time saver.


    I think the potential limitations of the work are predominantly on the software end, with one or two quibbles about the methods.

    First, the software: it's important to note that the package is trying to do many things, of which it is likely to do several well and few comprehensively. Rather than a package that presents a number of new analyses or a new analysis framework, it is more a codification of recipes, some of which are reimplementations of existing work (SAP features), some of which are essentially wrappers around other work (interfacing with WhisperSeg segmentations), and some of which are new (similarity scoring). All of this has value, but in my estimation, it has less value as part of a standalone package and potentially much more as part of an ecosystem like vocalpy that is undergoing continuous development and has long-term support. While the code is well-documented, including web-based documentation for both the core package and the GUI, the latter is available only on Windows, which might limit the scope of adoption.

    That is to say, whether AVN is adopted by the field in the medium term will have much more to do with the quality of its maintenance and responsiveness to users than any particular feature, but I believe that many of the analysis recipes that the authors have carefully worked out may find their way into other code and workflows.

    Second, two notes about new analysis approaches:

    (1) The authors propose a new means of measuring tutor-pupil similarity based on first learning a latent space of syllables via a self-supervised learning (SSL) scheme and then using the earth mover's distance (EMD) to calculate transport costs between the distributions of tutors' and pupils' syllables. While to my knowledge this exact method has not previously been proposed in birdsong, I suspect it is unlikely to differ substantially from the approach of autoencoding followed by MMD used in the Goffinet et al. paper. That is, SSL, like the autoencoder, is a latent space learning approach, and EMD, like MMD, is an integral probability metric that measures discrepancies between two distributions. (Indeed, the two are very closely related: https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/400180/earth-movers-distance-and-maximum-mean-discrepency.) Without further experiments, it is hard to tell whether these two approaches differ meaningfully. Likewise, while the authors have trained on a large corpus of syllables to define their latent space in a way that generalizes to new birds, it is unclear why such an approach would not work with other latent space learning methods.

    (2) The authors propose a new method for maturity scoring by training a model (a generalized additive model) to predict the age of the bird based on a selected subset of acoustic features. This is distinct from the "predicted age" approach of Brudner, Pearson, and Mooney, which predicts based on a latent representation rather than specific features, and the GAM nicely segregates the contribution of each. As such, this approach may be preferred by many users who appreciate its interpretability.

    In summary, my view is that this is a nice paper detailing a well-executed piece of software whose future impact will be determined by the degree of support and maintenance it receives from others over the near and medium term.

  4. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


    The authors invent song and syllable discrimination tasks they use to train deep networks. These networks they then use as a basis for routine song analysis and song evaluation tasks. For the analysis, they consider both data from their own colony and from another colony the network has not seen during training. They validate the analysis scores of the network against expert human annotators, achieving a correlation of 80-90%.


    (1) Robust Validation and Generalizability: The authors demonstrate a good performance of the AVN across various datasets, including individuals exhibiting deviant behavior. This extensive validation underscores the system's usefulness and broad applicability to zebra finch song analysis, establishing it as a potentially valuable tool for researchers in the field.

    (2) Comprehensive and Standardized Feature Analysis: AVN integrates a comprehensive set of interpretable features commonly used in the study of bird songs. By standardizing the feature extraction method, the AVN facilitates comparative research, allowing for consistent interpretation and comparison of vocal behavior across studies.

    (3) Automation and Ease of Use. By being fully automated, the method is straightforward to apply and should introduce barely an adoption threshold to other labs.

    (4) Human experts were recruited to perform extensive annotations (of vocal segments and of song similarity scores). These annotations released as public datasets are potentially very valuable.


    (1) Poorly motivated tasks. The approach is poorly motivated and many assumptions come across as arbitrary. For example, the authors implicitly assume that the task of birdsong comparison is best achieved by a system that optimally discriminates between typical, deaf, and isolated songs. Similarly, the authors assume that song development is best tracked using a system that optimally estimates the age of a bird given its song. My issue is that these are fake tasks since clearly, researchers will know whether a bird is an isolated or a deaf bird, and they will also know the age of a bird, so no machine learning is needed to solve these tasks. Yet, the authors imagine that solving these placeholder tasks will somehow help with measuring important aspects of vocal behavior. Along similar lines, authors assume that a good measure of similarity is one that optimally performs repeated syllable detection (i.e. to discriminate same syllable pairs from different pairs). The authors need to explain why they think these placeholder tasks are good and why no better task can be defined that more closely captures what researchers want to measure. Note: the standard tasks for self-supervised learning are next word or masked word prediction, why are these not used here?

    (2) The machine learning methodology lacks rigor. The aims of the machine learning pipeline are extremely vague and keep changing like a moving target. Mainly, the deep networks are trained on some tasks but then authors evaluate their performance on different, disconnected tasks. For example, they train both the birdsong comparison method (L263+) and the song similarity method (L318+) on classification tasks. However, they evaluate the former method (LDA) on classification accuracy, but the latter (8-dim embeddings) using a contrast index. In machine learning, usually, a useful task is first defined, then the system is trained on it and then tested on a held-out dataset. If the sensitivity index is important, why does it not serve as a cost function for training? Also, usually, in solid machine learning work, diverse methods are compared against each other to identify their relative strengths. The paper contains almost none of this, e.g. authors examined only one clustering method (HDBSCAN).

    (3) Performance issues. The authors want to 'simplify large-scale behavioral analysis' but it seems they want to do that at a high cost. (Gu et al 2023) achieved syllable scores above 0.99 for adults, which is much larger than the average score of 0.88 achieved here (L121). Similarly, the syllable scores in (Cohen et al 2022) are above 94% (their error rates are below 6%, albeit in Bengalese finches, not zebra finches), which is also better than here. Why is the performance of AVN so low? The low scores of AVN argue in favor of some human labeling and training on each bird.

    (4) Texas bias. It is true that comparability across datasets is enhanced when everyone uses the same code. However, the authors' proposal essentially is to replace the bias between labs with a bias towards birds in Texas. The comparison with Rockefeller birds is nice, but it amounts to merely N=1. If birds in Japanese or European labs have evolved different song repertoires, the AVN might not capture the associated song features in these labs well.

    (5) The paper lacks an analysis of the balance between labor requirement, generalizability, and optimal performance. For tasks such as segmentation and labeling, fine-tuning for each new dataset could potentially enhance the model's accuracy and performance without compromising comparability. E.g. How many hours does it take to annotate hundred song motifs? How much would the performance of AVN increase if the network were to be retrained on these? The paper should be written in more neutral terms, letting researchers reach their own conclusions about how much manual labor they want to put into their data.

    (6) Full automation may not be everyone's wish. For example, given the highly stereotyped zebra finch songs, it is conceivable that some syllables are consistently mis-segmented or misclassified. Researchers may want to be able to correct such errors, which essentially amounts to fine-tuning AVN. Conceivably, researchers may want to retrain a network like the AVN on their own birds, to obtain a more fine-grained discriminative method.

    (7) The analysis is restricted to song syllables and fails to include calls. No rationale is given for the omission of calls. Also, it is not clear how the analysis deals with repeated syllables in a motif, whether they are treated as two-syllable types or one.

    (8) It seems not all human annotations have been released and the instruction sets given to experts (how to segment syllables and score songs) are not disclosed. It may well be that the differences in performance between (Gu et al 2023) and (Cohen et al 2022) are due to differences in segmentation tasks, which is why these tasks given to experts need to be clearly spelled out. Also, the downloadable files contain merely labels but no identifier of the expert. The data should be released in such a way that lets other labs adopt their labeling method and cross-check their own labeling accuracy.

    (9) The failure modes are not described. What segmentation errors did they encounter, and what syllable classification errors? It is important to describe the errors to be expected when using the method.

    (10) Usage of Different Dimensionality Reduction Methods: The pipeline uses two different dimensionality reduction techniques for labeling and similarity comparison - both based on the understanding of the distribution of data in lower-dimensional spaces. However, the reasons for choosing different methods for different tasks are not articulated, nor is there a comparison of their efficacy.

    (11) Reproducibility: are the measurements reproducible? Systems like UMAP always find a new embedding given some fixed input, so the output tends to fluctuate.

  5. Author response:

    Public Reviews:

    Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


    This paper applies methods for segmentation, annotation, and visualization of acoustic analysis to zebra finch song. The paper shows that these methods can be used to predict the stage of song development and to quantify acoustic similarity. The methods are solid and are likely to provide a useful tool for scientists aiming to label large datasets of zebra finch vocalizations. The paper has two main parts: 1) establishing a pipeline/ package for analyzing zebra finch birdsong and 2) a method for measuring song imitation.


    It is useful to see existing methods for syllable segmentation compared to new datasets.

    It is useful, but not surprising, that these methods can be used to predict developmental stage, which is strongly associated with syllable temporal structure.

    It is useful to confirm that these methods can identify abnormalities in deafened and isolated songs.


    For the first part, the implementation seems to be a wrapper on existing techniques. For instance, the first section talks about syllable segmentation; they made a comparison between whisperseg (Gu et al, 2024), tweetynet (Cohen et al, 2022), and amplitude thresholding. They found that whisperseg performed the best, and they included it in the pipeline. They then used whisperseg to analyze syllable duration distributions and rhythm of birds of different ages and confirmed past findings on this developmental process (e.g. Aronov et al, 2011). Next, based on the segmentation, they assign labels by performing UMAP and HDBScan on the spectrogram (nothing new; that's what people have been doing). Then, based on the labels, they claimed they developed a 'new' visualization - syntax raster ( line 180 ). That was done by Sainburg et. al. 2020 in Figure 12E and also in Cohen et al, 2020 - so the claim to have developed 'a new song syntax visualization' is confusing. The rest of the paper is about analyzing the finch data based on AVN features (which are essentially acoustic features already in the classic literature).

    First, we would like to thank this reviewer for their kind comments and feedback on this manuscript. It is true that many of the components of this song analysis pipeline are not entirely novel in isolation. Our real contribution here is bringing them together in a way that allows other researchers to seamlessly apply automated syllable segmentation, clustering, and downstream analyses to their data. That said, our approach to training TweetyNet for syllable segmentation is novel. We trained TweetyNet to recognize vocalizations vs. silence across multiple birds, such that it can generalize to new individual birds, whereas Tweetynet had only ever been used to annotate song syllables from birds included in its training set previously. Our validation of TweetyNet and WhisperSeg in combination with UMAP and HDBSCAN clustering is also novel, providing valuable information about how these systems interact, and how reliable the completely automatically generated labels are for downstream analysis.

    Our syntax raster visualization does resemble Figure 12E in Sainburg et al. 2020, however it differs in a few important ways, which we believe warrant its consideration as a novel visualization method. First, Sainburg et al. represent the labels across bouts in real time; their position along the x axis reflects the time at which each syllable is produced relative to the start of the bout. By contrast, our visualization considers only the index of syllables within a bout (ie. First syllable vs. second syllable etc) without consideration of the true durations of each syllable or the silent gaps between them. This makes it much easier to detect syntax patterns across bouts, as the added variability of syllable timing is removed. Considering only the sequence of syllables rather than their timing also allows us to more easily align bouts according to the first syllable of a motif, further emphasizing the presence or absence of repeating syllable sequences without interference from the more variable introductory notes at the start of a motif. Finally, instead of plotting all bouts in the order in which they were produced, our visualization orders bouts such that bouts with the same sequence of syllables will be plotted together, which again serves to emphasize the most common syllable sequences that the bird produces. These additional processing steps mean that our syntax raster plot has much starker contrast between birds with stereotyped syntax and birds with more variable syntax, as compared to the more minimally processed visualization in Sainburg et al. 2020. There doesn’t appear to be any similar visualizations in Cohen et al. 2020.

    The second part may be something new, but there are opportunities to improve the benchmarking. It is about the pupil-tutor imitation analysis. They introduce a convolutional neural network that takes triplets as an input (each tripled is essentially 3 images stacked together such that you have (anchor, positive, negative), Anchor is a reference spectrogram from, say finch A; positive means a different spectrogram with the same label as anchor from finch A, and negative means a spectrogram not related to A or different syllable label from A. The network is then trained to produce a low-dimensional embedding by ensuring the embedding distance between anchor and positive is less than anchor and negative by a certain margin. Based on the embedding, they then made use of earth mover distance to quantify the similarity in the syllable distribution among finches. They then compared their approach performance with that of sound analysis pro (SAP) and a variant of SAP. A more natural comparison, which they didn't include, is with the VAE approach by Goffinet et al. In this paper (https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.67855, Fig 7), they also attempted to perform an analysis on the tutor pupil song.

    We thank the reviewer for this suggestion, and plan to include a comparison of the triplet loss embedding space to the VAE space for song similarity comparisons in the revised manuscript.

    Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


    In this work, the authors present a new Python software package, Avian Vocalization Network (AVN) aimed at facilitating the analysis of birdsong, especially the song of the zebra finch, the most common songbird model in neuroscience. The package handles some of the most common (and some more advanced) song analyses, including segmentation, syllable classification, featurization of song, calculation of tutor-pupil similarity, and age prediction, with a view toward making the entire process friendlier to experimentalists working in the field.

    For many years, Sound Analysis Pro has served as a standard in the songbird field, the first package to extensively automate songbird analysis and facilitate the computation of acoustic features that have helped define the field. More recently, the increasing popularity of Python as a language, along with the emergence of new machine learning methods, has resulted in a number of new software tools, including the vocalpy ecosystem for audio processing, TweetyNet (for segmentation), t-SNE and UMAP (for visualization), and autoencoder-based approaches for embedding.


    The AVN package overlaps several of these earlier efforts, albeit with a focus on more traditional featurization that many experimentalists may find more interpretable than deep learning-based approaches. Among the strengths of the paper are its clarity in explaining the several analyses it facilitates, along with high-quality experiments across multiple public datasets collected from different research groups. As a software package, it is open source, installable via the pip Python package manager, and features high-quality documentation, as well as tutorials. For experimentalists who wish to replicate any of the analyses from the paper, the package is likely to be a useful time saver.


    I think the potential limitations of the work are predominantly on the software end, with one or two quibbles about the methods.

    First, the software: it's important to note that the package is trying to do many things, of which it is likely to do several well and few comprehensively. Rather than a package that presents a number of new analyses or a new analysis framework, it is more a codification of recipes, some of which are reimplementations of existing work (SAP features), some of which are essentially wrappers around other work (interfacing with WhisperSeg segmentations), and some of which are new (similarity scoring). All of this has value, but in my estimation, it has less value as part of a standalone package and potentially much more as part of an ecosystem like vocalpy that is undergoing continuous development and has long-term support.

    We appreciate this reviewer’s comments and concerns about the structure of the AVN package and its long-term maintenance. We have considered incorporating AVN into the VocalPy ecosystem but have chosen not to for a few key reasons. (1) AVN was designed with ease of use for experimenters with limited coding experience top of mind. VocalPy provides excellent resources for researchers with some familiarity with object-oriented programming to manage and analyze their datasets; however, we believe it may be challenging for users without such experience to adopt VocalPy quickly. AVN’s ‘recipe’ approach, as you put it, is very easily accessible to new users, and allows users with intermediate coding experience to easily navigate the source code to gain a deeper understanding of the methodology. AVN also consistently outputs processed data in familiar formats (tables in .csv files which can be opened in excel), in an effort to make it more accessible to new users, something which would be challenging to reconcile with VocalPy’s emphasis on their `dataset`classes. (2) AVN and VocalPy differ in their underlying goals and philosophies when it comes to flexibility vs. standardization of analysis pipelines. VocalPy is designed to facilitate mixing-and-matching of different spectrogram generation, segmentation, annotation etc. approaches, so that researchers can design and implement their own custom analysis pipelines. This flexibility is useful in many cases. For instance, it could allow researchers who have very different noise filtering and annotation needs, like those working with field recordings versus acoustic chamber recordings, analyze their data using this platform. However, when it comes to comparisons across zebra finch research labs, this flexibility comes at the expense of direct comparison and integration of song features across research groups. This is the context in which AVN is most useful. It presents a single approach to song segmentation, labeling, and featurization that has been shown to generalize well across research groups, and which allows direct comparisons of the resulting features. AVN’s single, extensively validated, standard pipeline approach is fundamentally incompatible with VocalPy’s emphasis on flexibility. We are excited to see how VocalPy continues to evolve in the future and recognize the value that both AVN and VocalPy bring to the songbird research community, each with their own distinct strengths, weaknesses, and ideal use cases.

    While the code is well-documented, including web-based documentation for both the core package and the GUI, the latter is available only on Windows, which might limit the scope of adoption.

    We thank the reviewer for their kind words about AVN’s documentation. We recognize that the GUI’s exclusive availability on Windows is a limitation, and we would be happy to collaborate with other researchers and developers in the future to build a Mac compatible version, should the demand present itself. That said, the python package works on all operating systems, so non-Windows users still have the ability to use AVN that way.

    That is to say, whether AVN is adopted by the field in the medium term will have much more to do with the quality of its maintenance and responsiveness to users than any particular feature, but I believe that many of the analysis recipes that the authors have carefully worked out may find their way into other code and workflows.

    Second, two notes about new analysis approaches:

    (1) The authors propose a new means of measuring tutor-pupil similarity based on first learning a latent space of syllables via a self-supervised learning (SSL) scheme and then using the earth mover's distance (EMD) to calculate transport costs between the distributions of tutors' and pupils' syllables. While to my knowledge this exact method has not previously been proposed in birdsong, I suspect it is unlikely to differ substantially from the approach of autoencoding followed by MMD used in the Goffinet et al. paper. That is, SSL, like the autoencoder, is a latent space learning approach, and EMD, like MMD, is an integral probability metric that measures discrepancies between two distributions.

    (Indeed, the two are very closely related: https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/400180/earth-movers-distance-andmaximum-mean-discrepency.) Without further experiments, it is hard to tell whether these two approaches differ meaningfully. Likewise, while the authors have trained on a large corpus of syllables to define their latent space in a way that generalizes to new birds, it is unclear why such an approach would not work with other latent space learning methods.

    We recognize the similarities between these approaches, and plan to include a comparison of triplet loss embeddings compared with MMD and VAE embeddings compared with MMD and EMD in the revised manuscript. Thank you for this suggestion.

    (2) The authors propose a new method for maturity scoring by training a model (a generalized additive model) to predict the age of the bird based on a selected subset of acoustic features. This is distinct from the "predicted age" approach of Brudner, Pearson, and Mooney, which predicts based on a latent representation rather than specific features, and the GAM nicely segregates the contribution of each. As such, this approach may be preferred by many users who appreciate its interpretability.

    In summary, my view is that this is a nice paper detailing a well-executed piece of software whose future impact will be determined by the degree of support and maintenance it receives from others over the near and medium term.

    Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


    The authors invent song and syllable discrimination tasks they use to train deep networks. These networks they then use as a basis for routine song analysis and song evaluation tasks. For the analysis, they consider both data from their own colony and from another colony the network has not seen during training. They validate the analysis scores of the network against expert human annotators, achieving a correlation of 80-90%.


    (1) Robust Validation and Generalizability: The authors demonstrate a good performance of the AVN across various datasets, including individuals exhibiting deviant behavior. This extensive validation underscores the system's usefulness and broad applicability to zebra finch song analysis, establishing it as a potentially valuable tool for researchers in the field.

    (2) Comprehensive and Standardized Feature Analysis: AVN integrates a comprehensive set of interpretable features commonly used in the study of bird songs. By standardizing the feature extraction method, the AVN facilitates comparative research, allowing for consistent interpretation and comparison of vocal behavior across studies.

    (3) Automation and Ease of Use. By being fully automated, the method is straightforward to apply and should introduce barely an adoption threshold to other labs.

    (4) Human experts were recruited to perform extensive annotations (of vocal segments and of song similarity scores). These annotations released as public datasets are potentially very valuable.


    (1) Poorly motivated tasks. The approach is poorly motivated and many assumptions come across as arbitrary. For example, the authors implicitly assume that the task of birdsong comparison is best achieved by a system that optimally discriminates between typical, deaf, and isolated songs. Similarly, the authors assume that song development is best tracked using a system that optimally estimates the age of a bird given its song. My issue is that these are fake tasks since clearly, researchers will know whether a bird is an isolated or a deaf bird, and they will also know the age of a bird, so no machine learning is needed to solve these tasks. Yet, the authors imagine that solving these placeholder tasks will somehow help with measuring important aspects of vocal behavior.

    We appreciate this reviewer’s concerns and apologize for not providing sufficiently clear rationale for the inclusion of our phenotype classifier and age regression models in the original manuscript. These tasks are not intended to be taken as a final, ultimate culmination of the AVN pipeline. Rather, we consider the carefully engineered 55-interpretable feature set to be AVN’s final output, and these analyses serve merely as examples of how that feature set can be applied. That said, each of these models do have valid experimental use cases that we believe are important and would like to bring to the attention of the reviewer.

    For one, we showed how the LDA model that can discriminate between typical, deaf, and isolate birds’ songs not only allows us to evaluate which features are most important for discriminating between these groups, but also allows comparison of the FoxP1 knock-down (FP1 KD) birds to each of these phenotypes. Based on previous work (Garcia-Oscos et al. 2021), we hypothesized that FP1 KD in these birds specifically impaired tutor song memory formation while sparing a bird’s ability to refine their own vocalizations through auditory feedback. Thus, we would expect their songs to resemble those of isolate birds, who lack a tutor song memory, but not to resemble deaf birds who lack a tutor song memory and auditory feedback of their own vocalizations to guide learning. The LDA model allowed us to make this comparison quantitatively for the first time and confirm our hypothesis that FP1 KD birds’ songs are indeed most like isolates’. In the future, as more research groups publish their birds’ AVN feature sets, we hope to be able to make even more fine-grained comparisons between different groups of birds, either using LDA or other similar interpretable classifiers.

    The age prediction model also has valid real-world use cases. For instance, one might imagine an experimental manipulation that is hypothesized to accelerate or slow song maturation in juvenile birds. This age prediction model could be applied to the AVN feature sets of birds having undergone such a manipulation to determine whether their predicted ages systematically lead or lag their true biological ages, and which song features are most responsible for this difference. We didn’t have access to data for any such birds for inclusion in this paper, but we hope that others in the future will be able to take inspiration from our methodology and use this or a similar age regression model with AVN features in their research. We will revise the original manuscript to make this clearer.

    Along similar lines, authors assume that a good measure of similarity is one that optimally performs repeated syllable detection (i.e. to discriminate same syllable pairs from different pairs). The authors need to explain why they think these placeholder tasks are good and why no better task can be defined that more closely captures what researchers want to measure. Note: the standard tasks for self-supervised learning are next word or masked word prediction, why are these not used here?

    There appears to be some misunderstanding regarding our similarity scoring embedding model and our rationale for using it. We will explain it in more depth here and provide some additional explanation in the manuscript. First, we are not training a model to discriminate between same and different syllable pairs. The triplet loss network is trained to embed syllables in an 8-dimensional space such that syllables with the same label are closer together than syllables with different labels. The loss function is related to the relative distance between embeddings of syllables with the same or different labels, not the classification of syllables as same or different. This approach was chosen because it has repeatedly been shown to be a useful data compression step (Schorff et al. 2015, Thakur et al. 2019) before further downstream tasks are applied on its output, particularly in contexts where there is little data per class (syllable label). For example, Schorff et al. 2015 trained a deep convolutional neural network with triplet loss to embed images of human faces from the same individual closer together than images of different individuals in a 128-dimensional space. They then used this model to compute 128-dimensional representations of additional face images, not included in training, which were used for individual facial recognition (this is a same vs. different category classifier), and facial clustering, achieving better performance than the previous state of the art. The triplet loss function results in a model that can generate useful embeddings of previously unseen categories, like new individuals’ faces, or new zebra finches’ syllables, which can then be used in downstream analyses. This meaningful, lower dimensional space allows comparisons of distributions of syllables across birds, as in Brainard and Mets 2008, and Goffinet et al. 2021.

    Next word and masked word prediction are indeed common self-supervised learning tasks for models working with text data, or other data with meaningful sequential organization. That is not the case for our zebra finch syllables, where every bird’s syllable sequence depends only on its tutor’s sequence, and there is no evidence for strong universal syllable sequencing rules (James et al. 2020). Rather, our embedding model is an example of a computer vision task, as it deals with sets of twodimensional images (spectrograms), not sequences of categorical variables (like text). It is also not, strictly speaking, a self-supervised learning task, as it does require syllable labels to generate the triplets. A common self-supervised approach for dimensionality reduction in a computer vision task such as this one would be to train an autoencoder to compress images to a lower dimensional space, then faithfully reconstruct them from the compressed representation. This has been done using a variational autoencoder trained on zebra finch syllables in Goffinet et al. 2021. In keeping with the suggestions from reviewers #1 and #2, we plan to include a comparison of our triplet loss model with the Goffinet et al. VAE approach in the revised manuscript.

    (2) The machine learning methodology lacks rigor. The aims of the machine learning pipeline are extremely vague and keep changing like a moving target. Mainly, the deep networks are trained on some tasks but then authors evaluate their performance on different, disconnected tasks. For example, they train both the birdsong comparison method (L263+) and the song similarity method (L318+) on classification tasks. However, they evaluate the former method (LDA) on classification accuracy, but the latter (8-dim embeddings) using a contrast index. In machine learning, usually, a useful task is first defined, then the system is trained on it and then tested on a held-out dataset. If the sensitivity index is important, why does it not serve as a cost function for training?

    Again, there appears to be some misunderstanding of our similarity scoring methodology. Our similarity scoring model is not trained on a classification task, but rather on an embedding task. It learns to embed spectrograms of syllables in an 8dimensional space such that syllables with the same label are closer together than syllables with different labels. We could report the loss values for this embedding task on our training and validation datasets, but these wouldn’t have any clear relevance to the downstream task of syllable distribution comparison where we are using the model’s embeddings. We report the contrast index as this has direct relevance to the actual application of the model and allows comparisons to other similarity scoring methods, something that the triplet loss values wouldn’t allow.

    The triplet loss method was chosen because it has been shown to yield useful lowdimensional representations of data, even in cases where there is limited labeled training data (Thakur et al. 2019). While we have one of the largest manually annotated datasets of zebra finch songs, it is still quite small by industry deep learning standards, which is why we chose a method that would perform well given the size of our dataset. Training a model on a contrast index directly would be extremely computationally intensive and require many more pairs of birds with known relationships than we currently have access to. It could be an interesting approach to take in the future, but one that would be unlikely to perform well with a dataset size typical to songbird research.

    Also, usually, in solid machine learning work, diverse methods are compared against each other to identify their relative strengths. The paper contains almost none of this, e.g. authors examined only one clustering method (HDBSCAN).

    We did compare multiple methods for syllable segmentation (WhisperSeg, TweetyNet, and Amplitude thresholding) as this hadn’t been done previously. We chose not to perform extensive comparison of different clustering methods as Sainburg et al. 2020 already did so and we felt no need to reduplicate this effort. We encourage this reviewer to refer to Sainburg et al.’s excellent work for comparisons of multiple clustering methods applied to zebra finch song syllables.

    (3) Performance issues. The authors want to 'simplify large-scale behavioral analysis' but it seems they want to do that at a high cost. (Gu et al 2023) achieved syllable scores above 0.99 for adults, which is much larger than the average score of 0.88 achieved here (L121). Similarly, the syllable scores in (Cohen et al 2022) are above 94% (their error rates are below 6%, albeit in Bengalese finches, not zebra finches), which is also better than here. Why is the performance of AVN so low? The low scores of AVN argue in favor of some human labeling and training on each bird.

    Firstly, the syllable error rate scores reported in Cohen et al. 2022 are calculated very differently than the F1 scores we report here and are based on a model trained with data from the same bird as was used in testing, unlike our more general segmentation approach where the model was tested on different birds than were used in testing. Thus, the scores reported in Cohen et al. and the F1 scores that we report cannot be compared.

    The discrepancy between the F1seg scores reported in Gu et al. 2023 and the segmentation F1 scores that we report are likely due to differences in the underlying datasets. Our UTSW recordings tend to have higher levels of both stationary and nonstationary background noise, which make segmentation more challenging. The recordings from Rockefeller were less contaminated by background noise, and they resulted in slightly higher F1 scores. That said, we believe that the primary factor accounting for this difference in scores with Gu et al. 2023 is the granularity of our ‘ground truth’ syllable segments. In our case, if there was ever any ambiguity as to whether vocal elements should be segmented into two short syllables with a very short gap between them or merged into a single longer syllable, we chose to split them. WhisperSeg had a strong tendency to merge the vocal elements in ambiguous cases such as these. This results in a higher rate of false negative syllable onset detections, reflected in the low recall scores achieved by WhisperSeg (see supplemental figure 2b), but still very high precision scores (supplemental figure 2a). While WhisperSeg did frequently merge these syllables in a way that differed from our ground truth segmentation, it did so consistently, meaning it had little impact on downstream measures of syntax entropy (Fig 3c) or syllable duration entropy (supplemental figure 7a). It is for that reason that, despite a lower F1 score, we still consider AVN’s automatically generated annotations to be sufficiently accurate for downstream analyses.

    Should researchers require a higher degree of accuracy and precision with their annotations (for example, to detect very subtle changes in song before and after an acute manipulation) and be willing to dedicate the time and resources to manually labeling a subset of recordings from each of their birds, we suggest they turn toward one of the existing tools for supervised song annotation, such as TweetyNet.

    (4) Texas bias. It is true that comparability across datasets is enhanced when everyone uses the same code. However, the authors' proposal essentially is to replace the bias between labs with a bias towards birds in Texas. The comparison with Rockefeller birds is nice, but it amounts to merely N=1. If birds in Japanese or European labs have evolved different song repertoires, the AVN might not capture the associated song features in these labs well.

    We appreciate the reviewer’s concern about a bias toward birds from the UTSW colony. However, this paper shows that despite training (for the similarity scoring) and hyperparameter fitting (for the HDBSCAN clustering) on the UTSW birds, AVN performs as well if not better on birds from Rockefeller than from UTSW. To our knowledge, there are no publicly available datasets of annotated zebra finch songs from labs in Europe or in Asia but we would be happy to validate AVN on such datasets, should they become available. Furthermore, there is no evidence to suggest that there is dramatic drift in zebra finch vocal repertoire between continents which would necessitate such additional validation. While we didn’t have manual annotations for this dataset (which would allow validation of our segmentation and labeling methods), we did apply AVN to recordings share with us by the Wada lab in Japan, where visual inspection of the resulting annotations suggested comparable accuracy to the UTSW and Rockefeller datasets.

    (5) The paper lacks an analysis of the balance between labor requirement, generalizability, and optimal performance. For tasks such as segmentation and labeling, fine-tuning for each new dataset could potentially enhance the model's accuracy and performance without compromising comparability. E.g. How many hours does it take to annotate hundred song motifs? How much would the performance of AVN increase if the network were to be retrained on these? The paper should be written in more neutral terms, letting researchers reach their own conclusions about how much manual labor they want to put into their data.

    With standardization and ease of use in mind, we designed AVN specifically to perform fully automated syllable annotation and downstream feature calculations. We believe that we have demonstrated in this manuscript that our fully automated approach is sufficiently reliable for downstream analyses across multiple zebra finch colonies. That said, if researchers require an even higher degree of annotation precision and accuracy, they can turn toward one of the existing methods for supervised song annotation, such as TweetyNet. Incorporating human annotations for each bird processed by AVN is likely to improve its performance, but this would require significant changes to AVN’s methodology and is outside the scope of our current efforts.

    (6) Full automation may not be everyone's wish. For example, given the highly stereotyped zebra finch songs, it is conceivable that some syllables are consistently mis-segmented or misclassified. Researchers may want to be able to correct such errors, which essentially amounts to fine-tuning AVN. Conceivably, researchers may want to retrain a network like the AVN on their own birds, to obtain a more fine-grained discriminative method.

    Other methods exist for supervised or human-in-the-loop annotation of zebra finch songs, such as TweetyNet and DAN (Alam et al. 2023). We invite researchers who require a higher degree of accuracy than AVN can provide to explore these alternative approaches for song annotation. Incorporating human annotations for each individual bird being analyzed using AVN was never the goal of our pipeline, would require significant changes to AVN’s design, and is outside the scope of this manuscript.

    (7) The analysis is restricted to song syllables and fails to include calls. No rationale is given for the omission of calls. Also, it is not clear how the analysis deals with repeated syllables in a motif, whether they are treated as two-syllable types or one.

    It is true that we don’t currently have any dedicated features to describe calls. This could be a useful addition to AVN in the future.

    What a human expert inspecting a spectrogram would typically call ‘repeated syllables’ in a bout are almost always assigned the same syllable label by the UMAP+HDBSCAN clustering. The syntax analysis module includes features examining the rate of syllable repetitions across syllable types. See https://avn.readthedocs.io/en/latest/syntax_analysis_demo.html#SyllableRepetitions

    (8) It seems not all human annotations have been released and the instruction sets given to experts (how to segment syllables and score songs) are not disclosed. It may well be that the differences in performance between (Gu et al 2023) and (Cohen et al 2022) are due to differences in segmentation tasks, which is why these tasks given to experts need to be clearly spelled out. Also, the downloadable files contain merely labels but no identifier of the expert. The data should be released in such a way that lets other labs adopt their labeling method and cross-check their own labeling accuracy.

    All human annotations used in this manuscript have indeed been released as part of the accompanying dataset. Syllable annotations are not provided for all pupils and tutors used to validate the similarity scoring, as annotations are not necessary for similarity comparisons. We will expand our description of our annotation guidelines in the methods section of the revised manuscript. All the annotations were generated by one of two annotators. The second annotator always consulted with the first annotator in cases of ambiguous syllable segmentation or labeling, to ensure that they had consistent annotation styles. Unfortunately, we haven’t retained records about which birds were annotated by which of the two annotators, so we cannot share this information along with the dataset. The data is currently available in a format that should allow other research groups to use our annotations either to train their own annotation systems or check the performance of their existing systems on our annotations.

    (9) The failure modes are not described. What segmentation errors did they encounter, and what syllable classification errors? It is important to describe the errors to be expected when using the method.

    As we discussed in our response to this reviewer’s point (3), WhisperSeg has a tendency to merge syllables when the gap between them is very short, which explains its lower recall score compared to its precision on our dataset (supplementary figure 2). In rare cases, WhisperSeg also fails to recognize syllables entirely, again impacting its precision score. TweetyNet hardly ever completely ignores syllables, but it does tend to occasionally merge syllables together or over-segment them. Whereas WhisperSeg does this very consistently for the same syllable types within the same bird, TweetyNet merges or splits syllables more inconsistently. This inconsistent merging and splitting has a larger effect on syllable labeling, as manifested in the lower clustering v-measure scores we obtain with TweetyNet compared to WhisperSeg segmentations. TweetyNet also has much lower precision than WhisperSeg, largely because TweetyNet often recognizes background noises (like wing flaps or hopping) as syllables whereas WhisperSeg hardly ever segments nonvocal sounds.

    Many errors in syllable labeling stem from differences in syllable segmentation. For example, if two syllables with labels ‘a’ and ‘b’ in the manual annotation are sometimes segmented as two syllables, but sometimes merged into a single syllable, the clustering is likely to find 3 different syllable types; one corresponding to ‘a’, one corresponding to ‘b’ and one corresponding to ‘ab’ merged. Because of how we align syllables across segmentation schemes for the v-measure calculation, this will look like syllable ‘b’ always has a consistent cluster label, but syllable ‘a’ can carry two different cluster labels, depending on the segmentation. In certain cases, even in the absence of segmentation errors, a group of syllables bearing the same manual annotation label may be split into 2 or 3 clusters (it is extremely rare for a single manual annotation group to be split into more than 3 clusters). In these cases, it is difficult to conclusively say whether the clustering represents an error, or if it actually captured some meaningful systematic difference between syllables that was missed by the annotator. Finally, sometimes rare syllable types with their own distinct labels in the manual annotation are merged into a single cluster. Most labeling errors can be explained by this kind of merging or splitting of groups relative to the manual annotation, not to occasional mis-classifications of one manual label type as another.

    For examples of these types of errors, we encourage this reviewer and readers to refer to the example confusion matrices in figure 2f and supplemental figure 4b&e. We will also expand our discussion of these different types of errors in the revised manuscript.

    (10) Usage of Different Dimensionality Reduction Methods: The pipeline uses two different dimensionality reduction techniques for labeling and similarity comparison - both based on the understanding of the distribution of data in lower-dimensional spaces. However, the reasons for choosing different methods for different tasks are not articulated, nor is there a comparison of their efficacy.

    We apologize for not making this distinction sufficiently clear in the manuscript and will add additional explanation to the main text to make the reasoning more apparent. We chose to use UMAP for syllable labeling because it is a common embedding methodology to precede hierarchical clustering and has been shown to result in reliable syllable labels for birdsong in the past (Sainburg et al. 2020). However, it is not appropriate for similarity scoring, because comparing EMD scores between birds requires that all the birds’ syllable distributions exist within the same shared embedding space. This can be achieved by using the same triplet loss-trained neural network model to embed syllables from all birds. This cannot be achieved with UMAP because all birds whose scores are being compared would need to be embedded in the same UMAP space, as distances between points cannot be compared across UMAPs. In practice, this would mean that every time a new tutor-pupil pair needs to be scored, their syllables would need to be added to a matrix with all previously compared birds’ syllables, a new UMAP would need to be computed, and new EMD scores between all bird pairs would need to be calculated using their new UMAP embeddings. This is very computationally expensive and quickly becomes unfeasible without dedicated high power computing infrastructure. It also means that similarity scores couldn’t be compared across papers without recomputing everything each time, whereas EMD scores obtained with triplet loss embeddings can be compared, provided they use the same trained model (which we provide as part of AVN) to embed their syllables in a common latent space.

    (11) Reproducibility: are the measurements reproducible? Systems like UMAP always find a new embedding given some fixed input, so the output tends to fluctuate.

    There is indeed a stochastic element to UMAP embeddings which will result in different embeddings and therefore different syllable labels across repeated runs with the same input. Anecdotally, we observed that v-measures scores were quite consistent within birds across repeated runs of the UMAP, but we will add an additional supplementary figure to the revised manuscript showing this.