Mesoscale volumetric light field (MesoLF) imaging of neuroactivity across cortical areas at 18 Hz

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Various implementations of mesoscopes provide optical access for calcium imaging across multi-millimeter fields-of-view (FOV) in the mammalian brain. However, capturing the activity of the neuronal population within such FOVs near-simultaneously and in a volumetric fashion has remained challenging since approaches for imaging scattering brain tissues typically are based on sequential acquisition. Here, we present a modular, mesoscale light field (MesoLF) imaging hardware and software solution that allows recording from thousands of neurons within volumes of ⍰ 4000 × 200 µm, located at up to 400 µm depth in the mouse cortex, at 18 volumes per second. Our optical design and computational approach enable up to hour-long recording of ∼10,000 neurons across multiple cortical areas in mice using workstation-grade computing resources.

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  1. The MesoLF optical system used for Ca2+ imaging is described in detail in Supplementary Note 1 and Supplementary Fig. 1

    The authors provide a thorough and detailed description of the Mesoscale Volumetric Light Field (MesoLF) imaging system, and they evaluate its optical performance using both simulated and experimental data. It would be interesting to know if the authors considered the changes in the point spread function (PSF) across the field of view and along the z-axis, and whether these factors were accounted for during the computational reconstruction process.