Single-molecule imaging reveals the role of membrane-binding motif and C-terminal domain of RNase E in its localization and diffusion in Escherichia coli
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eLife Assessment
This valuable study uses single-molecule imaging for characterization of factors controlling the localization, mobility, and function of RNase E in E. coli, a key bacterial ribonuclease central for mRNA catabolism. While the supporting evidence for the differential roles of RNAse E's membrane targeting sequence and the C-terminal domain (CTD) is solid, the work could be further strengthened by clarifying some experimental discrepancies, restructuring the narration order, and exploring the generality of some observations and their physical basis, such as the membrane-RNase E interactions and the unstructured nature of the RNase E C-terminal domain. This interdisciplinary study will be of interest to cell biologists, microbiologists, biochemists, and biophysicists.
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In Escherichia coli , RNase E is the key enzyme for RNA processing and mRNA degradation. Despite the conserved function across bacteria, the domain composition of RNase E varies significantly among species, possibly affecting the enzyme’s subcellular localization, mobility, and function. In this work, we used super-resolution microscopy to find that 93% of RNase E is localized to the membrane in E. coli and exhibits slow diffusion comparable to polysomes diffusing in the cytoplasm. By replacing the native amphipathic membrane targeting sequence (MTS) with a transmembrane motif, we discovered that the MTS results in slower diffusion and stronger membrane binding than a transmembrane motif. Additionally, the evolutionarily divergent C-terminal domain (CTD) was shown to grant slow diffusion of RNase E but to weaken its membrane binding. By analyzing how membrane localization and diffusion of RNase E affect mRNA degradation rates in vivo , we provide new insights into RNase E’s role in the spatiotemporal organization of RNA processes in bacterial cells.
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eLife Assessment
This valuable study uses single-molecule imaging for characterization of factors controlling the localization, mobility, and function of RNase E in E. coli, a key bacterial ribonuclease central for mRNA catabolism. While the supporting evidence for the differential roles of RNAse E's membrane targeting sequence and the C-terminal domain (CTD) is solid, the work could be further strengthened by clarifying some experimental discrepancies, restructuring the narration order, and exploring the generality of some observations and their physical basis, such as the membrane-RNase E interactions and the unstructured nature of the RNase E C-terminal domain. This interdisciplinary study will be of interest to cell biologists, microbiologists, biochemists, and biophysicists.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This paper measures the positioning and diffusivity of RNaseE-mEos3.2 proteins in E. coli as a function of rifampicin treatment, compares RNaseE to other E. coli proteins, and measures the effect of changes in domain composition on this localization and motion. The straightforward study is thoroughly presented, including very good descriptions of the imaging parameters and the image analysis/modeling involved, which is good because the key impact of the work lies in presenting this clear methodology for determining the position and mobility of a series of proteins in living bacteria cells.
My key notes and concerns are listed below; the most important concerns are indicated with asterisks.
(1) The very start of the abstract mentions that the domain composition of RNase E varies among species, which leads the …
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This paper measures the positioning and diffusivity of RNaseE-mEos3.2 proteins in E. coli as a function of rifampicin treatment, compares RNaseE to other E. coli proteins, and measures the effect of changes in domain composition on this localization and motion. The straightforward study is thoroughly presented, including very good descriptions of the imaging parameters and the image analysis/modeling involved, which is good because the key impact of the work lies in presenting this clear methodology for determining the position and mobility of a series of proteins in living bacteria cells.
My key notes and concerns are listed below; the most important concerns are indicated with asterisks.
(1) The very start of the abstract mentions that the domain composition of RNase E varies among species, which leads the reader to believe that the modifications made to E. coli RNase E would be to swap in the domains from other species, but the experiment is actually to swap in domains from other E. coli proteins. The impact of this work would be increased by examining, for instance, RNase E domains from B. subtilis and C. crescentus as mentioned in the introduction.
(2) Furthermore, the introduction ends by suggesting that this work will modulate the localization, diffusion, and activity of RNase E for "various applications", but no applications are discussed in the discussion or conclusion. The impact of this work would be increased by actually indicating potential reasons why one would want to modulate the activity of RNase E.
(3) Lines 114 - 115: "The xNorm histogram of RNase E shows two peaks corresponding to each side edge of the membrane": "side edge" is not a helpful term. I suggest instead: "...corresponding to the membrane at each side of the cell"
(4) ***A key concern of this reviewer is that, since membrane-bound proteins diffuse more slowly than cytoplasmic proteins, some significant undercounting of the % of cytoplasmic proteins is expected due to decreased detectability of the faster-moving proteins. This would not be a problem for the LacZ imaging where essentially all proteins are cytoplasmic, but would significantly affect the reported MB% for the intermediate protein constructs. How is this undercounting considered and taken into account? One could, for instance, compare LacZ vs. LacY (or RNase E) copy numbers detected in fixed cells to those detected in living cells to estimate it.
(5) ***The rifampicin treatment study is not presented well. Firstly, it is found that LacY diffuses more rapidly upon rifampicin treatment. This change is attributed to changes in crowding at the membrane due to mRNA. Several other things change in cells after adding rif, including ATP levels, and these factors should be considered. More importantly, since the change in the diffusivity of RNaseE is similar to the change in diffusivity of LacY, then it seems that most of the change in RNaseE diffusion is NOT due to RNaseE-mRNA-ribosome binding, but rather due to whatever crowding/viscosity effects are experienced by LacY (along these lines: the error reported for D is SEM, but really should be a confidence interval, as in Figure 1, to give the reader a better sense of how different (or similar) 1.47 and 1.25 are).
(6) Lines 185-189: it is surprising to me that the CTD mutants both have the same change in D (5.5x and 5.3x) relative to their full-length counterparts since D for the membrane-bound WT protein should be much less sensitive to protein size than D for the cytoplasmic MTS mutant. Can the authors comment?
(7) Lines 190-194. Again, the confidence intervals and experimental uncertainties should be considered before drawing biological conclusions. It would seem that there is "no significant change" in the rhlB and pnp mutants, and I would avoid saying "especially for ∆pnp" when the same conclusion is true for both (one shouldn't say 1.04 is "very minute" and 1.08 is just kind of small - they are pretty much the same within experiments like this).
(8) ***Lines 221-223 " This is remarkable because their molecular masses (and thus size) are expected to be larger than that of MTS" should be reconsidered: diffusion in a membrane does not follow the Einstein law (indeed lines 223-225 agree with me and disagree with lines 221-223). (Also the discussion paragraph starting at line 375). Rather, it is generally limited by the interactions with the transmembrane segments with the membrane. So Figure 3D does not contain the right data for a comparison, and what is surprising to me is that MTS doesn't diffuse considerably faster than LacY2.
(9) ***The logical connection between the membrane-association discussion (which seems to ignore associations with other proteins in the cell) and the preceding +/- rifampicin discussion (which seeks to attribute very small changes to mRNA association) is confusing.
(10) Separately, the manuscript should be read through again for grammar and usage. For instance, the title should be: "Single-molecule imaging reveals the *roles* of *the* membrane-binding motif and *the* C-terminal domain of RNase E in its localization and diffusion in Escherichia coli". Also, some writing is unwieldy, for instance, "RNase E's D" would be easier to read if written as D_{RNaseE}. (underscore = subscript), and there is a lot of repetition in the sentence structures.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
Troyer and colleagues have studied the in vivo localisation and mobility of the E.coli RNaseE (a protein key for mRNA degradation in all bacteria) as well as the impact of two key protein segments (MTS and CTD) on RNase E cellular localisation and mobility. Such sequences are important to study since there is significant sequence diversity within bacteria, as well as a lack of clarity about their functional effects. Using single-molecule tracking in living bacteria, the authors confirmed that >90% of RNaseE localised on the membrane, and measured its diffusion coefficient. Via a series of mutants, they also showed that MTS leads to stronger membrane association and slower diffusion compared to a transmembrane motif (despite the latter being more embedded in the membrane), and that the CTD weakens …
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
Troyer and colleagues have studied the in vivo localisation and mobility of the E.coli RNaseE (a protein key for mRNA degradation in all bacteria) as well as the impact of two key protein segments (MTS and CTD) on RNase E cellular localisation and mobility. Such sequences are important to study since there is significant sequence diversity within bacteria, as well as a lack of clarity about their functional effects. Using single-molecule tracking in living bacteria, the authors confirmed that >90% of RNaseE localised on the membrane, and measured its diffusion coefficient. Via a series of mutants, they also showed that MTS leads to stronger membrane association and slower diffusion compared to a transmembrane motif (despite the latter being more embedded in the membrane), and that the CTD weakens membrane binding. The study also rationalised how the interplay of MTS and CTD modulate mRNA metabolism (and hence gene expression) in different cellular contexts.
The study uses powerful single-molecule tracking in living cells along with solid quantitative analysis, and provides direct measurements for the mobility and localisation of E.coli RNaseE, adding to information from complementary studies and other bacteria. The exploration of different membrane-binding motifs (both MTS and CTD) has novelty and provides insight on how sequence and membrane interactions can control function of protein-associated membranes and complexes. The methods and membrane-protein standards used contribute to the toolbox for molecular analysis in live bacteria.
The Results sections can be structured better to present the main hypotheses to be tested. For example, since it is well known that RNase E is membrane-localised (via its MTS), one expects its mobility to be mainly controlled by the interaction with the membrane (rather than with other molecules, such as polysomes and the degradosome). The results indeed support this expectation - however, the manuscript in its current form does not lay down the dominant hypothesis early on (see second Results chapter), and instead considers the rifampicin-addition results as "surprising"; it will be best to outline the most likely hypotheses, and then discuss the results in that light.
Similarly, the authors should first discuss the different modes of interaction for a peripheral anchor vs a transmembrane anchor, outline the state of knowledge and possibilities, and then discuss their result; in its current version, the ms considers the LacY2 and LacY6 faster diffusion compared to MTS "remarkable", but considering the very different mode of interaction, there is no clear expectation prior to the experiment. In the same section, it would be good to see how the MD simulations capture the motion of LacY6 and LacY12, since this will provide a set of results consistent with the experimental set.
The work will benefit from further exploration of the membrane-RNase E interactions; e.g., the effect of membrane composition is explored by just using two different growth media (which on its own is not a well-controlled setting), and no attempts to change the MTS itself were made. The manuscript will benefit from considering experiments that explore the diversity of RNaseE interactions in different species; for example, the authors may want to consider the possibility of using the membrane-localisation signals of functional homologs of RNaseE in different bacteria (e.g., B. subtilis). It would be good to look at the effect of CTD deletions in a similar context (i.e., in addition to the MTS substitution by LacY2 and LacY6).
The manuscript will benefit from further discussion of the unstructured nature of the CTD, especially since the RNase CTD is well known to form condensates in Caulobacter crescentus; it is unclear how the authors excluded any roles for RNaseE phase separation in the mobility of RNaseE in E.coli cells.
Some statements in the Discussion require support with example calculations or toning down substantially. Specifically, it is not clear how the authors conclude that RNaseE interacts with its substrate for a short time (and what this time may actually be); further, the speculation about the MTS "not being an efficient membrane-binding motif for diffusion" lacks adequate support as it stands.
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
The manuscript by Troyer et al quantitatively measured the membrane localization and diffusion of RNase E, an essential ribonuclease for mRNA turnover as well as tRNA and rRNA processing in bacteria cells. Using single-molecule tracking in live E. coli cells, the authors investigated the impact of membrane targeting sequence (MTS) and the C-terminal domain (CTD) on the membrane localization and diffusion of RNase E under various perturbations. Finally, the authors tried to correlate the membrane localization of RNase E to its function on co- and post-transcriptional mRNA decay using lacZ mRNA as a model.
The major findings of the manuscripts include:
(1) WT RNase E is mostly membrane localized via MTS, confirming previous results. The diffusion of RNase E is increased upon removal of MTS or CTD, and …
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
The manuscript by Troyer et al quantitatively measured the membrane localization and diffusion of RNase E, an essential ribonuclease for mRNA turnover as well as tRNA and rRNA processing in bacteria cells. Using single-molecule tracking in live E. coli cells, the authors investigated the impact of membrane targeting sequence (MTS) and the C-terminal domain (CTD) on the membrane localization and diffusion of RNase E under various perturbations. Finally, the authors tried to correlate the membrane localization of RNase E to its function on co- and post-transcriptional mRNA decay using lacZ mRNA as a model.
The major findings of the manuscripts include:
(1) WT RNase E is mostly membrane localized via MTS, confirming previous results. The diffusion of RNase E is increased upon removal of MTS or CTD, and more significantly increased upon removal of both regions.
(2) By tagging RNase E MTS and different lengths of LacY transmembrane domain (LacY2, LacY6, or LacY12) to mEos3.2, the results demonstrate that short LacY transmembrane sequence (LacY2 and LacY6) can increase the diffusion of mEos3.2 on the membrane compared to MTS, further supported by the molecular dynamics simulation. A similar trend was roughly observed in RNase E mutants with MTS switched to LacY transmembrane domains.
(3) The removal of RNase E MTS significantly increases the co-transcriptional degradation of lacZ mRNA, but has minimal effect on the post-transcriptional degradation of lacZ mRNA. Removal of CTD of RNase E overall decreases the mRNA decay rates, suggesting the synergistic effect of CTD on RNase E activity.
(1) The manuscript is clearly written with very detailed method descriptions and analysis parameters.
(2) The conclusions are mostly supported by the data and analysis.
(3) Some of the main conclusions are interesting and important for understanding the cellular behavior and function of RNase E.
(1) Some of the observations show inconsistent or context-dependent trends that make it hard to generalize certain conclusions. Those points are worth discussion at least. Examples include:
(a) The authors conclude that MTS segment exhibits reduced MB% when succinate is used as a carbon source compared to glycerol, whereas LacY2 segment maintains 100% membrane localization, suggesting that MTS can lose membrane affinity in the former growth condition (Ln 341-342). However, the opposite case was observed for the WT RNase E and RNase E-LacY2-CTD, in which RNase E-LacY2-CTD showed reduced MB% in the succinate-containing M9 media compared to the WT RNase E (Ln 264-267). This opposite trend was not discussed. In the absence of CTD, would the media-dependent membrane localization be similar to the membrane localization sequence or to the full-length RNase E?
(b) When using mEos3.2 reporter only, LacY2 and LacY6 both increase the diffusion of mEos3.2 compared to MTS. However, when inserting the LacY transmembrane sequence into RNase E or RNase E without CTD, only the LacY2 increases the diffusion of RNase E. This should also be discussed.
(2) The authors interpret that in some cases the increase in the diffusion coefficient is related to the increase in the cytoplasm localization portion, such as for the LacY2 inserted RNase E with CTD, which is rational. However, the authors can directly measure the diffusion coefficient of the membrane and cytoplasm portion of RNase E by classifying the trajectories based on their localizations first, rather than just the ensemble calculation.
(3) The error bars of the diffusion coefficient and MB% are all SEM from bootstrapping, which are very small. I am wondering how much of the difference is simply due to a batch effect. Were the data mixed from multiple biological replicates? The number of biological replicates should also be reported.
(4) Some figures lack p-values, such as Figures 4 and 5C-D. Also, adding p-values directly to the bar graphs will make it easier to read.