Wide-ranging consequences of priority effects governed by an overarching factor

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    Evaluation Summary:

    This manuscript identifies pH as a common factor that underlies eco-evolutionary dynamics related to priority effects, which play an important role in community assembly. Using multiple lines of evidence, the data support the overall conclusions of the manuscript that pH-mediated priority effects in the nectar microbiome are the drivers of alternative community states. This manuscript will be of broad interest to readers in ecology and evolutionary biology.

    (This preprint has been reviewed by eLife. We include the public reviews from the reviewers here; the authors also receive private feedback with suggested changes to the manuscript. Reviewer #2 agreed to share their name with the authors.)

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Priority effects, where arrival order and initial relative abundance modulate local species interactions, can exert taxonomic, functional, and evolutionary influences on ecological communities by driving them to alternative states. It remains unclear if these wide-ranging consequences of priority effects can be explained systematically by a common underlying factor. Here, we identify such a factor in an empirical system. In a series of field and laboratory studies, we focus on how pH affects nectar-colonizing microbes and their interactions with plants and pollinators. In a field survey, we found that nectar microbial communities in a hummingbird-pollinated shrub, Diplacus (formerly Mimulus ) aurantiacus , exhibited abundance patterns indicative of alternative stable states that emerge through domination by either bacteria or yeasts within individual flowers. In addition, nectar pH varied among D. aurantiacus flowers in a manner that is consistent with the existence of these alternative stable states. In laboratory experiments, Acinetobacter nectaris , the bacterium most commonly found in D. aurantiacus nectar, exerted a strongly negative priority effect against Metschnikowia reukaufii , the most common nectar-specialist yeast, by reducing nectar pH. This priority effect likely explains the mutually exclusive pattern of dominance found in the field survey. Furthermore, experimental evolution simulating hummingbird-assisted dispersal between flowers revealed that M. reukaufii could evolve rapidly to improve resistance against the priority effect if constantly exposed to A. nectaris -induced pH reduction. Finally, in a field experiment, we found that low nectar pH could reduce nectar consumption by hummingbirds, suggesting functional consequences of the pH-driven priority effect for plant reproduction. Taken together, these results show that it is possible to identify an overarching factor that governs the eco-evolutionary dynamics of priority effects across multiple levels of biological organization.

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  1. Author Response

    Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

    This manuscript seeks to identify the mechanism underlying priority effects in a plantmicrobe-pollinator model system and to explore its evolutionary and functional consequences. The manuscript first documents alternative community states in the wild: flowers tend to be strongly dominated by either bacteria or yeast but not both. Then lab experiments are used to show that bacteria lower the nectar pH, which inhibits yeast - thereby identifying a mechanism for the observed priority effect. The authors then perform an experimental evolution unfortunately experiment which shows that yeast can evolve tolerance to a lower pH. Finally, the authors show that low-pH nectar reduces pollinator consumption, suggesting a functional impact on the plant-pollinator system. Together, these multiple lines of evidence build a strong case that pH has far-reaching effects on the microbial community and beyond.

    The paper is notable for the diverse approaches taken, including field observations, lab microbial competition and evolution experiments, genome resequencing of evolved strains, and field experiments with artificial flowers and nectar. This breadth can sometimes seem a bit overwhelming. The model system has been well developed by this group and is simple enough to dissect but also relevant and realistic. Whether the mechanism and interactions observed in this system can be extrapolated to other systems remains to be seen. The experimental design is generally sound. In terms of methods, the abundance of bacteria and yeast is measured using colony counts, and given that most microbes are uncultivable, it is important to show that these colony counts reflect true cell abundance in the nectar.

    We have revised the text to address the relationship between cell counts and colony counts with nectar microbes. Specifically, we point out that our previous work (Peay et al. 2012) established a close correlation between CFUs and cell densities (r2 = 0.76) for six species of nectar yeasts isolated from D. aurantiacus nectar at Jasper Ridge, including M. reukaufii.

    As for A. nectaris, we used a flow cytometric sorting technique to examine the relationship between cell density and CFU (figure supplement 1). This result should be viewed as preliminary given the low level of replication, but this relationship also appears to be linear, as shown below, indicating that colony counts likely reflect true cell abundance of this species in nectar.

    It remains uncertain how closely CFU reflects total cell abundance of the entire bacterial and fungal community in nectar. However, a close association is possible and may be even likely given the data above, showing a close correlation between CFU and total cell count for several yeast species and A. nectaris, which are indicated by our data to be dominant species in nectar.

    We have added the above points in the manuscript (lines 263-264, 938-932).

    The genome resequencing to identify pH-driven mutations is, in my mind, the least connected and developed part of the manuscript, and could be removed to sharpen and shorten the manuscript.

    We appreciate this perspective. However, given the disagreement between this perspective and reviewer 2’s, which asks for a more expanded section, we have decided to add a few additional lines (lines 628-637), briefly expanding on the genomic differences between strains evolved in bacteria-conditioned nectar and those evolved in low-pH nectar.

    Overall, I think the authors achieve their aims of identifying a mechanism (pH) for the priority effect of early-colonizing bacteria on later-arriving yeast. The evolution and pollinator experiments show that pH has the potential for broader effects too. It is surprising that the authors do not discuss the inverse priority effect of early-arriving yeast on later-arriving bacteria, beyond a supplemental figure. Understandably this part of the story may warrant a separate manuscript.

    We would like to point out that, in our original manuscript, we did discuss the inverse priority effects, referring to relevant findings that we previously reported (Tucker and Fukami 2014, Dhami et al. 2016 and 2018, Vannette and Fukami 2018). Specifically, we wrote that: “when yeast arrive first to nectar, they deplete nutrients such as amino acids and limit subsequent bacterial growth, thereby avoiding pH-driven suppression that would happen if bacteria were initially more abundant (Tucker and Fukami 2014; Vannette and Fukami 2018)” (lines 385-388). However, we now realize that this brief mention of the inverse priority effects was not sufficiently linked to our motivation for focusing mainly on the priority effects of bacteria on yeast in the present paper. Accordingly, we added the following sentences: “Since our previous papers sought to elucidate priority effects of early-arriving yeast, here we focus primarily on the other side of the priority effects, where initial dominance of bacteria inhibits yeast growth.” (lines 398-401).

    I anticipate this paper will have a significant impact because it is a nice model for how one might identify and validate a mechanism for community-level interactions. I suspect it will be cited as a rare example of the mechanistic basis of priority effects, even across many systems (not just pollinator-microbe systems). It illustrates nicely a more general ecological phenomenon and is presented in a way that is accessible to a broader audience.

    Thank you for this positive assessment.

    Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

    The manuscript "pH as an eco-evolutionary driver of priority effects" by Chappell et al illustrates how a single driver-microbial-induced pH change can affect multiple levels of species interactions including microbial community structure, microbial evolutionary change, and hummingbird nectar consumption (potentially influencing both microbial dispersal and plant reproduction). It is an elegant study with different interacting parts: from laboratory to field experiments addressing mechanism, condition, evolution, and functional consequences. It will likely be of interest to a wide audience and has implications for microbial, plant, and animal ecology and evolution.

    This is a well-written manuscript, with generally clear and informative figures. It represents a large body and variety of work that is novel and relevant (all major strengths).

    We appreciate this positive assessment.

    Overall, the authors' claims and conclusions are justified by the data. There are a few things that could be addressed in more detail in the manuscript. The most important weakness in terms of lack of information/discussion is that it looks like there are just as many or more genomic differences between the bacterial-conditioned evolved strains and the low-pH evolved strains than there are between these and the normal nectar media evolved strains. I don't think this negates the main conclusion that pH is the primary driver of priority effects in this system, but it does open the question of what you are missing when you focus only on pH. I would like to see a discussion of the differences between bacteria-conditioned vs. low-pH evolved strains.

    We agree with the reviewer and have included an expanded discussion in the revised manuscript [lines 628-637]. Specifically, to show overall genomic variation between treatments, we calculated genome-wide Fst comparing the various nectar conditions. We found that Fst was 0.0013, 0.0014, and 0.0015 for the low-pH vs. normal, low pH vs. bacteria-conditioned, and bacteria-conditioned vs. normal comparisons, respectively. The similarity between all treatments suggests that the differences between bacteria-conditioned and low pH are comparable to each treatment compared to normal. This result highlights that, although our phenotypic data suggest alterations to pH as the most important factor for this priority effect, it still may be one of many affecting the coevolutionary dynamics of wild yeast in the microbial communities they are part of. In the full community context in which these microbes grow in the field, multi-species interactions, environmental microclimates, etc. likely also play a role in rapid adaptation of these microbes which was not investigated in the current study.

    Based on this overall picture, we have included additional discussion focusing on the effect of pH on evolution of stronger resistance to priority effects. We compared genomic differences between bacteria-conditioned and low-pH evolved strains, drawing the reader’s attention to specific differences in source data 14-15. Loci that varied between the low pH and bacteria-conditioned treatments occurred in genes associated with protein folding, amino acid biosynthesis, and metabolism.

    Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

    This work seeks to identify a common factor governing priority effects, including mechanism, condition, evolution, and functional consequences. It is suggested that environmental pH is the main factor that explains various aspects of priority effects across levels of biological organization. Building upon this well-studied nectar microbiome system, it is suggested that pH-mediated priority effects give rise to bacterial and yeast dominance as alternative community states. Furthermore, pH determines both the strengths and limits of priority effects through rapid evolution, with functional consequences for the host plant's reproduction. These data contribute to ongoing discussions of deterministic and stochastic drivers of community assembly processes.


    Provides multiple lines of field and laboratory evidence to show that pH is the main factor shaping priority effects in the nectar microbiome. Field surveys characterize the distribution of microbial communities with flowers frequently dominated by either bacteria or yeast, suggesting that inhibitory priority effects explain these patterns.

    Microcosm experiments showed that A. nectaris (bacteria) showed negative inhibitory priority effects against M. reukaffi (yeast). Furthermore, high densities of bacteria were correlated with lower pH potentially due to bacteria-induced reduction in nectar pH. Experimental evolution showed that yeast evolved in low-pH and bacteria-conditioned treatments were less affected by priority effects as compared to ancestral yeast populations. This potentially explains the variation of bacteria-dominated flowers observed in the field, as yeast rapidly evolves resistance to bacterial priority effects. Genome sequencing further reveals that phenotypic changes in low-pH and bacteriaconditioned nectar treatments corresponded to genomic variation. Lastly, a field experiment showed that low nectar pH reduced flower visitation by hummingbirds. pH not only affected microbial priority effects but also has functional consequences for host plants.

    We appreciate this positive assessment.


    The conclusions of this paper are generally well-supported by the data, but some aspects of the experiments and analysis need to be clarified and expanded.

    The authors imply that in their field surveys flowers were frequently dominated by bacteria or yeast, but rarely together. The authors argue that the distributional patterns of bacteria and yeast are therefore indicative of alternative states. In each of the 12 sites, 96 flowers were sampled for nectar microbes. However, it's unclear to what degree the spatial proximity of flowers within each of the sampled sites biased the observed distribution patterns. Furthermore, seasonal patterns may also influence microbial distribution patterns, especially in the case of co-dominated flowers. Temperature and moisture might influence the dominance patterns of bacteria and yeast.

    We agree that these factors could potentially explain the presented results. Accordingly, we conducted spatial and seasonal analyses of the data, which we detail below and include in two new paragraphs in the manuscript [lines 290-309].

    First, to determine whether spatial proximity influenced yeast and bacterial CFUs, we regressed the geographic distance between all possible pairs of plants to the difference in bacterial or fungal abundance between the paired plants. If plant location affected microbial abundance, one should see a positive relationship between distance and the difference in microbial abundance between a given pair of plants: a pair of plants that were more distantly located from each other should be, on average, more different in microbial abundance. Contrary to this expectation, we found no significant relationship between distance and the difference in bacterial colonization (A, p=0.07, R2=0.0003) and a small negative association between distance and the difference in fungal colonization (B, p<0.05, R2=0.004). Thus, there was no obvious overall spatial pattern in whether flowers were dominated by yeast or bacteria.

    Next, to determine whether climatic factors or seasonality affected the colonization of bacteria and yeast per plant, we used a linear mixed model predicting the average bacteria and yeast density per plant from average annual temperature, temperature seasonality, and annual precipitation at each site, the date the site was sampled, and the site location and plant as nested random effects. We found that none of these variables were significantly associated with the density of bacteria and yeast in each plant.

    To look at seasonality, we also re-ordered Fig 2C, which shows the abundance of bacteria- and yeast-dominated flowers at each site, so that the sites are now listed in order of sampling dates. In this re-ordered figure, there is no obvious trend in the number of flowers dominated by yeast throughout the period sampled (6.23 to 7/9), giving additional indication that seasonality was unlikely to affect the results.

    Additionally, sampling date does not seem to strongly predict bacterial or fungal density within each flower when plotted.

    These additional analyses, now included (figure supplements 2-4) and described (lines 290-309) in the manuscript, indicate that the observed microbial distribution patterns are unlikely to have been strongly influenced by spatial proximity, temperature, moisture, or seasonality, reinforcing the possibility that the distribution patterns instead indicate bacterial and yeast dominance as alternative stable states.

    The authors exposed yeast to nectar treatments varying in pH levels. Using experimental evolution approaches, the authors determined that yeast grown in low pH nectar treatments were more resistant to priority effects by bacteria. The metric used to determine the bacteria's priority effect strength on yeast does not seem to take into account factors that limit growth, such as the environmental carrying capacity. In addition, yeast evolves in normal (pH =6) and low pH (3) nectar treatments, but it's unclear how resistance differs across a range of pH levels (ranging from low to high pH) and affects the cost of yeast resistance to bacteria priority effects. The cost of resistance may influence yeast life-history traits.

    The strength of bacterial priority effects on yeast was calculated using the metric we previously published in Vannette and Fukami (2014): PE = log(BY/(-Y)) - log(YB/(Y-)), where BY and YB represent the final yeast density when early arrival (day 0 of the experiment) was by bacteria or yeast, followed by late arrival by yeast or bacteria (day 2), respectively, and -Y and Y- represent the final density of yeast in monoculture when they were introduced late or early, respectively. This metric does not incorporate carrying capacity. However, it does compare how each microbial species grows alone, relative to growth before or after a competitor. In this way, our metric compares environmental differences between treatments while also taking into account growth differences between strains.

    Here we also present additional growth data to address the reviewer’s point about carrying capacity. Our experiments that compared ancestral and evolved yeast were conducted over the course of two days of growth. In preliminary monoculture growth experiments of each evolved strain, we found that yeast populations did reach carrying capacity over the course of the two-day experiment and population size declined or stayed constant after three and four days of growth.

    However, we found no significant difference in monoculture growth between the ancestral stains and any of the evolved strains, as shown in Figure supplement 12B. This lack of significant difference in monoculture suggests that differences in intrinsic growth rate do not fully explain the priority effects results we present. Instead, differences in growth were specific to yeast’s response to early arrival by bacteria.

    We also appreciate the reviewer’s comment about how yeast evolves resistance across a range of pH levels, as well as the effect of pH on yeast life-history traits. In fact, reviewer #2 pointed out an interesting trade-off in life history traits between growth and resistance to priority effects that we now include in the discussion (lines 535-551) as well as a figure in the manuscript (Figure 8).

  2. Evaluation Summary:

    This manuscript identifies pH as a common factor that underlies eco-evolutionary dynamics related to priority effects, which play an important role in community assembly. Using multiple lines of evidence, the data support the overall conclusions of the manuscript that pH-mediated priority effects in the nectar microbiome are the drivers of alternative community states. This manuscript will be of broad interest to readers in ecology and evolutionary biology.

    (This preprint has been reviewed by eLife. We include the public reviews from the reviewers here; the authors also receive private feedback with suggested changes to the manuscript. Reviewer #2 agreed to share their name with the authors.)

  3. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

    This manuscript seeks to identify the mechanism underlying priority effects in a plant-microbe-pollinator model system and to explore its evolutionary and functional consequences. The manuscript first documents alternative community states in the wild: flowers tend to be strongly dominated by either bacteria or yeast but not both. Then lab experiments are used to show that bacteria lower the nectar pH, which inhibits yeast - thereby identifying a mechanism for the observed priority effect. The authors then perform an experimental evolution experiment which shows that yeast can evolve tolerance to a lower pH. Finally, the authors show that low-pH nectar reduces pollinator consumption, suggesting a functional impact on the plant-pollinator system. Together, these multiple lines of evidence build a strong case that pH has far-reaching effects on the microbial community and beyond.

    The paper is notable for the diverse approaches taken, including field observations, lab microbial competition and evolution experiments, genome resequencing of evolved strains, and field experiments with artificial flowers and nectar. This breadth can sometimes seem a bit overwhelming. The model system has been well developed by this group and is simple enough to dissect but also relevant and realistic. Whether the mechanism and interactions observed in this system can be extrapolated to other systems remains to be seen. The experimental design is generally sound. In terms of methods, the abundance of bacteria and yeast is measured using colony counts, and given that most microbes are uncultivable, it is important to show that these colony counts reflect true cell abundance in the nectar. The genome resequencing to identify pH-driven mutations is, in my mind, the least connected and developed part of the manuscript, and could be removed to sharpen and shorten the manuscript.

    Overall, I think the authors achieve their aims of identifying a mechanism (pH) for the priority effect of early-colonizing bacteria on later-arriving yeast. The evolution and pollinator experiments show that pH has the potential for broader effects too. It is surprising that the authors do not discuss the inverse priority effect of early-arriving yeast on later-arriving bacteria, beyond a supplemental figure. Understandably this part of the story may warrant a separate manuscript.

    I anticipate this paper will have a significant impact because it is a nice model for how one might identify and validate a mechanism for community-level interactions. I suspect it will be cited as a rare example of the mechanistic basis of priority effects, even across many systems (not just pollinator-microbe systems). It illustrates nicely a more general ecological phenomenon and is presented in a way that is accessible to a broader audience.

  4. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

    The manuscript "pH as an eco-evolutionary driver of priority effects" by Chappell et al illustrates how a single driver-microbial-induced pH change can affect multiple levels of species interactions including microbial community structure, microbial evolutionary change, and hummingbird nectar consumption (potentially influencing both microbial dispersal and plant reproduction). It is an elegant study with different interacting parts: from laboratory to field experiments addressing mechanism, condition, evolution, and functional consequences. It will likely be of interest to a wide audience and has implications for microbial, plant, and animal ecology and evolution.

    This is a well-written manuscript, with generally clear and informative figures. It represents a large body and variety of work that is novel and relevant (all major strengths).

    Overall, the authors' claims and conclusions are justified by the data. There are a few things that could be addressed in more detail in the manuscript. The most important weakness in terms of lack of information/discussion is that it looks like there are just as many or more genomic differences between the bacterial-conditioned evolved strains and the low-pH evolved strains than there are between these and the normal nectar media evolved strains. I don't think this negates the main conclusion that pH is the primary driver of priority effects in this system, but it does open the question of what you are missing when you focus only on pH. I would like to see a discussion of the differences between bacteria-conditioned vs. low-pH evolved strains.

  5. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

    This work seeks to identify a common factor governing priority effects, including mechanism, condition, evolution, and functional consequences. It is suggested that environmental pH is the main factor that explains various aspects of priority effects across levels of biological organization. Building upon this well-studied nectar microbiome system, it is suggested that pH-mediated priority effects give rise to bacterial and yeast dominance as alternative community states. Furthermore, pH determines both the strengths and limits of priority effects through rapid evolution, with functional consequences for the host plant's reproduction. These data contribute to ongoing discussions of deterministic and stochastic drivers of community assembly processes.


    Provides multiple lines of field and laboratory evidence to show that pH is the main factor shaping priority effects in the nectar microbiome. Field surveys characterize the distribution of microbial communities with flowers frequently dominated by either bacteria or yeast, suggesting that inhibitory priority effects explain these patterns. Microcosm experiments showed that A. nectaris (bacteria) showed negative inhibitory priority effects against M. reukaffi (yeast). Furthermore, high densities of bacteria were correlated with lower pH potentially due to bacteria-induced reduction in nectar pH. Experimental evolution showed that yeast evolved in low-pH and bacteria-conditioned treatments were less affected by priority effects as compared to ancestral yeast populations. This potentially explains the variation of bacteria-dominated flowers observed in the field, as yeast rapidly evolves resistance to bacterial priority effects. Genome sequencing further reveals that phenotypic changes in low-pH and bacteria-conditioned nectar treatments corresponded to genomic variation. Lastly, a field experiment showed that low nectar pH reduced flower visitation by hummingbirds. pH not only affected microbial priority effects but also has functional consequences for host plants.


    The conclusions of this paper are generally well-supported by the data, but some aspects of the experiments and analysis need to be clarified and expanded.

    The authors imply that in their field surveys flowers were frequently dominated by bacteria or yeast, but rarely together. The authors argue that the distributional patterns of bacteria and yeast are therefore indicative of alternative states. In each of the 12 sites, 96 flowers were sampled for nectar microbes. However, it's unclear to what degree the spatial proximity of flowers within each of the sampled sites biased the observed distribution patterns. Furthermore, seasonal patterns may also influence microbial distribution patterns, especially in the case of co-dominated flowers. Temperature and moisture might influence the dominance patterns of bacteria and yeast.

    The authors exposed yeast to nectar treatments varying in pH levels. Using experimental evolution approaches, the authors determined that yeast grown in low pH nectar treatments were more resistant to priority effects by bacteria. The metric used to determine the bacteria's priority effect strength on yeast does not seem to take into account factors that limit growth, such as the environmental carrying capacity. In addition, yeast evolves in normal (pH =6) and low pH (3) nectar treatments, but it's unclear how resistance differs across a range of pH levels (ranging from low to high pH) and affects the cost of yeast resistance to bacteria priority effects. The cost of resistance may influence yeast life-history traits.