Quantification of the effect of hemodynamic occlusion in two-photon imaging
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This important study conducted experiments to quantify how changes in blood flow results in apparent fluorescence changes when imaging neural activity sensors using two-photon microscopy. While the study highlights the prevalence neural-activity independent artifacts in two-photon imaging, the evidence linking the observed signals to hemodynamic occlusion remains incomplete.
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The last few years have seen an explosion in the number of tools available to measure neuronal activity using fluorescence imaging (Chen et al., 2013; Feng et al., 2019; Jing et al., 2019; Sun et al., 2018; Wan et al., 2021). When performed in vivo, these measurements are invariably contaminated by hemodynamic occlusion artifacts. In widefield calcium imaging, this problem is well recognized. For two-photon imaging, however, the effects of hemodynamic occlusion have only been sparsely characterized. Here we perform a quantification of hemodynamic occlusion effects using measurements of fluorescence changes observed with GFP expression using both widefield and two-photon imaging. We find that in many instances the magnitude of signal changes attributable to hemodynamic occlusion is comparable to that observed with activity sensors. Moreover, we find that hemodynamic occlusion effects were spatially heterogeneous, both over cortical regions and across cortical depth, and exhibited a complex relationship with behavior. Thus, hemodynamic occlusion is an important caveat to consider when analyzing and interpreting not just widefield but also two-photon imaging data.
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eLife Assessment
This important study conducted experiments to quantify how changes in blood flow results in apparent fluorescence changes when imaging neural activity sensors using two-photon microscopy. While the study highlights the prevalence neural-activity independent artifacts in two-photon imaging, the evidence linking the observed signals to hemodynamic occlusion remains incomplete.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
Fluorescence imaging has become an increasingly popular technique for monitoring neuronal activity and neurotransmitter concentrations in the living brain. However, factors such as brain motion and changes in blood flow and oxygenation can introduce significant artifacts, particularly when activity-dependent signals are small. Yogesh et al. quantified these effects using GFP, an activity-independent marker, under two-photon and wide-field imaging conditions in awake behaving mice. They report significant GFP responses across various brain regions, layers, and behavioral contexts, with magnitudes comparable to those of commonly used activity sensors. These data highlight the need for robust control strategies and careful interpretation of fluorescence functional imaging data.
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
Fluorescence imaging has become an increasingly popular technique for monitoring neuronal activity and neurotransmitter concentrations in the living brain. However, factors such as brain motion and changes in blood flow and oxygenation can introduce significant artifacts, particularly when activity-dependent signals are small. Yogesh et al. quantified these effects using GFP, an activity-independent marker, under two-photon and wide-field imaging conditions in awake behaving mice. They report significant GFP responses across various brain regions, layers, and behavioral contexts, with magnitudes comparable to those of commonly used activity sensors. These data highlight the need for robust control strategies and careful interpretation of fluorescence functional imaging data.
The effect of hemodynamic occlusion in two-photon imaging has been previously demonstrated in sparsely labeled neurons in V1 of anesthetized animals (see Shen and Kara et al., Nature Methods, 2012). The present study builds on these findings by imaging a substantially larger population of neurons in awake, behaving mice across multiple cortical regions, layers, and stimulus conditions. The experiments are extensive, the statistical analyses are rigorous, and the results convincingly demonstrate significant GFP responses that must be accounted for in functional imaging experiments. However, whether these GFP responses are driven by hemodynamic occlusion remains less clear, given the complexities associated with awake imaging and GFP's properties (see below).
(1) The authors primarily attribute the observed GFP responses to hemodynamic occlusion. While this explanation is plausible, other factors may also contribute to the observed signals. These include uncompensated brain movement (e.g., axial-direction movements), leakage of visual stimulation light into the microscope, and GFP's sensitivity to changes in intracellular pH (see e.g., Kneen and Verkman, 1998, Biophysical Journal). Although the correlation between GFP signals and blood vessel diameters supports a hemodynamic contribution, it does not rule out significant contributions from these (or other) factors. Consequently, whether GFP fluorescence can reliably quantify hemodynamic occlusion in two-photon microscopy remains uncertain.
(2) Regardless of the underlying mechanisms driving the GFP responses, these activity-independent signals must be accounted for in functional imaging experiments. However, the present manuscript does not explore potential strategies to mitigate these effects. Exploring and demonstrating even partial mitigation strategies could have significant implications for the field.
(3) Several methodology details are missing from the Methods section. These include: (a) signal extraction methods for two-photon imaging data (b) neuropil subtraction methods (whether they are performed and, if so, how) (c) methods used to prevent visual stimulation light from being detected by the two-photon imaging system (d) methods to measure blood vessel diameter/area in each frame. The authors should provide more details in their revision.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
In this study, Yogesh et al. aimed at characterizing hemodynamic occlusion in two photon imaging, where its effects on signal fluctuations are underappreciated compared to that in wide field imaging and fiber photometry. The authors used activity-independent GFP fluorescence, GCaMP and GRAB sensors for various neuromodulators in two-photon and widefield imaging during a visuomotor context to evaluate the extent of hemodynamic occlusion in V1 and ACC. They found that the GFP responses were comparable in amplitude to smaller GCaMP responses, though exhibiting context-, cortical region-, and depth-specific effects. After quantifying blood vessel diameter change and surrounding GFP responses, they argued that GFP responses were highly correlated with changes in local blood vessel size. Furthermore, when …
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
In this study, Yogesh et al. aimed at characterizing hemodynamic occlusion in two photon imaging, where its effects on signal fluctuations are underappreciated compared to that in wide field imaging and fiber photometry. The authors used activity-independent GFP fluorescence, GCaMP and GRAB sensors for various neuromodulators in two-photon and widefield imaging during a visuomotor context to evaluate the extent of hemodynamic occlusion in V1 and ACC. They found that the GFP responses were comparable in amplitude to smaller GCaMP responses, though exhibiting context-, cortical region-, and depth-specific effects. After quantifying blood vessel diameter change and surrounding GFP responses, they argued that GFP responses were highly correlated with changes in local blood vessel size. Furthermore, when imaging with GRAB sensors for different neuromodulators, they found that sensors with lower dynamic ranges such as GRAB-DA1m, GRAB-5HT1.0, and GRAB-NE1m exhibited responses most likely masked by the hemodynamic occlusion, while a sensor with larger SNR, GRAB-ACh3.0, showed much more distinguishable responses from blood vessel change.
This work is of broad interest to two photon imaging users and GRAB developers and users. It thoroughly quantifies the hemodynamic driven GFP response and compares it to previously published GCaMP data in a similar context, and illustrates the contribution of hemodynamic occlusion to GFP and GRAB responses by characterizing the local blood vessel diameter and fluorescence change. These findings provide important considerations for the imaging community and a sobering look at the utility of these sensors for cortical imaging.
Importantly, they draw clear distinctions between the temporal dynamics and amplitude of hemodynamic artifacts across cortical regions and layers. Moreover, they show context dependent (Dark versus during visual stimuli) effects on locomotion and optogenetic light-triggered hemodynamic signals.
Most of the first generation neuromodulator GRAB sensors showed relatively small responses, comparable to blood vessel changes in two photon imaging, which emphasizes a need for improved the dynamic range and response magnitude for future sensors and encourages the sensor users to consider removing hemodynamic artifacts when analyzing GRAB imaging data.
The largest weakness of the paper is that, while they convincingly quantify hemodynamic artifacts across a range of conditions, they do not quantify any methods of correcting for them. The utility of the paper could have been greatly enhanced had they tested hemodynamic correction methods (e.g. from Ocana-Santero et al., 2024) and applied them to their datasets. This would serve both to verify their findings-proving that hemodynamic correction removes the hemodynamic signal-and to act as a guide to the field for how to address the problem they highlight.
The paper attributes the source of 'hemodynamic occlusion' primarily to blood vessel dilation, but leaves unanswered how much may be due to shifts in blood oxygenation. Figure 4 directly addresses the question of how much of the signal can be attributed to occlusion by measuring the blood vessel dilation, but notably fails to reproduce any of the positive transients associated with locomotion in Figure 2. Thus, an investigation into or at least a discussion of what other factors (movement? Hb oxygenation?) may drive these distinct signals would be helpful.
Along these lines, the authors carefully quantified the correlation between local blood vessel diameter and GFP response (or neuropil fluorescence vs blood vessel fluorescence with GRAB sensors). To what extent does this effect depend on proximity to the vessels? Do GFP/ GRAB responses decorrelate from blood vessel activity in neurons further from vessels (refer to Figure 5A and B in Neyhart et al., Cell Reports 2024)?
Raw traces are shown in Figure 2 but we are never presented with the unaveraged data for locomotion of stimulus presentation times, which limits the reader's ability to independently assess variability in the data. Inclusion of heatmaps comparing event aligned GFP to GCaMP6f may be of value to the reader.
More detailed analysis of differences between the kinds of dynamics observed in GFP vs GCaMP6f expressing neurons could aid in identifying artifacts in otherwise clean data. The example neurons in Figure 2A hint at this as each display unique waveforms and the question of whether certain properties of their dynamics can reveal the hemodynamic rather than indicator driven nature of the signal is left open. Eg. do the decay rate and rise times differ significantly from GCaMP6f signals?
The authors suggest that signal to noise ratio of an indicator likely affects the ability to separate hemodynamic response from the underlying fluorescence signal. Does the degree of background fluorescence affect the size of the artifact? If there was variation in background and overall expression level in the data this could potentially be used to answer this question. Could lower (or higher!) expression levels increase the effects of hemodynamic occlusion?
The choice of the phrase 'hemodynamic occlusion' may cause some confusion as the authors address both positive and negative responses in the GFP expressing neurons, and there may be additional contributions from changes in blood oxygenation state.The choice of ACC as the frontal region provides a substantial contrast in location, brain movement, and vascular architecture as compared to V1. As the authors note, ACC is close to the superior sagittal sinus and thus is the region where the largest vascular effects are likely to occur. The reader is left to wonder how much of the ROI may or may not have included vasculature in the ACC vs V1 recordings as the only images of the recording sites provided are for V1. We are left unable to conclude whether the differences observed between these regions are due to the presence of visible vasculature, capillary blood flow or differences in neurovasculature coupling between regions. A less medial portion of M2 may have been a more appropriate comparison. At least, inclusion of more example imaging fields for ACC in the supplementary figures would be of value.
In Figure 3, How do the proportions of responsive GFP neurons compare to GCaMP6f neurons?
How is variance explained calculated in Figure 4? Is this from a linear model and R^2 value? Is this variance estimate for separate predictors by using single variable models? The methods should describe the construction of the model including the design matrix and how the model was fit and if and how cross validation was run.
Cortical depth is coarsely defined as L2/3 or L5, without numerical ranges in depth from pia.
Overall Assessment:
This paper is an important contribution to our understanding of how hemodynamic artifacts may corrupt GRAB and calcium imaging, even in two-photon imaging modes. Certain useful control experiments, such as intrinsic optical imaging in the same paradigms, were not reported, nor were any hemodynamic correction methods investigated. Thus, this limits both mechanistic conclusions and the overall utility with respect to immediate applications by end users. Nevertheless, the paper is of significant importance to anyone conducting two-photon or widefield imaging with calcium and GRAB sensors and deserves the attention of the broader neuroscience and in-vivo imaging community.
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
In this study, the authors aimed to investigate if hemodynamic occlusion contributes to fluorescent signals measured with two-photon microscopy. For this, they image the activity-independent fluorophore GFP in 2 different cortical areas, at different cortical depths and in different behavioral conditions. They compare the evoked fluorescent signals with those obtained with calcium sensors and neuromodulator sensors and evaluate their relationship to vessel diameter as a readout of blood flow.
They find that GFP fluorescence transients are comparable to GCaMP6f stimuli-evoked signals in amplitude, although they are generally smaller. Yet, they are significant even at the single neuronal level. They show that GFP fluorescence transients resemble those measured with the dopamine sensor GRAB-DA1m and …Reviewer #3 (Public review):
In this study, the authors aimed to investigate if hemodynamic occlusion contributes to fluorescent signals measured with two-photon microscopy. For this, they image the activity-independent fluorophore GFP in 2 different cortical areas, at different cortical depths and in different behavioral conditions. They compare the evoked fluorescent signals with those obtained with calcium sensors and neuromodulator sensors and evaluate their relationship to vessel diameter as a readout of blood flow.
They find that GFP fluorescence transients are comparable to GCaMP6f stimuli-evoked signals in amplitude, although they are generally smaller. Yet, they are significant even at the single neuronal level. They show that GFP fluorescence transients resemble those measured with the dopamine sensor GRAB-DA1m and the serotonin sensor GRAB-5HT1.0 in amplitude an nature, suggesting that signals with these sensors are dominated by hemodynamic occlusion. Moreover, the authors perform similar experiments with wide-field microscopy which reveals the similarity between the two methods in generating the hemodynamic signals. Together the evidence presented calls for the development and use of high dynamic range sensors to avoid measuring signals that have another origin from the one intended to measure. In the meantime, the evidence highlights the need to control for those artifacts such as with the parallel use of activity independent fluorophores.Strengths:
- Comprehensive study comparing different cortical regions in diverse behavioral settings in controlled conditions.
- Comparison to the state-of-the-art, i.e. what has been demonstrated with wide-field microscopy.
- Comparison to diverse activity-dependent sensors, including the widely used GCaMP.Weaknesses:
- The kinetics of GCaMP is stereotypic. An analysis/comment on if and how the kinetics of the signals could be used to distinguish the hemodynamic occlusion artefacts from calcium signals would be useful.
- Is it possible that motion is affecting the signals in a certain degree? This issue is not made clear.
- The causal relationship with blood flow remains open. Hemodynamic occlusion seems a good candidate causing changes in GFP fluorescence, but this remains to be well addressed in further research. -