Caspar determines primordial germ cell identity in Drosophila melanogaster

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    This study investigates the role of Caspar (Casp), an orthologue of human Fas-associated factor-1, in regulating the number of primordial germ cells that form during Drosophila embryogenesis. The findings are important in that they reveal an additional pathway involved in germ cell specification and maintenance. The evidence supporting the conclusions is solid, as the authors identify Casp and its binding partner Transitional endoplasmic reticulum 94 (TER94) as factors that influence germ cell numbers. Minor changes to the title, text, and experimental design are recommended.

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Repurposing of pleiotropic factors during execution of diverse cellular processes has emerged as a regulatory paradigm. Embryonic development in metazoans is controlled by maternal factors deposited in the egg during oogenesis. Here, we explore maternal role(s) of Caspar (Casp), the Drosophila orthologue of human Fas-associated factor-1 (FAF1) originally implicated in host-defense as a negative regulator of NF-κB signaling. Maternal loss of either Casp or it’s protein partner, Transitional endoplasmic reticulum 94 (TER94) leads to partial embryonic lethality correlated with aberrant centrosome behavior, cytoskeletal abnormalities, and defective gastrulation. Although ubiquitously distributed, both proteins are enriched in the primordial germ cells (PGCs), and in keeping with the centrosome problems, mutant embryos display a significant reduction in the PGC count. Moreover, the total number of pole buds is directly proportional to the level of Casp. Consistently, it’s ‘loss’ and ‘gain’ results in respective reduction and increase in the Oskar protein levels, the master determinant of PGC fate. To elucidate this regulatory loop, we analyzed several known components of mid-blastula transition and identify the translational repressor Smaug, a zygotic regulator of germ cell specification, as a potential critical target. We present a detailed structure-function analysis of Casp aimed at understanding its novel involvement during PGC development.

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  1. eLife assessment

    This study investigates the role of Caspar (Casp), an orthologue of human Fas-associated factor-1, in regulating the number of primordial germ cells that form during Drosophila embryogenesis. The findings are important in that they reveal an additional pathway involved in germ cell specification and maintenance. The evidence supporting the conclusions is solid, as the authors identify Casp and its binding partner Transitional endoplasmic reticulum 94 (TER94) as factors that influence germ cell numbers. Minor changes to the title, text, and experimental design are recommended.

  2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


    The authors were seeking to define the roles of the Drosophila caspar gene in embryonic development and primordial germ cell (PGC) formation. They demonstrate that PGC number, and the distribution of the germ cell determinant Oskar, change as a result of changes in caspar expression; reduction of caspar reduces PGC number and the domain of Oskar protein expression, while overexpression of caspar does the reverse. They also observe defects in syncytial nuclear divisions in embryos produced from caspar mutant mothers. Previous work from the same group demonstrated that Caspar protein interacts with two partners, TER94 and Vap33. In this paper, they show that maternal knockdown of TER94 results in embryonic lethality and some overlap of phenotypes with reduction of caspar, supporting the idea may work together in their developmental roles. The authors propose models for how Caspar might carry out its developmental functions. The most specific of these is that Caspar and its partners might regulate oskar mRNA stability by recruiting ubiquitin to the translational regulator Smaug.


    The work identifies a new factor that is involved in PGC specification and points toward an additional pathway that may be involved in establishing and maintaining an appropriate distribution of Oskar at the posterior pole of the embryo. It also ties together earlier observations about the presence of TER94 in the pole plasm that have not heretofore been linked to a function.


    (1) A PiggyBac insertion allele casp[c04227] is used throughout the paper and referred to as a loss-of-function allele (casp[lof]). However, this allele does not appear to act strictly as a loss-of-function. Figure 1E shows that some residual Casp protein is present in early embryos produced by casp[lof]/Df females, and this protein is presumably functional as the PiggyBac insertion does not affect the coding region. Also, Figures 1B and 1C show that the phenotypes of casp[lof] homozygotes and casp[lof]/Df are not the same; surprisingly, the homozygous phenotypes are more severe. These observations are unexplained and inconsistent with the insertion being simply a loss-of-function allele. Might there be a second-site mutation in casp[c04227]?

    (2) TER94 knockdown phenotypes have been previously published (Zhang et al 2018 PMID 30012668), and their effects on embryonic viability and syncytial mitotic divisions were described there. This paper is inappropriately not cited, and the data in Figure 4 should be presented in the context of what has been published before.

    (3) The peptide counts in the mass spectrometry experiment aimed at finding protein partners for Casp are extremely low, except for Casp itself and TER94. Peptide counts of 1-2 seem to me to be of questionable significance.

    (4) The pole bud phenotypes from TER94 knockdown and casp mutant shown in Fig 5 appear to be quite different. These differences are unexplained and seem inconsistent with the model proposed that the two proteins work in a common pathway. Whole embryos should also be shown, as the TER94 KD phenotype could result from a more general dysmorphism.

    (5) Figure 6 is not quantitative, lacking even a second control staining to check for intensity variation artifacts. Therefore it shows that the distribution of Oskar protein changes in the various genotypes, but not convincingly that the level of Oskar changes as the paper claims.

    (6) The error bars are huge in the graphs in Figure 7H, I, and J, leading me to question whether these changes are statistically significant. Calculations of statistical significance are missing from these graphs and need to be added.

    (7) There are many instances of fuzzy and confusing language when describing casp phenotypes. For example, on lines 211-212 it is stated that 'casp[lof] adults are only partially homozygous viable as ~70% embryos laid by the homozygous mutant females failed to hatch into larvae'. Isn't this more accurately described as 'casp[c04227] is a maternal-effect lethal allele with incomplete penetrance'? Another example is on line 1165, what exactly is a 'semi-vital function'?

  3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


    This study investigated the role of the Caspar (Casp) gene, a Drosophila homolog of human Fas-associated factor-1. It revealed that maternal loss of Casp led to centrosomal and cytoskeletal abnormalities during nuclear cycles in Drosophila early embryogenesis, resulting in defective gastrulation. Moreover, Casp regulates PGC numbers, likely by regulating the levels of Smaug and then Oskar. They demonstrate that Casp protein levels are linearly correlated to the PGC number. The partner protein TER94, an ER protein, shows similar but slightly distinct phenotypes. Based on the deletion mutant analysis, TER94 seems functionally relevant for the observed Casp phenotype. Additionally, it is likely involved in regulating protein degradation during PGC specification.


    The paper reveals an unexpected function of the maternally produced Casp gene, previously implicated in immune response regulation and NF-kB signaling inhibition, in nuclear division and PGC formation in early fly embryos. Experiments are properly conducted and strongly support the conclusion. The rescue experiment using deletion mutant form is particularly informative as it suggests the requirement of each domain function.


    Functional relationships among molecules shown here (and other genes known to regulate these processes) are still unclear.

  4. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


    Das et al. discovered a maternal role for Caspar (Casp), the Drosophila orthologue of human Fas-associated factor-1 (FAF1), in embryonic development and germ cell formation. They find that Casp interacts with Transitional endoplasmic reticulum 94 (TER94). Loss of Casp or TER94 leads to partial embryonic lethality, correlated with aberrant centrosome behavior and cytoskeletal abnormalities. This suggests that Casp, along with TER94, promotes embryonic development through a still unidentified mechanism. They also find that Casp regulates germ cell number by controlling a key determinant of germ cell formation, Oskar, through its negative regulator, Smaug.


    Overall, the experiments are well-conducted, and the conclusions of this paper are mostly well-supported by data.


    Some additional controls could be included, and the language could be clarified for accuracy.