A theoretical confirmation of the gravitation new origin having a dipolar electrical nature with Coulomb law corrected

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The paper starts by analyzing the actual justification of the separation existing between electrical and gravitational forces, considering that for neutral bodies the electrical interaction force at long distances r, totally cancels as equal and opposed +/- forces FC, given by Coulomb law. Initially it was demonstrated that the type of the force FD, attraction or repulsion, between two electrical dipoles, having the same orientation, is given by the variation mode of the electrical forces FC with the r distance. In this paper one demonstrates that this electrical dipole force FD may exist at any distance r, by reciprocal orientation of any two dipoles. But such dipole force FD depends on a term in 1/r4 or greater power, being negligible compared to the gravitational force FN, which in Newton’s law depends on 1/r2. In order to obtain the principal term in 1/r2, for dipole interaction FD, it was necessary and sufficiently to admit a hypothesis which considers a new Coulomb law force FCC, as a series of terms of powers of r, including a new term of the form –ln r. With this corrected Coulomb law force FCC, for dipole interaction new force FDC, an expression having the principal term in 1/r2 results, as in Newton’s law. In order to verify the above hypothesis, numerical checking for the new dipole force FDC with first 4 terms of series was performed, utilizing actual electric permeability, the constant ε0 corrected, in all the terms. These calculations made for an astronomical distance (109m), showed a good agreement (relative ratio R=FN/FDC ≈ 0.626) between the force FN given by Newton’s law and the dipole force FDC obtained with the corrected Coulomb law. On the basis of this gravity theory, some important consequences result, such as the inexistence of the gravitational waves, of the black holes, of the space gravitational curvature, and of the big-bang.This gravity theory with more than 4 terms of series yield all of the four known forces in nature, so unifying them.The new dipolar gravity theory is physically possible only in quantum manifestation of the charges, and admitting the presence of a continuum media (a modern ether) as physical support of electromagnetic interactions.

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