Integrating deep mutational scanning and low-throughput mutagenesis data to predict the impact of amino acid variants

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Evaluating the impact of amino acid variants has been a critical challenge for studying protein function and interpreting genomic data. High-throughput experimental methods like deep mutational scanning (DMS) can measure the effect of large numbers of variants in a target protein, but because DMS studies have not been performed on all proteins, researchers also model DMS data computationally to estimate variant impacts by predictors. In this study, we extended a linear regression-based predictor to explore whether incorporating data from alanine scanning (AS), a widely-used low-throughput mutagenesis method, would improve prediction results. To evaluate our model, we collected 146 AS datasets, mapping to 54 DMS datasets across 22 distinct proteins. We show that improved model performance depends on the compatibility of the DMS and AS assays, and the scale of improvement is closely related to the correlation between DMS and AS results.

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  1. AbstractEvaluating the impact of amino acid variants has been a critical challenge for studying protein function and interpreting genomic data. High-throughput experimental methods like deep mutational scanning (DMS) can measure the effect of large numbers of variants in a target protein, but because DMS studies have not been performed on all proteins, researchers also model DMS data computationally to estimate variant impacts by predictors. In this study, we extended a linear regression-based predictor to explore whether incorporating data from alanine scanning (AS), a widely-used low-throughput mutagenesis method, would improve prediction results. To evaluate our model, we collected 146 AS datasets, mapping to 54 DMS datasets across 22 distinct proteins. We show that improved model performance depends on the compatibility of the DMS and AS assays, and the scale of improvement is closely related to the correlation between DMS and AS results.

    This work has been peer reviewed in GigaScience (see ), which carries out open, named peer-review. These reviews are published under a CC-BY 4.0 license and were as follows:

    Reviewer: Leopold Parts

    Summary Fu et al. explore utilising low-throughput mutational fitness measurements to predict the results of high-throughput deep mutational scanning experiments. They demonstrate that adding alanine scanning results to predictive models improves performance, as long as the alanine scan used a sufficiently similar evaluation approach to a deeper experiment. The findings make intuitive sense, and will be useful for the community to internalize.

    While we have several comments about the methods used, and requests to fortify the claims with more characterization, we do not expect addressing any of them will change the core findings. One can argue that direct application of AS boosted predictions is likely to be limited due to the number of scans available and the speed at which DMS experiments are now being performed, so it would also be useful to discuss the context of these results in the evolution of the field, and we make specific suggestions for this. Regardless, the presented results are a useful demonstration of a more general use case of low-throughput or partial mutagenesis data for improving fitness prediction and imputation.

    Major Comments

    There are many other computational variant effect predictors beyond Envision and DeMaSk. It would be very useful to see how their prediction results compare to some others, particularly the best performing and common models that are also straightforward to download and run (e.g. EVE, ESM1v, SIFT, PolyPhen2). This would be important context to see how impactful the addition of AS data is to DeMaSk/Envision. Please run additional prediction tools for reference of absolute performance; there is no need to incorporate AS data into them. Several proteins have a very small number of AS residues (Figure 2), and from our reading of the methods, other residue scores are imputed with the mean AS value for that protein. (As an aside, it would be good to clarify if this average is across studies or within study). If this reading is correct, the majority of residues for each proteins will have imputed AS results (e.g. in case of PTEN, over 90%), which can be problematic for training and prediction. Please clarify if our interpretation of the imputation approach is correct, and if so, please also provide results for a model trained without imputation, on many fewer residues. If the boosting model has already implemented this, please integrate the Supplementary methods into the main methods, and reference these and the results when describing the imputation approach to avoid such concerns. It is not clear how significant/impactful the increases in performance are in figures 4, 5, S4, S5 & S6. Please use a reasonable analytical test, or training data randomization to evaluate the improvement against a null model. There are quite a few proteins with repeated DMS/AS measurements. In our experience these correlate from moderately to very highly. Including multiple highly correlated studies could lead to pseudo-replication and biasing the model performance results. Please present a version of the results where the repeats are averaged first to test whether that bias exists. Minor Comments [suggestions only; no analyses required from us]

    A short discussion about the number of available alanine scans, particularly for proteins without DMS results, would help put the work in context. For example, it would be good to know how many proteins would benefit from improved de-novo predictions (e.g. no DMS data) and how many could have improved imputation (incomplete DMS data). Similarly the rate and cost of DMS data generation is important to understand the utility of their results. I think a short discussion of how useful models of this sort are in practice now and in future would be helpful to the reader. This seems most natural as part of the end of the discussion, but could also fit in the introduction. Figure 2 is missing y axis label. We also softly suggest log scale axis, to not obscure the degree to which some proteins have more residues covered and the proportion of residues covered by AS. Figure 3 includes DMS/AS study pairs with at least three alanine substitutions to compare - we think this is a low cut-off, particularly with the regularisation applied. I think something like 10+ would be more informative. I think their cross-validation scheme leaves out an entire protein at a time, as opposed to one study each iteration. I agree this is the better way to do it. However, I initially read it as the latter, which would lead to leakage between train/validation data since the same residue would be included in both if a protein had multiple datasets. It might be useful to be more explicit to prevent other readers doing the same. L231 In the discussion they mention fitting a model only using studies with a minimum DMS/AS correlation. This occurred to me as well while reading the relevant part of the results. Is there a good reason not to do this? It doesn't seem like a large amount of work and conceptually seems a good way to assess a model that says what a DMS might look like is it had the same selection criteria as a given AS. L154 Similarly, a correlation cut-off as well as choosing the most corelated study seems like it would be a fairer comparison in figure 5. Just because an AS is the most correlated doesn't necessarily mean it is well correlated. It would be interesting to see if the improvement results in figure 7 correlate with substitution matrices (e.g. Blosum) or DMS variant fitness correlations (e.g. correlation between A and C, A and D, etc.). Intuitively it feels like they should. It would be nice to label panels in figure 7. It also seems notable that predicting alanine substitutions is not the most improved - a brief comment on why would be interesting. The AS model adds 2x20 parameters to the model for encoding, which is a lot if CCR5 is held out, as there are only a few hundred total independent residues evaluated. While the performance on held out proteins is a good standard, it would be interesting to evaluate the increase from model selection perspective (BIC/AIC or similar) if possible. L217 The statement doesn't seem logical to me - if such advanced imputation methods were available surely they would be better used to impute all substitutions than just model alanine then use linear regression to model the rest? L331-332 The formula used for regularising Spearman's rho makes sense, and can likely be interpreted as a regularizing prior, but we found it hard to understand its provenance and meaning from the reference. A sentence on its content (not just describing that it shrinks estimates) and a more specific reference would be useful for interested readers like ourselves. L364 It says correlation results were dropped when only one residue was available whereas in figure legends it says results with less than three residues were dropped. Notwithstanding thinking three is maybe too low a cutoff, these should be consistent or clarified slightly if I've misunderstood the meaning. It would be nice to have a bit more comment on the purpose of the final supplementary section (Replacing AS data with DMS scores of alanine substitutions) - if you have DMS alanine results it seems likely you will have the other measurements anyway.

  2. AbstractEvaluating the impact of amino acid variants has been a critical challenge for studying protein function and interpreting genomic data. High-throughput experimental methods like deep mutational scanning (DMS) can measure the effect of large numbers of variants in a target protein, but because DMS studies have not been performed on all proteins, researchers also model DMS data computationally to estimate variant impacts by predictors. In this study, we extended a linear regression-based predictor to explore whether incorporating data from alanine scanning (AS), a widely-used low-throughput mutagenesis method, would improve prediction results. To evaluate our model, we collected 146 AS datasets, mapping to 54 DMS datasets across 22 distinct proteins. We show that improved model performance depends on the compatibility of the DMS and AS assays, and the scale of improvement is closely related to the correlation between DMS and AS results.

    This work has been peer reviewed in GigaScience (see ), which carries out open, named peer-review. These reviews are published under a CC-BY 4.0 license and were as follows:

    Reviewer: Joseph Ng

    This manuscript explored whether low-throughput alanine scanning (AS) experimental data could complement deep mutational scanning (DMS) to classify the impact of amino acid substitutions in a range of protein systems. The analysis partially confirms this hypothesis in that it only applies when the functional readout being measured in the two assays are compatible with one another. In my opinion this is an insight that should be highlighted in a publication and therefore I believe this manuscript deserved to be published. I just wish the authors could clarify & further explore the points below better in their manuscript before recommending for acceptance:

    In my opinion the most important bit of data curation is the classification of DMS/AS pairs as high/medium/low etc. compatible, and this is the key towards the authors' insight that assay compatibility is an important determinant of whether signals in the two datasets could be cross-matched for analysis. The criteria behind this classification are listed in Figure S2 but I feel the wording needs to be more specific. For example, in Figure S2, the authors wrote 'Both assays select for similar protein properties and under similar conditions' - what exactly does this mean? What does the authors consider to be 'similar protein properties'? I could not find more detailed explanation of this in the Methods section. The authors gave reasons in the spreadsheet in Supp. Table 1 for the labels they give to each pairs of assays, but I'm still not exactly sure what they consider to be 'similar'. Is there are more specific classification scheme which is more explicit in defining these 'similarities', e.g. by defining a scoring grid explicitly listing the different levels of 'similarities' of measurable properties, e.g. both thermal stability - score of 3; thermal stability vs protein abundance - 2; thermal stability vs cell survival - 1 (or equivalent, I think the key issue is to provide the reader with a clear guide so they can readily assess the compatibility of the datasets by themselves)? I would have thought discrepancy between the DMS and AS scores to be different across different structural regions of the protein, e.g. the discrepancy would be larger in ordered region compared to disorder as the protein fold would constrain the types of amino acids tolerable within the ordered segment of the protein. Is this the case in the authors' collection of datasets? If so, does the compatibility of assays modulate this discrepancy?