The 2019 Novel Coronavirus Research Compendium (NCRC) is a centralized, publicly available resource that rapidly curates and reviews the emerging scientific evidence about SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19. Our goal is to provide accurate, relevant information for global public health action by clinicians, public health practitioners, and policy makers.
    This group has 107 evaluations2 lists32 followersLatest activity
  2. PeerJ

    PeerJ is an open access publisher of 7 peer-reviewed journals, and an editorial community of over 2000 Academic Editors and Advisors, and tens of thousands of authors and reviewers.
    This group has 1368 evaluations1 list85 followersLatest activity
  3. Review Commons

    Review Commons is a platform for high-quality journal-independent peer-review in the life sciences.
    This group has 4790 evaluations1 list146 followersLatest activity
  4. eLife

    eLife reviews preprints in the life sciences and medicine.
    This group has 36327 evaluations6509 curated articles1 list288 followersLatest activity