Core PCP mutations affect short time mechanical properties but not tissue morphogenesis in the Drosophila pupal wing
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eLife assessment
This valuable study provides a combination of experiment and theory to investigate the role of a key signalling pathway as a patterning guide for local and global mechanical properties in a developing tissue. It poses solid evidence that local dynamical effects are not necessarily predictive of global tissue mechanics, although it does not offer an alternative mechanistic explanation. This multidisciplinary work will likely have an impact on the fields of tissue mechanics and developmental biology.
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How morphogenetic movements are robustly coordinated in space and time is a fundamental open question in biology. We study this question using the wing of Drosophila melanogaster , an epithelial tissue that undergoes large-scale tissue flows during pupal stages. We showed previously (Etournay et al., 2015) that pupal wing morphogenesis involves both cellular behaviors that allow relaxation of mechanical tissue stress, as well as cellular behaviors that appear to be actively patterned. The core planar cell polarity (PCP) pathway influences morphogenetic cell movements in many other contexts, which suggests that it could globally pattern active cellular behaviors during pupal wing morphogenesis. We show here, however, that this is not the case: there is no significant phenotype on the cellular dynamics underlying pupal morphogenesis in mutants of core PCP. Furthermore, using laser ablation experiments, coupled with a rheological model to describe the dynamics of the response to laser ablation, we conclude that while core PCP mutations affect the fast timescale response to laser ablation, they do not affect overall tissue mechanics. In conclusion, our work shows that cellular dynamics and tissue shape changes during Drosophila pupal wing morphogenesis are independent of one potential chemical guiding cue, core PCP.
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eLife assessment
This valuable study provides a combination of experiment and theory to investigate the role of a key signalling pathway as a patterning guide for local and global mechanical properties in a developing tissue. It poses solid evidence that local dynamical effects are not necessarily predictive of global tissue mechanics, although it does not offer an alternative mechanistic explanation. This multidisciplinary work will likely have an impact on the fields of tissue mechanics and developmental biology.
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
In several developmental systems, the core Planar Cell Polarity (PCP) pathway organises the dynamics of cellular behaviours underlying morphogenesis. During pupal stages, the Drosophila wing undergoes a complex morphogenetic process that results in the simultaneous elongation and narrowing of the wing blade along the proximal-distal and anterior-posterior axes, respectively. It was proposed that this dynamic process is driven by mechanical stress that results in cell deformations and cell rearrangements. However, prior work by Etournay et al. (eLife 2015) shows that mutants that reduce of mechanical stresses do not completely eliminate oriented cell rearrangements. Here, Piscitello-Gomez et al. use imaging techniques previously developed by them and others, combined with a computational analysis of a …
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
In several developmental systems, the core Planar Cell Polarity (PCP) pathway organises the dynamics of cellular behaviours underlying morphogenesis. During pupal stages, the Drosophila wing undergoes a complex morphogenetic process that results in the simultaneous elongation and narrowing of the wing blade along the proximal-distal and anterior-posterior axes, respectively. It was proposed that this dynamic process is driven by mechanical stress that results in cell deformations and cell rearrangements. However, prior work by Etournay et al. (eLife 2015) shows that mutants that reduce of mechanical stresses do not completely eliminate oriented cell rearrangements. Here, Piscitello-Gomez et al. use imaging techniques previously developed by them and others, combined with a computational analysis of a rheological model, to evaluate the role of the core-PCP pathway as a possible patterning cue that could orient cell rearrangements in this system. Surprisingly, the authors found that core-PCP mutants only affect an early retraction velocity upon laser ablation, but do not seem to drive overall morphogenesis in this system. Therefore, the original question of the work, namely, identifying the patterning cues that establish oriented cell rearrangements in this system, remains unanswered.
The work exemplifies how the integration of mechanical perturbations, image analysis, and computational modelling could be used to investigate the contribution of a specific patterning cue in morphogenesis. While the conclusions of the manuscript are solid and the data support the conclusion that core-PCP pathway mutants do not display an altered cell dynamic or cell elongation phenotype relative to wild-type controls, one challenge of the approach is that the time-lapse imaging technique is done only in a handful of pupal wings. This does not permit to conclude whether subtle changes in cell elongation or cell rearrangements could account for observed changes in the shape of adult wings (that are more round in these mutants). Other patterning and polarity cues such as Fat-Daschous or Toll-like signalling are suggested by the authors, but their examination is left for future studies.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
The core planar cell polarity (PCP) pathways are known to control tissue morphogenesis in vertebrates and also in a number of developing tissues in the fruitfly Drosophila. However, it has long been observed that beyond effects on hair polarity, core PCP activity does not have dramatic effects on Drosophila wing morphogenesis. Here the authors carry out detailed quantitative studies of cell behaviors in flies mutant for core PCP genes during pupal wing morphogenesis between about 16 to 32 hours of pupal life to further try to determine if core PCP activity affects cell behaviors in the wing.
Their overall conclusion is that there is no effect on tissue morphogenesis. However, the number of wings looked at for each genotype is low due to the enormous amount of work required to analyze the cell behaviors on an …
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
The core planar cell polarity (PCP) pathways are known to control tissue morphogenesis in vertebrates and also in a number of developing tissues in the fruitfly Drosophila. However, it has long been observed that beyond effects on hair polarity, core PCP activity does not have dramatic effects on Drosophila wing morphogenesis. Here the authors carry out detailed quantitative studies of cell behaviors in flies mutant for core PCP genes during pupal wing morphogenesis between about 16 to 32 hours of pupal life to further try to determine if core PCP activity affects cell behaviors in the wing.
Their overall conclusion is that there is no effect on tissue morphogenesis. However, the number of wings looked at for each genotype is low due to the enormous amount of work required to analyze the cell behaviors on an entire wing surface over 16 hours of development. Thus, rigorous statistics cannot be applied to support the statement that there is no change in morphogenesis. Moreover, by eye, the average cell behaviors do appear different and the authors themselves say there are subtle differences. They also note that adult wings have a change in size. Also, a previous publication suggested a change in cell arrangements at the late stages of the period studied (Sugimura & Ishihara 2013).
Interestingly, the authors do report a change in local mechanical properties of the tissue in flies with altered core PCP pathway activity, by using laser ablation to study tissue rheology. This seems to support the view that there could be a subtle change in tissue morphogenesis.
Ultimately, this is a valuable set of results that help to clarify core PCP pathway function in Drosophila tissues. It clearly demonstrates effects on tissue mechanics, but also indicates that this does not result in gross changes in tissue morphogenesis - the latter being consistent with previous observations.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
This paper studies the role of the core PCP pathway on tissue morphogenesis of the Drosophila pupil wing. The authors used three different core PCP mutants to compare the cell dynamics with the wild type and conclude that core PCP does not guide the global patterns of cell dynamics during pupal wing morphogenesis. They use the previously published "triangle method" to extract modes of deformation (total shear, cell elongation, cell rearrangements) and find that they are the same (to within error) in the core PCP mutants. Moreover, the global shape of the wing at the end of the process is nearly the same, too.
Using laser ablation and a rheological model, the paper also investigates the effect of the core PCP pathway on the short-time mechanical properties of the tissue. The authors find that the short-time …
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
This paper studies the role of the core PCP pathway on tissue morphogenesis of the Drosophila pupil wing. The authors used three different core PCP mutants to compare the cell dynamics with the wild type and conclude that core PCP does not guide the global patterns of cell dynamics during pupal wing morphogenesis. They use the previously published "triangle method" to extract modes of deformation (total shear, cell elongation, cell rearrangements) and find that they are the same (to within error) in the core PCP mutants. Moreover, the global shape of the wing at the end of the process is nearly the same, too.
Using laser ablation and a rheological model, the paper also investigates the effect of the core PCP pathway on the short-time mechanical properties of the tissue. The authors find that the short-time mechanical response is different in core PCP mutants. This is surprising, as most researchers in the field assume that the short-time recoil velocity is a proxy for tissue mechanics, and therefore also predictive of global tissue deformations. So the observation that the short-time recoils are different, while the global response is the same, is important for the field to understand.
A challenge with the paper as written is that it does not clearly explain how to reconcile these two observations, stating in the discussion that "the proportionality factor [which relates short-time recoil to tissue mechanics] can depend on the genotype and can change in time". It is possible that the data and model in the paper could be used to make a more convincing and clear statement.
The paper is conceptually interesting, methodologically sound, and likely impactful to the broad area of tissue mechanics and mechanobiology.