PTC2 region genotypes counteract Biomphalaria glabrata population differences between M-line and BS90 in resistance to infection by Schistosoma mansoni

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Biomphalaria glabrata is a snail intermediate host for Schistosoma mansoni , a trematode responsible for human schistosomiasis. BS90 is one of the most well studied strains of B. glabrata owing to its high resistance to infection by most strains of S. mansoni . An F2 mapping study from 1999 identified two RAPD markers that associated with what appeared to be single-locus, dominant resistance by the BS90 population relative to the susceptible M-line population. One marker cannot be mapped, but the other, OPM-04 , maps to within 5 Mb of PTC2 , a region we recently showed has a very large effect on resistance within another snail population challenged by the same strain of parasite (PR1). Here we tested the hypothesis that the PTC2 region contains the causal gene/s that explain the iconic resistance of BS90 snails.


We used marker-assisted backcrossing to drive the BS90 version of the PTC2 region (+/−~1 Mb on either side) into an M-line (susceptible strain) genetic background, and the M-line version into a BS90 genetic background. We challenged the offspring with PR1-strain schistosomes and tested for effects of allelic variation in the PTC2 region in a common genetic background.


Relative to M-line haplotypes, the BS90 haplotype actually confers enhanced susceptibility. So we reject our original hypothesis. One possible explanation for our result was that the causal gene linked to OPM-04 is near, but not in the PTC2 block that we introgressed into each line. So we used an F2 cross to independently test the effects of the PTC2 and OPM-04 regions in a randomized genetic background. We confirmed that the BS90 haplotype confers increased susceptibility, and we see a similar, although non-significant effect at OPM-04 . We discuss possible reasons why our results differed so dramatically from those of the 1999 study. We also present Pacbio assemblies of the PTC2 and flanking region in BS90 and M-line, compare with previously published PTC2 haplotypes, and discuss candidate genes that might be behind the enhanced susceptibility of the BS90 haplotype.

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