1. Xpert MTB/RIF Ultra resistant and MTBDR plus susceptible rifampicin results in people with tuberculosis: utility of FluoroType MTBDR and deep sequencing

    This article has 14 authors:
    1. Yonas Ghebrekristos
    2. Aysha Ahmed
    3. Natalie Beylis
    4. Sarishna Singh
    5. Christoffel Opperman
    6. Fahd Naufal
    7. Megan Folkerts
    8. David Engelthaler
    9. Erick Auma
    10. Rouxjeane Venter
    11. Ghowa Booley
    12. John Metcalfe
    13. Robin Warren
    14. Grant Theron

    Reviewed by Rapid Reviews Infectious Diseases

    This article has 5 evaluationsAppears in 1 listLatest version Latest activity
  2. Detection of Salmonella Typhi and bla CTX-M Genes in Drinking Water, Wastewater, and Environmental Biofilms in Sindh Province, Pakistan

    This article has 5 authors:
    1. Ayesha Tajammul
    2. L. Scott Benson
    3. Jamil Ahmed
    4. James VanDerslice
    5. Windy Tanner

    Reviewed by Rapid Reviews Infectious Diseases

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  3. A Label-free Optical Biosensor-Based Point-of-Care Test for the Rapid Detection of Monkeypox Virus

    This article has 11 authors:
    1. Mete Aslan
    2. Elif Seymour
    3. Howard Brickner
    4. Alex E. Clark
    5. Iris Celebi
    6. Michael B. Townsend
    7. Panayampalli S. Satheshkumar
    8. Megan Riley
    9. Aaron F. Carlin
    10. M. Selim Ünlü
    11. Partha Ray

    Reviewed by Rapid Reviews Infectious Diseases

    This article has 2 evaluationsAppears in 1 listLatest version Latest activity
  4. Leveraging mobility data to analyze persistent SARS-CoV-2 mutations and inform targeted genomic surveillance

    This article has 14 authors:
    1. Riccardo Spott
    2. Mathias W Pletz
    3. Carolin Fleischmann-Struzek
    4. Aurelia Kimmig
    5. Christiane Hadlich
    6. Matthias Hauert
    7. Mara Lohde
    8. Mateusz Jundzill
    9. Mike Marquet
    10. Petra Dickmann
    11. Ruben Schüchner
    12. Martin Hölzer
    13. Denise Kühnert
    14. Christian Brandt
    This article has been curated by 1 group:
    • Curated by eLife

      eLife Assessment

      The authors analyze the relationship between human mobility and genomic data of SARS-CoV-2 using mobile phone mobility data and sequence data and present a solid proof of concept. This useful work was conducted on a fine spatial scale and provides suggestions on how mobility-derived surveillance could be conducted, although these results are mixed. The primary significance of this work is the strong use of large datasets that were highly granular. The authors provide a rigorous study, but with less clear predictive power of mobility to inform transmission patterns.

    Reviewed by eLife

    This article has 7 evaluationsAppears in 1 listLatest version Latest activity
  5. Household clustering and seasonal genetic variation of Plasmodium falciparum at the community-level in The Gambia

    This article has 8 authors:
    1. Marc-Antoine Guery
    2. Sukai Ceesay
    3. Sainabou Drammeh
    4. Fatou K Jaiteh
    5. Umberto d’Alessandro
    6. Teun Bousema
    7. David J Conway
    8. Antoine Claessens
    This article has been curated by 1 group:
    • Curated by eLife

      eLife Assessment

      This valuable manuscript presents a spatiotemporal genetic analysis of malaria-infected individuals from four villages in The Gambia, covering the period between December 2014 and May 2017. Overall, laboratory and data analyses are solid, although details of the methods are lacking. This study offers evidence to advance the understanding of malaria epidemiology in sub-Saharan Africa, but would benefit from additional analysis to strengthen the findings.

    Reviewed by eLife

    This article has 4 evaluationsAppears in 1 listLatest version Latest activity
  6. Measuring changes in Plasmodium falciparum census population size in response to sequential malaria control interventions

    This article has 14 authors:
    1. Kathryn E Tiedje
    2. Qi Zhan
    3. Shazia Ruybal-Pésantez
    4. Gerry Tonkin-Hill
    5. Qixin He
    6. Mun Hua Tan
    7. Dionne C Argyropoulos
    8. Samantha L Deed
    9. Anita Ghansah
    10. Oscar Bangre
    11. Abraham R Oduro
    12. Kwadwo A Koram
    13. Mercedes Pascual
    14. Karen P Day
    This article has been curated by 1 group:
    • Curated by eLife

      eLife Assessment

      This valuable study highlights how the diversity of the malaria parasite population diminishes following the initiation of effective control interventions but quickly rebounds as control wanes. The data presented is convincing and the work shows how genetic studies could be used to monitor changes in disease transmission.

    Reviewed by eLife

    This article has 9 evaluationsAppears in 1 listLatest version Latest activity
  7. Safety and efficacy of the blood-stage malaria vaccine RH5.1/Matrix-M in Burkina Faso: interim results of a double-blind, randomised, controlled phase 2b trial in children

    This article has 32 authors:
    1. Hamtandi M. Natama
    2. Jo Salkeld
    3. Athanase Somé
    4. Seyi Soremekun
    5. Salou Diallo
    6. Ousmane Traoré
    7. Toussaint Rouamba
    8. Florence Ouédraogo
    9. Edouard Ouédraogo
    10. K. Carine Sonia Daboné
    11. Nadine A. Koné
    12. Z. Michael John Compaoré
    13. Miguel Kafando
    14. Massa dit Achille Bonko
    15. Fabé Konaté
    16. Hermann Sorgho
    17. Carolyn M. Nielsen
    18. Dimitra Pipini
    19. Ababacar Diouf
    20. Lloyd D. W. King
    21. Umesh Shaligram
    22. Carole A. Long
    23. Jee-Sun Cho
    24. Alison M. Lawrie
    25. Katherine Skinner
    26. Rachel Roberts
    27. Kazutoyo Miura
    28. John Bradley
    29. Sarah E. Silk
    30. Simon J. Draper
    31. Halidou Tinto
    32. Angela M. Minassian

    Reviewed by PREreview

    This article has 2 evaluationsAppears in 2 listsLatest version Latest activity
  8. Fluorescent Antibody-Based Detection and Ultrastructural Analysis of Streptococcus pneumoniae in Human Sputum

    This article has 10 authors:
    1. Ana G. Jop Vidal
    2. Meg Francis
    3. Maneesha Chitanvis
    4. Ithiel J. Frame
    5. Poonam Sharma
    6. Patricio Vidal
    7. Claudio F. Lanata
    8. Carlos Grijalva
    9. William Daley
    10. Jorge E. Vidal

    Reviewed by PREreview

    This article has 1 evaluationAppears in 1 listLatest version Latest activity
  9. Post-Acute Cardiovascular Outcomes of COVID-19 in Children and Adolescents: An EHR Cohort Study from the RECOVER Project

    This article has 18 authors:
    1. Bingyu Zhang
    2. Deepika Thacker
    3. Ting Zhou
    4. Dazheng Zhang
    5. Yuqing Lei
    6. Jiajie Chen
    7. Elizabeth Chrischilles
    8. Dimitri A. Christakis
    9. Soledad Fernandez
    10. Vidu Garg
    11. Susan Kim
    12. Abu S. M. Mosa
    13. Marion R. Sills
    14. Bradley W. Taylor
    15. David A. Williams
    16. Qiong Wu
    17. Christopher B. Forrest
    18. Yong Chen

    Reviewed by Rapid Reviews Infectious Diseases

    This article has 3 evaluationsAppears in 1 listLatest version Latest activity
  10. Toxoplasma Infection and Its Sequential Impact on Physical Health, Stress, and Anxiety: A Large Cross-Sectional Study Testing the Stress-Coping Hypothesis

    This article has 3 authors:
    1. Jaroslav Flegr
    2. Ashkan Latifi
    3. Šárka Kaňková

    Reviewed by PREreview

    This article has 1 evaluationAppears in 1 listLatest version Latest activity
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