The Automated Screening Working Groups is a group of software engineers and biologists passionate about improving scientific manuscripts on a large scale. Our members have created tools that check for common problems in scientific manuscripts, including information needed to improve transparency and reproducibility. We have combined our tools into a single pipeline, called ScreenIT. We're currently using our tools to screen COVID preprints.
Latest preprint reviews
Type and frequency of ocular and other known symptoms experienced by people who self–diagnosed as suffering from COVID-19 in the UK
This article has 5 authors:Reviewed by ScreenIT
Polymorphisms in the ACE2 Locus Associate with Severity of COVID-19 Infection
This article has 5 authors:Reviewed by ScreenIT
Reproducing the long term predictions from Imperial College CovidSim Report 9
This article has 4 authors:Reviewed by ScreenIT
Characterization of 100 sequential SARS‐CoV‐2 convalescent plasma donations
This article has 7 authors:Reviewed by ScreenIT
Anti-IL-6 Versus Anti-IL-6R Blocking Antibodies to Treat Acute Ebola Infection in BALB/c Mice: Potential Implications for Treating Cytokine Release Syndrome
This article has 9 authors:Reviewed by ScreenIT
SARS-CoV-2 infection of African green monkeys results in mild respiratory disease discernible by PET/CT imaging and shedding of infectious virus from both respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts
This article has 24 authors:Reviewed by ScreenIT
A Path toward SARS-CoV-2 Attenuation: Metabolic Pressure on CTP Synthesis Rules the Virus Evolution
This article has 8 authors:Reviewed by ScreenIT
Genomic Diversity and Hotspot Mutations in 30,983 SARS-CoV-2 Genomes: Moving Toward a Universal Vaccine for the “Confined Virus”?
This article has 24 authors:Reviewed by ScreenIT
An Analysis of SARS-CoV-2 Using ViReport
This article has 2 authors:Reviewed by ScreenIT
RNA-Dependent RNA Polymerase From SARS-CoV-2. Mechanism Of Reaction And Inhibition By Remdesivir
This article has 2 authors:Reviewed by ScreenIT