Biologically informed NeuralODEs for genome-wide regulatory dynamics

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Modeling dynamics of gene regulatory networks using ordinary differential equations (ODEs) allow a deeper understanding of disease progression and response to therapy, thus aiding in intervention optimization. Although there exist methods to infer regulatory ODEs, these are generally limited to small networks, rely on dimensional reduction, or impose non-biological parametric restrictions — all impeding scalability and explainability. PHOENIX is a neural ODE framework incorporating prior domain knowledge as soft constraints to infer sparse, biologically interpretable dynamics. Extensive experiments - on simulated and real data - demonstrate PHOENIX’s unique ability to learn key regulatory dynamics while scaling to the whole genome.

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  1. Excerpt

    Predictive, explainable, flexible & scalable: Hossain and colleagues developed a modelling framework based on prior-informed neuralODEs (PHOENIX) to estimate gene regulatory dynamics.