Imprinted Dlk1 dosage as a size determinant of the mammalian pituitary gland

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    This important study uses elegant in vivo experiments combined with expression data on an imprinted gene, Dlk1, to demonstrate its role in pituitary gland size in mice. The evidence supporting the claims of the authors is solid, although the inclusion of both sexes and a rescue model would have strengthened the study. The work will be of interest to developmental biologists working on the pituitary and hypothalamus.

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Co-regulated genes of the Imprinted Gene Network are involved in the control of growth and body size, and imprinted gene dysfunction underlies human paediatric disorders involving the endocrine system. Imprinted genes are highly expressed in the pituitary gland, among them, Dlk1 , a paternally expressed gene whose membrane-bound and secreted protein products can regulate proliferation and differentiation of multiple stem cell populations. Dosage of circulating DLK1 has been previously implicated in the control of growth through unknown molecular mechanisms. Here we generate a series of mouse genetic models to modify levels of Dlk1 expression in the pituitary gland and demonstrate that the dosage of DLK1 modulates the process of stem cell commitment with lifelong impact on pituitary gland size. We establish that stem cells are a critical source of DLK1, where embryonic disruption alters proliferation in the anterior pituitary, leading to long-lasting consequences on growth hormone secretion later in life.

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  1. Author Response

    Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

    In this manuscript, Scagliotti and colleagues investigate the role of Dlk1 in regulating pituitary size in multiple mouse models with different Dlk1 gene dosages in order to understand the mechanisms of organ size control. They find that overexpression of Dlk1 leads to pituitary overgrowth and loss of Dlk1 causes undergrowth. Authors find two compartments of Dlk1 expression in the pituitary, in the marginal zone stem cell compartment and the parenchymal differentiated cell compartment, and by combing genetic mouse models show that a specific interaction of Dlk1 expression in both regions is necessary to affect pituitary organ size. They present to suggest that Dlk1 may repress Wnt signaling during development to control a shift from progenitor proliferation to differentiation. The data are meticulous, high quality, and clear.

    I have some questions about the interpretation of their data regarding the mechanism of Dlk1 regulation of pituitary organ size, as I believe there could be potential alternative explanations for their observations:

    I was wondering about the cause of the enlargement of the pituitary gland in Fig 1E, and whether it is caused by an increased number of cells (hyperplasia), an increased cell size (hypertrophy), or both. Line 104 states it is hyperplasia, and that cell size was not affected in WT-TG ('not shown', line 121). However, line 444 says the TG is hypertrophic. It would be good if the authors could elaborate on this and show or state how cell size was determined. Figs 5/6 show that WT-Tg proliferation is generally similar to WT, which suggests the increased size is not hyperplasia. It would be good to know whether this is correct. Some previous studies have shown that in pregnancy, lactotroph hypertrophy can be responsible for pituitary enlargement without hyperplasia (Castrique 2010, Hodson 2012).

    We have now clarified this point throughout the manuscript. We had previously counted cells per field in the analysis shown in Figure 1D as a proxy for cell number (these did not significantly differ by genotype). We have now performed a more robust examination. Cell number was determined using a well-established stereological technique: For each animal the maximal cross-sectional area (CSA) was determined from the volumetric analysis. At this level 3 independent sections were used to measure anterior pituitary CSA and count haematoxilin-stained nuclei, giving a mean cells/CSA measurement per individual. This number was multiplied by the AP volume to give an estimate of cell number.

    This analysis was performed on mice from the new cohort of animals containing litter matched adults of all 4 genotypes, and shown in Figure 4E. WT-TG animals had a significant increase in cell number compared to WT littermates (p = 0.0443), therefore pituitary expansion occurs by hyperplasia.

    Related to the organ size question above, I had a question about the cell number and proportions in Fig 1D/E/F, which shows the maintenance of endocrine cell proportions and an increase in the volume of ~30% in WT-Tg. For the cell proportions to be maintained, I thought the increase in volume per cell type (Fig 1G) would therefore have to also increase proportionally in every cell type, while 1G appears to show an increase in GH (sig) and PRL/TSH cells (ns). It would be good if the authors could discuss this briefly.

    We agree and indeed we see this trend across all cell types. When the data in Figure 1G is compared by 2-Way ANOVA we see a significant effect by cell type (p< 0.0001) and by genotype (p = 0.0009). However, for other hormone producing cells the effect size is does not overcome the variation in a smaller cell population so the difference between genotypes does not pass multiple significance testing with the relatively small sample size used. We have modified the legend to Figure 1G to make the ANOVA result clearer.

    This study is impactful and will be of interest to several research communities, including those interested in pituitary development and function, organ size control, and gene imprinting mechanisms.

    Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

    Scagliotti et al address how organ size is regulated by imprinted genes. Using a series of mouse models to modulate the dosage of the paternally expressed gene, Dlk1, the authors demonstrate that DLK1 is important for the maintenance of the stem cell compartment leading to the growth of the pituitary gland and the expansion of growth hormone-producing cells. The authors show that overexpression of Dlk1 leads to pituitary hyperplasia while deletion of the paternal allele leads to reduced pituitary size. Reduced pituitary size is accompanied by reduced cell proliferation in the cleft at e13.5 and an increase in the number of POU1F1+ cells, suggesting that loss of Dlk1 alters the balance between the number of cells remaining in the replicating stem cell pool and those differentiating into the POU1F1 lineage. An elegant caveat of this paper is the rescue of Dlk1 expression in the population of cells expressing Pou1f1 but not in SOX2+ stem cells. Expression of Dlk1 only in POU1F1+ cells is not sufficient to rescue pituitary size. The authors suggest that this is because DLK1 must be present in stem cells which then activate paracrine WNT signaling to promote cell proliferation in POU1F1+ cells.


    This is an important study that provides a mechanistic understanding of how the imprinted gene, Dlk1, regulates organ size. The study employs an elegant experimental design to address the dosage requirement for Dlk1 in regulating pituitary gland size. Rescuing Dlk1 in the POU1F1+ cells, but not the marginal zone SOX2+ cells provides intriguing results about a possible role for DLK1 in paracrine signaling between these different pituitary cell types. The study uses publicly available scRNAseq and ChIPseq data to further support their findings and identify Dlk1 as a likely target of POU1F1.


    The study only analyzes females for the adult time point. For embryonic and postnatal time points sexes are pooled. Gender differences in pituitary gene expression embryonically or postnatally could potentially affect experimental outcomes.

    We have now added adult data for both sexes.

    The authors employ a mouse model that rescues Dlk1 expression starting at e15.5 in POU1F1+ parenchymal cells but not in marginal zone stem cells. Rescuing Dlk1 expression in a specific population of cells is one of the strengths of this study. Based on this information and the fact that overexpression of Dlk1 leads to increased pituitary size, the authors suggest that DLK1+ marginal zone stem cells and DLK+ parenchymal cells may interact to promote postnatal proliferation. However, the ability to more carefully parse out the complex spatial and temporal contributions of DLK1 to pituitary size would be enhanced by the addition of a mouse model that rescues Dlk1 expression only in SOX2+ cells and a model that rescues expression in both stem cells and POU1F1+ cells.

    We agree that the addition of a model where Dlk1 is only expressed in SOX2+ cells would add significant mechanistic insight. To our knowledge an inducible gain-of-function Dlk1 model does not yet exist. Moreover, use of a SOX2-Cre driver would also increase Dlk1 expression in the hypothalamus as well as Rathke’s pouch, further complicating the analysis.

  2. eLife assessment

    This important study uses elegant in vivo experiments combined with expression data on an imprinted gene, Dlk1, to demonstrate its role in pituitary gland size in mice. The evidence supporting the claims of the authors is solid, although the inclusion of both sexes and a rescue model would have strengthened the study. The work will be of interest to developmental biologists working on the pituitary and hypothalamus.

  3. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

    In this manuscript, Scagliotti and colleagues investigate the role of Dlk1 in regulating pituitary size in multiple mouse models with different Dlk1 gene dosages in order to understand the mechanisms of organ size control. They find that overexpression of Dlk1 leads to pituitary overgrowth and loss of Dlk1 causes undergrowth. Authors find two compartments of Dlk1 expression in the pituitary, in the marginal zone stem cell compartment and the parenchymal differentiated cell compartment, and by combing genetic mouse models show that a specific interaction of Dlk1 expression in both regions is necessary to affect pituitary organ size. They present to suggest that Dlk1 may repress Wnt signaling during development to control a shift from progenitor proliferation to differentiation. The data are meticulous, high quality, and clear.

    I have some questions about the interpretation of their data regarding the mechanism of Dlk1 regulation of pituitary organ size, as I believe there could be potential alternative explanations for their observations:

    I was wondering about the cause of the enlargement of the pituitary gland in Fig 1E, and whether it is caused by an increased number of cells (hyperplasia), an increased cell size (hypertrophy), or both. Line 104 states it is hyperplasia, and that cell size was not affected in WT-TG ('not shown', line 121). However, line 444 says the TG is hypertrophic. It would be good if the authors could elaborate on this and show or state how cell size was determined. Figs 5/6 show that WT-Tg proliferation is generally similar to WT, which suggests the increased size is not hyperplasia. It would be good to know whether this is correct. Some previous studies have shown that in pregnancy, lactotroph hypertrophy can be responsible for pituitary enlargement without hyperplasia (Castrique 2010, Hodson 2012).

    Related to the organ size question above, I had a question about the cell number and proportions in Fig 1D/E/F, which shows the maintenance of endocrine cell proportions and an increase in the volume of ~30% in WT-Tg. For the cell proportions to be maintained, I thought the increase in volume per cell type (Fig 1G) would therefore have to also increase proportionally in every cell type, while 1G appears to show an increase in GH (sig) and PRL/TSH cells (ns). It would be good if the authors could discuss this briefly.

    This study is impactful and will be of interest to several research communities, including those interested in pituitary development and function, organ size control, and gene imprinting mechanisms.

  4. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

    Scagliotti et al address how organ size is regulated by imprinted genes. Using a series of mouse models to modulate the dosage of the paternally expressed gene, Dlk1, the authors demonstrate that DLK1 is important for the maintenance of the stem cell compartment leading to the growth of the pituitary gland and the expansion of growth hormone-producing cells. The authors show that overexpression of Dlk1 leads to pituitary hyperplasia while deletion of the paternal allele leads to reduced pituitary size. Reduced pituitary size is accompanied by reduced cell proliferation in the cleft at e13.5 and an increase in the number of POU1F1+ cells, suggesting that loss of Dlk1 alters the balance between the number of cells remaining in the replicating stem cell pool and those differentiating into the POU1F1 lineage. An elegant caveat of this paper is the rescue of Dlk1 expression in the population of cells expressing Pou1f1 but not in SOX2+ stem cells. Expression of Dlk1 only in POU1F1+ cells is not sufficient to rescue pituitary size. The authors suggest that this is because DLK1 must be present in stem cells which then activate paracrine WNT signaling to promote cell proliferation in POU1F1+ cells.


    This is an important study that provides a mechanistic understanding of how the imprinted gene, Dlk1, regulates organ size. The study employs an elegant experimental design to address the dosage requirement for Dlk1 in regulating pituitary gland size. Rescuing Dlk1 in the POU1F1+ cells, but not the marginal zone SOX2+ cells provides intriguing results about a possible role for DLK1 in paracrine signaling between these different pituitary cell types. The study uses publicly available scRNAseq and ChIPseq data to further support their findings and identify Dlk1 as a likely target of POU1F1.


    The study only analyzes females for the adult time point. For embryonic and postnatal time points sexes are pooled. Gender differences in pituitary gene expression embryonically or postnatally could potentially affect experimental outcomes.

    The authors employ a mouse model that rescues Dlk1 expression starting at e15.5 in POU1F1+ parenchymal cells but not in marginal zone stem cells. Rescuing Dlk1 expression in a specific population of cells is one of the strengths of this study. Based on this information and the fact that overexpression of Dlk1 leads to increased pituitary size, the authors suggest that DLK1+ marginal zone stem cells and DLK+ parenchymal cells may interact to promote postnatal proliferation. However, the ability to more carefully parse out the complex spatial and temporal contributions of DLK1 to pituitary size would be enhanced by the addition of a mouse model that rescues Dlk1 expression only in SOX2+ cells and a model that rescues expression in both stem cells and POU1F1+ cells.