Nocardia otitidiscaviarum causing pulmonary nocardiosis: a case report and its review of the literature

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Background. Infections caused by Nocardia spp. can occur in immunocompromised as well as immunocompetent individuals. Although nocardiosis is rare, it is being increasingly recognized owing to the rise in occurrence rate over the years. The documentation of pleural involvement in nocardiosis is rare in India.

Case. We report a case of pulmonary nocardiosis in an immunocompromised individual caused by Nocardia otitidiscaviarum .

Discussion. Pulmonary nocardiosis caused by Nocardia otitidiscaviarum may go unnoticed without clinical suspicion. Correct and timely identification is the key to proper patient management.

Conclusion. Coordination between clinicians and microbiologists is necessary for early diagnosis and appropriate management of nocardiosis.

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  1. In this manuscript, the authors present a case report of pulmonary nocardiosis, describing the course of the disease and treatment and the microbiological traits of the pathogen Nocardia otitidiscaviarum. As such, the report is a valuable contribution to the medical literature. However, after different consultations with the Editorial Office, we agree that the section about the literature review should be improved before progressing the manuscript to peer-review. In particular, we believe that the paper would greatly benefit from a deeper discussion of the differences and commonalities between previous reports and the one your present here, either where you state that you have done a literature review (line 179) or in the discussion. This would be much more appreciated by the potential readers.