Multi-talker speech comprehension at different temporal scales in listeners with normal and impaired hearing

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    This valuable study investigates how hearing impairment affects neural encoding of speech, in particular the encoding of hierarchical linguistic information. The current analysis provides incomplete evidence that hearing impairment affects speech processing at multiple levels, since the novel analysis based on HM-LSTM needs further justification. The advantage of this method should also be further explained. The study can also benefit from building a stronger link between neural and behavioral data.

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Comprehending speech requires deciphering a range of linguistic representations, from phonemes to narratives. Prior research suggests that in single-talker scenarios, the neural encoding of linguistic units follows a hierarchy of increasing temporal receptive windows. Shorter temporal units like phonemes and syllables are encoded by lower-level sensory brain regions, whereas longer units such as sentences and paragraphs are processed by higher-level perceptual and cognitive areas. However, the brain’s representation of these linguistic units under challenging listening conditions, such as a cocktail party situation, remains unclear. In this study, we recorded electroencephalogram (EEG) responses from both normal-hearing and hearing-impaired participants as they listened to individual and dual speakers narrating different parts of a story. The inclusion of hearing-impaired listeners allowed us to examine how hierarchically organized linguistic units in competing speech streams affect comprehension abilities. We leveraged a hierarchical language model to extract linguistic information at multiple levels—phoneme, syllable, word, phrase, and sentence—and aligned these model activations with the EEG data. Our findings showed distinct neural responses to dual-speaker speech between the two groups. Specifically, compared to normal-hearing listeners, hearing-impaired listeners exhibited poorer model fits at the acoustic, phoneme, and syllable levels as well as the sentence levels, but not at the word and phrase levels. These results suggest that hearing-impaired listeners experience disruptions at both shorter and longer temporal scales, while their processing at medium temporal scales remains unaffected.

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  1. eLife assessment

    This valuable study investigates how hearing impairment affects neural encoding of speech, in particular the encoding of hierarchical linguistic information. The current analysis provides incomplete evidence that hearing impairment affects speech processing at multiple levels, since the novel analysis based on HM-LSTM needs further justification. The advantage of this method should also be further explained. The study can also benefit from building a stronger link between neural and behavioral data.

  2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

    The authors are attempting to use the internal workings of a language hierarchy model, comprising phonemes, syllables, words, phrases, and sentences, as regressors to predict EEG recorded during listening to speech. They also use standard acoustic features as regressors, such as the overall envelope and the envelopes in log-spaced frequency bands. This is valuable and timely research, including the attempt to show differences between normal-hearing and hearing-impaired people in these regards.

    I will start with a couple of broader questions/points, and then focus my comments on three aspects of this study: The HM-LSTM language model and its usage, the time windows of relevant EEG analysis, and the usage of ridge regression.

    Firstly, as far as I can tell, the OSF repository of code, data, and stimuli is not accessible without requesting access. This needs to be changed so that reviewers and anybody who wants or needs to can access these materials.

    What is the quantification of model fit? Does it mean that you generate predicted EEG time series from deconvolved TRFs, and then give the R2 coefficient of determination between the actual EEG and predicted EEG constructed from the convolution of TRFs and regressors? Whether or not this is exactly right, it should be made more explicit.

    About the HM-LSTM:

    • In the Methods paragraph about the HM-LSTM, a lot more detail is necessary to understand how you are using this model. Firstly, what do you mean that you "extended" it, and what was that procedure? And generally, this is the model that produces most of the "features", or regressors, whichever word we like, for the TRF deconvolution and EEG prediction, correct? A lot more detail is necessary then, about what form these regressors take, and some example plots of the regressors alongside the sentences.
    • Generally, it is necessary to know what these regressors look like compared to other similar language-related TRF and EEG/MEG prediction studies. Usually, in the case of e.g. Lalor lab papers or Simon lab papers, these regressors take the form of single-sample event markers, surrounded by zeros elsewhere. For example, a phoneme regressor might have a sample up at the onset of each phoneme, and a word onset regressor might have a sample up at the onset of each word, with zeros elsewhere in the regressor. A phoneme surprisal regressor might have a sample up at each phoneme onset, with the value of that sample corresponding to the rarity of that phoneme in common speech. Etc. Are these regressors like that? Or do they code for these 5 linguistic levels in some other way? Either way, much more description and plotting is necessary in order to compare the results here to others in the literature.
    • You say that the 5 regressors that are taken from the trained model's hidden layers do not have much correlation with each other. However, the highest correlations are between syllable and sentence (0.22), and syllable and word (0.17). It is necessary to give some reason and interpretation of these numbers. One would think the highest correlation might be between syllable and phoneme, but this one is almost zero. Why would the syllable and sentence regressors have such a relatively high correlation with each other, and what form do those regressors take such that this is the case?
    • If these regressors are something like the time series of zeros along with single sample event markers as described above, with the event marker samples indicating the onset of the relevant thing, then one would think e.g. the syllable regressor would be a subset of the phoneme regressor because the onset of every syllable is a phoneme. And the onset of every word is a syllable, etc.

    For the time windows of analysis:

    • I am very confused, because sometimes the times are relative to "sentence onset", which would mean the beginning of sentences, and sometimes they are relative to "sentence offset", which would mean the end of sentences. It seems to vary which is mentioned. Did you use sentence onsets, offsets, or both, and what is the motivation?
    • If you used onsets, then the results at negative times would not seem to mean anything, because that would be during silence unless the stimulus sentences were all back to back with no gaps, which would also make that difficult to interpret.
    • If you used offsets, then the results at positive times would not seem to mean anything, because that would be during silence after the sentence is done. Unless you want to interpret those as important brain activity after the stimuli are done, in which case a detailed discussion of this is warranted.
    • For the plots in the figures where the time windows and their regression outcomes are shown, it needs to be explicitly stated every time whether those time windows are relative to sentence onset, offset, or something else.
    • Whether the running correlations are relative to sentence onset or offset, the fact that you can have numbers outside of the time of the sentence (negative times for onset, or positive times for offset) is highly confusing. Why would the regressors have values outside of the sentence, meaning before or after the sentence/utterance? In order to get the running correlations, you presumably had the regressor convolved with the TRF/impulse response to get the predicted EEG first. In order to get running correlation values outside the sentence to correlate with the EEG, you would have to have regressor values at those time points, correct? How does this work?
    • In general, it seems arbitrary to choose sentence onset or offset, especially if the comparison is the correlation between predicted and actual EEG over the course of a sentence, with each regressor. What is going on with these correlations during the middle of the sentences, for example? In ridge regression TRF techniques for EEG/MEG, the relevant measure is often the overall correlation between the predicted and actual, calculated over a longer period of time, maybe the entire experiment. Here, you have calculated a running comparison between predicted and actual, and thus the time windows you choose to actually analyze can seem highly cherry-picked, because this means that most of the data is not actually analyzed.
    • In figures 5 and 6, some of the time window portions that are highlighted as significant between the two lines have the lines intersecting. This looks like, even though you have found that the two lines are significantly different during that period of time, the difference between those lines is not of a constant sign, even during that short period. For instance, in figure 5, for the syllable feature, the period of 0 - 200 ms is significantly different between the two populations, correct? But between 0 and 50, normal-hearing are higher, between 50 and 150, hearing-impaired are higher, and between 150 and 200, normal-hearing are higher again, correct? But somehow they still end up significantly different overall between 0 and 200 ms. More explanation of occurrences like these is needed.

    Using ridge regression:

    • What software package(s) and procedure(s) were specifically done to accomplish this? If this is ridge regression and not just ordinary least squares, then there was at least one non-zero regularization parameter in the process. What was it, how did it figure in the modeling and analysis, etc.?
    • It sounds like the regressors are the hidden layer activations, which you reduced from 2,048 to 150 non-acoustic, or linguistic, regressors, per linguistic level, correct? So you have 150 regressors, for each of 5 linguistic levels. These regressors collectively contribute to the deconvolution and EEG prediction from the resulting TRFs, correct? This sounds like a lot of overfitting. How much correlation is there from one of these 150 regressors to the next? Elsewhere, it sounds like you end up with only one regressor for each of the 5 linguistic levels. So these aspects need to be clarified.
    • For these regressors, you are comparing the "regression outcomes" for different conditions; "regression outcomes" are the R2 between predicted and actual EEG, which is the coefficient of determination, correct? If this is R2, how is it that you have some negative numbers in some of the plots? R2 should be only positive, between 0 and 1.

  3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

    This study compares neural responses to speech in normal-hearing and hearing-impaired listeners, investigating how different levels of the linguistic hierarchy are impacted across the two cohorts, both in a single-talker and multi-talker listening scenario. It finds that, while normal-hearing listeners have a comparable cortical encoding of speech-in-quiet and attended speech from a multi-talker mixture, participants with hearing impairment instead show a reduced cortical encoding of speech when it is presented in a competing listening scenario. When looking across the different levels of the speech processing hierarchy in the multi-talker condition, normal-hearing participants show a greater cortical encoding of the attended compared to the unattended stream in all speech processing layers - from acoustics to sentence-level information. Hearing-impaired listeners, on the other hand, only have increased cortical responses to the attended stream for the word and phrase levels, while all other levels do not differ between attended and unattended streams.
    The methods for modelling the hierarchy of speech features (HM-LSTM) and the relationship between brain responses and specific speech features (ridge-regression) are appropriate for the research question, with some caveats on the experimental procedure. This work offers an interesting insight into the neural encoding of multi-talker speech in listeners with hearing impairment, and it represents a useful contribution towards understanding speech perception in cocktail-party scenarios across different hearing abilities. While the conclusions are overall supported by the data, there are limitations and certain aspects that require further clarification.
    (1) In the multi-talker section of the experiment, participants were instructed to selectively attend to the male or the female talker, and to rate the intelligibility, but they did not have to perform any behavioural task (e.g., comprehension questions, word detection or repetition), which could have demonstrated at least an attempt to comply with the task instructions. As such, it is difficult to determine whether the lack of increased cortical encoding of Attended vs. Unattended speech across many speech features in hearing-impaired listeners is due to a different attentional strategy, which might be more oriented at "getting the gist" of the story (as the increased tracking of only word and phrase levels might suggest), or instead it is due to hearing-impaired listeners completely disengaging from the task and tuning back in for selected key-words or word combinations. Especially the lack of Attended vs. Unattended cortical benefit at the level of acoustics is puzzling and might indicate difficulties in performing the task. I think this caveat is important and should be highlighted in the Discussion section.
    (2) In the EEG recording and preprocessing section, you state that the EEG was filtered between 0.1Hz and 45Hz. Why did you choose this very broadband frequency range? In the literature, speech responses are robustly identified between 0.5Hz/1Hz and 8Hz. Would these results emerge using a narrower and lower frequency band? Considering the goal of your study, it might also be interesting to run your analysis pipeline on conventional frequency bands, such as Delta and Theta, since you are looking into the processing of information at different temporal scales.
    (3) A paragraph with more information on the HM-LSTM would be useful to understand the model used without relying on the Chung et al. (2017) paper. In particular, I think the updating mechanism of the model should be clarified. It would also be interesting to modify the updating factor of the model, along the lines of Schmitt et al. (2021), to assess whether a HM-LSTM with faster or slower updates can better describe the neural activity of hearing-impaired listeners. That is, perhaps the difference between hearing-impaired and normal-hearing participants lies in the temporal dynamics, and not necessarily in a completely different attentional strategy (or disengagement from the stimuli, as I mentioned above).
    (4) When explaining how you extracted phoneme information, you mention that "the inputs to the model were the vector representations of the phonemes". It is not clear to me whether you extracted specific phonetic features (e.g., "p" sound vs. "b" sound), or simply the phoneme onsets. Could you clarify this point in the text, please?

  4. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

    The authors aimed to investigate how the brain processes different linguistic units (from phonemes to sentences) in challenging listening conditions, such as multi-talker environments, and how this processing differs between individuals with normal hearing and those with hearing impairments. Using a hierarchical language model and EEG data, they sought to understand the neural underpinnings of speech comprehension at various temporal scales and identify specific challenges that hearing-impaired listeners face in noisy settings.

    Overall, the combination of computational modeling, detailed EEG analysis, and comprehensive experimental design thoroughly investigates the neural mechanisms underlying speech comprehension in complex auditory environments.

    The use of a hierarchical language model (HM-LSTM) offers a data-driven approach to dissect and analyze linguistic information at multiple temporal scales (phoneme, syllable, word, phrase, and sentence). This model allows for a comprehensive neural encoding examination of how different levels of linguistic processing are represented in the brain.

    The study includes both single-talker and multi-talker conditions, as well as participants with normal hearing and those with hearing impairments. This design provides a robust framework for comparing neural processing across different listening scenarios and groups.

    The analyses heavily rely on one specific computational model, which limits the robustness of the findings. The use of a single DNN-based hierarchical model to represent linguistic information, while innovative, may not capture the full range of neural coding present in different populations. A low-accuracy regression model-fit does not necessarily indicate the absence of neural coding for a specific type of information. The DNN model represents information in a manner constrained by its architecture and training objectives, which might fit one population better than another without proving the non-existence of such information in the other group. To address this limitation, the authors should consider evaluating alternative models and methods. For example, directly using spectrograms, discrete phoneme/syllable/word coding as features, and performing feature-based temporal response function (TRF) analysis could serve as valuable baseline models. This approach would provide a more comprehensive evaluation of the neural encoding of linguistic information.

    It is not entirely clear if the DNN model used in this study effectively serves the authors' goal of capturing different linguistic information at various layers. Specifically, the results presented in Figure 3C are somewhat confusing. While the phonemes are labeled, the syllables, words, phrases, and sentences are not, making it difficult to interpret how the model distinguishes between these levels of linguistic information. The claim that "Hidden-layer activity for same-vowel sentences exhibited much more similar distributions at the phoneme and syllable levels compared to those at the word, phrase and sentence levels" is not convincingly supported by the provided visualizations. To strengthen their argument, the authors should use more quantified metrics to demonstrate that the model indeed captures phrase, word, syllable, and phoneme information at different layers. This is a crucial prerequisite for the subsequent analyses and claims about the hierarchical processing of linguistic information in the brain. Quantitative measures such as mutual information, clustering metrics, or decoding accuracy for each linguistic level could provide clearer evidence of the model's effectiveness in this regard.

    The formulation of the regression analysis is somewhat unclear. The choice of sentence offsets as the anchor point for the temporal analysis, and the focus on the [-100ms, +300ms] interval, needs further justification. Since EEG measures underlying neural activity in near real-time, it is expected that lower-level acoustic information, which is relatively transient, such as phonemes and syllables, would be distributed throughout the time course of the entire sentence. It is not evident if this limited time window effectively captures the neural responses to the entire sentence, especially for lower-level linguistic features. A more comprehensive analysis covering the entire time course of the sentence, or at least a longer temporal window, would provide a clearer understanding of how different linguistic units are processed over time. Additionally, explaining the rationale behind choosing this specific time window and how it aligns with the temporal dynamics of speech processing would enhance the clarity and validity of the regression analysis.