Latest preprint reviews

  1. Ventilator-associated pneumonia in critically ill patients with COVID-19

    This article has 22 authors:
    1. Mailis Maes
    2. Ellen Higginson
    3. Joana Pereira-Dias
    4. Martin D. Curran
    5. Surendra Parmar
    6. Fahad Khokhar
    7. Delphine Cuchet-Lourenço
    8. Janine Lux
    9. Sapna Sharma-Hajela
    10. Benjamin Ravenhill
    11. Islam Hamed
    12. Laura Heales
    13. Razeen Mahroof
    14. Amelia Soderholm
    15. Sally Forrest
    16. Sushmita Sridhar
    17. Nicholas M. Brown
    18. Stephen Baker
    19. Vilas Navapurkar
    20. Gordon Dougan
    21. Josefin Bartholdson Scott
    22. Andrew Conway Morris

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  2. Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 among workers returning to Bihar gives snapshot of COVID across India

    This article has 5 authors:
    1. Anup Malani
    2. Manoj Mohanan
    3. Chanchal Kumar
    4. Jake Kramer
    5. Vaidehi Tandel

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  3. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on quality of life, physical and psychosocial wellbeing in breast cancer patients – a prospective, multicenter cohort study

    This article has 16 authors:
    1. C. Bargon
    2. M. Batenburg
    3. L. van Stam
    4. D.Mink van der Molen
    5. I. van Dam
    6. F. van der Leij
    7. I. Baas
    8. M. Ernst
    9. W. Maarse
    10. N. Vermulst
    11. E. Schoenmaeckers
    12. T. van Dalen
    13. R. Bijlsma
    14. D. Young-Afat
    15. A. Doeksen
    16. H. Verkooijen

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  4. A facile Q-RT-PCR assay for monitoring SARS-CoV-2 growth in cell culture

    This article has 4 authors:
    1. Christian Shema Mugisha
    2. Hung R. Vuong
    3. Maritza Puray-Chavez
    4. Sebla B. Kutluay

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  5. Integrate structural analysis, isoform diversity, and interferon-inductive propensity of ACE2 to predict SARS-CoV2 susceptibility in vertebrates

    This article has 5 authors:
    1. Eric R. Sang
    2. Yun Tian
    3. Yuanying Gong
    4. Laura C. Miller
    5. Yongming Sang

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  6. Problem drinking before and during the COVID-19 crisis in US and UK adults: Evidence from two population-based longitudinal studies

    This article has 2 authors:
    1. Michael Daly
    2. Eric Robinson

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  7. Vaporized H 2 O 2 decontamination against surrogate viruses for the reuse of N95 respirators in the COVID-19 emergency

    This article has 12 authors:
    1. Ebru Oral
    2. Keith K. Wannomae
    3. Rachel L. Connolly
    4. Joseph A. Gardecki
    5. Hui Min Leung
    6. Orhun K. Muratoglu
    7. John Durkin
    8. Ralph Jones
    9. Cassidy Collins
    10. Julian Gjore
    11. Amanda Budzilowicz
    12. Tareq Jaber

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  8. A streamlined whole blood CyTOF workflow defines a circulating immune cell signature of COVID ‐19

    This article has 16 authors:
    1. Daniel Geanon
    2. Brian Lee
    3. Edgar Gonzalez‐Kozlova
    4. Geoffrey Kelly
    5. Diana Handler
    6. Bhaskar Upadhyaya
    7. John Leech
    8. Ronaldo M. De Real
    9. Manon Herbinet
    10. Assaf Magen
    11. Diane Del Valle
    12. Alexander Charney
    13. Seunghee Kim‐Schulze
    14. Sacha Gnjatic
    15. Miriam Merad
    16. Adeeb H. Rahman

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  9. Social media and smartphone app use predicts maintenance of physical activity during Covid-19 enforced isolation in psychiatric outpatients

    This article has 79 authors:
    1. Agnes Norbury
    2. Shelley H. Liu
    3. Juan José Campaña-Montes
    4. Lorena Romero-Medrano
    5. María Luisa Barrigón
    6. Emma Smith
    7. MEmind Study Group
    8. Fuensanta Aroca
    9. Antonio Artés-Rodríguez
    10. Enrique Baca-García
    11. Sofian Berrouiguet
    12. Romain Billot
    13. Juan Jose Carballo-Belloso
    14. Philippe Courtet
    15. David Delgado Gomez
    16. Jorge Lopez-Castroman
    17. M. Mercedes Perez-Rodriguez
    18. Fellows and PhD students
    19. Isaac Díaz-Olivan
    20. Patricia Espinosa-Salido
    21. Nuria Guerra-Carrasco
    22. Lucia Albarracin
    23. Montserrat Sanchez-Alonso
    24. Paula Escobedo-Aedo
    25. Alberto Alvarez-Gutierrez
    26. Sofia Abascal-Peiro
    27. Leire Izaguirre-Gamir
    28. Julia Aznar-Carbone
    29. Javier Herrera-Sanchez
    30. Marina Llaguno-Sanmartín
    31. Manuel Alfonso Vasquez-Guida
    32. Quintana-Pontones-FJD Hospital, Madrid
    33. Susana Amodeo-Escribano
    34. Maria Luisa Barrigón
    35. Rosa Ana Bello-Sousa
    36. Fanny Cegla-Schvartzman
    37. Covadonga Bonal-Giménez
    38. Rodrigo Carmona
    39. Irene Caro-Cañizares
    40. Marisa Martin-Calvo
    41. Laura Mata-Iturralde
    42. Marta Migoya-Borja
    43. Carolina Miguelez-Fernandez
    44. Laura Muñoz-Lorenzo
    45. Santiago Ovejero
    46. Inmaculada Peñuelas-Calvo
    47. Sonia Pérez-Colmenero
    48. Alejandro Porras-Segovia
    49. Ana Rico-Romano
    50. Alba Rodriguez-Jover
    51. Sergio Sánchez-Alonso
    52. Juncal Sevilla-Vicente
    53. Carolina Vigil-López
    54. Villalba Hospital, Madrid
    55. Ana Alcón-Durán
    56. Ezequiel Di Stasio
    57. Juan Manuel García-Vega
    58. Ana López-Gómez, Pedro Martín-Calvo
    59. Ana José Ortega
    60. Lucia Rodríguez-Blanco
    61. Marta Segura-Valverde
    62. Infanta Elena Hospital, Madrid
    63. Sara María Bañón-González
    64. Rosana Codesal-Julián
    65. Ainara Frade-Ciudad
    66. Elena Hernando-Merino
    67. Silvia Vallejo-Oñate
    68. Mostoles Hospital, Madrid
    69. Raquel Álvarez-García
    70. Jose Marcos Coll-Font
    71. María Guadalupe García-Jiménez
    72. Gonzalo González-Vietez
    73. Pablo Portillo-de Antonio
    74. Fabiola Rincón-de los Santos
    75. Alba Sedano-Capdevila
    76. Leticia Serrano-Marugán
    77. Antonio Artés-Rodríguez
    78. Enrique Baca-García
    79. M. Mercedes Perez-Rodriguez

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  10. The Impact of SARS-CoV-2 Transmission Fear and the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Mental Health of Patients with Primary Immunodeficiency Disorders and Severe Asthma, and Other High-Risk Groups

    This article has 11 authors:
    1. Fatih Çölkesen
    2. Oğuzhan Kılınçel
    3. Mehmet Sözen
    4. Eray Yıldız
    5. Şengül Beyaz
    6. Fatma Çölkesen
    7. Gökhan Aytekin
    8. Mehmet Zahid Koçak
    9. Yakup Alsancak
    10. Murat Araz
    11. Şevket Arslan

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