Reading list
A list by Biophysics Colab
Articles that are being read by Biophysics Colab.
Showing page 4 of 48 pages of list content
Parametrically guided design of beta barrels and transmembrane nanopores using deep learning
This article has 9 authors: -
Stabilised D 2 R G-protein coupled receptor oligomers identify multi-state β-arrestin complexes
This article has 7 authors: -
Biased agonism of carvedilol in the beta1-adrenergic receptor is governed by conformational exclusion
This article has 7 authors: -
Functional properties of a disease mutation for migraine in Kv2.1/6.4 channels
This article has 3 authors: -
Selective Activation of GPCRs: Molecular Dynamics Shows Siponimod Binds but Fails to Activate S1PR2 Unlike S1PR1
This article has 3 authors: -
From resting state to inactivation: the dynamic journey of the inactivation peptide in Shaker Kv channels
This article has 3 authors: -
Regulation of Kv1.2 redox-sensitive gating by the transmembrane lectin LMAN2
This article has 8 authors: -
Cryo-EM Structures of Clostridium perfringens Enterotoxin Bound to its Human Receptor, Claudin-4
This article has 4 authors: -
TRPML1 gating modulation by allosteric mutations and lipids
This article has 4 authors:This article has been curated by 1 group:Reviewed by eLife
Ion and water permeation through Claudin-10b paracellular channels
This article has 4 authors: -
This article has 7 authors: -
Electrical and G-protein Regulation of CaV2.2 (N-type) Channels
This article has 7 authors: -
The fully activated open state of KCNQ1 controls the cardiac “fight-or-flight” response
This article has 10 authors: -
CryoEM Structure of the human THIK-1 K2P K + Channel Reveals a Lower ‘Y-gate’ Regulated by Lipids and Anaesthetics
This article has 10 authors: