Glutamine catabolism supports amino acid biosynthesis and suppresses the integrated stress response to promote photoreceptor survival

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    Goswami and colleagues used rod-specific Gls1 (the gene encoding glutaminase 1) knockout mice to investigate the role of GLS1 in photoreceptor health when GLS1 was deleted from developing or adult photoreceptor cells. This study is important as it shows the critical role of glutamine catabolism in photoreceptor cell health using in vivo model systems. The evidence supporting the authors' claims is convincing. The current manuscript would further benefit from validating the evidence with additional supporting data from IND-cKO with tamoxifen induction at adult age, testing GLS1 activity to provide glutamate for synaptic transmission, and examining metabolic crosstalk between RPE and neural retinas.

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Photoreceptor loss results in vision loss in many blinding diseases, and metabolic dysfunction underlies photoreceptor degeneration. So, exploiting photoreceptor metabolism is an attractive strategy to prevent vision loss. Yet, the metabolic pathways that maintain photoreceptor health remain largely unknown. Here, we investigated the dependence of photoreceptors on Gln catabolism. Gln is converted to glutamate via glutaminase (GLS), so mice lacking GLS in rod photoreceptors were generated to inhibit Gln catabolism. Loss of GLS produced rapid rod photoreceptor degeneration. In vivo metabolomic methodologies and metabolic supplementation identified Gln catabolism as critical for glutamate and aspartate biosynthesis. Concordant with this amino acid deprivation, the integrated stress response (ISR) was activated with protein synthesis attenuation, and inhibiting the ISR delayed photoreceptor loss. Furthermore, supplementing asparagine, which is synthesized from aspartate, delayed photoreceptor degeneration. Hence, Gln catabolism is integral to photoreceptor health, and these data reveal a novel metabolic axis in these metabolically-demanding neurons.

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  1. eLife assessment

    Goswami and colleagues used rod-specific Gls1 (the gene encoding glutaminase 1) knockout mice to investigate the role of GLS1 in photoreceptor health when GLS1 was deleted from developing or adult photoreceptor cells. This study is important as it shows the critical role of glutamine catabolism in photoreceptor cell health using in vivo model systems. The evidence supporting the authors' claims is convincing. The current manuscript would further benefit from validating the evidence with additional supporting data from IND-cKO with tamoxifen induction at adult age, testing GLS1 activity to provide glutamate for synaptic transmission, and examining metabolic crosstalk between RPE and neural retinas.

  2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


    The authors show for the first time that deleting GLS from rod photoreceptors results in the rapid death of these cells. The death of photoreceptor cells could result from loss of synaptic activity because of a decrease in glutamate, as has been shown in neurons, changes in redox balance, or nutrient deprivation.


    The strength of this manuscript is that the author shows a similar phenotype in the mice when Gls was knocked out early in rod development or the adult rod. They showed that rapid cell death is through apoptosis, and there is an increase in the expression of genes responsive to oxidative stress.


    In this manuscript, the authors show a "metabolic dependency of photoreceptors on glutamine catabolism in vivo". However, there is a potential bias in their thinking that glutamine metabolism in rods is similar to cancer cells where it feeds into the TCA cycle. They should consider that as in neurons, GLS1 activity provides glutamate for synaptic transmission. The modest rescue shown by providing α-ketoglutarate in the drinking water suggests that glutamine isn't a key metabolic substrate for rods when glucose is plentiful. The ERG studies performed on the iCre-Glsflox/flox mice showed a large decrease in the scotopic b wave at saturating flashes which could indicate a decrease in glutamate at the rod synapse as stated by the authors. While EM micrographs of wt and iCre-Glsflox/flox mice were shown for the outer retina at p14, the synapse of the rods needs to be examined by EM.

    The authors note that the outer segments are shorter but they do not address whether there is a decrease in the number of cones.

    Rod-specific Gls ko mice with an inducible promoter were generated by crossing the Pde6g-CreERT2 and homozygous for either the WT or floxed Gls allele (IND-cKO). In Figure 3 the authors document that by western blots and antibody labeling the GLS1 expression is lost in the IND-cKO 10 days post tamoxifen. OCT images show a decrease in the thickness of the outer nuclear layer between 17 and 38 days post-TAM. Ergs should be performed on the animals at 10 and 30 days post TAM, before and after major structural changes in rod photoreceptor cells, to determine if changes in light-stimulated responses are observed. These studies could help to parse out the cause of photoreceptor cell death.

    The studies in Figure 4 were all performed on iCre-Glsflox/flox and control mice at p14, why weren't the IND-cKO mice used for these studies since the findings would not be confounded by development?

    In all rescue studies, the endpoint was an ONL thickness, which only addressed rod cell death. The authors should also determine whether there are small improvements in the ERG, which would distinguish the role of GLS in preventing oxidative stress.

  3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


    Photoreceptor neurons are crucial for vision, and discovering pathways necessary for photoreceptor health and survival can open new avenues for therapeutics. Studies have shown that metabolic dysfunction can cause photoreceptor degeneration and vision loss, but the metabolic pathways maintaining photoreceptor health are not well understood. This is a fundamental study that shows that glutamine catabolism is critical for photoreceptor cell health using in vivo model systems.


    The data are compelling, and the consideration of potential confounding factors (such as glutaminase 2 expression) and additional experiments to examine the synaptic connectivity and inner retina added strength to this work. The authors were also careful not to overstate their claims, but to provide solid conclusions that fit the results and data provided in their study. The findings linking asparagine supplementation and the inhibition of the integrated stress response to glutamine catabolism within the rod photoreceptor cell are intriguing and innovative. Overall, the authors provide convincing data to highlight that photoreceptors utilize various fuel sources to meet their metabolic needs, and that glutamine is critical to these cells for their biomass, redox balance, function, and survival.


    Recent studies have explored the metabolic "crosstalk" that exists within the mammalian retina, where metabolites are transferred between the various retinal cells and the retinal pigment epithelium. It would be of interest to test whether the conditional knockout mice have changes in metabolism (via qPCR such as shown in Figure 4 - Supplemental Figure 1) within the retinal pigment epithelium that may be contributing to the authors' findings in the neural retina. Additionally, the authors have very compelling data to show that inhibition of eIF2a or supplementation with asparagine can delay photoreceptor death via OCT measurements in their conditional knockout mouse model (Figure 6G, H). However, does inhibition of eIF2a or asparagine adversely impact the WT retina? It would also be impactful to know whether this has a prolonged effect, or if it is short-term, as this would provide strength to potential therapeutic targeting of these pathways to maintain photoreceptor health.

  4. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


    The authors explored the role of GLS, a glutaminase, which is an enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of glutamine to glutamate, in rod photoreceptor function and survival. The loss of GLS was found to cause rapid autonomous death of rod photoreceptors.


    Interesting and novel phenotype. Two types of cre-lines were rigorously used to knockout the Gls gene in rods. Both of the conditional knockouts led to a similar phenotype, i.e. rod death. Histology and ERG were carefully done to characterize the loss of rods over specific ages. A necessary metabolomic study was performed and appreciated. Some rescue experiments were performed and revealed possible mechanisms.


    No major weaknesses were identified. The mechanism of GLS-loss-induced rod death seems not fully elucidated by this study but could be followed up in the future, and the same for GLS's role in cones.

  5. Author response:

    Public Reviews:

    Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


    The authors show for the first time that deleting GLS from rod photoreceptors results in the rapid death of these cells. The death of photoreceptor cells could result from loss of synaptic activity because of a decrease in glutamate, as has been shown in neurons, changes in redox balance, or nutrient deprivation.


    The strength of this manuscript is that the author shows a similar phenotype in the mice when Gls was knocked out early in rod development or the adult rod. They showed that rapid cell death is through apoptosis, and there is an increase in the expression of genes responsive to oxidative stress.

    We thank the reviewer for their time reviewing the manuscript and their comments regarding the potential mechanism(s) by which rod photoreceptors rapidly degenerate upon knockout of GLS.


    In this manuscript, the authors show a "metabolic dependency of photoreceptors on glutamine catabolism in vivo". However, there is a potential bias in their thinking that glutamine metabolism in rods is similar to cancer cells where it feeds into the TCA cycle. They should consider that as in neurons, GLS1 activity provides glutamate for synaptic transmission. The modest rescue shown by providing α-ketoglutarate in the drinking water suggests that glutamine isn't a key metabolic substrate for rods when glucose is plentiful. The ERG studies performed on the iCre-Glsflox/flox mice showed a large decrease in the scotopic b wave at saturating flashes which could indicate a decrease in glutamate at the rod synapse as stated by the authors. While EM micrographs of wt and iCre-Glsflox/flox mice were shown for the outer retina at p14, the synapse of the rods needs to be examined by EM.

    We agree with the reviewer that in the presence of sufficient glucose, it appears a lack of GLS-driven glutamine (Gln) catabolism does not drastically alter the levels of TCA cycle metabolites or mitochondrial function as we demonstrated in Figure 4, and supplementation with alpha-ketoglutarate improved outer nuclear layer thickness by only a small amount as observed in Figure 5e. Hence, as we stated in the Results and Discussion, at least in the mouse where Gls is selectively deleted from rod photoreceptors by crossing Glsfl/fl mice with Rho-Cre mice (Glsfl/fl; Rho-Cre+, cKO), Gln’s role in supporting the TCA cycle is not the major mechanism by which rod photoreceptors utilize Gln to suppress apoptosis.

    With regards to GLS-driven Gln catabolism providing glutamate (Glu) for synaptic transmission, we again agree with the reviewer that Glu is an important excitatory neurotransmitter, but it is also a key metabolite necessary for the synthesis of glutathione, amino acids, and proteins. As noted and discussed at length in the manuscript, a lack of GLS-driven Gln catabolism in rod photoreceptors leads to reduced levels of oxidized glutathione (Figure 4D) possibly signaling an overall reduction in the biosynthesis of glutathione as Glu is directly and indirectly responsible for its synthesis. Furthermore, Gln and GLS-derived Glu play a central role in the biosynthesis of several nonessential amino acids and proteins. To this end, we see a reduction in the level of Glu, which is the product of the GLS reaction and further confirms the loss of GLS function. We also noted a significant decrease in aspartate (Asp), which can be constructed from the carbons and nitrogens of Gln as discussed at length in the manuscript (Figure 6A). Finally, we noted a significant decrease in global protein synthesis in the cKO retina as compared to the wild-type animal as well (Figure 6E). Therefore, the data suggest that GLS-driven Gln catabolism is critical for amino acid metabolism and protein synthesis and to some degree redox balance; although, the small but statistically significant changes in oxidized glutathione, NADP/NADPH, and redox gene expression may not fully account for the rapid and complete photoreceptor degeneration observed. Future studies are necessary to shed light on the role of redox imbalance in this novel transgenic mouse model.

    Glu also plays a role in synaptic transmission, and we considered this scenario as described in Figure 1 – figure supplement 5. Here, the synaptic connectivity between photoreceptors and the inner retina did not demonstrate significant differences in the labeling of photoreceptor synaptic membranes in the outer plexiform layer nor alterations in the labeling of a key protein (Bassoon) in ribbon synapses. These data suggest that the synaptic connectivity between photoreceptors and second-order neurons was unaltered at P14 in the cKO retina, which is the time just prior to rapid photoreceptor degeneration. We agree, though, that to obtain greater insight into the alterations in the ribbon synapse, EM images can be examined. The EM images shown in Figure 1 – figure supplement 4 are from P21 and will be utilized to assess the ribbon synapse for the revised version of the article.

    With regards to the ERG changes noted in Figure 2, we agree with the reviewer that a large decrease was noted in the scotopic b-wave at P21 and P42 in the cKO. However, an even larger reduction in the scotopic a-wave was noted at these ages as well. In animal models that disrupt photoreceptor synaptic function (Dick et al. Neuron. 2003; Johnson et al. J Neuroscience. 2007; Haeseleer et al. Nature Neuroscience. 2004; Chang et al. Vis Neurosci. 2006), a more negative ERG pattern is typically observed with the b-wave altered to a much larger degree than the a-wave. Additionally, in these models that disrupt photoreceptor synaptic transmission, the overall structure of the retina with respect to thickness is maintained (Dick et al. Neuron. 2003) or noted to have modest changes in the outer plexiform layer within the first two months of age with the outer nuclear layer not significantly altered until 8-10 months of age (Haeseleer et al. Nature Neuroscience. 2004). In contrast, a rapid decline in the outer nuclear layer thickness was observed in the cKO retina after P14 likely contributing to the ERG changes noted in Figure 2. Also, Gln is catabolized to Glu primarily by GLS as suggested by the approximately 50% reduction in Glu levels in the cKO retina (Figure 6A), but other enzymes are also capable of catabolizing Gln to Glu, so Glu levels in the rod photoreceptors are unlikely to be zero. Coupling this with the fact that rods are equipped with a self-sufficient Glu recollecting system at their synaptic terminals (Hasegawa et al. Neuron. 2006; Winkler et al. Vis Neurosci. 1999) and that GLS activity is at least two-fold higher in the photoreceptor inner segments, which support energy production and metabolism, than any other layer in the retina (Ross et al. Brain Res. 1987) suggests that altered synaptic transmission secondary to reduced levels of Glu likely does not account in full for the rapid and robust photoreceptor degeneration observed in the cKO retina.

    The authors note that the outer segments are shorter but they do not address whether there is a decrease in the number of cones.

    The number of cones will be assessed and provided in the revised version of the article.

    Rod-specific Gls ko mice with an inducible promoter were generated by crossing the Pde6g-CreERT2 and homozygous for either the WT or floxed Gls allele (IND-cKO). In Figure 3 the authors document that by western blots and antibody labeling the GLS1 expression is lost in the IND-cKO 10 days post tamoxifen. OCT images show a decrease in the thickness of the outer nuclear layer between 17 and 38 days post-TAM. Ergs should be performed on the animals at 10 and 30 days post TAM, before and after major structural changes in rod photoreceptor cells, to determine if changes in light-stimulated responses are observed. These studies could help to parse out the cause of photoreceptor cell death.

    We agree with the reviewer that the IND-cKO is a useful tool to help parse out the cause of photoreceptor cell death in this model as well as shed light on the role of GLS-driven Gln catabolism in photoreceptor synaptic transmission as discussed at length above. Hence, ERG analyses will be provided for these animals in the revised version of the article.

    The studies in Figure 4 were all performed on iCre-Glsflox/flox and control mice at p14, why weren't the IND-cKO mice used for these studies since the findings would not be confounded by development?

    To gain further insight into the role of GLS-driven Gln catabolism in the maintenance of rod photoreceptors as compared to their development/maturation, we will provide ERG and targeted metabolomic analyses of the IND-cKO retina in the revised version of the article.

    In all rescue studies, the endpoint was an ONL thickness, which only addressed rod cell death. The authors should also determine whether there are small improvements in the ERG, which would distinguish the role of GLS in preventing oxidative stress.

    Optical coherence tomography (OCT) provides a sensitive in vivo method to detect small changes in retinal thickness without potential artifacts incurred through histological processing. Considering the Gls cKO retina demonstrates significant and rapid photoreceptor degeneration, we wanted to assess pathways that may be critical to photoreceptor survival downstream of GLS-driven Gln catabolism using rescue experiments with pharmacologic treatment or metabolite supplementation. That said, disruption of GLS-driven Gln catabolism may also significantly alter rod photoreceptor function beyond that which is secondary to photoreceptor cell death. As such, changes in ERG will be examined and provided in the revised version of the article for certain rescue experiments that demonstrated a robust change in ONL thickness.

    Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


    Photoreceptor neurons are crucial for vision, and discovering pathways necessary for photoreceptor health and survival can open new avenues for therapeutics. Studies have shown that metabolic dysfunction can cause photoreceptor degeneration and vision loss, but the metabolic pathways maintaining photoreceptor health are not well understood. This is a fundamental study that shows that glutamine catabolism is critical for photoreceptor cell health using in vivo model systems.


    The data are compelling, and the consideration of potential confounding factors (such as glutaminase 2 expression) and additional experiments to examine the synaptic connectivity and inner retina added strength to this work. The authors were also careful not to overstate their claims, but to provide solid conclusions that fit the results and data provided in their study. The findings linking asparagine supplementation and the inhibition of the integrated stress response to glutamine catabolism within the rod photoreceptor cell are intriguing and innovative. Overall, the authors provide convincing data to highlight that photoreceptors utilize various fuel sources to meet their metabolic needs, and that glutamine is critical to these cells for their biomass, redox balance, function, and survival.

    We greatly appreciate the reviewer’s thoughtful comments and time spent reviewing this manuscript.


    Recent studies have explored the metabolic "crosstalk" that exists within the mammalian retina, where metabolites are transferred between the various retinal cells and the retinal pigment epithelium. It would be of interest to test whether the conditional knockout mice have changes in metabolism (via qPCR such as shown in Figure 4 - Supplemental Figure 1) within the retinal pigment epithelium that may be contributing to the authors' findings in the neural retina. Additionally, the authors have very compelling data to show that inhibition of eIF2a or supplementation with asparagine can delay photoreceptor death via OCT measurements in their conditional knockout mouse model (Figure 6G, H). However, does inhibition of eIF2a or asparagine adversely impact the WT retina? It would also be impactful to know whether this has a prolonged effect, or if it is short-term, as this would provide strength to potential therapeutic targeting of these pathways to maintain photoreceptor health.

    We agree with the reviewer that metabolic communication in the outer retina is crucial to the function and survival of both photoreceptors and RPE. We will perform qRT-PCR on the eyecups of these mice to assess any changes in the expression of metabolic genes. This data will be provided in the revised manuscript.

    We have data demonstrating systemic treatment with ISRIB does not adversely impact the anatomy of the wild-type retina; this data will be included in the revised manuscript as a supplement to Figure 6. Additionally, we have recent data to suggest that the effect of ISRIB extends beyond P21 in the cKO mouse. This data will be included in the revised manuscript.

    Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


    The authors explored the role of GLS, a glutaminase, which is an enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of glutamine to glutamate, in rod photoreceptor function and survival. The loss of GLS was found to cause rapid autonomous death of rod photoreceptors.


    Interesting and novel phenotype. Two types of cre-lines were rigorously used to knockout the Gls gene in rods. Both of the conditional knockouts led to a similar phenotype, i.e. rod death. Histology and ERG were carefully done to characterize the loss of rods over specific ages. A necessary metabolomic study was performed and appreciated. Some rescue experiments were performed and revealed possible mechanisms.

    We thank the reviewer for their comments and appreciation of the methods utilized herein to address the role of GLS-driven Gln catabolism in rod photoreceptors.


    No major weaknesses were identified. The mechanism of GLS-loss-induced rod death seems not fully elucidated by this study but could be followed up in the future, and the same for GLS's role in cones.

    We agree with the reviewer that the downstream metabolic and molecular mechanisms by which Gln catabolism impacts rod photoreceptor health are not fully elucidated. Defining these mechanisms will advance our understanding of photoreceptor metabolism and identify therapeutic targets promoting photoreceptor resistance to stress. Future studies are underway to uncover these mechanisms. Additionally, while outside the scope of the current manuscript, we have generated mice lacking GLS in cone photoreceptors specifically and are currently elucidating the role of GLS in cone photoreceptor metabolism, function, and survival. These results will be published in a separate manuscript.