A large accessory protein interactome is rewired across environments

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To characterize how protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks change, we quantified the relative PPI abundance of 1.6 million protein pairs in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae across nine growth conditions, with replication, for a total of 44 million measurements. Our multi-condition screen identified 13,764 pairwise PPIs, a threefold increase over PPIs identified in one condition. A few ‘immutable’ PPIs are present across all conditions, while most ‘mutable’ PPIs are rarely observed. Immutable PPIs aggregate into highly connected ‘core’ network modules, with most network remodeling occurring within a loosely connected ‘accessory’ module. Mutable PPIs are less likely to co-express, co-localize, and be explained by simple mass action kinetics, and more likely to contain proteins with intrinsically disordered regions, implying that environment-dependent association and binding is critical to cellular adaptation. Our results show that protein interactomes are larger than previously thought and contain highly dynamic regions that reorganize to drive or respond to cellular changes.

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    Reply to the reviewers


    Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

    The manuscript is clearly written and the figures appropriate and informative. Some descriptions of data analyses are a little dense but reflect what would appear long hard efforts on the part of the authors to identify and control for possible sources of misinterpretation due to sensitivities of parameters in their fitness model. The authors efforts to retest interactions under non-competition conditions allay fears of most concerns that I would have. One problem though that I could not see explicitly addressed was that of potential effects of interactions between methotrexate and the other conditions and how this is controlled for. Specifically, I could be argued that the fact that a particular PPI is observed under a specific condition could have more to do with a synthetic effect of treatment of cells with a drug plus methotrexate. Is this controlled for and how? I raise this because in a chemical genetic screen for fitness it was shown that methotrexate is particularly promiscuous for drug-drug interactions (Hillenmeyer ME ,et al. Science 2008). I tried to think of how this works but couldn't come up with anything immediately. I'd appreciate if the authors would take a crack at resolving this issue. Otherwise I have no further concerns about the manuscript.

    We thank the reviewer for the kind comments. We agree with the reviewer’s point that methotrexate could be interacting with drugs or other perturbagens, similar to how the chosen nitrogen source, carbon source, or other growth conditions may interact with a drug. However, the methotrexate concentration is held constant across all conditions, as is the rest of the media components such as the nitrogen and carbon source (with the exception of the raffinose perturbation). Any interactions with methotrexate, or other media components, is undetectable without systematically varying all components for all stressors. Therefore, we use the typical experimental design of measuring molecular variation from a reference, holding invariant media components (such as methotrexate, glucose, or vitamins) fixed between conditions. This is a general practice, and we describe that every condition contains methotrexate on page 3, line 10.

    The library was grown under mild methotrexate selection in 9 environments for 12-18 generations in serial batch culture, diluting 1:8 every ~3 generations, with a bottleneck population size greater than 2 x 109 cells (Table S1).

    We also list the full details of each environment in Table S1.

    Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

    Lui et al expand on previous work from the Levy group to explore a massive in vivo protein interactome in the yeast S. cerevisiae. They achieve this by performing screens cross 9 growth conditions, which, with replication, results in a total of 44 million measurements. Interpreting their results based on a fitness model for pooled growth under methotrexate selection, they make the key observation that there is a vastly expanded pool of protein-protein interactions (PPI) that are found under only one or two condition compared to a more limited set of PPI that are found under a broad set of conditions (mutable versus immutable interactors). The authors show that this dichotomy suggests some important features of proteins and their PPIs that raise important questions about functionality and evolution of PPIs. Among these are that mutable PPIs are enriched for cross-compartmental, high disorder and higher rates of evolution and subcellular localization of proteins to chromatin, suggesting roles in gene regulation that are associated with cellular responses to new conditions. At the same time these interactions are not enriched for changes in abundance. These results are in contrast to those of immutable PPIs, which seem to form a core background noise, more determined by changes in abundance than what the authors interpret must be post-translational processes that may drive, for instance, changes in subcellular localization resulting in appearance of PPIs under specific conditions. The authors are also able to address a couple of key issues about protein interactomes, including the controversial Party-date Hub hypothesis of Vidal, in which they could now affirm support for this hypothesis based on their results and notably negative correlation of PPIs to protein abundance for mutable PPIs. Finally, they also addressed the problem of predicting the upper limit of PPIs in yeast, showing the remarkable results that it may be no more than about 2 times the number of proteins expressed by yeast. Such an upper limit is profoundly important to modelling cellular network complexity and, if it holds up, could define a general upper limit on organismal complexity.

    This manuscript is a very important contribution to understanding dynamics of molecular networks in living cells and should be published with high priority.

    Reviewer 2

    Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

    Report on Liu et al. "A large accessory protein interactome is rewired across environments"

    Liu et al. use a mDHFR-based, pooled barcode sequencing / competitive growth / mild methotrexate selection method to investigate changes of PPI abundance of 1.6 million protein pairs across different 9 growth conditions. Because most PPI screens aim to identify novel PPIs in standard growth conditions, the currently known yeast PPI network may be incomplete. The key concept is to define immutable" PPIs that are found in all conditions and "mutable" PPIs that are present in only some conditions.

    The assay identified 13764 PPIs across the 9 conditions, using optimized fitness cut offs. Steady PPI i.e. across all environments, were identified in membrane compartments and cell division. Processes associated with the chromosome, transcription, protein translation, RNA processing and ribosome regulation were found to change between conditions. Mutable PPIs are form modules as topological analyses reveals.

    Interestingly, a correlation on intrinsic disorder and PPI mutability was found and postulated as more flexible in the conformational context, while at the same time they are formed by less abundant proteins.

    I appreciate the trick to use homodimerization as an abundance proxy to predict interaction between heterodimers (of proteins that homodimerize). This "mass-action kinetics model" explains the strength of 230 out of 1212 tested heterodimers.

    A validation experiment of the glucose transporter network was performed and 90 "randomly chosen" PPIs that were present in the SD environment were tested in NaCl (osmotic stress) and Raffinose (low glucose) conditions through recording optical density growth trajectories. Hxt5 PPIs stayed similar in the tested conditions, supported by the current knowledge that Hxt5 is highly expressed in stationary phase and under salt stress. In Raffinose, Hxt7, previously reported to increase the mRNA expression, lost most PPIs indicating that other factors might influence Hxt7 PPIs.

    **Points for consideration:**

    *) A clear definition of mutable and immutable is missing, or could not be found e.g. at page 4 second paragraph.

    We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. We have now added better definition of mutable and immutable on line 19 page 4:

    We partitioned PPIs by the number of environments in which they were identified and defined PPIs at opposite ends of this spectrum as “mutable” PPIs (identified in only 1-3 environments) and “immutable” (identified in 8-9 environments).

    *) Approximately half of the PPIs have been identified in one environment. Many of those mutable PPIs were detected in the 16{degree sign}C condition. Is there an explanation for the predominance of this specific environment? What are these PPIs about?

    The reviewer is correct that ~40% of the PPIs identified in only one environment were found in the 16 ℃ environment. One reason for this could be technical: the positive predictive value (PPV) is the lowest amongst the conditions (16 ℃: 31.6%, mean: 57%, Table SM6). It must be noted, however, that PPVs are calculated using reference data that has generally been collected in standard growth conditions. So, it might be expected that the most divergent environment from standard growth conditions (resulting in the most differences in PPIs) would result in a lower PPV in our study even if the true frequency of false positives was equivalent across environments. We have attempted to be transparent about the quality of the data in each environment by reporting PPVs and other metrics in Table SM6. However, we suspect that the large number of PPIs unique to 16 ℃ is due in part to the fact that it causes the largest changes in the protein interactome, and believe that it should be included, even at the risk of lowering the overall quality of the data. The main reason for this is that this data is likely to contain valuable information about how the cell copes with this stress. For example, we find, but do not highlight in the manuscript, that 16 ℃-specific PPIs contain two major hubs (DID4: 285 PPIs involved in endocytosis and vacuolar trafficking, and DED1: 102 PPIs involved in translation), both of which are reported to be associated with cold adaptation in yeast (Hilliker et al., 2011; Isasa et al., 2015).

    To assess whether the potentially higher false-positive rate in 16 ℃ could be impacting our conclusions related to PPI network organization and features of immutable and mutable PPIs, we repeated these analyses leaving out the 16 ℃ data and found that our main conclusions did not change. This new analysis is now presented in Figure S8 and described on page 5, line 10.

    Finally, we used a pair of more conservative PPI calling procedures that either identified PPIs with a low rate of false positives across all environments (FPR

    We have also added references to other panels in Figure S8 throughout the manuscript, where appropriate.

    *) 50 % overall retest validation rate is fair and reflects a value comparable to other large-scale approaches. However what is the actual variation, e.g. between mutable PPIs and immutable or between condition. e.g. at 16{degree sign}C.

    We validated 502 PPIs present in the SD environment and an additional 36 PPIs in the NaCl environment. As the reviewer suggests, we do indeed observe differences in the validation rate across mutability bins. This data is reported in Figures 3B and S6B, and we use this information to provide a confidence score for each PPI on page 5, line 4.

    To better estimate how the number of PPIs changes with PPI mutability, we used these optical density assays to model the validation rate as a function of the mean PPiSeq fitness and the number of environments in which a PPI is detected. This accurate model (Spearman's r =0.98 between predicted and observed, see Methods) provided confidence scores (predicted validation rates) for each PPI (Table S5) and allowed us to adjust the true positive PPI estimate in each mutability bin. Using this more conservative estimate, we still found a preponderance of mutable PPIs (Figure S6E).

    The validation rate in NaCl is similar to SD (39%, 14/36), suggesting that validation rates do not vary excessively across environments. Because validation experiments are time consuming (we performed 6 growth experiments per PPI), performing a similar scale of validations in all environments as in SD would be resource intensive. Insead, we report a number of metrics (true positive rate, false positive rate, positive predictive value) in Table SM6 using large positive and random reference sets. We believe these metrics are sufficient for readers to compare the quality of data across environments.

    *) What is the R correlation cutoff for PPIs explained in the mass equilibrium model vs. not explained?

    We do not use an R correlation cutoff to assess if a PPI is explained by the mass-action equilibrium model. We instead rely on ordinary least-squares regression as detailed in the methods on page 68, line 13.

    ...we used ordinary least-squares linear regression in R to fit a model of the geometric mean of the homodimer signals multiplied by a free constant and plus a free intercept. Significantly explained heterodimer PPIs were judged by a significant coefficient (FDR 0.05, single-test). This criteria was used to identify PPIs for which protein expression does or does not appear to play as significant of a role as other post-translational mechanisms.

    The first criterion identifies a quantitative fit to the model of variation being related. The second criterion is used to filter out PPIs for which the relationship appears to be explained by more than just the homodimer signals. This approach is more stringent, but we believe this is the most appropriate statistical test to assess fit to this linear model.

    *) 90 "randomly chosen" PPIs for validation. It needs to be demonstrated that these interaction are a random subset otherwise is could also mean cherry picked interactions.

    We selected 90 of the 284 glucose transport-related PPIs for validation using the “sample” function in R (replace = FALSE). We have now included text that describes this on page 63, line 3 in the supplementary methods:

    Diploids (PPIs) on each plate were randomly picked using the “sample” function in R (replace = FALSE) from PPIs that meet specific requirements.

    *) Figure 4 provides interesting correlations with the goal to reveal properties of mutable and less mutable PPIs. PPIs detected in the PPIseq screen can partially be correlated to co-expression (4A) as well as co-localization. Does it make sense to correlate the co-expression across number of conditions? Are the expression correlation condition specific. In this graph it could be that expression correlation stems from condition 1 and 2 and the interaction takes place in 4 and 5 still leading to the same conclusion ... Is the picture of the co-expression correlation similar when you simply look at individual environments like in S4A?

    We use co-expression mutual rank scores from the COXPRESdb v7.3 database (Obayashi et al., 2019). These mutual rank scores are derived from a broad set of 3593 environmental perturbations that are not limited to the environments we tested here. By using this data, we are asking if co-expression in general is correlated with mutability and report that it is in Figure 4A. We thank the reviewer for pointing out that this was not clear and have now added text to clarify that the co-expression analysis is derived from external data on page 6, line 7.

    We first asked whether co-expression is indeed a predictor of PPI mutability and found that it is: co-expression mutual rank (which is inversely proportional to co-expression across thousands of microarray experiments) declined with PPI mutability (Figures 4A and S11) (Obayashi and Kinoshita, 2009; Obayashi et al., 2019).

    The new figure S11 examines how the co-expression mutual rank changes with PPI mutability for PPIs identified in each environment, as the reviewer suggested. For each environment, we find the same general pattern as in Figure 4A (which considers PPIs from all environments).

    *) Figure 4C: Interesting, how dependent are the various categories?

    It is well known that many of these categories are correlated (e.g. mRNA expression level and protein abundance, and deletion fitness effect and genetic interaction degree). However, we believe it is most valuable to report the correlation of each category with PPI mutability independently in Figures 4C and S12, since similar correlations with related categories provide more confidence in our conclusions.

    *) Figure 4 F: When binned in the number of environments in which the PPI was found, the distribution peaks at 6 environments and decreases with higher and lower number of environments. The description /explanation in the text clearly says something else.

    We reported on page 7, line 15:

    We next used logistic regression to determine what features may underlie a good or poor fit to the model (Figure S14C) and found that PPI mutability was the best predictor, with more mutable PPIs being less frequently explained (Figure 4F). Unexpectedly, mean protein abundance was the second best predictor, with high abundance predicting a poor fit to the model, particularly for less mutable PPIs (Figure S14D and S14E).

    As the reviewer notes, Figure 4F shows that the percent of heterodimers explained by the model does appear to decrease for PPIs observed in the most environments. We suspect that the reviewer is correct that something more complicated is going on. One possibility is that extraordinarily stable PPIs (stable in all conditions) would have less quantitative variation in protein or PPI abundance across environments. If this is true, it would be statistically difficult to fit the mass action kinetics model for these PPIs (lower signal relative to noise), thereby resulting in the observed dip.

    A second possibility is that multiple correlated factors are associated with contributing positively or negatively to a good fit, and the simplicity of Figure 4F or a Pearson correlation does not capture this interplay. This second possibility is why we used multivariate logistic regression (Figure S14C) to dissect the major contributing factors. In the text quote above, we report that high abundance is anti-correlated with a good fit to the model (S14D, S14E). Figure 4C shows that immutable PPIs tend to be formed from highly abundant proteins. One possible explanation is that highly abundant proteins saturate the binding sites of their binding partners, breaking from the assumptions of mass action kinetics model. We have now changed the word “limit” to “saturate” on page 7, line 22 to make this concept more explicit.

    Taken together, these data suggest that mutable PPIs are subject to more post-translational regulation across environments and that high basal protein abundance may saturate the binding sites of their partners, limiting the ability of gene expression changes to regulate PPIs.

    A third possibility is that the dip is simply due to noise. Given the complexity of the possible explanations and our uncertainty about which is more likely, we chose to leave this description out of the main text and focus on the major finding: that PPIs detected in more environments are generally associated with a better fit to the mass action kinetics model.

    *) Figure 6: I apologize, but for my taste this is not a final figure 6 for this study. Investigation of different environments increases the PPI network in yeast, yes, yet it is very well known that a saturation is reached after testing of several conditions, different methods and even screening repetition (sampling). It does not represent an important outcome. Move to suppl or remove.

    We included Figure 6 to summarize and illustrate the path forward from this study. This is an explicit reference to impactful computational analyses done using earlier generations of data to assess the completeness of single-condition interaction networks (Hart et al., 2006; Sambourg and Thierry-Mieg, 2010). Here, we are extending PPI measurement of millions-scale networks across multiple environments, and are using this figure to extend these concepts to multi-condition screens. We agree that the property of saturation in sampling is well known, but it is surprising that we can quantitatively estimate convergence of this expanded condition-specific PPI set using only 9 conditions. Thus, we agree with Reviewer 1 that these are “remarkable results” and that the “upper limit is profoundly important to modelling cellular network complexity and, if it holds up, could define a general upper limit on organismal complexity.” We think this is an important advance of the paper, and this figure is useful to stimulate discussion and guide future work.

    Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

    Liu et al. increase the current PPI network in yeast and offer a substantial dataset of novel PPIs seen in specific environments only. This resource can be used to further investigate the biological meaning of the PPI changes. The data set is compared to previous DHFR providing some sort of quality benchmarking. Mutable interactions are characterized well. Clearly a next step could be to start some "orthogonal" validation, i.e. beyond yeast growth under methotrexate treatment.

    The reviewer makes a great point that we also discuss on page 9, line 33:

    While we used reconstruction of C-terminal-attached mDHFR fragments as a reporter for PPI abundance, similar massively parallel assays could be constructed with different PCA reporters or tagging configurations to validate our observations and overcome false negatives that are specific to our reporter. Indeed, the recent development of “swap tag” libraries, where new markers can be inserted C- or N-terminal to most genes (Weill et al., 2018; Yofe et al., 2016), in combination with our iSeq double barcoder collection (Liu et al., 2019), makes extension of our approach eminently feasible.

    Reviewer 3

    Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):


    The manuscript "A large accessory protein interactome is rewired across environments" by Liu et al. scales up a previously-described method (PPiSeq) to test a matrix of ~1.6 million protein pairs of direct protein-protein interactions in each of 9 different growth environments.

    While the study found a small fraction of immutable PPIs that are relatively stable across environments, the vast majority were 'mutable' across environments. Surprisingly, PPIs detected only in one environment made up more than 60% of the map. In addition to a false positive fraction that can yield apparently-mutable interactions, retest experiments demonstrate (not surprisingly) that environment-specificity can sometimes be attributed to false-negatives. The study authors predict that the whole subnetwork within the space tested will contain 11K true interactions.

    Much of environment-specific rewiring seemed to take place in an 'accessory module', which surrounds the core module made of mostly immutable PPIs. A number of interesting network clustering and functional enrichment analyses are performed to characterize the network overall and 'mutable' interactions in particular. The study report other global properties such as expression level, protein abundance and genetic interaction degree that differ between mutable and immutable PPIs. One of the interesting findings was evidence that many environmentally mutable PPI changes are regulated post-translationally. Finally, authors provide a case study about network rewiring related to glucose transport.

    **Major issues**

    -The results section should more prominently describe the dimensions of the matrix screen, both in terms of the set of protein pairs attempted and the set actually screened (I think this was 1741 x 1113 after filtering?). More importantly, the study should acknowledge in the introduction that this was NOT a random sample of protein pairs, but rather focused on pairs for which interaction had been previously observed in the baseline condition. This major bias has a potentially substantial impact on many of the downstream analyses. For example, any gene which was not expressed under the conditions of the original Tarrasov et al. study on which the screening space was based will not have been tested here. Thus, the study has systematically excluded interactions involving proteins with environment-dependent expression, except where they happened to be expressed in the single Tarrasov et al. environment. Heightened connectivity within the 'core module' may result from this bias, and if Tarrasov et al had screened in hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) instead of SD media, perhaps the network would have exhibited a code module in H2O2 decorated by less-densely connected accessory modules observed in other environments. The paper should clearly indicate which downstream analyses have special caveats in light of this design bias.

    We have now added text the matrix dimensions of our study on page 3, line 3:

    To generate a large PPiSeq library, all strains from the protein interactome (mDHFR-PCA) collection that were found to contain a protein likely to participate in at least one PPI (1742 X 1130 protein pairs), (Tarassov et al., 2008) were barcoded in duplicate using the double barcoder iSeq collection (Liu et al., 2019), and mated together in a single pool (Figure 1A). Double barcode sequencing revealed that the PPiSeq library contained 1.79 million protein pairs and 6.05 million double barcodes (92.3% and 78.1% of theoretical, respectively, 1741 X 1113 protein pairs), with each protein pair represented by an average of 3.4 unique double barcodes (Figure S1).

    We agree with the reviewer that our selection of proteins from a previously identified set can introduce bias in our conclusions. Our research question was focused on how PPIs change across environments, and thus we chose to maximize our power to detect PPI changes by selecting a set of protein pairs that are enriched for PPIs. We have now added a discussion of the potential caveats of this choice to the discussion on page 9, line 4:

    Results presented here and elsewhere (Huttlin et al., 2020) suggest that PPIs discovered under a single condition or cell type are a small subset of the full protein interactome emergent from a genome. We sampled nine diverse environments and found approximately 3-fold more interactions than in a single environment. However, the discovery of new PPIs began to saturate, indicating that most condition-specific PPIs can be captured in a limited number of conditions. Testing in many more conditions and with PPI assays orthogonal to PPiSeq will undoubtedly identify new PPIs, however a more important outcome could be the identification of coordinated network changes across conditions. Using a test set of ~1.6 million (of ~18 million) protein pairs across nine environments, we find that specific parts of the protein interactome are relatively stable (core modules) while others frequently change across environments (accessory modules). However, two important caveats of our study must be recognized before extrapolating these results to the entire protein interactome across all environment space. First, we tested for interactions between a biased set of proteins that have previously been found to participate in at least one PPI as measured by mDHFR-PCA under standard growth conditions (Tarassov et al., 2008). Thus, proteins that are not expressed under standard growth conditions are excluded from our study, as are PPIs that are not detectable by mDHFR-PCA or PPiSeq. It is possible that a comprehensive screen using multiple orthogonal PPI assays would alter our observations related to the relative dynamics of different regions of the protein interactome and the features of mutable and immutable PPIs. Second, we tested a limited number of environmental perturbations under similar growth conditions (batch liquid growth). It is possible that more extreme environmental shifts (e.g. growth as a colony, anaerobic growth, pseudohyphal growth) would introduce new accessory modules or alter the mutability of the PPIs we detect. Nevertheless, results presented here provide a new mechanistic view of how the cell changes in response to environmental challenges, building on the previous work that describes coordinated responses in the transcriptome (Brauer et al., 2007; Gasch et al., 2000) and proteome (Breker et al., 2013; Chong et al., 2015).

    -Related to the previous issue, a quick look at the proteins tested (if I understood them correctly) showed that they were enriched for genes encoding the elongator holoenzyme complex, DNA-directed RNA polymerase I complex, membrane docking and actin binding proteins, among other functional enrichments. Genes related to DNA damage (endonuclease activity and transposition), were depleted. It was unclear whether the functional enrichment analyses described in the paper reported enrichments relative to what would be expected given the bias inherent to the tested space?

    We did two functional enrichment analyses in this study: network density within Gene Ontology terms (related to Figure 2) and gene ontology enrichment of network communities (related to Figure 3). For both analyses, we performed comparisons to proteins included in PPiSeq library. This is described in the Supplementary Materials on page 63, line 35:

    To estimate GO term enrichment in our PPI network, we constructed 1000 random networks by replacing each bait or prey protein that was involved in a PPI with a randomly chosen protein from all proteins in our screen. This randomization preserves the degree distribution of the network.

    And on page 66, line 38:

    The set of proteins used for enrichment comparison are proteins that are involved in at least one PPI as determined by PPiSeq.

    -Re: data quality. To the study's great credit, they incorporated positive and random reference sets (PRS and RRS) into the screen. However, the results from this were concerning: Table SM6 shows that assay stringency was set such that between 1 and 3 out of 67 RRS pairs were detected. This specificity would be fine for an assay intended for retest or validate previous hits, where the prior probability of a true interaction is high, but in large-scale screening the prior probability of true interactions that are detectable by PCA is much lower, and a higher specificity is needed to avoid being overwhelmed by false positives. Consider this back of the envelope calculation: Let's say that the prior probability of true interaction is 1% as the authors' suggest (pg 49, section 6.5), and if PCA can optimistically detect 30% of these pairs, then the number of true interactions we might expect to see in an RRS of size 67 is 1% * 30% * 67 = 0.2 . This back of the envelope calculation suggests that a stringency allowing 1 hit in RRS will yield 80% [ (1 - 0.2) / 1 ] false positives, and a stringency allowing 3 hits in RRS will yield 93% [ (3 - 0.2) / 3] false positives. How do the authors reconcile these back of the envelope calculations from their PRS and RRS results with their estimates of precision?

    We thank the reviewer for bringing up with this issue. We included positive and random reference sets (PRS:70 protein pairs, RRS:67 protein pairs) to benchmark our PPI calling (Yu et al., 2008). The PRS reference lists PPIs that have been validated by multiple independent studies and is therefore likely to represent true PPIs that are present in some subset of the environments we tested. For the PRS set, we found a rate of detection that is comparable to other studies (PPiSeq in SD: 28%, Y2H and yellow fluorescent protein-PCA: ~20%) (Yu et al., 2008). The RRS reference, developed ten years ago, is randomly chosen protein pairs for which there was no evidence of a PPI in the literature at the time (mostly in standard growth conditions). Given the relatively high rate of false negatives in PPI assays, this set may in fact contain some true PPIs that have yet to be discovered. We could detect PPIs for four RRS protein pairs in our study, when looking across all 9 environments. Three of these (Grs1_Pet10, Rck2_Csh1, and YDR492W_Rpd3) could be detected in multiple environments (9, 7, and 3, respectively), suggesting that their detection was not a statistical or experimental artifact of our bar-seq assay (see table below derived from Table S4). The remaining PPI detected in the RRS, was only detected in SD (standard growth conditions) but with a relatively high fitness (0.35), again suggesting its detection was not a statistical or experimental artifact. While we do acknowledge it is possible that these are indeed false positives due to erroneous interactions of chimeric DHFR-tagged versions of these proteins, the small size of the RRS combined with the fact that some of the protein pairs could be true PPIs, did not give us confidence that this rate (4 of 70) is representative of our true false positive rate. To determine a false positive rate that is less subject to biases stemming from sampling of small numbers, we instead generated 50 new, larger random reference sets, by sampling for each set ~ 60,000 protein pairs without a reported PPI in BioGRID. Using these new reference sets, we found that the putative false positive rate of our assay is generally lower than 0.3% across conditions for each of the 50 reference sets. We therefore used this more statistically robust measure of the false positive rate to estimate positive predictive values (PPV = 62%, TPR = 41% in SD). We detail these statistical methods in Section 6 of the supplementary methods and report all statistical metrics in Table SM6.



































































    Table. Mean fitness in each environment

    -Methods for estimating precision and recall were not sufficiently well described to assess. Precision vs recall plots would be helpful to better understand this tradeoff as score thresholds were evaluated.

    We describe in detail our approach to calling PPIs in section 6.6 of the supplementary methods, including Table SM6, and Figures SM3, SM4, SM6, and now Figure SM5. We identified positive PPIs using a dynamic threshold that considers the mean fitness and p-value in each environment. For each dynamic threshold, we estimated the precision and recall based on the reference sets (described supplementary methods in section 6.5). We then chose the threshold with the maximal Matthews correlation coefficient (MCC) to obtain the best balance between precision and recall. We have now added an additional plot (Figure SM5) that shows the precision and recall for the chosen dynamic threshold in each environment.

    -Within the tested space, the Tarassov et al map and the current map could each be compared against a common 'bronze standard' (e.g. literature curated interactions), at least for the SD map, to have an idea about how the quality of the current map compares to that of the previous PCA map. Each could also be compared with the most recent large-scale Y2H study (Yu et al).

    We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. We have now added a figure panel (Figure S4) that compares PPiSeq in SD (2 replicates) to mDHFR PCA (Tarassov et al., 2008), Y2H (Yu et al., 2008), and our newly constructed ‘bronze standard’ high-confidence positive reference set (PRS, supplementary method section 6.4).

    • Experimental validation of the network was done by conventional PCA. However, it should be noted that this is a form of technical replication of the DHFR-based PCA assay, and not a truly independent validation. Other large-scale yeast interaction studies (e.g., Yu et al, Science 2008) have assessed a random subset of observed PPIs using an orthogonal approach, calibrated using PRS and RRS sets examined via the same orthogonal method, from which overall performance of the dataset could be determined.

    We appreciate the reviewer’s perspective, since orthogonal validation experiments have been a critical tool to establish assay performance following early Y2H work. We know from careful work done previously that modern orthogonal assays have a low cross validation rate ((Yu et al., 2008) and that they tend to be enriched for PPIs in different cellular compartments (Jensen and Bork, 2008), indicating that high false negative rates are the likely explanation. High false negative rates have been confirmed here and elsewhere using positive reference sets (e.g. Y2H 80%, PCA 80%, PPiSeq 74% using the PRS in (Yu et al., 2008)). Therefore, the expectation is that PPiSeq, as with other assays, will have a low rate of validation using an orthogonal assay -- although we would not know if this rate is 10%, 30% or somewhere in between without performing the work. However, the exact number -- whether it be 10% or 30% -- has no practical impact on the main conclusions of this study (focused on network dynamics rather than network enumeration). Neither does that number speak to the confidence in our PPI calls, since a lower number may simply be due to less overlap in the sets of PPIs that are callable by PPiSeq and another assay. Our method uses bar-seq to extend an established mDHFR-PCA assay (Tarassov et al., 2008). The validations we performed were aimed at confirming that our sequencing, barcode counting, fitness estimation, and PPI calling protocols were not introducing excessive noise relative to mDHFR-PCA that resulted in a high number of PPI miscalls. Confirming this, we do indeed find a high rate of validation by lower throughput PCA (50-90%, Figure 3B). Finally, we do include independent tests of the quality of our data by comparing it to positive and random reference sets from literature curated data. We find that our assay performs extremely well (PPV > 61%, TPR > 41%) relative to other high-throughput assays.

    -The Venn diagram in Figure 1G was not very informative in terms of assessing the quality of data. It looks like there is a relatively little overlap between PPIs identified in standard conditions (SD media) in the current study and those of the previous study using a very similar method. Is there any way to know how much of this disagreement can be attributed to each screen being sub-saturation (e.g. by comparing replica screens) and what fraction to systematic assay or environment differences?

    We have now added a figure panel (Figure S4) that compares PPiSeq in SD (2 replicates) to mDHFR-PCA (Tarassov et al., 2008), Y2H (Yu et al., 2008), and our newly constructed ‘bronze standard’ high-confidence positive reference sets (PRS, supplementary methods section 6.4). We find that SD replicates have an overlap coefficient of 79% with each other, ~45% with mDHFR-PCA, ~45% the ‘bronze standard’ PRS, and ~13% with Y2H. Overlap coefficients between the SD replicates and mDHFR-PCA are much higher than those found between orthologous methods ((Yu et al., 2008), indicating that these two assays are identifying a similar set of PPIs. We do note that PPiSeq and mDHFR-PCA do screen for PPIs under different growth conditions (batch liquid growth vs. colonies on agar), so some fraction of the disagreement is due to environmental differences. PPIs that overlap between the two PPiSeq SD replicates are more likely to be found in mDHFR-PCA, PRS, and Y2H, indicating that PPIs identified in a single SD replicate are more likely to be false positives. However, we do find (a lower rate of) overlaps between PPIs identified in only one SD replicate and other methods, suggesting that a single PPiSeq replicate is not finding all discoverable PPIs.

    -In Figure S5C, the environment-specificity rate of PPIs might be inflated due to the fact that authors only test for the absence of SD hits in other conditions, and the SD condition is the only condition that has been sampled twice during the screening. What would be the environment-specific verification rate if sample hits from each environment were tested in all environments? This seems important, as robustly detecting environment-specific PPIs is one of the key points of the study.

    We use PPIs found in the SD environment to determine the environment-specificity because this provides the most conservative (highest) estimate of the number of PPIs found in other environments that were not detectable by our bar-seq assay. To identify PPIs in the SD environment, we pooled fitness estimates across the two replicates (~ 4 fitness estimates per replicate, ~ 8 total). The higher number of replicates results in a reduced rate of false positives (an erroneous fitness estimate has less impact on a PPI call), meaning that we are more confident that PPIs identified in SD are true positives. Because false positives in one environment (but not other environments) are likely to erroneously contribute to the environment-specificity rate, choosing the environment with the lowest rate of false positives (SD) should result in the lowest environment-specificity rate (highest estimate of PPIs found in other environments that were not detectable by our bar-seq assay).

    **Minor issues**

    -Re: "An interaction between the proteins reconstitutes mDHFR, providing resistance to the drug methotrexate and a growth advantage that is proportional to the PPI abundance" (pg 2). It may be more accurate to say "monotonically related" than "proportional" here. Fig 2 from the cited Freschi et al ref does suggests linearity with colony size over a wide range of inferred complex abundances, but non-linear at low complex abundance. Also note that Freschi measured colony area which is not linear with exponential growth rate nor with cell count.

    We agree with the reviewer and have changed “proportional” to “monotonically related” on page 2, line 41.

    -Re: "Using putatively positive and negative reference sets, we empirically determined a statistical threshold for each environment with the best balance of precision and recall (positive predictive value (PPV) > 61% in SD media, Methods, section 6)." (pg 3). Should state the recall at this PPV.

    We agree with the reviewer and have added the recall (41%) in the main text (line 26, page3).

    Using putatively positive and negative reference sets, we empirically determined a statistical threshold for each environment with the best balance of precision and recall (positive predictive value (PPV) > 61% and true positive rate > 41% in SD media, Methods, section 6).

    -Authors could discuss the extent to which related methods (e.g. PMID: 28650476, PMID: 27107012, PMID: 29165646, PMID: 30217970) would be potentially suitable for screening in different environments.

    We have now added a reference to a barcode-based Y2H study that examined interactions between yeast proteins to the introduction on page 2, line 2:

    Yet, little is known about how PPI networks reorganize on a global scale or what drives these changes. One challenge is that commonly-used high-throughput PPI screening technologies are geared toward PPI identification (Gavin et al., 2002; Ito et al., 2001; Tarassov et al., 2008; Uetz et al., 2000; Yu et al., 2008, Yachie et al., 2016), not a quantitative analysis of relative PPI abundance that is necessary to determine if changes in the PPI network are occurring. The murine dihydrofolate reductase (mDHFR)‐based protein-fragment complementation assay (PCA) provides a viable path to characterize PPI abundance changes because it is a sensitive test for PPIs in the native cellular context and at native protein expression levels (Freschi et al., 2013; Remy and Michnick, 1999; Tarassov et al., 2008).

    We have excluded the references to other barcode-based Y2H studies that reviewer mentions because they test heterologous proteins within yeast, and the effect of perturbations to yeast on these proteins would be difficult to interpret in the context of our questions. The yeast protein Y2H study, although a wonderful approach and paper, would also not be an appropriate method to examine how PPI networks change across environments because protein fusions are not expressed under their endogenous promoters and must be transported to, in many cases, a non-native compartment (cell nucleus) to be detected. Rather than explicitly discuss the caveats of this particular approach, we have instead chosen to discuss why we use PCA.

    • the term "mutable" is certainly appropriate according to the dictionary definition of changeable. The authors may wish to consider though, that in a molecular biology context the term evokes changeability by mutation (a very interesting but distinct topic). Maybe another term (environment-dependent interactions or ePPIs?) would be clearer. Of course this is the authors' call.

    We thank the reviewer for this suggestion, and have admittedly struggled with the terminology. For clarity of presentation, we strived to have a single word that describes the property of a PPI that is at the core of this manuscript -- how frequently a PPI is found across environments. However, the most descriptive words come with preloaded meanings in PPI research (e.g. transient, stable, dynamic), as does “mutable” with another research field. We are, quite frankly, open to suggestions from the reviewers or editors for a more appropriate word that does not raise similar objections.

    -Some discussion is warranted about the phenomenon that a PPI that is unchanged in abundance could appear to change because of statistical significance thresholds that differ between screens. This would be a difficult question for any such study, and I don't think the authors need to solve it, but just to discuss.

    We agree with the reviewer that significance thresholds could be impacting our interpretations and discuss this idea at length on page 4, line 23 of the Results. This section has been modified to include an additional analysis (excluding 16 ℃ data) in response to another reviewer’s comment:

    Immutable PPIs were likely to have been previously reported by colony-based mDHFR-PCA or other methods, while the PPIs found in the fewest environments were not. One possible explanation for this observation is that previous PPI assays, which largely tested in standard laboratory growth conditions, and variations thereof, are biased toward identification of the least mutable PPIs. That is, since immutable PPIs are found in nearly all environments, they are more readily observed in just one. However, another possible explanation is that, in our assay, mutable PPIs are more likely to be false positives in environment(s) in which they are identified or false negatives in environments in which they are not identified. To investigate this second possibility, we first asked whether PPIs present in very few environments have lower fitnesses, as this might indicate that they are closer to our limit of detection. We found no such pattern: mean fitnesses were roughly consistent across PPIs found in 1 to 6 conditions, although they were elevated in PPIs found in 7-9 conditions (Figure S6A). To directly test the false-positive rate stemming from pooled growth and barcode sequencing, we validated randomly selected PPIs within each mutability bin by comparing their optical density growth trajectories against controls (Figures 3B). We found that mutable PPIs did indeed have lower validation rates in the environment in which they were identified, yet putative false positives were limited to ~50%, and, within a bin, do not differ between PPIs that have been previously identified and those that have been newly discovered by our assay (Figure S65B). We also note mutable PPIs might be more sensitive to environmental differences between our large pooled PPiSeq assays and clonal 96-well validation assays, indicating that differences in validation rates might be overstated. To test the false-negative rate, we assayed PPIs identified in only SD by PPiSeq across all other environments by optical density growth and found that PPIs can be assigned to additional environments (Figure S6C). However, the number of additional environments in which a PPI was detected was generally low (2.5 on average), and the interaction signal in other environments was generally weaker than in SD (Figure S6D). To better estimate how the number of PPIs changes with PPI mutability, we used these optical density assays to model the validation rate as a function of the mean PPiSeq fitness and the number of environments in which a PPI is detected. This accurate model (Spearman's r =0.98 between predicted and observed, see Methods) provided confidence scores (predicted validation rates) for each PPI (Table S5) and allowed us to adjust the true positive PPI estimate in each mutability bin. Using this more conservative estimate, we still found a preponderance of mutable PPIs (Figure S6E). Finally, we used a pair of more conservative PPI calling procedures that either identified PPIs with a low rate of false positives across all environments (FPR

    We later examine major conclusions of our study using more conservative calling procedures, and find that they are consistent. On page 6, line 14:

    Both the co-expression and co-localization patterns were also apparent in our higher confidence PPI sets (Figures S7B, and S7C, S8B, S8C ), indicating that they are not caused by different false positive rates between the mutability bins.

    And on page 6, line 19:

    We binned proteins by their PPI degree, and, within each bin, determined the correlation between the mutability score and another gene feature (Figure 4C and S12A, Table S8) (Costanzo et al., 2016; Finn et al., 2014; Gavin et al., 2006; Holstege et al., 1998; Krogan et al., 2006; Levy and Siegal, 2008; Myers et al., 2006; Newman et al., 2006; Östlund et al., 2010; Rice et al., 2000; Stark et al., 2011; Wapinski et al., 2007; Ward et al., 2004; Yang, 2007; Yu et al., 2008). These correlations were also calculated using our higher confidence PPI sets, confirming results from the full data set (Figures S7D and, S7E, S8D, S8E). We found that mutable hubs (> 15 PPIs) have more genetic interactions, in agreement with predictions from co-expression data (Bertin et al., 2007; Han et al., 2004), and that their deletion tends to cause larger fitness defects.

    -More discussion would be helpful about the idea that immutability may to some extent favor interactions that PCA is better able to detect (possibly including membrane proteins?)

    We agree with the reviewer and now added a discussion of this potential caveats to the discussion on page 9, line 4:

    Results presented here and elsewhere (Huttlin et al., 2020) suggest that PPIs discovered under a single condition or cell type are a small subset of the full protein interactome emergent from a genome. We sampled nine diverse environments and found approximately 3-fold more interactions than in a single environment. However, the discovery of new PPIs began to saturate, indicating that most condition-specific PPIs can be captured in a limited number of conditions. Testing in many more conditions and with PPI assays orthogonal to PPiSeq will undoubtedly identify new PPIs, however a more important outcome could be the identification of coordinated network changes across conditions. Using a test set of ~1.6 million (of ~18 million) protein pairs across nine environments, we find that specific parts of the protein interactome are relatively stable (core modules) while others frequently change across environments (accessory modules). However, two important caveats of our study must be recognized before extrapolating these results to the entire protein interactome across all environment space. First, we tested for interactions between a biased set of proteins that have previously been found to participate in at least one PPI as measured by mDHFR-PCA under standard growth conditions (Tarassov et al., 2008). Thus, proteins that are not expressed under standard growth conditions are excluded from our study, as are PPIs that are not detectable by mDHFR-PCA or PPiSeq. It is possible that a comprehensive screen using multiple orthogonal PPI assays would alter our observations related to the relative dynamics of different regions of the protein interactome and the features of mutable and immutable PPIs. Second, we tested a limited number of environmental perturbations under similar growth conditions (batch liquid growth). It is possible that more extreme environmental shifts (e.g. growth as a colony, anaerobic growth, pseudohyphal growth) would introduce new accessory modules or alter the mutability of the PPIs we detect. Nevertheless, results presented here provide a new mechanistic view of how the cell changes in response to environmental challenges, building on the previous work that describes coordinated responses in the transcriptome (Brauer et al., 2007; Gasch et al., 2000) and proteome (Breker et al., 2013; Chong et al., 2015).

    -Re: "As might be expected, we also found that mutable hubs, but not non-hubs, are more likely to participate in multiple protein complexes than less mutable proteins." (pg 6) This is a cool result. To what extent was this result driven by members of one or two complexes? If so, it would worth noting them.

    We thank the reviewer for this question. We have now included Figue S13, which shows the number and size of protein complexes that underlie the finding that mutable hubs are more likely to participate in multiple protein complexes. We find that proteins in our screen that participate in multiple complexes are distributed over a wide range of complexes, indicating that this observation is not driven by one or two complexes. On page 6, line 34:

    As might be expected, we also found that mutable hubs, but not non-hubs, are more likely to participate in multiple protein complexes than less mutable proteins (Figures S13A-C) (Costanzo et al., 2016).

    -Re: "Borrowing a species richness estimator from ecology (Jari Oksanen et al., 2019), we estimate that there are ~10,840 true interactions within our search space across all environments, ~3-fold more than are detected in SD (note difference to Figure 3, which counts observed PPIs)." (pg 8) Should note that this only allows estimation of the number of interactions that are detectable by PCA methods. Previous work (Braun et al, 2019) showed that every known protein interaction assay (including PCA approaches) can only detect a fraction of bona fide interactions.

    We agree with the reviewer and have modified the discussion to make this point explicit on page 9, line 4:

    Results presented here and elsewhere (Huttlin et al., 2020) suggest that PPIs discovered under a single condition or cell type are a small subset of the full protein interactome emergent from a genome. We sampled nine diverse environments and found approximately 3-fold more interactions than in a single environment. However, the discovery of new PPIs began to saturate, indicating that most condition-specific PPIs can be captured in a limited number of conditions. Testing in many more conditions and with PPI assays orthogonal to PPiSeq will undoubtedly identify new PPIs, however a more important outcome could be the identification of coordinated network changes across conditions.

    We continue in this paragraph to discuss the implications:

    Using a test set of ~1.6 million (of ~18 million) protein pairs across nine environments, we find that specific parts of the protein interactome are relatively stable (core modules) while others frequently change across environments (accessory modules). However, two important caveats of our study must be recognized before extrapolating these results to the entire protein interactome across all environment space. First, we tested for interactions between a biased set of proteins that have previously been found to participate in at least one PPI as measured by mDHFR-PCA under standard growth conditions (Tarassov et al., 2008). Thus, proteins that are not expressed under standard growth conditions are excluded from our study, as are PPIs that are not detectable by mDHFR-PCA or PPiSeq. It is possible that a comprehensive screen using multiple orthogonal PPI assays would alter our observations related to the relative dynamics of different regions of the protein interactome and the features of mutable and immutable PPIs.

    -Re: "This analysis shows that the number of PPIs present across all environments is much larger than the number observed in a single condition, but that it is feasible to discover most of these new PPIs by sampling a limited number of conditions." (pg 8). The main point is surely correct, but it is worth noting that extrapolation to the number of true interactions depends on the nine chosen environments being representative of all environments. The situation could change under more extreme, e.g., anaerobic, conditions.

    We agree with the reviewer and make this point explicit, continuing from the paragraph quoted above on page 9, line 22:

    Second, we tested a limited number of environmental perturbations under similar growth conditions (batch liquid growth). It is possible that more extreme environmental shifts (e.g. growth as a colony, anaerobic growth, pseudohyphal growth) would introduce new accessory modules or alter the mutability of the PPIs we detect. Nevertheless, results presented here provide a new mechanistic view of how the cell changes in response to environmental challenges, building on the previous work that describes coordinated responses in the transcriptome (Brauer et al., 2007; Gasch et al., 2000) and proteome (Breker et al., 2013; Chong et al., 2015).

    -It stands to reason that proteins expressed in all conditions will yield less mutable interactions, if 'mutability' is primarily due to expression change at the transcriptional level. They should at least discuss that measuring mRNA levels could resolve questions about this. Could use Waern et al G3 2013 data (H202, SD, HU, NaCl) to predict the dynamic interactome purely by node removal, and see how conclusions would change

    We agree with the reviewer that mRNA abundance could potentially be used as a proxy for protein abundance and have added this point on page 10, line 28:

    Here we use homodimer abundance as a proxy for protein abundance. However, genome-wide mRNA abundance measures could be used as a proxy for protein abundance or protein abundance could be measured directly in the same pool (Levy et al., 2014) by, for example, attaching a full length mDHFR to each gene using “swap tag” libraries mentioned above (Weill et al., 2018; Yofe et al., 2016).

    However, using mRNA abundance as a proxy for protein abundance in this study has several important caveats that would make interpretation difficult. First, mRNA and protein abundance correlate, but not perfectly (R2 = 0.45) (Lahtvee et al., 2017), and our findings suggest that post-translational regulation may be important to driving PPI changes. Second, mRNA abundance measures are for a single time point, while our PPI measures coarse grain over a growth cycle (lag, exponential growth, diauxic shift, saturation). Although we may be able to take multiple mRNA measures across the cycle, time delays between changes in mRNA and protein levels, combined with the fact that we do not know when a PPI is occurring or most prominent over the cycle, would pose a significant challenge to making any claims that PPI changes are driven by changes in protein abundance. We instead chose to focus on a subset of proteins (homodimers) where abundance measures can be coarse grained in the same way as PPI measures. In the above quote, we point to a potential method by which this can be done for all proteins. We also point to how a continuous culturing design could be used to better determine how protein (or mRNA proxy) abundance impacts PPI abundance on page 10, line 6:

    Finally, our assays were performed across cycles of batch growth meaning that changes in PPI abundance across a growth cycle (e.g. lag, exponential growth, saturation) are coarse grained into one measurement. While this method potentially increases our chance of discovering a diverse set of PPIs, it might have an unpredictable impact on the relationship between fitness and PPI abundance (Li et al., 2018). To overcome these issues, strains containing natural or synthetic PPIs with known abundances and intracellular localizations could be spiked into cell pools to calibrate the relationship between fitness and PPI abundance in each environment. In addition, continuous culturing systems may be useful for refining precision of growth-based assays such as ours.

    -The analysis showing that many interactions are likely due to post-translational modifications is very interesting, but caveats should be discussed. Where heterodimers do not fit the expression-level dependence model, some cases of non-fitting may simply be due to measurement error or non-linearity in the relationship between abundance and fitness.

    We show the measurement error in Figures 1, S2, S3. While we agree with the reviewer that measurement error is a general caveat for all results reported, we do not feel that it is necessary to point to that fact in this particular case, which uses a logistic regression to report that PPI mutability was the best predictor of fit to the expression-level dependence model. We discuss the non-linearity caveat on page 9, line 41:

    Our assay detected subtle fitness differences across environments (Fig S5B and S5C), which we used as a rough estimate for changes in relative PPI abundance. While it would be tempting to use fitness as a direct readout of absolute PPI abundance within a cell, non-linearities between fitness and PPI abundance may be common and PPI dependent. For example, the relative contribution of a reconstructed mDHFR molecule to fitness might diminish at high PPI abundances (saturation effects) and fitness differences between PPIs may be caused, in part, by differences in how accessible a reconstructed mDHFR molecule is to substrate. In addition, environmental shifts might impact cell growth rate, initiate a stress response, or result in other unpredictable cell effects that impact the selective pressure of methotrexate and thereby fitness (Figure S2 and S3).

    -Line numbers would have been helpful to note more specific minor comments

    We are sorry for this inconvenience. We have added line numbers in our revised manuscript.

    -Sequence data should be shared via the Short-Read Archive.

    The raw sequencing data have been uploaded to the Short-Read Archive. We mentioned it in the Data and Software Availability section on page 68, line 41.

    Raw barcode sequencing data are available from the NIH Sequence Read Archive as accession PRJNA630095 (https://trace.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Traces/study/?acc=SRP259652).

    Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

    Knowledge of protein-protein interactions (PPIs) provides a key window on biological mechanism, and unbiased screens have informed global principles underlying cellular organization. Several genome-scale screens for direct (binary) interactions between yeast proteins have been carried out, and while each has provided a wealth of new hypotheses, each has been sub-saturation. Therefore, even given multiple genome-scale screens our knowledge of yeast interactions remains incomplete. Different assays are better suited to find different interactions, and it is now clear that every assay evaluated thus far is only capable (even in a saturated screen) of detecting a minority of true interactions. More relevant to the current study, no binary interaction screen has been carried out at the scale of millions of protein pairs outside of a single 'baseline' condition.

    The study by Liu et al is notable from a technology perspective in that it is one of several recombinant-barcode approaches have been developed to multiplex pairwise combinations of two barcoded libraries. Although other methods have been demonstrated at the scale of 1M protein pairs, this is the first study using such a technology at the scale of >1M pairs across multiple environments.

    A limitation is that this study is not genome-scale, and the search space is biased towards proteins for which interactions were previously observed in a particular environment. This is perhaps understandable, as it made the study more tractable, but this does add caveats to many of the conclusions drawn. These would be acceptable if clearly described and discussed. There were also questions about data quality and assessment that would need to be addressed.

    Assuming issues can be addressed, this is a timely study on an important topic, and will be of broad interest given the importance of protein interactions and the status of S. cerevisiae as a key testbed for systems biology.

    *Reviewers' expertise:* Interaction assays, next-generation sequencing, computational genomics. Less able to assess evolutionary biology aspects.


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    Referee #3

    Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


    The manuscript "A large accessory protein interactome is rewired across environments" by Liu et al. scales up a previously-described method (PPiSeq) to test a matrix of ~1.6 million protein pairs of direct protein-protein interactions in each of 9 different growth environments.

    While the study found a small fraction of immutable PPIs that are relatively stable across environments, the vast majority were 'mutable' across environments. Surprisingly, PPIs detected only in one environment made up more than 60% of the map. In addition to a false positive fraction that can yield apparently-mutable interactions, retest experiments demonstrate (not surprisingly) that environment-specificity can sometimes be attributed to false-negatives. The study authors predict that the whole subnetwork within the space tested will contain 11K true interactions.

    Much of environment-specific rewiring seemed to take place in an 'accessory module', which surrounds the core module made of mostly immutable PPIs. A number of interesting network clustering and functional enrichment analyses are performed to characterize the network overall and 'mutable' interactions in particular. The study report other global properties such as expression level, protein abundance and genetic interaction degree that differ between mutable and immutable PPIs. One of the interesting findings was evidence that many environmentally mutable PPI changes are regulated post-translationally. Finally, authors provide a case study about network rewiring related to glucose transport.

    Major issues

    -The results section should more prominently describe the dimensions of the matrix screen, both in terms of the set of protein pairs attempted and the set actually screened (I think this was 1741 x 1113 after filtering?). More importantly, the study should acknowledge in the introduction that this was NOT a random sample of protein pairs, but rather focused on pairs for which interaction had been previously observed in the baseline condition. This major bias has a potentially substantial impact on many of the downstream analyses. For example, any gene which was not expressed under the conditions of the original Tarrasov et al. study on which the screening space was based will not have been tested here. Thus, the study has systematically excluded interactions involving proteins with environment-dependent expression, except where they happened to be expressed in the single Tarrasov et al. environment. Heightened connectivity within the 'core module' may result from this bias, and if Tarrasov et al had screened in hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) instead of SD media, perhaps the network would have exhibited a code module in H2O2 decorated by less-densely connected accessory modules observed in other environments. The paper should clearly indicate which downstream analyses have special caveats in light of this design bias.

    -Related to the previous issue, a quick look at the proteins tested (if I understood them correctly) showed that they were enriched for genes encoding the elongator holoenzyme complex, DNA-directed RNA polymerase I complex, membrane docking and actin binding proteins, among other functional enrichments. Genes related to DNA damage (endonuclease activity and transposition), were depleted. It was unclear whether the functional enrichment analyses described in the paper reported enrichments relative to what would be expected given the bias inherent to the tested space?

    -Re: data quality. To the study's great credit, they incorporated positive and random reference sets (PRS and RRS) into the screen. However, the results from this were concerning: Table SM6 shows that assay stringency was set such that between 1 and 3 out of 67 RRS pairs were detected. This specificity would be fine for an assay intended for retest or validate previous hits, where the prior probability of a true interaction is high, but in large-scale screening the prior probability of true interactions that are detectable by PCA is much lower, and a higher specificity is needed to avoid being overwhelmed by false positives. Consider this back of the envelope calculation: Let's say that the prior probability of true interaction is 1% as the authors' suggest (pg 49, section 6.5), and if PCA can optimistically detect 30% of these pairs, then the number of true interactions we might expect to see in an RRS of size 67 is 1% * 30% * 67 = 0.2 . This back of the envelope calculation suggests that a stringency allowing 1 hit in RRS will yield 80% [ (1 - 0.2) / 1 ] false positives, and a stringency allowing 3 hits in RRS will yield 93% [ (3 - 0.2) / 3] false positives. How do the authors reconcile these back of the envelope calculations from their PRS and RRS results with their estimates of precision?

    -Methods for estimating precision and recall were not sufficiently well described to assess. Precision vs recall plots would be helpful to better understand this tradeoff as score thresholds were evaluated.

    -Within the tested space, the Tarassov et al map and the current map could each be compared against a common 'bronze standard' (e.g. literature curated interactions), at least for the SD map, to have an idea about how the quality of the current map compares to that of the previous PCA map. Each could also be compared with the most recent large-scale Y2H study (Yu et al).

    • Experimental validation of the network was done by conventional PCA. However, it should be noted that this is a form of technical replication of the DHFR-based PCA assay, and not a truly independent validation. Other large-scale yeast interaction studies (e.g., Yu et al, Science 2008) have assessed a random subset of observed PPIs using an orthogonal approach, calibrated using PRS and RRS sets examined via the same orthogonal method, from which overall performance of the dataset could be determined.

    -The Venn diagram in Figure 1G was not very informative in terms of assessing the quality of data. It looks like there is a relatively little overlap between PPIs identified in standard conditions (SD media) in the current study and those of the previous study using a very similar method. Is there any way to know how much of this disagreement can be attributed to each screen being sub-saturation (e.g. by comparing replica screens) and what fraction to systematic assay or environment differences?

    -In Figure S5C, the environment-specificity rate of PPIs might be inflated due to the fact that authors only test for the absence of SD hits in other conditions, and the SD condition is the only condition that has been sampled twice during the screening. What would be the environment-specific verification rate if sample hits from each environment were tested in all environments? This seems important, as robustly detecting environment-specific PPIs is one of the key points of the study.

    Minor issues

    -Re: "An interaction between the proteins reconstitutes mDHFR, providing resistance to the drug methotrexate and a growth advantage that is proportional to the PPI abundance" (pg 2). It may be more accurate to say "monotonically related" than "proportional" here. Fig 2 from the cited Freschi et al ref does suggests linearity with colony size over a wide range of inferred complex abundances, but non-linear at low complex abundance. Also note that Freschi measured colony area which is not linear with exponential growth rate nor with cell count. -Re: "Using putatively positive and negative reference sets, we empirically determined astatistical threshold for each environment with the best balance of precision and recall (positive predictive value (PPV) > 61% in SD media, Methods, section 6)." (pg 3). Should state the recall at this PPV.

    -Authors could discuss the extent to which related methods (e.g. PMID: 28650476, PMID: 27107012, PMID: 29165646, PMID: 30217970) would be potentially suitable for screening in different environments.

    • the term "mutable" is certainly appropriate according to the dictionary definition of changeable. The authors may wish to consider though, that in a molecular biology context the term evokes changeability by mutation (a very interesting but distinct topic). Maybe another term (environment-dependent interactions or ePPIs?) would be clearer. Of course this is the authors' call.

    -Some discussion is warranted about the phenomenon that a PPI that is unchanged in abundance could appear to change because of statistical significance thresholds that differ between screens. This would be a difficult question for any such study, and I don't think the authors need to solve it, but just to discuss.

    -More discussion would be helpful about the idea that immutability may to some extent favor interactions that PCA is better able to detect (possibly including membrane proteins?)

    -Re: "As might be expected, we also found that mutable hubs, but not non-hubs, are more likely to participate in multiple protein complexes than less mutable proteins." (pg 6) This is a cool result. To what extent was this result driven by members of one or two complexes? If so, it would worth noting them.

    -Re: "Borrowing a species richness estimator from ecology (Jari Oksanen et al., 2019), we estimate that there are ~10,840 true interactions within our search space across all environments, ~3-fold more than are detected in SD (note difference to Figure 3, which counts observed PPIs)." (pg 8) Should note that this only allows estimation of the number of interactions that are detectable by PCA methods. Previous work (Braun et al, 2019) showed that every known protein interaction assay (including PCA approaches) can only detect a fraction of bona fide interactions.

    -Re: "This analysis shows that the number of PPIs present across all environments is much larger than the number observed in a single condition, but that it is feasible to discover most of these new PPIs by sampling a limited number of conditions." (pg 8). The main point is surely correct, but it is worth noting that extrapolation to the number of true interactions depends on the nine chosen environments being representative of all environments. The situation could change under more extreme, e.g., anaerobic, conditions.

    -It stands to reason that proteins expressed in all conditions will yield less mutable interactions, if 'mutability' is primarily due to expression change at the transcriptional level. They should at least discuss that measuring mRNA levels could resolve questions about this. Could use Waern et al G3 2013 data (H202, SD, HU, NaCl) to predict the dynamic interactome purely by node removal, and see how conclusions would change

    -The analysis showing that many interactions are likely due to post-translational modifications is very interesting, but caveats should be discussed. Where heterodimers do not fit the expression-level dependence model, some cases of non-fitting may simply be due to measurement error or non-linearity in the relationship between abundance and fitness.

    -Line numbers would have been helpful to note more specific minor comments

    -Sequence data should be shared via the Short-Read Archive.


    Knowledge of protein-protein interactions (PPIs) provides a key window on biological mechanism, and unbiased screens have informed global principles underlying cellular organization. Several genome-scale screens for direct (binary) interactions between yeast proteins have been carried out, and while each has provided a wealth of new hypotheses, each has been sub-saturation. Therefore, even given multiple genome-scale screens our knowledge of yeast interactions remains incomplete. Different assays are better suited to find different interactions, and it is now clear that every assay evaluated thus far is only capable (even in a saturated screen) of detecting a minority of true interactions. More relevant to the current study, no binary interaction screen has been carried out at the scale of millions of protein pairs outside of a single 'baseline' condition.

    The study by Liu et al is notable from a technology perspective in that it is one of several recombinant-barcode approaches have been developed to multiplex pairwise combinations of two barcoded libraries. Although other methods have been demonstrated at the scale of 1M protein pairs, this is the first study using such a technology at the scale of >1M pairs across multiple environments.

    A limitation is that this study is not genome-scale, and the search space is biased towards proteins for which interactions were previously observed in a particular environment. This is perhaps understandable, as it made the study more tractable, but this does add caveats to many of the conclusions drawn. These would be acceptable if clearly described and discussed. There were also questions about data quality and assessment that would need to be addressed.

    Assuming issues can be addressed, this is a timely study on an important topic, and will be of broad interest given the importance of protein interactions and the status of S. cerevisiae as a key testbed for systems biology.

    Reviewers' expertise: Interaction assays, next-generation sequencing, computational genomics. Less able to assess evolutionary biology aspects.

  3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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    Referee #2

    Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

    Report on Liu et al. "A large accessory protein interactome is rewired across environments" Liu et al. use a mDHFR-based, pooled barcode sequencing / competitive growth / mild methotrexate selection method to investigate changes of PPI abundance of 1.6 million protein pairs across different 9 growth conditions. Because most PPI screens aim to identify novel PPIs in standard growth conditions, the currently known yeast PPI network may be incomplete. The key concept is to define immutable" PPIs that are found in all conditions and "mutable" PPIs that are present in only some conditions. The assay identified 13764 PPIs across the 9 conditions, using optimized fitness cut offs. Steady PPI i.e. across all environments, were identified in membrane compartments and cell division. Processes associated with the chromosome, transcription, protein translation, RNA processing and ribosome regulation were found to change between conditions. Mutable PPIs are form modules as topological analyses reveals.

    Interestingly, a correlation on intrinsic disorder and PPI mutability was found and postulated as more flexible in the conformational context, while at the same time they are formed by less abundant proteins.

    I appreciate the trick to use homodimerization as an abundance proxy to predict interaction between heterodimers (of proteins that homodimerize). This "mass-action kinetics model" explains the strength of 230 out of 1212 tested heterodimers.

    A validation experiment of the glucose transporter network was performed and 90 "randomly chosen" PPIs that were present in the SD environment were tested in NaCl (osmotic stress) and Raffinose (low glucose) conditions through recording optical density growth trajectories. Hxt5 PPIs stayed similar in the tested conditions, supported by the current knowledge that Hxt5 is highly expressed in stationary phase and under salt stress. In Raffinose, Hxt7, previously reported to increase the mRNA expression, lost most PPIs indicating that other factors might influence Hxt7 PPIs.

    Points for consideration:

    *) A clear definition of mutable and immutable is missing, or could not be found e.g. at page 4 second paragraph.

    *) Approximately half of the PPIs have been identified in one environment. Many of those mutable PPIs were detected in the 16{degree sign}C condition. Is there an explanation for the predominance of this specific environment? What are these PPIs about?

    *) 50 % overall retest validation rate is fair and reflects a value comparable to other large-scale approaches. However what is the actual variation, e.g. between mutable PPIs and immutable or between condition. e.g. at 16{degree sign}C.

    *) What is the R correlation cutoff for PPIs explained in the mass equilibrium model vs. not explained?

    *) 90 "randomly chosen" PPIs for validation. It needs to be demonstrated that these interaction are a random subset otherwise is could also mean cherry picked interactions ...

    *) Figure 4 provides interesting correlations with the goal to reveal properties of mutable and less mutable PPIs. PPIs detected in the PPIseq screen can partially be correlated to co-expression (4A) as well as co-localization. Does it make sense to correlate the co-expression across number of conditions? Are the expression correlation condition specific. In this graph it could be that expression correlation stems from condition 1 and 2 and the interaction takes place in 4 and 5 still leading to the same conclusion ... Is the picture of the co-expression correlation similar when you simply look at individual environments like in S4A?

    *) Figure 4C: Interesting, how dependent are the various categories?

    *) Figure 4 F: When binned in the number of environments in which the PPI was found, the distribution peaks at 6 environments and decreases with higher and lower number of environments. The description /explanation in the text clearly says something else.

    *) Figure 6: I apologize, but for my taste this is not a final figure 6 for this study. Investigation of different environments increases the PPI network in yeast, yes, yet it is very well known that a saturation is reached after testing of several conditions, different methods and even screening repetition (sampling). It does not represent an important outcome. Move to suppl or remove.


    Liu et al. increase the current PPI network in yeast and offer a substantial dataset of novel PPIs seen in specific environments only. This resource can be used to further investigate the biological meaning of the PPI changes. The data set is compared to previous DHFR providing some sort of quality benchmarking. Mutable interactions are characterized well. Clearly a next step could be to start some "orthogonal" validation, i.e. beyond yeast growth under methotrexate treatment.

  4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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    Referee #1

    Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

    The manuscript is clearly written and the figures appropriate and informative. Some descriptions of data analyses are a little dense but reflect what would appear long hard efforts on the part of the authors to identify and control for possible sources of misinterpretation due to sensitivities of parameters in their fitness model. The authors efforts to retest interactions under non-competition conditions allay fears of most concerns that I would have. One problem though that I could not see explicitly addressed was that of potential effects of interactions between methotrexate and the other conditions and how this is controlled for. Specifically, I could be argued that the fact that a particular PPI is observed under a specific condition could have more to do with a synthetic effect of treatment of cells with a drug plus methotrexate. Is this controlled for and how? I raise this because in a chemical genetic screen for fitness it was shown that methotrexate is particularly promiscuous for drug-drug interactions (Hillenmeyer ME ,et al. Science 2008). I tried to think of how this works but couldn't come up with anything immediately. I'd appreciate if the authors would take a crack at resolving this issue. Otherwise I have no further concerns about the manuscript.


    Lui et al expand on previous work from the Levy group to explore a massive in vivo protein interactome in the yeast S. cerevisiae. They achieve this by performing screens cross 9 growth conditions, which, with replication, results in a total of 44 million measurements. Interpreting their results based on a fitness model for pooled growth under methotrexate selection, they make the key observation that there is a vastly expanded pool of protein-protein interactions (PPI) that are found under only one or two condition compared to a more limited set of PPI that are found under a broad set of conditions (mutable versus immutable interactors). The authors show that this dichotomy suggests some important features of proteins and their PPIs that raise important questions about functionality and evolution of PPIs. Among these are that mutable PPIs are enriched for cross-compartmental, high disorder and higher rates of evolution and subcellular localization of proteins to chromatin, suggesting roles in gene regulation that are associated with cellular responses to new conditions. At the same time these interactions are not enriched for changes in abundance. These results are in contrast to those of immutable PPIs, which seem to form a core background noise, more determined by changes in abundance than what the authors interpret must be post-translational processes that may drive, for instance, changes in subcellular localization resulting in appearance of PPIs under specific conditions. The authors are also able to address a couple of key issues about protein interactomes, including the controversial Party-date Hub hypothesis of Vidal, in which they could now affirm support for this hypothesis based on their results and notably negative correlation of PPIs to protein abundance for mutable PPIs. Finally, they also addressed the problem of predicting the upper limit of PPIs in yeast, showing the remarkable results that it may be no more than about 2 times the number of proteins expressed by yeast. Such an upper limit is profoundly important to modelling cellular network complexity and, if it holds up, could define a general upper limit on organismal complexity.

    This manuscript is a very important contribution to understanding dynamics of molecular networks in living cells and should be published with high priority.