Rapid learning of predictive maps with STDP and theta phase precession

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    This article presents a model that uses spike timing-dependent plasticity and theta phase precession of spiking neurons to generate representations similar to those learned by temporal difference learning to form successor representations. This work is important for bridging between biologically detailed mechanisms shown in experimental data and the more abstract models in the reinforcement framework literature. The simulations are compelling, but several aspects may rely on unrealistic assumptions, so further work is necessary to determine whether such a learning process could actually occur in the brain.

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The predictive map hypothesis is a promising candidate principle for hippocampal function. A favoured formalisation of this hypothesis, called the successor representation, proposes that each place cell encodes the expected state occupancy of its target location in the near future. This predictive framework is supported by behavioural as well as electrophysiological evidence and has desirable consequences for both the generalisability and efficiency of reinforcement learning algorithms. However, it is unclear how the successor representation might be learnt in the brain. Error-driven temporal difference learning, commonly used to learn successor representations in artificial agents, is not known to be implemented in hippocampal networks. Instead, we demonstrate that spike-timing dependent plasticity (STDP), a form of Hebbian learning, acting on temporally compressed trajectories known as ‘theta sweeps’, is sufficient to rapidly learn a close approximation to the successor representation. The model is biologically plausible – it uses spiking neurons modulated by theta-band oscillations, diffuse and overlapping place cell-like state representations, and experimentally matched parameters. We show how this model maps onto known aspects of hippocampal circuitry and explains substantial variance in the temporal difference successor matrix, consequently giving rise to place cells that demonstrate experimentally observed successor representation-related phenomena including backwards expansion on a 1D track and elongation near walls in 2D. Finally, our model provides insight into the observed topographical ordering of place field sizes along the dorsal-ventral axis by showing this is necessary to prevent the detrimental mixing of larger place fields, which encode longer timescale successor representations, with more fine-grained predictions of spatial location.

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  1. Author Response

    Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

    The authors focused on linking physiological data on theta phase precession and spike-timing-dependent plasticity to the more abstract successor representation used in reinforcement learning models of spatial behavior. The model is presented clearly and effectively shows biological mechanisms for learning the successor representation. Thus, it provides an important step toward developing mathematical models that can be used to understand the function of neural circuits for guiding spatial memory behavior.

    However, as often happens in the Reinforcement Learning (RL) literature, there is a lack of attention to non-RL models, even though these might be more effective at modeling both hippocampal physiology and its role in behavior. There should be some discussion of the relationship to these other models, without assuming that the successor representation is the only way to model the role of the hippocampus in guiding spatial memory function.

    We thank the reviewer for the positive comments about the work, and for the detailed and constructive feedback. We agree with the reviewer that the manuscript will benefit from significantly more discussion of non-RL models, and we’ve detailed below a number of modifications to the manuscript to better incorporate prior work from the hippocampal literature, including the citations the reviewer has listed. Since our goal with this paper is to contextualise hippocampal phenomena in the context of an RL learning rule, this is really important and we appreciate the reviewers recommendations. We have added text (outlined in the point-by-point responses below) to the introduction and to the discussion that we hope better demonstrates the connections between the SR and existing computational models of hippocampus, and communicates clearly that the SR is not unique in capturing phenomena such as factorization of space and reward or capturing sequence statistics, but is rather a model that captures these phenomena while also connecting with downstream RL computations. Existing RL accounts of hippocampal representation often do not connect with known properties of hippocampus (as illustrated by the fact that TD learning was proposed in prior work to be the learning mechanism for SRs, even though this doesn’t have an obvious mechanism in HPC), so the purpose of this work is to explore the extent to which TD learning effectively overlaps with the well-studied properties of STDP and theta oscillations. In that sense, this paper is an effort to connect RL models of hippocampus to more physiologically plausible mechanisms rather than an attempt to model phenomena that the existing computational hippocampus literature could not capture.

    1. Page 1- "coincides with the time window of STDP" - This model shows effectively how theta phase precession allows spikes to fall within the window of spike-timing-dependent synaptic plasticity to form successor representations. However, this combination of precession and STDP has been used in many previous models to allow the storage of sequences useful for guiding behavior (e.g. Jensen and Lisman, Learning and Memory, 1996; Koene, Gorchetchnikov, Cannon, Hasselmo, Neural Networks, 2003). These previous models should be cited here as earlier models using STDP and phase precession to store sequences. They should discuss in terms of what is the advantage of an RL successor representation versus the types of associative sequence coding in these previous models.

    We agree that the idea of using theta precession to compress sequences onto the timescale of synaptic learning is a long-standing concept in sequence learning, and that we need to be careful to communicate what the advantages are of considering this in the RL context. We have added these citations to the introduction:

    “One of the consequences of phase precession is that correlates of behaviour, such as position in space, are compressed onto the timescale of a single theta cycle and thus coincide with the time-window of STDP O(20 − 50 ms) [8, 18, 20, 21]. This combination of theta sweeps and STDP has been applied to model a wide range of sequence learning tasks [22, 23, 24], and as such, potentially provides an efficient mechanism to learn from an animal’s experience – forming associations between cells which are separated by behavioural timescales much larger than that of STDP.” and added a paragraph to the discussion as well that makes this clear:

    “That the predictive skew of place fields can be accomplished with a STDP-type learning rule is a long-standing hypothesis; in fact, the authors that originally reported this effect also proposed a STDP-type mechanism for learning these fields [18, 20]. Similarly, the possible accelerating effect of theta phase precession on sequence learning has also been described in a number of previous works [22, 55, 23, 24]. Until recently [40, 41], SR models have largely not connected with this literature: they either remain agnostic to the learning rule or assume temporal difference learning (which has been well-mapped onto striatal mechanisms [37, 56], but it is unclear how this is implemented in hippocampus) [54, 31, 36, 57, 58]. Thus, one contribution of this paper is to quantitatively and qualitatively compare theta-augmented STDP to temporal difference learning, and demonstrate where these functionally overlap. This explicit link permits some insights about the physiology, such as the observation that the biologically observed parameters for phase precession and STDP resemble those that are optimal for learning the SR (Fig 3), and that the topographic organisation of place cell sizes is useful for learning representations over multiple discount timescales (Fig 4). It also permits some insights for RL, such as that the approximate SR learned with theta-augmented STDP, while provably theoretically different from TD (Section 5.8), is sufficient to capture key qualitative phenomena.”

    1. On this same point, in the introduction, the successor representation is presented as a model that forms representations of space independent of reward. However, this independence of spatial associations and reward has been a feature of most hippocampal models, that then guide behavior based on interactions between a reward representation and the spatial representation (e.g. Redish and Touretzky, Neural Comp. 1998; Burgess, Donnett, Jeffery, O'Keefe, Phil Trans, 1997; Koene et al. Neural Networks 2003; Hasselmo and Eichenbaum, Neural Networks 2005; Erdem and Hasselmo, Eur. J. Neurosci. 2012). The successor representation should not be presented as if it is the only model that ever separated spatial representations and reward. There should be some discussion of what (if any) advantages the successor representation has over these other modeling frameworks (other than connecting to a large body of RL researchers who never read about non-RL hippocampal models). To my knowledge, the successor representation has not been explicitly tested on all the behaviors addressed in these earlier models.

    We agree – a long-standing property of computational models in the hippocampal literature is a factorization of spatial and reward representations, and we have edited the text of the paper to make it clear that this is not a unique contribution of the SR. We have modified our description of the SR to better place it in the context of existing theories about hippocampal contributions to the factorised representations of space and goals, and included all citations mentioned here by adding the following text.

    We have added a sentence to the introduction:

    “However, the computation of expected reward can be decomposed into two components – the successor representation, a predictive map capturing the expected location of the agent discounted into the future, and the expected reward associated with each state [26]. Such segregation yields several advantages since information about available transitions can be learnt independently of rewards and thus changes in the locations of rewards do not require the value of all states to be re-learnt. This recapitulates a number of long-standing theories of hippocampus which state that hippocampus provides spatial representations that are independent of the animal’s particular goal and support goal-directed spatial navigation[27, 28, 23, 29, 30]”

    We have also added a paragraph to the discussion:

    “The SR model has a number of connections to other models from the computational hippocampus literature that bear on the interpretation of these results. A long-standing property of computational models in the hippocampal literature is a factorisation of spatial and reward representations [27, 28, 23, 29, 30], which permits spatial navigation to rapidly adapt to changing goal locations. Even in RL, the SR is also not unique in factorising spatial and reward representations, as purely model-based approaches do this too [26, 25, 67]. The SR occupies a much more narrow niche, which is factorising reward from spatial representations while caching long-term occupancy predictions [26, 68]. Thus, it may be possible to retain some of the flexibility of model-based approaches while retaining the rapid computation of model-free learning.”

    1. Related to this, successes of the successor representation are presented as showing thebackward expansion of place cells. But this was modeled at the start by Mehta and colleagues using STDP-type mechanisms during sequence encoding, so why was the successor representation necessary for that? I don't want to turn this into a review paper comparing hippocampal models, but the body of previous models of the role of the hippocampus in behavior warrants at least a paragraph in each of the introduction and discussion sections. In particular, it should not be somehow assumed that the successor representation is the best model, but instead, there should be some comparison with other models and discussion about whether the successor representation resembles or differs from those earlier models.

    We agree this was not clear. This is a nuanced point that warrants substantial discussion, and we have added a paragraph to the discussion (see the paragraph in the response to point 1 that begins “That the predictive skew of place fields can be accomplished…”).

    1. The text seems to interchangeably use the term "successor representation" and "TD trained network" but I think it would be more accurate to contrast the new STDP trained network with a network trained by Temporal Difference learning because one could argue that both of them are creating a successor representation.

    We now refer to these as “STDP successor features” and “TD successor features”. We have also replaced all references of “true successor representation/features” to “TD successor representation/feature” and have edited the text at the beginning of the results section to reflect this:

    “The STDP synaptic weight matrix Wij (Fig. 1d) can then be directly compared to the temporal difference (TD) successor matrix Mij (Fig. 1e), learnt via TD learning on the CA3 basis features (the full learning rule is derived in Methods and shown in Eqn. 27). Further, the TD successor matrix Mij can also be used to generate the ‘TD successor features’...”

    Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

    The authors present a set of simulations that show how hippocampal theta sequences may be combined with spike time-dependent plasticity to learn a predictive map - the successor representation - in a biologically plausible manner. This study addresses an important question in the field: how might hippocampal theta sequences be combined with STDP to learn predictive maps? The conclusions are interesting and thought-provoking. However, there were a number of issues that made it hard to judge whether the conclusions of the study are justified. These concerns mainly surround the biological plausibility of the model and parameter settings, the lack of any mathematical analysis of the model, and the lack of direct quantitative comparison of the findings to experimental data.

    While the model uses broadly realistic biological elements to learn the successor representation, there remain a number of important concerns with regard to the biological plausibility of the model. For example, the model assumes that each CA3 cell connects to exactly 1 CA1 cell throughout the whole learning process so that each CA1 cell simply inherits the activity of a single CA3 cell. Moreover, neurons in the model interact directly via their firing rate, yet produce spikes that are used only for the weight updates. Certain model parameters also appeared to be unrealistic, for example, the model combined very wide place fields with slow running speeds. This leaves open the question as to whether the proposed learning mechanism would function correctly in more realistic parameter settings. Simulations were performed for a fixed running speed, thereby omitting various potentially important effects of running speed on the phase precession and firing rate of place cells. Indeed, the phase precession of CA1 place cells was not shown or discussed, so it is unclear as to whether CA1 cells produce realistic patterns of phase precession in the model.

    The fact that a successor-like representation emerges in the model is an interesting result and is likely to be of substantial interest to those working at the intersection between neuroscience and artificial intelligence. However, because no theoretical analysis of the model was performed, it remains unclear why this interesting correspondence emerges. Was it a coincidence? When will it generalise? These questions are best answered by mathematical analysis of the model (or a reduced form of it).

    Several aspects of the model are qualitatively consistent with experimental data. For example, CA1 place fields clustered around doorways and were elongated along walls. While these findings are important and provide some support for the model, considerable work is required to draw a firm correspondence between the model and experimental data. Thus, without a quantitative comparison of the place field maps in experimental data and the model, it is hard to draw strong conclusions from these findings.

    Overall, this study promises to make an important contribution to the field, and will likely be read with interest by those working in the fields of both neuroscience and artificial intelligence. However, given the above caveats, further work is required to establish the biological plausibility of the model, develop a theoretical understanding of the proposed learning process, and establish a quantitative comparison of the findings to experimental data.

    Thank you for the positive comments about the work, and for the detailed and constructive review. We appreciate the time spent evaluating the model and understanding its features at a deep level. Your comments and suggestions have led to exciting new simulation results and a theoretical analysis which shed light on the connections between TD learning, STDP and phase precession.

    We have incorporated a number of new simulations to tackle what we believe are your most pressing concerns surrounding the model’s biological plausibility. As such, we have extended the hyperparameter sweep (Supp. Fig 3) to include the phase precession parameters you recommended, as well as three new multipanel supplementary figures satisfying your recommendations (Supp. Figs. 1, 2 & 4). Collectively, these figures show that the specifics of our results, which as you pointed out might have been produced with biologically implausible values (place cell size, movement speed/statistics, weight initialisation, weight updating schedule and phase precession parameters), do not fundamentally depend on the specific values of these parameters: the mechanism still learns predictive maps close in form to the TD successor features. In the hyperparameter sweep, we do find that results are sensitive to specific parameter values (Supp. Fig 3), but that interestingly, the optimal values of these parameters are remarkably close to those observed experimentally. We have also written an extensive new theory section analysing why theta sequences plus STDP approximates TD learning. In addition the methods section has been added to and reordered to make some of the subtler aspects of our model (i.e. the mapping of rates-to-rates and weight fixing during learning) more clear.

    At a high level, regarding our claim of biological plausibility, we like to clarify our intended contribution and give context to some responses below. We have added the following paragraph to the discussion in order to accurately represent the scope of our work:

    “While our model is biologically plausible in several respects, there remain a number of aspects of the biology that we do not interface with, such as different cell types, interneurons and membrane dynamics. Further, we do not consider anything beyond the most simple model of phase precession, which directly results in theta sweeps in lieu of them developing and synchronising across place cells over time [60]. Rather, our philosophy is to reconsider the most pressing issues with the standard model of predictive map learning in the context of hippocampus (e.g., the absence of dopaminergic error signals in CA1 and the inadequacy of synaptic plasticity timescales). We believe this minimalism is helpful, both for interpreting the results presented here and providing a foundation for further work to examine these biological intricacies, such as the possible effect of phase offsets in CA3, CA1 [61] and across the dorsoventral axis [62, 63], as well as whether the model’s theta sweeps can alternately represent future routes [64] e.g. by the inclusion of attractor dynamics [65].”

  2. eLife assessment

    This article presents a model that uses spike timing-dependent plasticity and theta phase precession of spiking neurons to generate representations similar to those learned by temporal difference learning to form successor representations. This work is important for bridging between biologically detailed mechanisms shown in experimental data and the more abstract models in the reinforcement framework literature. The simulations are compelling, but several aspects may rely on unrealistic assumptions, so further work is necessary to determine whether such a learning process could actually occur in the brain.

  3. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

    The authors focused on linking physiological data on theta phase precession and spike-timing-dependent plasticity to the more abstract successor representation used in reinforcement learning models of spatial behavior. The model is presented clearly and effectively shows biological mechanisms for learning the successor representation. Thus, it provides an important step toward developing mathematical models that can be used to understand the function of neural circuits for guiding spatial memory behavior.

    However, as often happens in the Reinforcement Learning (RL) literature, there is a lack of attention to non-RL models, even though these might be more effective at modeling both hippocampal physiology and its role in behavior. There should be some discussion of the relationship to these other models, without assuming that the successor representation is the only way to model the role of the hippocampus in guiding spatial memory function.

    1. Page 1- "coincides with the time window of STDP" - This model shows effectively how theta phase precession allows spikes to fall within the window of spike-timing-dependent synaptic plasticity to form successor representations. However, this combination of precession and STDP has been used in many previous models to allow the storage of sequences useful for guiding behavior (e.g. Jensen and Lisman, Learning and Memory, 1996; Koene, Gorchetchnikov, Cannon, Hasselmo, Neural Networks, 2003). These previous models should be cited here as earlier models using STDP and phase precession to store sequences. They should discuss in terms of what is the advantage of an RL successor representation versus the types of associative sequence coding in these previous models.

    2. On this same point, in the introduction, the successor representation is presented as a model that forms representations of space independent of reward. However, this independence of spatial associations and reward has been a feature of most hippocampal models, that then guide behavior based on interactions between a reward representation and the spatial representation (e.g. Redish and Touretzky, Neural Comp. 1998; Burgess, Donnett, Jeffery, O'Keefe, Phil Trans, 1997; Koene et al. Neural Networks 2003; Hasselmo and Eichenbaum, Neural Networks 2005; Erdem and Hasselmo, Eur. J. Neurosci. 2012). The successor representation should not be presented as if it is the only model that ever separated spatial representations and reward. There should be some discussion of what (if any) advantages the successor representation has over these other modeling frameworks (other than connecting to a large body of RL researchers who never read about non-RL hippocampal models). To my knowledge, the successor representation has not been explicitly tested on all the behaviors addressed in these earlier models.

    3. Related to this, successes of the successor representation are presented as showing the backward expansion of place cells. But this was modeled at the start by Mehta and colleagues using STDP-type mechanisms during sequence encoding, so why was the successor representation necessary for that? I don't want to turn this into a review paper comparing hippocampal models, but the body of previous models of the role of the hippocampus in behavior warrants at least a paragraph in each of the introduction and discussion sections. In particular, it should not be somehow assumed that the successor representation is the best model, but instead, there should be some comparison with other models and discussion about whether the successor representation resembles or differs from those earlier models.

    4. The text seems to interchangeably use the term "successor representation" and "TD trained network" but I think it would be more accurate to contrast the new STDP trained network with a network trained by Temporal Difference learning because one could argue that both of them are creating a successor representation.

  4. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

    The authors present a set of simulations that show how hippocampal theta sequences may be combined with spike time-dependent plasticity to learn a predictive map - the successor representation - in a biologically plausible manner. This study addresses an important question in the field: how might hippocampal theta sequences be combined with STDP to learn predictive maps? The conclusions are interesting and thought-provoking. However, there were a number of issues that made it hard to judge whether the conclusions of the study are justified. These concerns mainly surround the biological plausibility of the model and parameter settings, the lack of any mathematical analysis of the model, and the lack of direct quantitative comparison of the findings to experimental data.

    While the model uses broadly realistic biological elements to learn the successor representation, there remain a number of important concerns with regard to the biological plausibility of the model. For example, the model assumes that each CA3 cell connects to exactly 1 CA1 cell throughout the whole learning process so that each CA1 cell simply inherits the activity of a single CA3 cell. Moreover, neurons in the model interact directly via their firing rate, yet produce spikes that are used only for the weight updates. Certain model parameters also appeared to be unrealistic, for example, the model combined very wide place fields with slow running speeds. This leaves open the question as to whether the proposed learning mechanism would function correctly in more realistic parameter settings. Simulations were performed for a fixed running speed, thereby omitting various potentially important effects of running speed on the phase precession and firing rate of place cells. Indeed, the phase precession of CA1 place cells was not shown or discussed, so it is unclear as to whether CA1 cells produce realistic patterns of phase precession in the model.

    The fact that a successor-like representation emerges in the model is an interesting result and is likely to be of substantial interest to those working at the intersection between neuroscience and artificial intelligence. However, because no theoretical analysis of the model was performed, it remains unclear why this interesting correspondence emerges. Was it a coincidence? When will it generalise? These questions are best answered by mathematical analysis of the model (or a reduced form of it).

    Several aspects of the model are qualitatively consistent with experimental data. For example, CA1 place fields clustered around doorways and were elongated along walls. While these findings are important and provide some support for the model, considerable work is required to draw a firm correspondence between the model and experimental data. Thus, without a quantitative comparison of the place field maps in experimental data and the model, it is hard to draw strong conclusions from these findings.

    Overall, this study promises to make an important contribution to the field, and will likely be read with interest by those working in the fields of both neuroscience and artificial intelligence. However, given the above caveats, further work is required to establish the biological plausibility of the model, develop a theoretical understanding of the proposed learning process, and establish a quantitative comparison of the findings to experimental data.