Magnetotactic Bacteria Optimally Navigate Natural Pore Networks

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    eLife Assessment

    Combining experiments in microfluidic devices and computer simulation, this study provides a valuable analysis of the relevant parameters that determine the motility of (multicellular) magnetotactic bacteria in sediment-like environments. Despite the limitations imposed by the specific experimental design of the pores, the study presents convincing evidence that there is an optimum in the biological parameters for motile life under such conditions.

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Magnetotactic bacteria swim along geomagnetic field lines to navigate the pore spaces of water-saturated sediment. To understand the physical basis for efficient navigation in confined geometries, we observe the motion of Multicellular Magnetotactic Bacteria through an artificial pore space under an applied magnetic field. Magnetotaxis is fastest when bacteria swim a distance that is of order the pore size in the time required to align with the applied field. A model—in which bacteria deterministically align with the magnetic field and randomly scatter off boundaries—predicts the observed non-monotonic relationship between the drift velocity and applied magnetic field and the value of the maximum drift velocity. A comparison of diverse magnetotactic bacteria shows that the magnetic moments, swimming speeds, and hydrodynamic mobilities of different species covary such that the average speed of magnetotaxis for each species is close to optimal for its natural environment.

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  1. eLife Assessment

    Combining experiments in microfluidic devices and computer simulation, this study provides a valuable analysis of the relevant parameters that determine the motility of (multicellular) magnetotactic bacteria in sediment-like environments. Despite the limitations imposed by the specific experimental design of the pores, the study presents convincing evidence that there is an optimum in the biological parameters for motile life under such conditions.

  2. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


    The authors track the motion of multiple consortia of Multicellular Magnetotactic Bacteria moving through an artificial network of pores and report a discovery of a simple strategy for such consortia to move fast through the network: an optimum drift speed is attained for consortia that swim a distance comparable to the pore size in the time it takes to align the with an external magnetic field. The authors rationalize their observations using dimensional analysis and numerical simulations. Finally, they argue that the proposed strategy could generalize to other species by demonstrating the positive correlation between the swimming speed and alignment time based on parameters derived from literature.


    The underlying dimensional analysis and model convincingly rationalize the experimental observation of an optimal drift velocity: the optimum balances the competition between the trapping in pores at large magnetic fields and random pore exploration for weak magnetic fields.


    The convex pore geometry studied here creates convex traps for cells, which I expect enhances their trapping. The more natural concave geometries, resulting from random packing of spheres, would create no such traps. In this case, whether a non-monotonic dependence of the drift velocity on the Scattering number would persist is unclear.

  3. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


    The authors have made microfluidic arrays of pores and obstacles with a complex shape and studied the swimming of multicellular magnetotactic bacteria through this system. They provide a comprehensive discussion of the relevant parameters of this system and identify one dimensionless parameter, which they call the scattering number and which depends on the swimming speed and magnetic moment of the bacteria as well as the magnetic field and the size of the pores, as the most relevant. They measure the effective speed through the array of pores and obstacles as a function of that parameter, both in their microfluidic experiments and in simulations, and find an optimal scattering number, which they estimate to reflect the parameters of the studied multicellular bacteria in their natural environment. They finally use this knowledge to compare different species to test the generality of this idea.


    This is a beautiful experimental approach and the observation of an optimal scattering number (likely reflecting an optimal magnetic moment) is very convincing. The results here improve on similar previous work in two respects: On the one hand, the tracking of bacteria does not have the limitations of previous work, and on the other hand, the effective motility is quantified. Both features are enabled by choices of the experimental system: the use the multicellular bacteria which are larger than the usual single-celled magnetotactic bacteria and the design of the obstacle array which allows the quantification of transition rates due to the regular organization as well as the controlled release of bacteria into this array through a clever mechanism.


    Some of the reported results are not as new as the authors suggest, specifically trapping by obstacles and the detrimental effect of a strong magnetic field have been reported before as has the hypothesis that the magnetic moment may be optimized for swimming in a sediment environment where there is a competition of directed swimming and trapping. Other than that, some of the key experimental choices on which the strength of the approach is based also come at a price and impose some limitations, namely the use of a non-culturable organism and the regular, somewhat unrealistic artificial obstacle array.

  4. Author response:

    Response to Referee 1

    We agree that convex walls increase the time that consortia remain trapped in pores at high magnetic fields. Since the non-monotonic behavior of the drift velocity with the Scattering number arises largely due to these long trapping times, we agree that experiments using concave pores are likely to show a peak drift velocity that is diminished or erased.

    However, we disagree that a random packing of spheres or similar particles provides an appropriate model for natural sediment, which is not composed exclusively of hard particles in a pure fluid. Pore geometry is also influenced by clogging. Biofilms growing within a network of convex pillars in two-dimensional microfluidic devices have been observed to connect neighboring pillars, thereby forming convex pores. Similar pore structures appear in simulations of biofilm growth between spherical particles in three dimensions. Moreover, the salt marsh sediment in which MMB live is more complex than simple sand grains, as cohesive organic particles are abundant. Experiments in microfluidic channels show that cohesive particles clog narrow passageways and form pores similar to those analyzed here. Thus, we expect convex pores to be present and even common in natural sediment where clogging plays a role.

    The concentration of convex pores in the experiments presented here is almost certainly much higher than in nature. Nonetheless, since magnetotactic bacteria continuously swim through the pore space, they are likely to regularly encounter such convexities. Efficient navigation of the pore space thus requires that magnetotactic bacteria be able to escape these traps. In the original version of this manuscript, this reasoning was reduced to only one or two sentences. That was a mistake, and we thank the reviewer for prompting us to expand on this point. As the reviewer notes, this reasoning is central to the analysis and should have been featured more prominently. In the final version, we will devote considerable space to this hypothesis and provide references to support the claims made above.

    The reviewer suggests that the generality of this work depends on our finding a "positive correlation between the swimming speed and alignment [rate] based on parameters derived from literature." We wish to emphasize that, in addition to predicting this correlation, our theory also predicts the function that describes it. The black line in Figure 3 is not fitted to the parameters found in the literature review; it is a pure prediction.

    Response to Referee 2

    In the "Recommendations for the Authors," this reviewer drew our attention to a manuscript that absolutely should have been prominently cited. As the reviewer notes, our manuscript meaningfully expands upon this work. We are pleased to learn that the phenomena discussed here are more general than we initially understood. It was an oversight not to have found this paper earlier. The final version will better contextualize our work and give due credit to the authors. We sincerely appreciate the reviewer for bringing this work to our attention.

    We disagree that the use of non-culturable organisms and our unrealistic array should be considered serious weaknesses. While any methodological choice comes with trade-offs, we believe these choices best advance our aims. First, the goal of our research, both within and beyond this manuscript, is to understand the phenotypes of magnetotactic bacteria in nature. While using pure cultures enables many useful techniques, phenotypic traits may drift as strains undergo domestication. We therefore prioritize studying environmental enrichments.

    Clearly, an array of obstacles does not fully represent natural heterogeneity. However, using regular pore shapes allows us to average over enough consortium-wall collisions to enable a parameter-free comparison between theory and experiment. Conducting an analysis like this with randomly arranged obstacles would require averaging over an ensemble of random environments, which is practically challenging given the experimental constraints. Since we find good agreement between theory and experiment in simple geometries, we are now in a position to justify extending our theory to more realistic geometries. Additionally, we note that a microfluidic device composed of a random arrangement of obstacles would also be a poor representation of environmental heterogeneity, as pore shape and network topology differ between two and three dimensions.