Pathway activation model for personalized prediction of drug synergy

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    eLife assessment

    This study presents a valuable report on a machine-learning tool for predicting synergistic drug combinations for cancer treatment. However, the evidence supporting the claims of the authors is incomplete, as the reported model shows some evidence of overfitting, and the claims of the authors could be strengthened if additional validation experiments were performed. The work will be of interest to oncologists and medical biologists working on cancer.

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Targeted monotherapies for cancer often fail due to inherent or acquired drug resistance. By aiming at multiple targets simultaneously, drug combinations can produce synergistic interactions that increase drug effectiveness and reduce resistance. Computational models based on the integration of omics data have been used to identify synergistic combinations, but predicting drug synergy remains a challenge. Here, we introduce DIPx, an algorithm for personalized prediction of drug synergy based on biologically motivated tumor- and drug-specific pathway activation scores (PASs). We trained and validated DIPx in the AstraZeneca-Sanger (AZS) DREAM Challenge dataset using two separate test sets: Test Set 1 comprised the combinations already present in the training set, while Test Set 2 contained combinations absent from the training set, thus indicating the model’s ability to handle novel combinations. The Spearman correlation coefficients between predicted and observed drug synergy were 0.50 (95% CI: 0.47–0.53) in Test Set 1 and 0.26 (95% CI: 0.22–0.30) in Test Set 2, compared to 0.38 (95% CI: 0.34–0.42) and 0.18 (95% CI: 0.16–0.20), respectively, for the best performing method in the Challenge. We show evidence that higher synergy is associated with higher functional interaction between the drug targets, and this functional interaction information is captured by PAS. We illustrate the use of PAS to provide a potential biological explanation in terms of activated pathways that mediate the synergistic effects of combined drugs. In summary, DIPx can be a useful tool for personalized prediction of drug synergy and exploration of activated pathways related to the effects of combined drugs.

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  1. eLife assessment

    This study presents a valuable report on a machine-learning tool for predicting synergistic drug combinations for cancer treatment. However, the evidence supporting the claims of the authors is incomplete, as the reported model shows some evidence of overfitting, and the claims of the authors could be strengthened if additional validation experiments were performed. The work will be of interest to oncologists and medical biologists working on cancer.

  2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

    The authors introduce DIPx, a deep learning framework for predicting synergistic drug combinations for cancer treatment using the AstraZeneca-Sanger (AZS) DREAM Challenge dataset. While the approach is innovative, I have the following concerns and comments which hopefully will improve the study's rigor and applicability, making it a more powerful tool in the real clinical world.

    (1) Test Set 1 comprises combinations already present in the training set, likely leading overfitting issue. The model might show inflated performance metrics on this test set due to prior exposure to these combinations, not accurately reflecting its true predictive power on unknown data, which is crucial for discovering new drug synergies. The testing approach reduces the generalizability of the model's findings to new, untested scenarios.

    (2) The model struggles with predicting synergies for drug combinations not included in its training data (showing only a Spearman correlation of 0.26 in Test Set 2). This limits its potential for discovering new therapeutic strategies. Utilizing techniques such as transfer learning or expanding the training dataset to encompass a wider range of drug pairs could help to address this issue.

    (3) The use of pan-cancer datasets, while offering broad applicability, may not be optimal for specific cancer subtypes with distinct biological mechanisms. Developing subtype-specific models or adjusting the current model to account for these differences could improve prediction accuracy for individual cancer types.

    (4) Line 127, "Since DIPx uses only molecular data, to make a fair comparison, we trained TAJI using only molecular features and referred to it as TAJI-M.". TAJI was designed to use both monotherapy drug-response and molecular data, and likely won't be able to reach maximum potential if removing monotherapy drug-response from the training model. It would be critical to use the same training datasets and then compare the performances. From Figure 6 of TAJI's paper (Li et al., 2018, PMID: 30054332) , i.e., the mean Pearson correlation for breast cancer and lung cancer is around 0.5 - 0.6.

    The following 2 concerns have been included in the Discussion section which is great:

    (1) Training and validating the model using cell lines may not fully capture the heterogeneity and complexity of in vivo tumors. To increase clinical relevance, it would be beneficial to validate the model using primary tumor samples or patient-derived xenografts.

    (2) The Pathway Activation Score (PAS) is derived exclusively from primary target genes, potentially overlooking critical interactions involving non-primary targets. Including these secondary effects could enhance the model's predictive accuracy and comprehensiveness.

  3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

    Trac, Huang, et al used the AZ Drug Combination Prediction DREAM challenge data to make a new random forest-based model for drug synergy. They make comparisons to the winning method and also show that their model has some predictive capacity for a completely different dataset. They highlight the ability of the model to be interpretable in terms of pathway and target interactions for synergistic effects. While the authors address an important question, more rigor is required to understand the full behavior of the model.

    Major Points

    (1) The authors compare DIPx to the winning method of the DREAm challenge, TAJI to show that from molecular features alone they retrain TAJI to create TAJI-M without the monotherapy data inputs. They mention that "of course, we could also use such data in DIPx...", but they never show the behaviour of DIPx with these data. The authors need to demonstrate that this statement holds true or else compare it to the full TAJI.

    (2) It would be neat to see how the DIPx feature importance changes with monotherapy input. For most realistic scenarios in which these models are used robust monotherapy data do exist.

    (3) In Figure 2, the authors compare DIPx and TAJI-M on various test sets. If I understood correctly, they also bootstrapped the training set with n=100 and reported all the model variants in many of the comparisons. While this is a nice way of showing model robustness, calculating p-values with bootstrapped data does not make sense in my opinion as by increasing the value of n, one can make the p-value arbitrarily small. The p-value should only be reported for the original models.

    (4) From Figures 2 and 3, it appears DIPx is overfit on the training set with large gaps in Spearman correlations between Test Set 2/ONeil set and Test Set 1. It also features much better in cases where it has seen both compounds. Could the authors also compare TAJI on the ONeil dataset to show if it is as much overfit?

  4. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


    Predicting how two different drugs act together by looking at their specific gene targets and pathways is crucial for understanding the biological significance of drug combinations. Such combinations of drugs can lead to synergistic effects that enhance drug efficacy and decrease resistance. This study incorporates drug-specific pathway activation scores (PASs) to estimate synergy scores as one of the key advancements for synergy prediction. The new algorithm, Drug synergy Interaction Prediction (DIPx), developed in this study, uses gene expression, mutation profiles, and drug synergy data to train the model and predict synergy between two drugs and suggests the best combinations based on their functional relevance on the mechanism of action. Comprehensive validations using two different datasets and comparing them with another best-performing algorithm highlight the potential of its capabilities and broader applications. However, the study would benefit from including experimental validation of some predicted drug combinations to enhance its reliability.


    The DIPx algorithm demonstrates the strengths listed below in its approach for personalized drug synergy prediction. One of its strengths lies in its utilization of biologically motivated cancer-specific (driver genes-based) and drug-specific (target genes-based) pathway activation scores (PASs) to predict drug synergy. This approach integrates gene expression, mutation profiles, and drug synergy data to capture information about the functional interactions between drug targets, thereby providing a potential biological explanation for the synergistic effects of combined drugs. Additionally, DIPx's performance was tested using the AstraZeneca-Sanger (AZS) DREAM Challenge dataset, especially in Test Set 1, where the Spearman correlation coefficient between predicted and observed drug synergy was 0.50 (95% CI: 0.47-0.53). This demonstrates the algorithm's effectiveness in handling combinations already in the training set. Furthermore, DIPx's ability to handle novel combinations, as evidenced by its performance in Test Set 2, indicates its potential for extrapolating predictions to new and untested drug combinations. This suggests that the algorithm can adapt to and make accurate predictions for previously unencountered combinations, which is crucial for its practical application in personalized medicine. Overall, DIPx's integration of pathway activation scores and its performance in predicting drug synergy for known and novel combinations underscore its potential as a valuable tool for personalized prediction of drug synergy and exploration of activated pathways related to the effects of combined drugs.


    While the DIPx algorithm shows promise in predicting drug synergy based on pathway activation scores, it's essential to consider its limitations. One limitation is that the algorithm's performance was less accurate when predicting drug synergy for combinations absent from the training set. This suggests that its predictive capability may be influenced by the availability of training data for specific drug combinations. Additionally, further testing and validation across different datasets (more than the current two datasets) would be necessary to assess the algorithm's generalizability and robustness fully. It's also important to consider potential biases in the training data and ensure that DIPx predictions are validated through empirical studies including experimental testing of predicted combinations. Despite these limitations, DIPx represents a valuable step towards personalized prediction of drug synergy and warrants continued investigation and improvement. It would benefit if the algorithm's limitations are described with some examples and suggest future advancement steps.