Evaluated articles
A list by PeerJ
Articles that have been evaluated by PeerJ.
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Bacterial microbiota composition of Ixodes ricinus ticks: the role of environmental variation, tick characteristics and microbial interactions
This article has 3 authors:Reviewed by PeerJ
Genes of the pig, Sus scrofa , reconstructed with EvidentialGene
This article has 1 author:Reviewed by PeerJ
Algorithms for efficiently collapsing reads with Unique Molecular Identifiers
This article has 1 author:Reviewed by PeerJ
consensusDE: an R package for assessing consensus of multiple RNA-seq algorithms with RUV correction
This article has 2 authors:Reviewed by PeerJ
A halo of reduced dinoflagellate abundances in and around eelgrass beds
This article has 7 authors:Reviewed by PeerJ
Future sea-level rise drives rocky intertidal habitat loss and benthic community change
This article has 4 authors:Reviewed by PeerJ
Can secondary contact following range expansion be distinguished from barriers to gene flow?
This article has 3 authors:Reviewed by PeerJ
Effective population sizes and adaptive genetic variation in a captive bird population
This article has 4 authors:Reviewed by PeerJ
The dopamine receptor D 5 gene shows signs of independent erosion in toothed and baleen whales
This article has 5 authors:Reviewed by PeerJ
Descriptions of four new species of Minyomerus Horn, 1876 sec. Jansen & Franz, 2018 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), with notes on their distribution and phylogeny
This article has 2 authors:Reviewed by PeerJ
Host dietary specialization and neutral assembly shape gut bacterial communities of wild dragonflies
This article has 3 authors:Reviewed by PeerJ
A new comprehensive eye-tracking test battery concurrently evaluating the Pupil Labs glasses and the EyeLink 1000
This article has 4 authors:Reviewed by PeerJ
Characterization and function of medium and large extracellular vesicles from plasma and urine by surface antigens and Annexin V
This article has 9 authors:Reviewed by PeerJ
High-resolution modeling of thermal thresholds and environmental influences on coral bleaching for local and regional reef management
This article has 3 authors:Reviewed by PeerJ
Dual mechanism of TRKB activation by anandamide through CB1 and TRPV1 receptors
This article has 7 authors:Reviewed by PeerJ
Transcriptome association studies of neuropsychiatric traits in African Americans implicate PRMT7 in schizophrenia
This article has 2 authors:Reviewed by PeerJ
Rhopalocnemis phalloides has one of the most reduced and mutated plastid genomes known
This article has 3 authors:Reviewed by PeerJ
An ambiguous N-terminus drives the dual targeting of an antioxidant protein Thioredoxin peroxidase (TgTPx1/2) to endosymbiotic organelles in Toxoplasma gondii
This article has 2 authors:Reviewed by PeerJ
qtQDA: quantile transformed quadratic discriminant analysis for high-dimensional RNA-seq data
This article has 5 authors:Reviewed by PeerJ