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  1. Adiponectin exerts sex-dependent effects on lipid, amino acid, and glucose metabolism during caloric restriction

    This article has 17 authors:
    1. Yoshiko M Ikushima
    2. Kuan-Chan Chen
    3. Richard J. Sulston
    4. Domenico Mattiucci
    5. Eleanor J. Brain
    6. Stefanie A Fung Xin Zi
    7. Karla J. Suchacki
    8. Benjamin J. Thomas
    9. Andrea Lovdel
    10. Matthew Bennett
    11. Hiroshi Kobayashi
    12. Phillip D. Whitfield
    13. Keiyo Takubo
    14. Andrew H. Baker
    15. Nicholas M. Morton
    16. Robert K. Semple
    17. William P. Cawthorn

    Reviewed by PREreview

    This article has 1 evaluationAppears in 1 listLatest version Latest activity
  2. Systemic and local chronic inflammation and hormone disposition promote a tumor-permissive environment for breast cancer in older women

    This article has 26 authors:
    1. Neil Carleton
    2. Sanghoon Lee
    3. Ruxuan Li
    4. Jian Zou
    5. Daniel D Brown
    6. Jagmohan Hooda
    7. Alexander Chang
    8. Rahul Kumar
    9. Linda R Klei
    10. Lora H Rigatti
    11. Joseph Newsome
    12. Dixcy Jaba Sheeba John Mary
    13. Jennifer M Atkinson
    14. Raymond E West
    15. Thomas D Nolin
    16. Patrick J Oberly
    17. Ziyu Huang
    18. Donald Poirier
    19. Emilia J Diego
    20. Peter C Lucas
    21. George Tseng
    22. Michael T Lotze
    23. Priscilla F McAuliffe
    24. Ioannis K Zervantonakis
    25. Steffi Oesterreich
    26. Adrian V Lee

    Reviewed by PREreview

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  3. Acquisition of an immunosuppressive microenvironment after CAR-T therapy drives T-cell dysfunction and resistance

    This article has 23 authors:
    1. Marianna Ponzo
    2. Lorenzo Drufuca
    3. Chiara Buracchi
    4. Marco M. Sindoni
    5. Silvia Nucera
    6. Cristina Bugarin
    7. Ramona Bason
    8. Grazisa Rossetti
    9. Raoul Bonnal
    10. Cristian Meli
    11. Benedetta Rambaldi
    12. Federico Lussana
    13. Silvia Ferrari
    14. Alex Moretti
    15. Giulia Risca
    16. Christian Pellegrino
    17. Markus G. Manz
    18. Stefania Galimberti
    19. Alessandro Rambaldi
    20. Giuseppe Gaipa
    21. Andrea Biondi
    22. Massimiliano Pagani
    23. Chiara F. Magnani

    Reviewed by PREreview

    This article has 1 evaluationAppears in 1 listLatest version Latest activity
  4. Small molecule modulator of neuronal lysosome positioning and function resolves Alzheimer’s Disease-linked pathologies in cultured human neurons

    This article has 14 authors:
    1. Amanda M. Snead
    2. Sruchi Patel
    3. Mia Krout
    4. Ryan S. Hippman
    5. Gabrielle Smith
    6. Diya Dileep
    7. Nitya Chagoor
    8. Rachel Shi
    9. Ricardo Linares
    10. Andrew Dobria
    11. Stephanie M. Cologna
    12. Camerron Crowder
    13. Leslie N. Aldrich
    14. Swetha Gowrishankar

    Reviewed by PREreview

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  5. Maintenance of neuronal TDP-43 expression requires axonal lysosome transport

    This article has 18 authors:
    1. Veronica H Ryan
    2. Sydney Lawton
    3. Joel F Reyes
    4. James Hawrot
    5. Ashley M Frankenfield
    6. Sahba Seddighi
    7. Daniel M Ramos
    8. Faraz Faghri
    9. Nicholas L Johnson
    10. Jizhong Zou
    11. Martin Kampmann
    12. John Replogle
    13. Hebao Yuan
    14. Kory R Johnson
    15. Dragan Maric
    16. Ling Hao
    17. Mike A Nalls
    18. Michael E Ward
    This article has been curated by 1 group:
    • Curated by eLife

      eLife Assessment

      In this important manuscript, Ryan et al perform a genome-wide CRISPR based screen to identify genes that modulate TDP-43 levels in neurons. They identify a number of genes and pathways and highlight the BORC complex, which is required for anterograde lysosome transport as one such regulator of TDP-43 protein levels. Overall, this is a convincing study, which opens the door for additional future investigations on the regulation of TDP-43.

    Reviewed by PREreview, eLife

    This article has 5 evaluationsAppears in 2 listsLatest version Latest activity