1. The mental health impact of the covid-19 pandemic on healthcare workers, and interventions to help them: A rapid systematic review

    This article has 9 authors:
    1. Ashley Elizabeth Muller
    2. Elisabet Vivianne Hafstad
    3. Jan Peter William Himmels
    4. Geir Smedslund
    5. Signe Flottorp
    6. Synne Øien Stensland
    7. Stijn Stroobants
    8. Stijn Van de Velde
    9. Gunn Elisabeth Vist

    Reviewed by ScreenIT

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  2. Vaporized H 2 O 2 decontamination against surrogate viruses for the reuse of N95 respirators in the COVID-19 emergency

    This article has 12 authors:
    1. Ebru Oral
    2. Keith K. Wannomae
    3. Rachel L. Connolly
    4. Joseph A. Gardecki
    5. Hui Min Leung
    6. Orhun K. Muratoglu
    7. John Durkin
    8. Ralph Jones
    9. Cassidy Collins
    10. Julian Gjore
    11. Amanda Budzilowicz
    12. Tareq Jaber

    Reviewed by ScreenIT

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  3. Does Gender or Religion Contribute to the Risk of COVID-19 in Hospital Doctors in the UK?

    This article has 10 authors:
    1. Sunil Daga
    2. Sadaf Jafferbhoy
    3. Geeta Menon
    4. Mansoor Ali
    5. Subarna Chakravorty
    6. Saqib Ghani
    7. Amir Burney
    8. JS Bamrah
    9. Ramesh Mehta
    10. Indranil Chakravorty

    Reviewed by ScreenIT

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  4. The inevitability of Covid-19 related distress among healthcare workers: Findings from a low caseload country under lockdown

    This article has 7 authors:
    1. Feras I. Hawari
    2. Nour A. Obeidat
    3. Yasmeen I. Dodin
    4. Asma S. Albtoosh
    5. Rasha M. Manasrah
    6. Ibrahim O. Alaqeel
    7. Asem H. Mansour

    Reviewed by ScreenIT

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  5. Burnout among healthcare professionals during COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study

    This article has 5 authors:
    1. Mohammad Jalili
    2. Mahtab Niroomand
    3. Fahimeh Hadavand
    4. Kataun Zeinali
    5. Akbar Fotouhi

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  6. Work-Related and Personal Factors Associated With Mental Well-Being During the COVID-19 Response: Survey of Health Care and Other Workers

    This article has 8 authors:
    1. Bradley A Evanoff
    2. Jaime R Strickland
    3. Ann Marie Dale
    4. Lisa Hayibor
    5. Emily Page
    6. Jennifer G Duncan
    7. Thomas Kannampallil
    8. Diana L Gray

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  7. Association between SARS-CoV-2 infection, exposure risk and mental health among a cohort of essential retail workers in the USA

    This article has 4 authors:
    1. Fan-Yun Lan
    2. Christian Suharlim
    3. Stefanos N Kales
    4. Justin Yang

    Reviewed by ScreenIT

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  8. SARS-CoV-2 in sewer systems and connected facilities

    This article has 6 authors:
    1. Maria Cristina Collivignarelli
    2. Carlo Collivignarelli
    3. Marco Carnevale Miino
    4. Alessandro Abbà
    5. Roberta Pedrazzani
    6. Giorgio Bertanza

    Reviewed by ScreenIT

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  9. Extended use or reuse of single-use surgical masks and filtering face-piece respirators during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic: A rapid systematic review

    This article has 12 authors:
    1. Elaine C. Toomey
    2. Yvonne Conway
    3. Chris Burton
    4. Simon Smith
    5. Michael Smalle
    6. Xin-Hui S. Chan
    7. Anil Adisesh
    8. Sarah Tanveer
    9. Lawrence Ross
    10. Iain Thomson
    11. Declan Devane
    12. Trish Greenhalgh

    Reviewed by ScreenIT

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  10. Disinfection of N95 Respirators with Ozone

    This article has 9 authors:
    1. Edward P Manning
    2. Matthew D Stephens
    3. Sannel Patel
    4. Sylvie Dufresne
    5. Bruce Silver
    6. Patricia Gerbarg
    7. Zach Gerbarg
    8. Charles Dela Cruz
    9. Lokesh Sharma

    Reviewed by ScreenIT

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