Deep learning linking mechanistic models to single-cell transcriptomics data reveals transcriptional bursting in response to DNA damage
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The paper introduces DeepTX, a valuable deep-learning framework linking stochastic, mechanistic modelling with single-cell RNA sequencing data to investigate transcriptional burst kinetics on a genome-wide scale. This tool has been employed by the authors to evaluate transcriptional changes under DNA-damaging treatments, with observations that are of value to the systems biology and bioinformatics communities. The evidence supporting these findings is solid, though some concerns remain regarding specific technical details. This methodological advancement holds potential for application in diverse contexts, such as linking mechanistic models of signalling pathways to transcriptional data.
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Cells must adopt flexible regulatory strategies to make decisions regarding their fate, including differentiation, apoptosis, or survival in the face of various external stimuli. One key cellular strategy that enables these functions is stochastic gene expression programs. However, understanding how transcriptional bursting, and consequently, cell fate, responds to DNA damage on a genome-wide scale poses a challenge. In this study, we propose an interpretable and scalable inference framework, DeepTX, that leverages deep learning methods to connect mechanistic models and scRNA-seq data, thereby revealing genome-wide transcriptional burst kinetics. This framework enables rapid and accurate solutions to transcription models and the inference of transcriptional burst kinetics from scRNA-seq data. Applying this framework to several scRNA-seq datasets of DNA-damaging drug treatments, we observed that fluctuations in transcriptional bursting induced by different drugs could lead to distinct fate decisions: IdU treatment induces differentiation in mouse embryonic stem cells by increasing the burst size of gene expression, while 5FU treatment with low and high dose increases the burst frequency of gene expression to induce cell apoptosis and survival in human colon cancer cells. Together, these results show that DeepTX can be used to analyze single-cell transcriptomics data and can provide mechanistic insights into cell fate decisions.
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Author response:
Public Review:
In this work, the authors develop a new computational tool, DeepTX, for studying transcriptional bursting through the analysis of single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) data using deep learning techniques. This tool aims to describe and predict the transcriptional bursting mechanism, including key model parameters and the steady-state distribution associated with the predicted parameters. By leveraging scRNA-seq data, DeepTX provides high-resolution transcriptional information at the single-cell level, despite the presence of noise that can cause gene expression variation. The authors apply DeepTX to DNA damage experiments, revealing distinct cellular responses based on transcriptional burst kinetics. Specifically, IdU treatment in mouse stem cells increases burst size, promoting differentiation, while …
Author response:
Public Review:
In this work, the authors develop a new computational tool, DeepTX, for studying transcriptional bursting through the analysis of single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) data using deep learning techniques. This tool aims to describe and predict the transcriptional bursting mechanism, including key model parameters and the steady-state distribution associated with the predicted parameters. By leveraging scRNA-seq data, DeepTX provides high-resolution transcriptional information at the single-cell level, despite the presence of noise that can cause gene expression variation. The authors apply DeepTX to DNA damage experiments, revealing distinct cellular responses based on transcriptional burst kinetics. Specifically, IdU treatment in mouse stem cells increases burst size, promoting differentiation, while 5FU affects burst frequency in human cancer cells, leading to apoptosis or, depending on the dose, to survival and potential drug resistance. These findings underscore the fundamental role of transcriptional burst regulation in cellular responses to DNA damage, including cell differentiation, apoptosis, and survival. Although the insights provided by this tool are mostly well supported by the authors' methods, certain aspects would benefit from further clarification.
The strengths of this paper lie in its methodological advancements and potential broad applicability. By employing the DeepTXSolver neural network, the authors efficiently approximate stationary distributions of mRNA count through a mixture of negative binomial distributions, establishing a simple yet accurate mapping between the kinetic parameters of the mechanistic model and the resulting steady-state distributions. This innovative use of neural networks allows for efficient inference of kinetic parameters with DeepTXInferrer, reducing computational costs significantly for complex, multi-gene models. The approach advances parameter estimation for high-dimensional datasets, leveraging the power of deep learning to overcome the computational expense typically associated with stochastic mechanistic models. Beyond its current application to DNA damage responses, the tool can be adapted to explore transcriptional changes due to various biological factors, making it valuable to the systems biology, bioinformatics, and mechanistic modelling communities. Additionally, this work contributes to the integration of mechanistic modelling and -omics data, a vital area in achieving deeper insights into biological systems at the cellular and molecular levels.
We thank the reviewers for their positive opinion on our manuscript. As reflected in our detailed responses to the reviewers’ comments, we will make significant changes to address their concerns comprehensively.
This work also presents some weaknesses, particularly concerning specific technical aspects. The tool was validated using synthetic data, and while it can predict parameters and steady-state distributions that explain gene expression behaviour across many genes, it requires substantial data for training. The authors account for measurement noise in the parameter inference process, which is commendable, yet they do not specify the exact number of samples required to achieve reliable predictions. Moreover, the tool has limitations arising from assumptions made in its design, such as assuming that gene expression counts for the same cell type follow a consistent distribution. This assumption may not hold in cases where RNA measurement timing introduces variability in expression profiles.
Thank you for your detailed and constructive feedback on our work. We will address the key concerns raised from the following points:
(1) Clarification on the required sample size: We tested the robustness of our inference method on simulated datasets by varying the number of single-cell samples. Our results indicated that the predictions of burst kinetics parameters become accurate when the number of cells reaches 500 (Supplementary Figure S3d, e). This sample size is smaller than the data typically obtained with current single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) technologies, such as 10x Genomics and Smart-seq3 (Zheng GX et al., 2017; Hagemann-Jensen M et al., 2020). Therefore, we believed that our algorithm is well-suited for inferring burst kinetics from existing scRNA-seq datasets, where the sample size is sufficient for reliable predictions. We will clarify this point in the main text to make it easier for readers to use the tool.
(2) Assumption-related limitations: One of the fundamental assumptions in our study is that the expression counts of each gene are independently and identically distributed (i.i.d.) among cells, which is a commonly adopted assumption in many related works (Larsson AJM et al., 2019; Ochiai H et al., 2020; Luo S et al., 2023). However, we acknowledged the limitations of this assumption. The expression counts of the same gene in each cell may follow distinct distributions even from the same cell type, and dependencies between genes could exist in realistic biological processes. We recognized this and will deeply discuss these limitations from assumptions and prospect as an important direction for future research.
The authors present a deep learning pipeline to predict the steady-state distribution, model parameters, and statistical measures solely from scRNA-seq data. Results across three datasets appear robust, indicating that the tool successfully identifies genes associated with expression variability and generates consistent distributions based on its parameters. However, it remains unclear whether these results are sufficient to fully characterize the transcriptional bursting parameter space. The parameters identified by the tool pertain only to the steady-state distribution of the observed data, without ensuring that this distribution specifically originates from transcriptional bursting dynamics.
We appreciate your insightful comments and the opportunity to clarify our study’s contributions and limitations. Although we agree that assessing whether the results from these three realistic datasets can represent the characterize transcriptional burst parameter space is challenging, as it depends on data property and conditions in biology, we firmly believe that DeepTX has the capacity to characterize the full parameter space. This believes stems from the extensive parameters and samples we input during model training and inference across a sufficiently large parameter range (Method 1.3). Furthermore, the training of the model is both flexible and scalable, allowing for the expansion of the transcriptional burst parameter space as needed. We will clarify this in the text to enable readers to use DeepTX more flexibly.
On the other hand, we agree that parameter identification is based on the steady-state distribution of the observed data (static data), which loses information about the fine dynamic process of the burst kinetics. In principle, tracking the gene expression of living cells can provide the most complete information about real-time transcriptional dynamics across various timescales (Rodriguez J et al., 2019). However, it is typically limited to only a small number of genes and cells, which could not investigate general principles of transcriptional burst kinetics on a genome-wide scale. Therefore, leveraging the both steady-state distribution of scRNA-seq data and mathematical dynamic modelling to infer genome-wide transcriptional bursting dynamics represents a critical and emerging frontier in this field. For example, the statistical inference framework based on the Markovian telegraph model, as demonstrated in (Larsson AJM et al., 2019), offers a valuable paradigm for understanding underlying transcriptional bursting mechanisms. Building on this, our study considered a more generalized non-Mordovian model that better captures transcriptional kinetics by employing deep learning method under conditions such as DNA damage. This provided a powerful framework for comparative analyses of how DNA damage induces alterations in transcriptional bursting kinetics across the genome. We will highlight the limitations of current inference using steady-state distributions in the text and look ahead to future research directions for inference using time series data across the genome.
A primary concern with the TXmodel is its reliance on four independent parameters to describe gene state-switching dynamics. Although this general model can capture specific cases, such as the refractory and telegraph models, accurately estimating the parameters of the refractory model using only steady-state distributions and typical cell counts proves challenging in the absence of time-dependent data.
We thank you for highlighting this critical concern regarding the TXmodel's reliance on four independent parameters to describe gene state-switching dynamics. We acknowledge that estimating the parameters of the TXmodel using only steady-state distributions and typical single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) data poses significant challenges, particularly in the absence of time-resolved measurements.
As described in the response of last point, while time-resolved data can provide richer information than static scRNA-seq data, it is currently limited to a small number of genes and cells, whereas static scRNA-seq data typically capture genome-wide expression. Our framework leverages deep learning methods to link mechanistic models with static scRNA-seq data, enabling the inference of genome-wide dynamic behaviors of genes. This provides a potential pathway for comparative analyses of transcriptional bursting kinetics across the entire genome.
Nonetheless, the refractory model and telegraphic model are important models for studying transcription bursts. We will discuss and compare them in terms of the accuracy of inferred parameters. Certainly, we agree that inferring the molecular mechanisms underlying transcriptional burst kinetics using time-resolved data remains a critical future direction. We will include a brief discussion on the role and importance of time-resolved data in addressing these challenges in the discussion section of the revised manuscript.
The claim that the GO analysis pertains specifically to DNA damage response signal transduction and cell cycle G2/M phase transition is not fully accurate. In reality, the GO analysis yielded stronger p-values for pathways related to the mitotic cell cycle checkpoint signalling. As presented, the GO analysis serves more as a preliminary starting point for further bioinformatics investigation that could substantiate these conclusions. Additionally, while GSEA analysis was performed following the GO analysis, the involvement of the cardiac muscle cell differentiation pathway remains unclear, as it was not among the GO terms identified in the initial GO analysis.
We thank the reviewer for this valuable feedback and for pointing out the need for clarification regarding the GO and GSEA analyses. We agree that the connection between the cardiac muscle cell differentiation pathway identified in the GSEA analysis and the GO terms from the initial analysis requires further clarification. This discrepancy arises because GSEA examines broader sets of pathways and may capture biological processes not highlighted by GO analysis due to differences in the statistical methods and pathway definitions used. We will revise the manuscript to address this point, explicitly discussing the distinct yet complementary nature of GO and GSEA analyses and providing a clearer interpretation of the results.
As the advancement is primarily methodological, it lacks a comprehensive comparison with traditional methods that serve similar functions. Consequently, the overall evaluation of the method, including aspects such as inference accuracy, computational efficiency, and memory cost, remains unclear. The paper would benefit from being contextualised alongside other computational tools aimed at integrating mechanistic modelling with single-cell RNA sequencing data. Additional context regarding the advantages of deep learning methods, the challenges of analysing large, high-dimensional datasets, and the complexities of parameter estimation for intricate models would strengthen the work.
We greatly appreciate your insightful feedback, which highlights important considerations for evaluating and contextualizing our methodological advancements. Below, we emphasize our advantages from both the modeling perspective and the inference perspective compared with previous model. As our work is rooted in a model-based approach to describe the transcriptional bursting process underlying gene expression, the classic telegraph model (Markovian) and non-Markovian models which are commonly employed are suitable for this purpose:
Classic telegraph model: The classic telegraph model allows for the derivation of approximate analytical solutions through numerical integration, enabling efficient parameter point estimation via maximum likelihood methods, e.g., as explored in (Larsson AJM et al., 2019). Although exact analytical solutions for the telegraph model are not available, certain moments of its distribution can be explicitly derived. This allows for an alternative approach to parameter inference using moment-based estimation methods, e.g., as explored in (Ochiai H et al., 2020). However, it is important to note that higher-order sample moments can be unstable, potentially leading to significant estimation bias.
Non-Markovian Models: For non-Markovian models, analytical or approximate analytical solutions remain elusive. Previous work has employed pseudo-likelihood approaches, leveraging statistical properties of the model’s solutions to estimate parameters, e.g., as explored in (Luo S et al., 2023). However, the method may suffer from low inference efficiency.
In our current work, we leverage deep learning to estimate parameters of TXmodel, which is non-Markovian model. First, we represent the model's solution as a mixture of negative binomial distributions, which is obtained by the deep learning method. Second, through integration with the deep learning architecture, the model parameters can be optimized using automatic differentiation, significantly improving inference efficiency. Furthermore, by employing a Bayesian framework, our method provides posterior distributions for the estimated dynamic parameters, offering a comprehensive characterization of uncertainty. Compared to traditional methods such as moment-based estimation or pseudo-likelihood approaches, we believe our approach not only achieves higher inference efficiency but also delivers posterior distributions for kinetics parameters, enhancing the interpretability and robustness of the results. We will present and emphasize the computational efficiency and memory cost of our methods the revised version.
Zheng, G.X., Terry, J.M., Belgrader, P., Ryvkin, P., Bent, Z.W., Wilson, R., Ziraldo, S.B., Wheeler, T.D., McDermott, G.P., Zhu, J., Gregory, M.T., Shuga, J., Montesclaros, L., Underwood, J.G., Masquelier, D.A., Nishimura, S.Y., Schnall-Levin, M., Wyatt, P.W., Hindson, C.M., Bharadwaj, R., Wong, A., Ness, K.D., Beppu, L.W., Deeg, H.J., McFarland, C., Loeb, K.R., Valente, W.J., Ericson, N.G., Stevens, E.A., Radich, J.P., Mikkelsen, T.S., Hindson, B.J., Bielas, J.H. 2017. Massively parallel digital transcriptional profiling of single cells. Nature Communications 8: 14049. DOI:, PMID: 28091601
Hagemann-Jensen, M., Ziegenhain, C., Chen, P., Ramsköld, D., Hendriks, G.J., Larsson, A.J.M., Faridani, O.R., Sandberg, R. 2020. Single-cell RNA counting at allele and isoform resolution using Smart-seq3. Nat Biotechnol 38: 708-714. DOI:, PMID: 32518404
Larsson, A.J.M., Johnsson, P., Hagemann-Jensen, M., Hartmanis, L., Faridani, O.R., Reinius, B., Segerstolpe, A., Rivera, C.M., Ren, B., Sandberg, R. 2019. Genomic encoding of transcriptional burst kinetics. Nature 565: 251-254. DOI:, PMID: 30602787
Ochiai, H., Hayashi, T., Umeda, M., Yoshimura, M., Harada, A., Shimizu, Y., Nakano, K., Saitoh, N., Liu, Z., Yamamoto, T., Okamura, T., Ohkawa, Y., Kimura, H., Nikaido, I. 2020. Genome-wide kinetic properties of transcriptional bursting in mouse embryonic stem cells. Science Adavances 6: eaaz6699. DOI:, PMID: 32596448
Luo, S., Wang, Z., Zhang, Z., Zhou, T., Zhang, J. 2023. Genome-wide inference reveals that feedback regulations constrain promoter-dependent transcriptional burst kinetics. Nucleic Acids Research 51: 68-83. DOI:, PMID: 36583343
Rodriguez, J., Ren, G., Day, C.R., Zhao, K., Chow, C.C., Larson, D.R. 2019. Intrinsic dynamics of a human gene reveal the basis of expression heterogeneity. Cell 176: 213-226.e218. DOI:, PMID: 30554876
Luo, S., Zhang, Z., Wang, Z., Yang, X., Chen, X., Zhou, T., Zhang, J. 2023. Inferring transcriptional bursting kinetics from single-cell snapshot data using a generalized telegraph model. Royal Society Open Science 10: 221057. DOI:, PMID: 37035293
eLife Assessment
The paper introduces DeepTX, a valuable deep-learning framework linking stochastic, mechanistic modelling with single-cell RNA sequencing data to investigate transcriptional burst kinetics on a genome-wide scale. This tool has been employed by the authors to evaluate transcriptional changes under DNA-damaging treatments, with observations that are of value to the systems biology and bioinformatics communities. The evidence supporting these findings is solid, though some concerns remain regarding specific technical details. This methodological advancement holds potential for application in diverse contexts, such as linking mechanistic models of signalling pathways to transcriptional data.
Joint Public Review:
In this work, the authors develop a new computational tool, DeepTX, for studying transcriptional bursting through the analysis of single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) data using deep learning techniques. This tool aims to describe and predict the transcriptional bursting mechanism, including key model parameters and the steady-state distribution associated with the predicted parameters. By leveraging scRNA-seq data, DeepTX provides high-resolution transcriptional information at the single-cell level, despite the presence of noise that can cause gene expression variation. The authors apply DeepTX to DNA damage experiments, revealing distinct cellular responses based on transcriptional burst kinetics. Specifically, IdU treatment in mouse stem cells increases burst size, promoting differentiation, while 5FU affects …
Joint Public Review:
In this work, the authors develop a new computational tool, DeepTX, for studying transcriptional bursting through the analysis of single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) data using deep learning techniques. This tool aims to describe and predict the transcriptional bursting mechanism, including key model parameters and the steady-state distribution associated with the predicted parameters. By leveraging scRNA-seq data, DeepTX provides high-resolution transcriptional information at the single-cell level, despite the presence of noise that can cause gene expression variation. The authors apply DeepTX to DNA damage experiments, revealing distinct cellular responses based on transcriptional burst kinetics. Specifically, IdU treatment in mouse stem cells increases burst size, promoting differentiation, while 5FU affects burst frequency in human cancer cells, leading to apoptosis or, depending on the dose, to survival and potential drug resistance. These findings underscore the fundamental role of transcriptional burst regulation in cellular responses to DNA damage, including cell differentiation, apoptosis, and survival. Although the insights provided by this tool are mostly well supported by the authors' methods, certain aspects would benefit from further clarification.
The strengths of this paper lie in its methodological advancements and potential broad applicability. By employing the DeepTXSolver neural network, the authors efficiently approximate stationary distributions of mRNA counts through a mixture of negative binomial distributions, establishing a simple yet accurate mapping between the kinetic parameters of the mechanistic model and the resulting steady-state distributions. This innovative use of neural networks allows for efficient inference of kinetic parameters with DeepTXInferrer, reducing computational costs significantly for complex, multi-gene models. The approach advances parameter estimation for high-dimensional datasets, leveraging the power of deep learning to overcome the computational expense typically associated with stochastic mechanistic models. Beyond its current application to DNA damage responses, the tool can be adapted to explore transcriptional changes due to various biological factors, making it valuable to the systems biology, bioinformatics, and mechanistic modelling communities. Additionally, this work contributes to the integration of mechanistic modelling and -omics data, a vital area in achieving deeper insights into biological systems at the cellular and molecular levels.
This work also presents some weaknesses, particularly concerning specific technical aspects. The tool was validated using synthetic data, and while it can predict parameters and steady-state distributions that explain gene expression behaviour across many genes, it requires substantial data for training. The authors account for measurement noise in the parameter inference process, which is commendable, yet they do not specify the exact number of samples required to achieve reliable predictions. Moreover, the tool has limitations arising from assumptions made in its design, such as assuming that gene expression counts for the same cell type follow a consistent distribution. This assumption may not hold in cases where RNA measurement timing introduces variability in expression profiles.
The authors present a deep learning pipeline to predict the steady-state distribution, model parameters, and statistical measures solely from scRNA-seq data. Results across three datasets appear robust, indicating that the tool successfully identifies genes associated with expression variability and generates consistent distributions based on its parameters. However, it remains unclear whether these results are sufficient to fully characterise the transcriptional bursting parameter space. The parameters identified by the tool pertain only to the steady-state distribution of the observed data, without ensuring that this distribution specifically originates from transcriptional bursting dynamics.
A primary concern with the TXmodel is its reliance on four independent parameters to describe gene state-switching dynamics. Although this general model can capture specific cases, such as the refractory and telegraph models, accurately estimating the parameters of the refractory model using only steady-state distributions and typical cell counts proves challenging in the absence of time-dependent data.
The claim that the GO analysis pertains specifically to DNA damage response signal transduction and cell cycle G2/M phase transition is not fully accurate. In reality, the GO analysis yielded stronger p-values for pathways related to the mitotic cell cycle checkpoint signalling. As presented, the GO analysis serves more as a preliminary starting point for further bioinformatics investigation that could substantiate these conclusions. Additionally, while GSEA analysis was performed following the GO analysis, the involvement of the cardiac muscle cell differentiation pathway remains unclear, as it was not among the GO terms identified in the initial GO analysis.
As the advancement is primarily methodological, it lacks a comprehensive comparison with traditional methods that serve similar functions. Consequently, the overall evaluation of the method, including aspects such as inference accuracy, computational efficiency, and memory cost, remains unclear. The paper would benefit from being contextualised alongside other computational tools aimed at integrating mechanistic modelling with single-cell RNA sequencing data. Additional context regarding the advantages of deep learning methods, the challenges of analysing large, high-dimensional datasets, and the complexities of parameter estimation for intricate models would strengthen the work.