Brain white matter pathways of resilience to chronic back pain: a multisite validation

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    This valuable study provides incomplete evidence that white matter diffusion imaging of the right superior longitudinal fasciculus might help to develop a predictive biomarker of chronic back pain chronicity. The results are based on a discovery-replication approach with different cohorts, but the sample size is limited, and the clinical relevance is overstated. The findings will interest researchers interested in the brain mechanisms of chronic pain and in developing brain-based biomarkers of chronic pain.

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Chronic back pain (CBP) is a global health concern with significant societal and economic burden. While various predictors of back pain chronicity have been proposed, including demographic and psychosocial factors, neuroimaging studies have shown that brain characteristics can serve as robust predictors of CBP. However, large-scale, multisite validation of these predictors is currently lacking. In two independent longitudinal studies, we examined white matter diffusion imaging data and pain characteristics in patients with subacute back pain (SBP) over six- and 12-month periods. Diffusion data from individuals with CBP and healthy controls (HC) were analyzed for comparison. Whole-brain tract-based spatial statistics analyses revealed that a cluster in the right superior longitudinal fasciculus (SLF) tract had larger fractional anisotropy (FA) values in patients who recovered (SBPr) compared to those with persistent pain (SBPp), and predicted changes in pain severity. The SLF FA values accurately classified patients at baseline and follow-up in a third publicly available dataset (Area under the Receiver Operating Curve ∼ 0.70). Notably, patients who recovered had FA values larger than those of HC suggesting a potential role of SLF integrity in resilience to CBP. Structural connectivity-based models also classified SBPp and SBPr patients from the three data sets (validation accuracy 67%). Our results validate the right SLF as a robust predictor of CBP development, with potential for clinical translation. Cognitive and behavioral processes dependent on the right SLF, such as proprioception and visuospatial attention, should be analyzed in subacute stages as they could prove important for back pain chronicity.

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  1. Author Response

    We would like to thank the editorial board and the reviewers for their assessment of our manuscript and their constructive feedback that we believe will make our manuscript stronger and clearer. Please find below our provisional response to the public reviews; these responses outline our plan to address the concerns of the reviewers for a planned resubmission. Our responses are written in red.

    Public Reviews:

    Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


    In this paper, Misic et al showed that white matter properties can be used to classify subacute back pain patients that will develop persisting pain.


    Compared to most previous papers studying associations between white matter properties and chronic pain, the strength of the method is to perform a prediction in unseen data. Another strength of the paper is the use of three different cohorts. This is an interesting paper that provides a valuable contribution to the field.

    We thank the reviewer for emphasizing the strength of our paper and the importance of validation on multiple unseen cohorts.


    The authors imply that their biomarker could outperform traditional questionnaires to predict pain: "While these models are of great value showing that few of these variables (e.g. work factors) might have significant prognostic power on the long-term outcome of back pain and provide easy-to-use brief questionnaires-based tools, (21, 25) parameters often explain no more than 30% of the variance (28-30) and their prognostic accuracy is limited.(31)". I don't think this is correct; questionnaire-based tools can achieve far greater prediction than their model in about half a million individuals from the UK Biobank (Tanguay-Sabourin et al., A prognostic risk score for the development and spread of chronic pain, Nature Medicine 2023).

    We agree with the reviewer that we might have under-estimated the prognostic accuracy of questionnaire-based tools, especially, the strong predictive accuracy shown by Tangay-Sabourin 2023. In the revised version, we will change both the introduction and the discussion to reflect the the questionnaires based prognostic accuracy reported in the seminal work by TangaySabourin. We do note here, however, that the latter paper while very novel is unique in showing the power of questionnaires. In addition, the questionnaires we have tested in our cohort did not show any baseline differences suggestive of prognostic accuracy.

    Moreover, the main weakness of this study is the sample size. It remains small despite having 3 cohorts. This is problematic because results are often overfitted in such a small sample size brain imaging study, especially when all the data are available to the authors at the time of training the model (Poldrack et al., Scanning the horizon: towards transparent and reproducible neuroimaging research, Nature Reviews in Neuroscience 2017). Thus, having access to all the data, the authors have a high degree of flexibility in data analysis, as they can retrain their model any number of times until it generalizes across all three cohorts. In this case, the testing set could easily become part of the training making it difficult to assess the real performance, especially for small sample size studies.

    The reviewer raises a very important point of limited sample size and of the methodology intrinsic of model development and testing. We acknowledge the small sample size in the “Limitations” section of the discussion. In the resubmission, we will acknowledge the degree of flexibility that is afforded by having access to all the data at once. However, we will also note that our SLF-FA based model is a simple cut-off approach that does not include any learning or hidden layers and that the data obtained from Open Pain were never part of the “training” set at any point at either the New Haven or the Mannheim site. Regarding our SVC approach we follow standard procedures for machine learning where we never mix the training and testing sets. The models are trained on the training data with parameters selected based on crossvalidation within the training data. Therefore, no models have ever seen the test data set. The model performances we reported reflect the prognostic accuracy of our model. Finally, as discussed by Spisak et al., 1 the key determinant of the required sample size in predictive modeling is the ” true effect size of the brain-phenotype relationship” which we think is the determinant of the replication we observe in this study. As such the effect size in the New Haven and Mannheim data is Cohen’s d >1.

    Even if the performance was properly assessed, their models show AUCs between 0.65-0.70, which is usually considered as poor, and most likely without potential clinical use. Despite this, their conclusion was: "This biomarker is easy to obtain (~10 min 18 of scanning time) and opens the door for translation into clinical practice." One may ask who is really willing to use an MRI signature with a relatively poor performance that can be outperformed by self-report questionnaires?

    The reviewer is correct, the model performance is poor to fair which limits its usefulness for clinical translation. We wanted to emphasize that obtaining diffusion images can be done in a short period of time and, hence, as such models predictive accuracy improves, clinical translation becomes closer to reality. In addition, our findings are based on old diffusion data and limited sample size coming from different sites and different acquisition sequences. This by itself would limit the accuracy especially that evidence shows that sample size affect also model performance (i.e. testing AUC)1. In the revision, we will re-word the sentence mentioned by the reviewer to reflect the points discussed here. This also motivates us to collect a more homogeneous and larger sample.

    Overall, these criticisms are more about the wording sometimes used and the inference they made. I think the strength of the evidence is incomplete to support the main claims of the paper.

    Despite these limitations, I still think this is a very relevant contribution to the field. Showing predictive performance through cross-validation and testing in multiple cohorts is not an easy task and this is a strong effort by the team. I strongly believe this approach is the right one and I believe the authors did a good job.

    We thank the reviewer for acknowledging that our effort and approach were the right ones.

    Minor points:


    I get the voxel-wise analysis, but I don't understand the methods for the structural connectivity analysis between the 88 ROIs. Have the authors run tractography or have they used a predetermined streamlined form of 'population-based connectome'? They report that models of AUC above 0.75 were considered and tested in the Chicago dataset, but we have no information about what the model actually learned (although this can be tricky for decision tree algorithms).

    We apologize for the lack of clarity; we did run tractography and we did not use a predetermined streamlined form of the connectome. We will clarify this point in the methods section.

    Finding which connections are important for the classification of SBPr and SBPp is difficult because of our choices during data preprocessing and SVC model development: (1) preprocessing steps which included TNPCA for dimensionality reduction, and regressing out the confounders (i.e., age, sex, and head motion); (2) the harmonization for effects of sites; and (3) the Support Vector Classifier which is a hard classification model2. Such models cannot tell us the features that are important in classifying the groups. Our model is considered a black-box predictive model like neural networks.


    What results are shown in Figure 7? It looks more descriptive than the actual results.

    The reviewer is correct; Figure 7 and supplementary Figure 4 are both qualitatively illustrating the shape of the SLF.

    Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

    The present study aims to investigate brain white matter predictors of back pain chronicity. To this end, a discovery cohort of 28 patients with subacute back pain (SBP) was studied using white matter diffusion imaging. The cohort was investigated at baseline and one-year follow-up when 16 patients had recovered (SBPr) and 12 had persistent back pain (SBPp). A comparison of baseline scans revealed that SBPr patients had higher fractional anisotropy values in the right superior longitudinal fasciculus SLF) than SBPp patients and that FA values predicted changes in pain severity. Moreover, the FA values of SBPr patients were larger than those of healthy participants, suggesting a role of FA of the SLF in resilience to chronic pain. These findings were replicated in two other independent datasets. The authors conclude that the right SLF might be a robust predictive biomarker of CBP development with the potential for clinical translation.

    Developing predictive biomarkers for pain chronicity is an interesting, timely, and potentially clinically relevant topic. The paradigm and the analysis are sound, the results are convincing, and the interpretation is adequate. A particular strength of the study is the discovery-replication approach with replications of the findings in two independent datasets.

    We thank reviewer 2 for pointing to the strength of our study.

    The following revisions might help to improve the manuscript further.

    Definition of recovery. In the New Haven and Chicago datasets, SBPr and SBPp patients are distinguished by reductions of >30% in pain intensity. In contrast, in the Mannheim dataset, both groups are distinguished by reductions of >20%. This should be harmonized. Moreover, as there is no established definition of recovery (reference 79 does not provide a clear criterion), it would be interesting to know whether the results hold for different definitions of recovery. Control analyses for different thresholds could strengthen the robustness of the findings.

    The reviewer raises an important point regarding the definition of recovery. To address the reviewers concern we will add a supplementary figure showing the results in the Mannheim data set if a 30% reduction is used as a recovery criterion. We would like to emphasize here several points that support the use of different recovery thresholds between New Haven and Mannheim. The New Haven primary pain ratings relied on visual analogue scale (VAS) while the Mannheim data relied on the German version of the West-Haven-Yale Multidimensional Pain Inventory. In addition, the Mannheim data was pre-registered with a definition of recovery at 20% and is part of a larger sub-acute to chronic pain study with prior publications from this cohort using the 20% cut-off3. Finally, a more recent consensus publication4 from IMMPACT indicates that a change of at least 30% is needed for a moderate improvement in pain on the 0-10 Numerical Rating Scale but that this percentage depends on baseline pain levels.

    Analysis of the Chicago dataset. The manuscript includes results on FA values and their association with pain severity for the New Haven and Mannheim datasets but not for the Chicago dataset. It would be straightforward to show figures like Figures 1 - 4 for the Chicago dataset, as well.

    We welcome the reviewer’s suggestion; we will therefore add these analyses to the results section of our manuscript upon resubmission

    Data sharing. The discovery-replication approach of the present study distinguishes the present from previous approaches. This approach enhances the belief in the robustness of the findings. This belief would be further enhanced by making the data openly available. It would be extremely valuable for the community if other researchers could reproduce and replicate the findings without restrictions. It is not clear why the fact that the studies are ongoing prevents the unrestricted sharing of the data used in the present study.

    Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


    Authors suggest a new biomarker of chronic back pain with the option to predict the result of treatment. The authors found a significant difference in a fractional anisotropy measure in superior longitudinal fasciculus for recovered patients with chronic back pain.


    The results were reproduced in three different groups at different studies/sites.


    The number of participants is still low.

    We have discussed this point in our replies to reviewer number 1.

    An explanation of microstructure changes was not given.

    The reviewer points to an important gap in our discussion. While we cannot do a direct study of actual tissue micro-structure, we will explore further the changes observed in the SLF by calculating diffusivity measures and discuss possible explanations of these changes.

    Some technical drawbacks are presented.

    We are uncertain if the reviewer is suggesting that we have acknowledged certain technical drawbacks and expects further elaboration on our part. We kindly request that the reviewer specify what particular issues they would like us to address so that we can respond appropriately.

    (1) Spisak T, Bingel U, Wager TD. Multivariate BWAS can be replicable with moderate sample sizes. Nature 2023;615:E4-E7.

    (2) Liu Y, Zhang HH, Wu Y. Hard or Soft Classification? Large-margin Unified Machines. J Am Stat Assoc 2011;106:166-177.

    (3) Loffler M, Levine SM, Usai K, et al. Corticostriatal circuits in the transition to chronic back pain: The predictive role of reward learning. Cell Rep Med 2022;3:100677.

    (4) Smith SM, Dworkin RH, Turk DC, et al. Interpretation of chronic pain clinical trial outcomes: IMMPACT recommended considerations. Pain 2020;161:2446-2461.

  2. eLife assessment

    This valuable study provides incomplete evidence that white matter diffusion imaging of the right superior longitudinal fasciculus might help to develop a predictive biomarker of chronic back pain chronicity. The results are based on a discovery-replication approach with different cohorts, but the sample size is limited, and the clinical relevance is overstated. The findings will interest researchers interested in the brain mechanisms of chronic pain and in developing brain-based biomarkers of chronic pain.

  3. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


    In this paper, Misic et al showed that white matter properties can be used to classify subacute back pain patients that will develop persisting pain.


    Compared to most previous papers studying associations between white matter properties and chronic pain, the strength of the method is to perform a prediction in unseen data. Another strength of the paper is the use of three different cohorts. This is an interesting paper that provides a valuable contribution to the field.


    The authors imply that their biomarker could outperform traditional questionnaires to predict pain: "While these models are of great value showing that few of these variables (e.g. work factors) might have significant prognostic power on the long-term outcome of back pain and provide easy-to-use brief questionnaires-based tools, (21, 25) parameters often explain no more than 30% of the variance (28-30) and their prognostic accuracy is limited.(31)". I don't think this is correct; questionnaire-based tools can actually achieve far greater prediction than their model in about half a million individuals from the UK Biobank (Tanguay-Sabourin et al., A prognostic risk score for the development and spread of chronic pain, Nature Medicine 2023).

    Moreover, the main weakness of this study is the sample size. It remains small despite having 3 cohorts. This is problematic because results are often overfitted in such a small sample size brain imaging study, especially when all the data are available to the authors at the time of training the model (Poldrack et al., Scanning the horizon: towards transparent and reproducible neuroimaging research, Nature Reviews in Neuroscience 2017). Thus, having access to all the data, the authors have a high degree of flexibility in data analysis, as they can retrain their model any number of times until it generalizes across all three cohorts. In this case, the testing set could easily become part of the training making it difficult to assess the real performance, especially for small sample size studies.

    Even if the performance was properly assessed, their models show AUCs between 0.65-0.70, which is usually considered as poor, and most likely without potential clinical use. Despite this, their conclusion was: "This biomarker is easy to obtain (~10 min 18 of scanning time) and opens the door for translation into clinical practice." One may ask who is really willing to use an MRI signature with a relatively poor performance that can be outperformed by self-report questionnaires?

    Overall, these criticisms are more about the wording sometimes used and the inference they made. I think the strength of the evidence is incomplete to support the main claims of the paper.

    Despite these limitations, I still think this is a very relevant contribution to the field. Showing predictive performance through cross-validation and testing in multiple cohorts is not an easy task and this is a strong effort by the team. I strongly believe this approach is the right one and I believe the authors did a good job.

    Minor points:


    I get the voxel-wise analysis, but I don't understand the methods for the structural connectivity analysis between the 88 ROIs. Have the authors run tractography or have they used a predetermined streamlined form of 'population-based connectome'? They report that models of AUC above 0.75 were considered and tested in the Chicago dataset, but we have no information about what the model actually learned (although this can be tricky for decision tree algorithms).

    What results are shown in Figure 7? It looks more descriptive than the actual results.

  4. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

    The present study aims to investigate brain white matter predictors of back pain chronicity. To this end, a discovery cohort of 28 patients with subacute back pain (SBP) was studied using white matter diffusion imaging. The cohort was investigated at baseline and one-year follow-up when 16 patients had recovered (SBPr) and 12 had persistent back pain (SBPp). A comparison of baseline scans revealed that SBPr patients had higher fractional anisotropy values in the right superior longitudinal fasciculus SLF) than SBPp patients and that FA values predicted changes in pain severity. Moreover, the FA values of SBPr patients were larger than those of healthy participants, suggesting a role of FA of the SLF in resilience to chronic pain. These findings were replicated in two other independent datasets. The authors conclude that the right SLF might be a robust predictive biomarker of CBP development with the potential for clinical translation.

    Developing predictive biomarkers for pain chronicity is an interesting, timely, and potentially clinically relevant topic. The paradigm and the analysis are sound, the results are convincing, and the interpretation is adequate. A particular strength of the study is the discovery-replication approach with replications of the findings in two independent datasets.

    The following revisions might help to improve the manuscript further.

    - Definition of recovery. In the New Haven and Chicago datasets, SBPr and SBPp patients are distinguished by reductions of >30% in pain intensity. In contrast, in the Mannheim dataset, both groups are distinguished by reductions of >20%. This should be harmonized. Moreover, as there is no established definition of recovery (reference 79 does not provide a clear criterion), it would be interesting to know whether the results hold for different definitions of recovery. Control analyses for different thresholds could strengthen the robustness of the findings.

    - Analysis of the Chicago dataset. The manuscript includes results on FA values and their association with pain severity for the New Haven and Mannheim datasets but not for the Chicago dataset. It would be straightforward to show figures like Figures 1 - 4 for the Chicago dataset, as well.

    - Data sharing. The discovery-replication approach of the present study distinguishes the present from previous approaches. This approach enhances the belief in the robustness of the findings. This belief would be further enhanced by making the data openly available. It would be extremely valuable for the community if other researchers could reproduce and replicate the findings without restrictions. It is not clear why the fact that the studies are ongoing prevents the unrestricted sharing of the data used in the present study.

  5. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


    Authors suggest a new biomarker of chronic back pain with the option to predict the result of treatment. The authors found a significant difference in a fractional anisotropy measure in superior longitudinal fasciculus for recovered patients with chronic back pain.

    The results were reproduced in three different groups at different studies/sites.

    - The number of participants is still low.
    - An explanation of microstructure changes was not given.
    - Some technical drawbacks are presented.