Increased processing of SINE B2 ncRNAs unveils a novel type of transcriptome deregulation in amyloid beta neuropathology

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The functional importance of many non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) generated by repetitive elements and their connection with pathologic processes remains elusive. B2 RNAs, a class of ncRNAs of the B2 family of SINE repeats, mediate through their processing the transcriptional activation of various genes in response to stress. Here, we show that this response is dysfunctional during amyloid beta toxicity and pathology in the mouse hippocampus due to increased levels of B2 RNA processing, leading to constitutively elevated B2 RNA target gene expression and high Trp53 levels. Evidence indicates that Hsf1, a master regulator of stress response, mediates B2 RNA processing in hippocampal cells and is activated during amyloid toxicity, accelerating the processing of SINE RNAs and gene hyper-activation. Our study reveals that in mouse, SINE RNAs constitute a novel pathway deregulated in amyloid beta pathology, with potential implications for similar cases in the human brain, such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD).

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  1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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    Reply to the reviewers


    We are grateful to the three reviewers for reviewing our manuscript and providing their comments which helped to improve further the quality of the current study. We attach an initial revised version of the manuscript with changes corresponding to reviewers’ comments being highlighted. We now provide:

    • 18 new main figure panels (Fig.1E, Figs.2D-F, Figs.3E-F, Figs.4B,C,E, Figs.6B-F, Figs.7B,D,E,F),
    • 9 new supplementary figures, and
    • 13 new supplementary tables, that correspond to the points raised by the reviewers. In this initial response to reviewers and revision plan we have already performed the bioinformatics analysis and the majority of new wet lab experiments requested by the reviewers, while we are still awaiting only for the results of three sets of wet lab experiments (RIP-seq, additional protein/RT-qPCR confirmations and B2 incubations with other proteins), which, due to their nature, take longer. We have also revised the main text accordingly with only a number of updates (regarding some methods of experiments currently in progress and the respective discussion) still missing.

    In detail:


    Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

    B2 RNAs, encoded from SINE B2 elements has been directly implicated in stress response by its inherent ability to bind RNA Pol II and suppress stress response genes (SRG) in homeostatic conditions. However, upon stimuli, B2 RNAs are cleaved and degraded, resulting in the release of RNA pol II and upregulation of SRGs. Previous work from the senior author identified PRC2 component EZH2 to be the B2 RNA processing factor, cleaving B2, and releasing POL2. SRGs are upregulated upon stress, for example in age-associated neuropathologies like Alzheimer's disease (AD). Considering that the hippocampus is a primary target of amyloid pathologies as well as since SRGs are suggested to be key for the function of a healthy hippocampus, the authors set to understand the role of B2 RNAs that are linked to SRG regulation in the mouse hippocampus with amyloid pathology. They use disease-relevant in vivo and in vitro models combined with unbiased RNA seq data analysis for this endeavor, which indicates the potential relevance of B2 RNAs in APP mediated neuronal pathologies in mice as well as identifies Hsf1 as the factor cleaving B2 RNAs in the hippocampus.

    This reviewer generally remarks that “The work is interesting and identification of Hsf1 as the processing factor for B2 RNAs in the hippocampus is significant. I would like to credit the authors for their elegant in vivo experimental design in Figure 2.”

    We appreciate the encouraging comments made by this reviewer.

    General comment: The reviewer finds “some of the conclusions to be overstated” and has brought a number of concerns to our attention. Indeed, we agree that provision of additional data and details is needed to avoid any confusion about the gene pathways to which our findings apply. In the initial manuscript, (Figures 2 D, F and 6 D, F), we presented the gene expression levels of all B2 RNA regulated SRGs identified in our previous study (Zovoilis et al, Cell 2016), referred as B2 RNA regulated SRGs or B2-SRGs throughout the manuscript. To this end, we performed the respective statistical tests between the different conditions considering these genes, in order to show the transcription dynamics of these genes in either amyloid beta pathology (APP mice /Figs. 2D, F) or amyloid beta toxicity (HT22 cells / Figs. 6D, F). Since we were not looking for new candidate genes upregulated in APP mice or in our HT22 cell culture system, we did not narrow our analysis only to genes delivered by a general-purpose differential gene expression approach such as DESeq but tested all B2-SRGs. However, based on the reviewer’s comments below, we realize that the paper would benefit by presenting in the main figures only those B2 RNA regulated SRGs that overlap with differentially expressed genes identified by DEseq in each experimental system. This will help to avoid confusion and any misunderstanding that all B2 RNA regulated genes are equally affected in our system, which is not the case and would be an overstatement. We are now presenting in new Figure 2 (2E, 2F) only those B2-SRGs that overlap with upregulated genes identified by DESeq in 6m old APP mice (listed in new Suppl. Table 5) and in new Figure 7 (7D, F) we are now presenting only those B2-SRGs that overlap with upregulated genes identified by DESeq in HT22 cells treated with amyloid beta (listed in new Suppl. Table 11). The conclusions drawn by the new figures remain the same as with the old ones and we believe that this new way of presentation of this data will prevent confusion and potential over-statements. We thank the reviewer for bringing this to our attention. Based also on this reviewer’s minor point 3, we recommend that the old figures that included all B2-SRGs (and not only the differentially expressed ones identified by DESeq) are moved to the Supplement as new Supplementary Figures 1 and 7, respectively, so that readers can still get a view of all the data and the transcription dynamics of all B2-SRGs, while we provide both in text and the supplement an explanation about the value as well as limitations of these figures.

    **Major comments:**

    Major point 1. The reviewer asks: “In figure 1, the authors indicate a strong connection between B2 RNA regulated SRGs and learning and memory. In figure 2, they identify the SRGs in the hippocampus, please provide a direct comparison of learning and memory associated SRGs and the SRGs they identify in figure 2 that are significantly upregulated in APP mice in 6 months.”

    In the revised version of the manuscript we now provide: i) As a new figure panel (lower panel in new Fig.1E), the number of B2 RNA regulated SRGs that are associated with learning based on our Peleg et al, Science 2010 paper and as a new Supplementary Table 3, the exact list of these genes. ii) As a new Supplementary Table 4, the list of all genes that are significantly upregulated in APP mice (6 months). iii) As a new Supplementary Table 5, the list of those genes upregulated in amyloid pathology (APP 6 months) that are B2-SRGs (expression levels of these genes are presented in new Figure 2E,F). Per reviewer’s question, we now provide as a new Supplementary Table 6, the list of B2 RNA regulated SRGs that are both learning associated genes and upregulated in 6 month old APP mice. In the text (first two sections of the results), we provide direct comparisons of the number of genes in each category and their overlap.

    Major point 2. The reviewer asks: “To better understand the data in the context of hippocampal function, please include functional annotation of SRGs they identified in Figure 2F as they do it in Figure 1 (desirably for each time point, at least for 6M). How many of the SRGs they identify in Figure 1 are part of Figure 2F? Please include functional annotation of significantly upregulated B2 regulated SRGs in Fig2 and compare them with that of Figure 1.”

    The number of B2 RNA regulated SRGs in Figure 1 that are part of Figure 2 (in particular Figs.2E,F) is now presented in the new Supplementary Table 5 and also in the text. We now provide as a new Supplementary Table 7 the functional annotation of these genes (see also general comment for this reviewer) and discuss the findings in the text.

    We recommend to include only the 6M old mice as this is the time point in which B2 RNA processing was found to differ between WT and APP mice. However, if the reviewer thinks that this is necessary we will add also differential expression lists of other ages as additional supplementary tables.

    Major point 3. The reviewer asks: “In figure 3, the authors report that the B2 processing rates are high at the 6M time point at in hippocampi of the APP mice. Please include the levels of unprocessed and processed B2 RNAs in these samples along with this figure, without which it is difficult to gauge the significance of its correlation with SRGs in Figure 2.”

    We now provide as new figure panels 3E and 3F the levels of processed B2 RNA fragments and unprocessed (full length) B2 RNAs in these samples, respectively, along with the processing ratio which is now labeled as subfigure 3G.

    Major point 4. The reviewer asks: “What is the % of B2 regulated SRGs that are hsf1 bound in Figure 4C? What is there dynamics in the wild type and APP hippocampi?”.

    Old Figure 4C is now Figure 4A. The exact number of B2 RNA regulated SRGs that are close to Hsf1 binding sites is now presented as a new figure (Figure 4C) and discussed in the text. A list of these genes is provided as new Supplementary Table 8. For genes that are upregulated in APP mice compared to wild type, the difference in Hsf1 binding dynamics between B2 RNA regulated and not regulated genes is now presented as Suppl. Figure 4D.

    Major point 5. The reviewer asks: “What is the distribution of Hsf1 binding sites on (a) non-B2 regulated SRGs and (b) non-SRG genes in hippocampi?”.

    This point is related with point 4. We now present a new panel (Fig. 4B) for non B2 RNA regulated genes (listed in Suppl. Table 13) along with the distribution we have in the initial manuscript for all B2 RNA regulated SRGs (now presented as Fig. 4A). The direct comparison of these genes is presented in the new Suppl Figure 4C together with a similar comparison only for genes upregulated in APP mice (Suppl. Fig.4D)

    Major point 6. The reviewer notes: “In Figure 4D, the 3months old Wt HSF1 levels are high, yet B2 processing (Figure 3E) is low. Please comment.”

    The reviewer’s comment made us realize that we should include a plot that describes the correlation between Hsf1 levels and B2 RNA processing ration across all sequenced samples. This should reveal whether differences such as those observed by the reviewer affect our conclusion regarding the relationship between these two parameters. We now provide this in the new Supplementary Figure 6D, where we found a strong positive correlation between Hsf1 levels and B2 RNA processing ratio. We thank the reviewer for this comment which helped us to substantiate further this relationship.

    Major point 7. The reviewer notes: While the authors show in vitro cleavage of B2 RNA by Hsf1, the experiment lacks controls to be conclusive. At least, please include a similar size protein as HSF1 with no-known RNA binding activity and a similar size protein with RNA binding activity as controls in 5A. Please justify the use of PNK as the control protein. Please include the use domain-based deletions of Hsf1 to map the region of HSF1 that is binding and potentially cleaving the B2 RNA. Please include an RNA of similar size and Antisense-B2 RNA to show the specificity of the Hsf1 based cleavage of B2 RNA. Without these controls, the conclusions in Figure 5 cannot be substantiated.

    The endogenous ribozyme activity of B2 RNA compared to other control RNAs has already been shown in two previous works but we will also include the relative controls here by providing control incubations with other RNAs. We will also include the incubations with additional control proteins as suggested by the reviewer. We are currently performing these experiments and will include them in the revised version. PNK is used as a control protein because it is an RNA binding protein that is used in the construction of our short RNA libraries and we wanted show that short RNA seq data are free of such confounding factors that could potentially generate artificial fragments. We now include this information in the text.

    We feel that the application of domain based deletions for Hsf1, while it would add additional information on the exact biochemistry underlying B2 RNA processing though Hsf1, is beyond the scope of this manuscript. In the current manuscript we are just focusing on the fact that Hsf1 can accelerate B2 RNA processing in vitro and not on the mechanism how this happens. This should be addressed in our opinion on a separate manuscript.

    Major point 8. The reviewer asks: “The authors should show that the incubated APP peptides are taken up by the cells (experiments in Figure 5F and Figure 6).” These figures are now labelled as Fig.6C and Figure 7, respectively. That’s a very interesting point and we thank the reviewer for this comment. Multiple studies have shown that toxicity after incubation by amyloid beta is mediated mainly by cell surface receptors, which through cell signalling leads to the response to cellular toxicity that induces stress genes such as Hsf1. Nevertheless, APP peptides may enter the cell, and the reviewer’s questions raised the possibility that oligomers entering the cell could have a direct impact on the stability of the B2 RNA. In that case, providing evidence that the amyloid enters the cell would be important if we had indications that amyloid beta interacts directly with B2 RNA. We did test this and we found no direct effect of amyloid beta on B2 RNA, so the processing in our case is not induced by oligomers that may have entered the cell. We were planning to present this information in a different manuscript, but if the reviewer or editor thinks that it would be beneficial for the paper, we could present this as supplement figure that shows that amyloid beta incubations with B2 RNA do not induce further processing beyond what Hsf1 causes. For the moment we just present this below:

    Major point 9. The reviewer asks: “Please provide the list, functional annotation, and % of the SRGs upregulated upon incubation with APP in HT22 cells in comparison to 6month old APP mice. Comment on learning-related Genes.”

    In the revised version, we now provide and mention in the text the following data: i) a list of genes upregulated in HT22 cells during amyloid toxicity upon incubation with amyloid beta (new Suppl. Table 9), ii) a list of genes according to point (i) that are common with genes upregulated in APP mice (new Suppl. Table 10), iii) the list and number of B2-SRGs that are upregulated in HT22 cells during amyloid toxicity (the reviewer’s question) (new Suppl. Table 10). We mention in the text the gene numbers and also the genes that are common in all three lists. iv) Functional annotation of genes of point (iii) (new Suppl. Table 12),

    We also mention in the text the limitations of our comparisons between the in vivo model of amyloid pathology (APP mice) and the in vitro cell culture model of amyloid toxicity (HT 22 cells) and we clarify that the cell culture model is used just as a simulation of the effect of amyloid beta in gene pathways associated with response to cellular stress and the role of Hsf1 on B2 RNA processing.

    Major point 10. The reviewer asks: “The authors should show the efficient downregulation of Hsf1 (protein) upon anti-Hsf1 LNA transfection.”

    In the revised version, in addition to the RNA-seq data we provide a second confirmation at the mRNA level with an independent method (RT-qPCR) in new figures 4E and 7B (lower panel). We are currently performing the protein extractions and will provide a WB or an Elisa in the revised version.

    Major point 11. The reviewer asks: “Please present the total B2 RNA levels for conditions in Figure 6C.”

    We now provide as new supplementary figure (Suppl. Fig. 6B and C) the levels of processed B2 RNA fragments and the total levels of unprocessed full length B2 RNAs of these samples that relate to old Figure 6C (now labeled as Fig.7C)

    Major point 12. The reviewer notes: “Hsf1 levels are not significantly downregulated in Control cells which were inoculated with the reverse APP peptide. Please comment.”

    We assume that the reviewer here refers to the lack of reduction in Hsf1 levels in the cells inoculated with the reverse peptide and the anti-Hsf1 LNA. Indeed, this lack of reduction is confirmed also by the new qPCR we performed (new Figure 7B, lower panel, R-ctrl vs R-anti-Hsf1). This should likely be attributed to compensation during non-stress conditions. In contrast, under stress conditions, Hsf1 is heavily used in stress response, which could explain the differences we see as cellular needs surpass the available Hsf1 transcripts due to degradation by the LNA. This is also supported by the new RT-qPCR experiments we have performed for B2-SRGs (new Figure 7E). In agreement with what is known for stress response genes such as immediately early genes (for example FosB), levels of these genes are minimal in both R-ctrl and R-anti-Hsf1 conditions and only become activated during stress response. We now discuss this in the text of the revised manuscript.

    Major point 13. The reviewer asks: “Please compare and contrast the % of genes, the overlap, and the functional distinctions in 6F to that of 5G and Figure1. What are the genes that are common between Figure1, and that are specifically upregulated upon Anti-Hsf1 LNA transfection along with 1-42 APP. What is % of the occurrence of B2 binding sites in those genes? What are their functional annotations and what is their connection to learning, memory, and cell survival?”

    Old Figure 6F is now Figure 7F, while old Figure 5G is now Figure 6C. This point is discussed in the response to points 1 and 9 of this reviewer. In summary, genes upregulated in our amyloid toxicity model included 25 B2-SRGs (new Suppl. Table 11). When testing for enriched terms in these 25 genes, biological processes related with apoptosis, such as regulation of apoptotic process and programmed cell death were at the top of the list (new Suppl. Table 12) and included, among others, genes such as FosB and Mitf that have been connected with Alzheimer’s disease. Out of the 25 genes that are up-regulated in both mice and our cell culture system, six are B2-SRGs (4932438A13Rik, Fosb, Pag1, Ptprs, Sema5a, and Sgms1) and include a well-known immediate early gene (Fosb), genes associated with sensitivity to amyloid toxicity (Pag1, Sema5a, Sgms1, Fosb), as well as genes associated with p53 (Ptprs, Fosb). All these genes get upregulated in amyloid toxicity (42-Ctrl vs R-Ctrl) but are not upregulated when Hsf1 LNA is applied (42-anti-Hsf1 vs R-anti-Hsf1, no significant difference). This information is now included in the text.


    1 . Please include TPM/ FPKM values for hippocampal markers as control in Figure 2 to do justice to the hippocampus specific RNA seq conducted by the Authors.

    To our understanding, the reviewer here suggests the testing of well-known hippocampal markers in our mouse data as controls to confirm that they are indeed hippocampus specific. We have selected as reference markers, the genes employed by the Allen Brain Atlas RNA-sequencing project and we provide a comparison of their data in hippocampal cells with our data from mouse hippocampus. This is now presented as new Supplementary Figure 2.

    2 . In figure 2D the authors show that B2 RNA regulated SRGs in the 3 months' wild type mice are significantly high. P53 has been reported to be high in young wild types hippocampus, but not SRGs in my opinion. The authors should comment on this.

    Old Figure 2D is now Figure 2E. We now mention the reviewer’s comment particularly in the discussion and cite a landmark review article in Neuron journal by Michael Greenberg regarding the role of stress response genes, such as FosB, early during development. As to prevent any confusion, we have also replaced SRGs with B2-SRGs since we tested only B2-SRGS in our study.

    3 . In figure 2F, under the 6m APP condition, the replicate 3 looks substantially different from the other replicate. This can significantly impact the analysis and conclusions made. Either remove that replicate and present the analysis without it or please provide a valid explanation. To make the data more valid, please provide hierarchical clustering of the entire data, the non-B2 regulated genes and the B2 regulated SRGs.

    We now provide in the new Supplementary Figure 9C a PCA plot, which includes 6m APP mice vs. their WT counterparts and HT22 cells, and shows that this variability is within the biological replicate variability we can expect in these models. To substantiate this further, we have constructed the correlation matrix of the RNA-seq data of both WT and APP 6 month old mice in the new Supplementary Figure 9D. As shown in this matrix, all APP mice clearly correlate with each other and not with their WT counterparts.

    In the initial manuscript the heatmaps of former Figure 2 were indeed provided with hierarchical clustering of the entire data and also included non-B2 RNA regulated genes. This data is included now as Supplementary figure 2.

    In Figure 2C RNA seq data is represented in TPM while its FPKM in Figure 2D.

    Figure 2D is now Figure 2E, while Figure 2C remains labelled with the same number. Given that TPM already includes scaling of the data, it is unsuitable for the averaging of the gene expression levels of multiple genes (B2-SRGs) used in the boxplots of Figure 2. This does not apply in the case of single genes as in Fig 2C (p53) or in the heatmap where each gene is presented in a separate row. This explanation is now included in the methods section.

    Figure 2: the number of replicates in the case of 3-month-old wild types only 2. Please specifically denote it and comment why only 2 replicates are provided.

    During the hippocampal RNA extractions, the RNA of one of the three 3m old mice had very low RIN scores, which could be a confounding factor for the short-RNA-seq. As this happened some months after the hippocampal extractions, we did not have any other 3 month mice of the same cohort used for the behavioral and IHC studies. Thus, we decided to include only two replicates in this condition. Since the results presented in the current study focus mainly on 6 month old mice, we expect the impact to be minimal. We include this note in the methods section.

    4 . Considering that p53 and SRGs are significantly upregulated in 6months in the APP model, it would be great if (allowing that these samples are still available) the authors can include a staining for apoptotic markers, for example, Active Casp3 or similar. This will allow us to better gauge the gene expression changes presented by the authors especially regarding SRGs.

    Unfortunately, we do not have these slides but in the revised version we will provide qPCR data for some of these markers.

    5 . Under subheading: Hsf1 accelerates B2 RNA processing, 3rd paragraph when the authors comment on known hsf1 binding sites on SRG genes, please correct from: Increased Hsf1-binding was found.... "To the increased number of hsf1 binding sites were found", unless the authors would like to show increased Hsf1 binding by performing CHIP-seq for Hsf1 in the hippocampus at least at the 6-month time point between Wt and APP mice.

    We have changed the text accordingly.

    Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

    B2 RNAs, encoded from SINE B2 elements has been directly implicated in stress response by its inherent ability to bind RNA Pol II and suppress stress response genes (SRG) in homeostatic conditions. However, upon stimuli, B2 RNAs are cleaved and degraded, resulting in the release of RNA pol II and upregulation of SRGs. Previous work from the senior author identified PRC2 component EZH2 to be the B2 RNA processing factor, cleaving B2, and releasing POL2. SRGs are upregulated upon stress, for example in age-associated neuropathologies like Alzheimer's disease (AD). Considering that the hippocampus is a primary target of amyloid pathologies as well as since SRGs are suggested to be key for the function of a healthy hippocampus, the authors set to understand the role of B2 RNAs that are linked to SRG regulation in the mouse hippocampus with amyloid pathology. They use disease-relevant in vivo and in vitro models combined with unbiased RNA seq data analysis for this endeavor, which indicates the potential relevance of B2 RNAs in APP mediated neuronal pathologies in mice as well as identifies Hsf1 as the factor cleaving B2 RNAs in the hippocampus.

    The work is interesting and identification of Hsf1 as the processing factor for B2 RNAs in the hippocampus is significant. I would like to credit the authors for their elegant in vivo experimental design in Figure 2.


    Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):


    This manuscript follows from previous work by the corresponding author showing that SINE-encoded B2 RNAs function as regulators of the expression of stress response genes (SRGs). Specifically, stimulus triggers the processing of repressive B2 RNAs that are bound at the SRGs, thereby activating SRG transcription. In this work, the authors investigate whether a similar mechanism might be controlling the expression of genes in models of amyloid beta neuropathology (i.e. mouse hippocampi from an amyloid precursor protein knock-in mouse model, and a cell culture model of amyloid beta toxicity). They performed RNA-seq in these models. Their data show a correlation between the progression of amyloid pathology, expression of genes thought to be regulated by B2 RNA, and the processing of B2 RNA. In addition, they show biochemical data supporting a role for Hsf1 in enhancing the processing of B2 RNA. Knockdown of Hsf1 also reduced B2 RNA processing and the expression of SRGs.

    **Major comments:**

    Major point 1. The reviewer asks: “In the RNA-seq data one cannot distinguish between Pol III transcribed B2 RNA and Pol II transcribed B2 RNA (typically embedded within introns and UTRs of mRNAs). The models they present, and the structures they show, clearly imply regulation by Pol III transcribed B2 RNA. However, there is no way to know that the short B2 RNAs they sequence aren't coming from degraded mRNAs. This needs to addressed. Minimally, in writing as a caveat of their model. Ideally, it would be addressed experimentally.”

    That’s a very interesting point, as it implies that the regulatory role of B2 RNAs may extend from PolIII transcribed B2 RNAs into B2 RNAs embedded into mRNAs (likely nascent ones) that may be also under the same endogenous ribozyme activity of this sequence, suppress PolII and are processed in response to stimuli. The RNA RIN values of our samples were pretty high except one 3m old mouse sample which was for this reason excluded from further analysis. Moreover, during the library construction shorter and longer RNAs have been separated. Thus, any generation of B2 RNA fragment that may have originated from mRNA should be biologically but not technically related and must have happened in the cell before our RNA extraction. To address this point, we now provide a new supplementary figure (Suppl. Figure 8), where we have separated the B2 elements against which we map the RNA fragments into two categories, those that fall within exonic/genic regions and those outside of these regions. Although B2 RNAs are produced by multiple copies in the genome, each copy does harbor multiple SNPs, insertions and deletions, which means that each B2 RNA fragment is mapped to a specific set of B2 elements and not to all of them. In other words, despite multiple mapping a level of spatial specificity is maintained. If the B2 RNAs we map were coming exclusively from either only Pol III B2 elements or mRNA embedded B2 elements, we would expect at least some difference in the distribution of fragments between B2 elements of these two categories, as the second one overlaps with mRNAs. As shown in the new supplementary figure 8, the fact that distribution models are very similar between the two categories indeed supports the hypothesis that both types of B2 elements may contribute to B2 RNA processing. Most importantly, the profile of B2 RNAs in genic regions shows that B2 RNA processing is not random but follows the same processing rules as B2 RNAs from Pol III promoters. Given the limitations posed by the repetitive nature of B2 RNAs, it remains difficult though to provide an exact number regarding the portion of B2 RNA fragments produced by each category and this is clearly noted in our revised discussion part. However, even the indication that B2 RNAs embedded in mRNAs may also play an important role in our model provides a new perspective that should be investigated further in future studies.

    Major point 2. The reviewer asks: “The direct regulation of SRGs by B2 RNA was not shown in their model systems for amyloid beta neuropathology. Rather, the authors' used the genes identified in their prior studies as B2 RNA-regulated, which I believe were in the NIH3T3 cell line. Given that transcription is highly cell-type specific, these genes might not be regulated by B2 RNA in mouse hippocampi or their cell culture model, despite the correlations shown. This needs to be addressed. Ideally, a targeted approach to show that transcription of even a couple genes in their system is indeed regulated by B2 RNA would provide stronger support for their conclusions.”

    We agree with the reviewer and we now provide a new figure (Fig.6D-F) with the targeted approach that this reviewer proposed. In particular, we have tested whether fragmentation of full length B2 RNAs is in connection with activation of target genes also in our biological system (HT22 cells) as it did in NIH/3T3 cells in our Cell paper. We now show in new Figure 6 that this is indeed the case.

    Major point 3. The reviewer proposes a number of additional information that needs to be provided: “The following bioinformatics analyses would strengthen their conclusions. This should be straightforward to do because it involves data they already have, and perhaps analyses they have already have performed.”

    a. Regarding the plot in Figure 3A (lower panel). The same plot should be shown for the 3m old and the 12m old APP mice (i.e. not just the 6m data). This would show the specificity of processing B2 RNA and that it indeed correlates with disease progression.

    We now provide this plot as new supplementary figure (Suppl. Figure 3). It shows that increased B2 RNA processing coincides only with the active neurodegeneration phase at 6 months and not the terminal stage.

    b. Regarding the plots of B2 RNA processing rate. This value could increase either due to more short RNAs or less full length RNA. Which is it for the 3m, 6m, and 12m APP mice? Showing the short and long B2 RNAs as boxplots (as opposed to only the processing rate) would address this and also provide additional insight into the regulation involved. The same applies to the data in Figure 6. (As an aside... do the authors mean processing ratio as opposed to rate? I'm not clear where the time component is coming into play to call this a rate.)

    Old Figure 6 is now Figure 7. We now provide all these figures that show that increase in processing ratio at 6 months is mainly due to increase in the processed fragments and not a decrease in full length B2 RNAs. For APP mice these are new Figures 3E and F, and for HT22 cells , these are new Supp. Figures 6B and C.

    c. The random genes in Figures 2E and 6E are plotted as heat maps, but statistical significance is hard to see. What do boxplots of the random genes look like, and is the significant difference between 6m old APP and 6m old WT then lost?

    Old Figure 2E is now new Suppl. Figure 1C, while old Figure 6E is now new Suppl. Figure 7C. We now provide these boxplots in new supplementary figures 1B and 7B.

    Major point 4. The reviewer comments: “ It is interesting that B2 RNA self-processing is enhanced by both Ezh2 and also Hsf1. It would strengthen the data to perform a control with a protein prepared more similarly to the Hsf1 (rather than PNK) to confirm that the enhanced B2 RNA breakdown is indeed attributable to Hsf1 and not a contaminant in the protein prep. Similarly, the authors should provide information on which RNA was added as the negative control for Hsf1-stimulated breakdown (i.e. the ~80 nt RNA).”

    This point is also discussed in Reviewer 1 point 7. The ribozyme endogenous activity of B2 RNA has been shown already in two previous studies that performed incubations with control RNAs and proteins. We are currently preparing and will provide these additional incubations as anew supplementary figure in the revised manuscript.

    **Minor comments:**

    1 . Regarding the GO analyses in Figure 1 (panels B, C, and D). I wasn't clear whether the authors are showing all statistically enriched terms, or only those relevant to neuronal processes and learning. I recommend showing a supplemental table with all terms that have an adjusted p value below a specified cut-off (e.g. 0.05).

    The statistical threshold used was an EASE score of 0.05 and all presented terms were above this threshold. In the initial manuscript we filtered only the top 5 terms in tissue enrichment and the top 10 terms for GO Biol process and Cell Compartment that had passed the threshold. We now provide all the terms that passed the threshold as a new Supplementary Table 2, including gene counts, exact gene numbers and related statistics.

    2 . The authors show several figures that are not new data (2B, 4A, 4B, Suppl. Fig 1 and 2). I think it would be more clear if these data were summarized and referenced in the results, rather than shown.

    Old Suppl. Fig1 and 2 that were results of previous studies or web resources directly available (such as Human Protein Atlas) have been now removed and they are now just referenced in the text. Old Figures 4A and 4B have been removed from the main figures but may be helpful to the readers if they are still available in the Supplement (currently as Suppl. Figure 4A and B), as not all users are familiar with the RNA-seq browsing tools of Allen Brain Atlas resources. Regarding figure 2B that contains data from our previous study on this exact cohort of mice: If the reviewer and the editor agree we recommend that it remains in the main figure (with the appropriate image credit citations), as it provides in an efficient way the clear connection between amyloid load and our results at the molecular level, and, most importantly, it clearly draws a line in amyloid pathology progression between 3m old and 6m old, that agrees with our findings in the RNA-seq data of these mice.

    3 . In Figure 3A the schematic shows that B2 is 155 nt, the plots in Figures 3A,B,C show B2 RNA is 120 nt, and Figure 5 shows the RNA is 188 nt. Can the authors please clarify these differences?

    The full length of B2 consensus sequence is 188nt and this is the one we use for the in vitro experiments. However, the structure of the B2 RNA has been resolved only for the first 155nt by the Kugel lab, and this is the only publicly available structure that we can reference in our figures. For the mapping of 5’ends of short fragments in Fig.3A we have used the same range tested in our Cell paper to maintain consistency of the results. The reason why this 120nt threshold was selected in the Cell paper was to exclude artifacts from short RNAs mapping partially in our metagene as well as downstream of those B2 elements that are shorter from the consensus sequence. We now explain in methods section these differences.

    4 . In the Methods section, the sequence of the g block template didn't contain the T7 promoter sequence that was used as the forward primer for PCR amplification?

    We have now included this sequence in lower case.

    5 . In Figure 6B, why were Hsf1 levels not decreased in the R treated cells after treatment with the LNA?

    Old Figure 6B is now new Figure 7B. Please see response to Reviewer 1, major point 12.

    Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

    Finally, this reviewer generally remarks that “The models presented for the regulation of stress response genes (SRGs) in amyloid beta neuropathologies are compelling. As are the correlations they found between the progression of amyloid pathology, expression of genes thought to be regulated by B2 RNA, and the processing of B2 RNA. This is a unique direction of research for brain disease and represents an interesting conceptual advance. Most prior studies in this area use common model cell lines, and this lab seems well-positioned to unravel the proposed molecular mechanisms in neuronal systems.”

    We appreciate the encouraging comments made by this reviewer.


    Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

    This manuscript describes a regulatory mechanism involving Hsf1 and B2 RNAs in the control of stress response genes (SRGs) during amyloid induced toxicity. In particular Hsf1, upregulated in 6m old APP mice and in HT22 cells treated with beta amyloid peptides, is shown to stimulate the B2 RNA destabilization leading to SRGs activation. While in healthy cells this upregulation can be reverted once the stimulus is removed, the pathological condition fuels the circuitry leading to p53 upregulation and neuronal cell death. The authors previously described the same mechanism acting during cellular heath shock response but in this case the protein identified as trigger of B2 RNA destabilization and SRGs activation was EZH2 (Zovoilis et al, 2016).

    This reviewer generally remarks that “Indeed, the first part of the manuscript describes additional analyses of the previous data that prompts further investigation on the potential role of B2 RNA in AD condition. Nevertheless, it is not clear how the prior findings obtained in not biologically related cellular models might be used to obtain helpful indication of B2 RNA neuronal activity.”

    We thank the reviewer for this comment. Indeed, the current study’s main aim was to expand the findings of our previous work on the role of B2 RNA in cellular response to thermal stress in NIH/3T3 cells to other types of cellular response to stress, in our case to amyloid toxicity and the resulting amyloid pathology in neural cells. Response to thermal stress (Heat Shock) has been used for years as a basic study model for cellular response to stress. Proteins and gene pathways initially identified in heat shock have been subsequently shown to play identical pro-survival roles in other biological systems and there are studies showing the role of Hsf1, heat shock related proteins and cell stress response pathways in neural cells and the mammalian brain (we will provide these references in the revised version). For example, pathways such as the MAPK pathway and early response genes, that constitute the basis of response to heat shock, have been shown in studies by us and others to be activated and play a critical role in hippocampal function. Thus, examining the role of B2 RNA in the context of neural response to stress constituted a natural continuation of our previous study in NIH/3T3 cells. The fact that the list of B2 RNA regulated SRGs was found to be highly enriched in neuronal tissue terms and cellular compartments related to neuronal functions plainly confirms the close relationship among cellular response pathways in the two biological systems. Due to these facts we were compelled to investigate in more detail our previous findings also in a neural cell model. However, as discussed in point 2 of Reviewer 2, the initial manuscript did not confirm the direct control of B2 RNA on expression of target genes also in our cellular model. This information is now part of the new figure 6 and we thank both reviewers for bringing this to our attention.

    The reviewer also remarks that “The research fields of non coding RNAs and neurodegeneration are attractive and challenging and, in my opinion, the molecular circuitry involving B2 RNAs might add important insights for understanding beta amyloid toxicity and neuronal death; however, the data provided are not in the shape making the manuscript suitable for publication: some controls are missing, the way the experiments are presented is not easy to follow and more importantly the authors does not provide any data (tables or lists) of the NGS experiments and the study lacks validation of them. Therefore, in my opinion the manuscript needs a profound revision before to be considered for publication in Review Commons.”

    Based on this reviewer’s and the other reviewers’ suggestions we now provide additional controls, detailed tables and gene lists, and qPCR validation of these results. We have also substantially revised the text in the first section of the results and beginning of the discussion, to make our rational for testing B2-SRGs more clear and easier to follow.

    **major concerns:**

    Major point 1. The reviewer asks: “The first paragraph of the Results is entirely dedicated to re-analyze the data previously published by the same group (Zovoilis et al., 2016). However, this is not adequately explained. In line with this, the table 1 is not required since the data are already provided by Zovoilis et al., 2016, unless the authors handled the data using additional new criteria that have to be explained.”

    We now explain our rational for using this data in more detail in the text. Please see also response to the general comment of this reviewer and response to the next point.

    In the Zovoilis et al (2016) study, the data presented did not include the list of regulated genes in a direct way but as part of the annotation of the B2 CHART peaks. This may pose difficulty to non-experts to extract the gene list from that data and we thought to include them as separate gene list here so that readers can directly use it for their analysis. Nevertheless, if the reviewer or the editor think that the list is redundant, we can surely omit it.

    In addition, the reviewer comments: “Moreover, Zovoilis and colleagues (2016) focused on SRGs regulated upon heat shock and using NIH/3T3 and HeLa cell lines, therefore, it is difficult to me understand how, searching for "cellular function connected with B2 RNA regulated SRGs", the list resulted enriched of neuronal tissue terms or cellular compartments related to neuronal functions. Please clarify this point since the following analyses are based on these findings.”

    Neural pathologies, such as amyloid pathology in brain, are often connected with cellular stress due to proteotoxicity. The ability of neural cells to respond to proteotoxicity challenges is connected with various molecular mechanisms, including stress related proteins that were firstly described in the context of heat shock. Thus, both contexts (heat shock and amyloid toxicity) refer to cellular response to stress, which explains why genes identified to be regulated during stress response in NIH/3T3 cells constitute part of the basic stress response toolbox that neural cells have also been described to possess. We have now modified the text accordingly to make our rational more clear.

    Major point 2. The reviewer comments: “In Figure 1F there is no arrow indicating that some of the SRGs regulate directly miR-34 as stated in the main text. Moreover, it is more appropriate to replace SRGs with learning‐associated genes both in the figure and in text (2nd paragraph of the results) since Zovoilis and colleagues focused on them. Finally, they did not show in their manuscript the rescue of p53 expression mediated by mir-34; indeed, for miR-34-p53 regulatory axis Zovoilis and colleagues referred to Peleg et al, 2010 and Yamakuchi & Lowenstein, 2009. Please fix all these concerns.”

    We have restructured the figure as suggested by the reviewer and made clear the distinction between learning genes and B2 RNA regulated SRGs (B2-SRGs) from the two different studies. In connection with point 1 of Reviewer 1, we believe that new Figure 1E, that includes the exact number of B2-SRGs that are learning associated, will represent more efficiently and accurately the data. We have also corrected in the text the citation regarding miR-34c and p53 in both the introduction and first section of the results (last paragraph).

    -The Fig.1A and Fig.1F are wrongly indicated at the end of the sentence "....levels of these genes are normally downregulated in 6m and 12m old mice compared to 3m old mice (p=0.02 and p=0.04, respectively)"; please correct this point.

    The error has been corrected.

    Major point 3. The reviewer comments regarding Figure 2:

    a) Since three mice for each condition have been used for the RNA seq analyses, please provide a blot with the Principal Component Analysis (PCA).

    Please see also response to minor point 3 of Reviewer 1. We provide the PCA plots for WT and APP mice in the new Supplementary Figure 9 and we also provide a comparison of the six month old mice with the HT cell samples as well as a correlation matrix for 6 month old mice in the same figure.

    b) Fig 2F comes first of Fig 2E in the text, however, I suggest to move this latter to supplementary material.

    Old figure 2E has now been moved to supplementary material as new Supplementary Figure 2C and we also provide in a boxplot the exact gene expression levels as new Supplementary Figure 2B.

    c) In general, this study lacks validation of the RNA-seq results. Western blot and/or qRTR-PCR to verify the variation of p53 and of some selected SRGs have to be provided.

    In the current revised version we already provide qPCRs for p53 and Hsf1 in APP mice and we will include additional genes in the final version.

    d) It is also not clear how the authors defined SRGs in the hippocampus: do they correspond to learning‐associated genes described by in Zovoilis et al, 2011 or to B2 RNA H/S regulated genes by Zovoilis et al, 2016?

    The way we presented B2 RNA SRGs in the results with regard to learning associated genes was indeed unclear. We now present the distinction between the two gene categories and their relationship as a new Fig.1E panel and we also provide detailed gene lists of common genes and the exact numbers (please see also response to Review 1, major point 1).

    -APP 12 month old mice show the sever phenotype of the terminal AD-like pathology, however this does not correlate with significant SRGs and B2 processing increase. Can the author make a comment on this?

    That’s a very important point and we thank the reviewer for raising this point. We now comment on this in the discussion part explaining how our findings are characteristic of the initial active neurodegeneration phase of amyloid pathology rather than more terminal stages.

    Major point 4: The reviewer comments regarding Figure 5:

    a) a gel with no-protein control for the time course of panel B was cited in the text but missing among the panels. Moreover, the time course shown in the graph in 5C does not correspond to the one in 5B.

    Indeed, the no-protein control time line should refer only to panel C and not to B, we have now corrected the text. Nevertheless, we now present in the new Supplementary Fig. 5 the gels, based on which the graph in panel C was calculated, including also the gel with no protein timeline. The time course shown in the initial 5C had been mislabeled. It has now been corrected. We apologize for this and we thank the reviewer for bringing this to our attention.

    b) 5G indicates that four samples for each condition have been analysed by RNA-seq, since they do not seem to be homogeneous please provide a PCA analysis together with the validation by qRT-PCR of a selected group of deregulated genes.

    Old Figure 5G is new Figure 6C. PCA analysis for these samples is now provided in Supplementary Figure 9 and qPCR validation of a number of these genes is provided in new Fig. 7E.

    Moreover, it is not clear whether all the genes shown in the heatmap or a number of them, as stated in the text, were found upregulated in 6m old APP mice. Please clarify this point and modify the figure and the text accordingly. A Venn diagram showing the overlap between genes upregulated in 42vsR treatment and those upregulated in 6m old APP mice might help the comprehension of the experiment.

    Please see response to Reviewer 1, point 9. We now provide as new supplementary tables the exact overlapping lists and mention these numbers in the text.

    Major point 5: The reviewer comments regarding Figure 6 (now labeled as Fig.7):

    a) The evaluation of the levels of Hsf1 mRNA and protein upon LNA transfection is missing for both R and 42 treated HT22 cells. From TPM in panel B, Hsf1 downregulation seems to have been more effective in 42 than in R condition. This would mess up the interpretation of the data.

    We now provide qPCR data for Hsf1 gene expression levels which confirm the ones from the RNAseq. The reason why Hsf1 downregulation seems not to affect the R condition is discussed in our response to Reviewer 1, major point 12, and the respective explanation is provided in the revised text.

    b) Again, in this case any validation of the RNA seq data is provided (any B2 regulated SRGs).

    Now, we provide qPCR data for these genes in Fig.7B and new Fig.7E

    c) Panels E and F should be swapped or panel E moved to supplementary material.

    Panel E is now moved to supplementary material as new Suppl. Figure 7C.

    Major point 6. The reviewer comments: “In a previous paper the authors discovered B2 RNAs as a class of transcripts bound to EZH2 and this interaction leads to B2 RNA destabilization in heath shock (H/S) condition. The authors also conclude that the genes controlled by B2 RNAs may not overlap with the ones controlled by Hsf1 during H/S. The author should make a comment on this explaining why during H/S B2 RNAs work independently from Hsf1 and on different target SRGs while, during beta amyloid stress ,the two act together on the same SRGs. Moreover, as shown for EZH2, Hsf1-RIP experiment should be performed in order to confirm the direct involvement of Hsf1 in the SRGs-B2 destabilization.”

    In the last two paragraphs of our discussion we indicate that B2 RNA regulation is a new process implicated in the response to stress in amyloid pathology but certainly not the only one. We have revised the text in this part accordingly in the revised version to prevent any confusion. We are currently performing a series of RIP-seq experiments with various antibodies. As, to our knowledge, there is no prior published study performing RIP-seq or CLIP-seq for any tissue using Hsf1 antibodies, the success of this experiment is not guaranteed and depends on the existence of appropriate antibodies.

    Major point 7. The reviewer comments: “There is any table listing the results of the RNA seq experiments performed in this paper: control vs APP 3-6-12 m old mice and in R vs 42 treated HT22 cells in presence or absence of LNA against Hsf1. Please provide these data.”

    We now provide these lists as new supplementary tables. Please see response to major points 1 and 9 of reviewer 1.

    Major point 8. The reviewer comments: “In the discussion the authors claim that healthy cells are able to restore the expression of Hsf1, SRGs and B2 RNA upon removal of the stress. Since there are evidence for the rescue of SRGs and B2 RNA expression post H/S, no data are available for Hsf1, SRGs and B2 RNA upon the removal of 1-42 beta amyloid peptide. This might be a nice information to add to the manuscript.”

    This would indeed substantiate further our results in our HT22 cell model. We have now performed this experiment, in which HT-22 cells were removed from the amyloid 42 (and the respective R peptide control) and left to recover for 12 hours before estimating through RT-qPCR the Hsf1 levels ( see graph below, REC corresponds to recovered HT-22 cells). Hsf1 levels in 42-REC have returned to the same levels as in R, p We currently perform the RT-qPCRs of these samples also for B2-SRGs and will include them in the final version as a supplementary figure.

    **Minor criticisms:**

    -In the introduction the reference Yamakuchi M and Lowenstein CJ, (2009) MiR‐34, SIRT1 and p53: the feedback loop. Cell Cycle, should be added in the sentence: "In contrast, hippocampi of mouse models of amyloid pathology and post- mortem brains of human patients of AD.....and neural death (Zovoilis et al., 2011)."

    We have now changed the text at that point accordingly and also updated the legend of Figure 1F that also refers to this same study.

    -Authors refer to Hernandez et al., 2020 to state that B2 self cleavage is stimulated by some proteins however, Hernandez and colleagues studied only the effect of EZH2 protein. Please rephrase the sentence accordingly.

    Text has been modified accordingly.

    -Indicate a reference for the sentence: "......Ezh2, was reported as being responsible for the B2 RNA accelerated destabilization and processing during response to stress."

    The respective citation was added.

    -The format of many references is not consistent and has to be revised.

    We have switched to the Vancouver style. Some references in the legend and methods sections are referred independently from EndNote in case these text sections have to be moved to supplement in the final version in order to not create inconsistencies with endnote.

    Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

    Finally, this reviewer generally remarks that “The research fields of non coding RNAs and neurodegeneration are attractive and challenging and, in my opinion, the molecular circuitry involving B2 RNAs might add important insights for understanding beta amyloid toxicity and neuronal death.

    However, this manuscript does not really add technical advances since the authors employed experimental approaches and bioinformatic analyses previously published by Zovoilis and colleagues in 2011 and 2016.”

    Our aim in the current manuscript was not to introduce a new method or experimental approach but rather to study the mechanisms behind B2 RNA regulation of gene expression in neural cells and particularly in amyloid pathology. Nevertheless, the current study constitutes the first reported short-RNA seq in this tissue and offers for the first time the ability to study B2 RNA processing in this tissue which is not possible with standard small and long RNA-seq.

    The reported findings might of interest of an audience of experts in non coding RNAs and neurodegeneration. The area of my expertise almost regards the biology of non coding RNAs from biogenesis to function manly focusing on neuronal and muscular systems both in physiological and pathological conditions.

  2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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    Referee #3

    Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

    This manuscript describes a regulatory mechanism involving Hsf1 and B2 RNAs in the control of stress response genes (SRGs) during amyloid induced toxicity. In particular Hsf1, upregulated in 6m old APP mice and in HT22 cells treated with beta amyloid peptides, is shown to stimulate the B2 RNA destabilization leading to SRGs activation. While in healthy cells this upregulation can be reverted once the stimulus is removed, the pathological condition fuels the circuitry leading to p53 upregulation and neuronal cell death. The authors previously described the same mechanism acting during cellular heath shock response but in this case the protein identified as trigger of B2 RNA destabilization and SRGs activation was EZH2 (Zovoilis et al, 2016). Indeed, the first part of the manuscript describes additional analyses of the previous data that prompts further investigation on the potential role of B2 RNA in AD condition. Nevertheless, it is not clear how the prior findings obtained in not biologically related cellular models might be used to obtain helpful indication of B2 RNA neuronal activity. The research fields of non coding RNAs and neurodegeneration are attractive and challenging and, in my opinion, the molecular circuitry involving B2 RNAs might add important insights for understanding beta amyloid toxicity and neuronal death; however, the data provided are not in the shape making the manuscript suitable for publication: some controls are missing, the way the experiments are presented is not easy to follow and more importantly the authors does not provide any data (tables or lists) of the NGS experiments and the study lacks validation of them. Therefore, in my opinion the manuscript needs a profound revision before to be considered for publication in Review Commons.

    major concerns:

    -The first paragraph of the Results is entirely dedicated to re-analyze the data previously published by the same group (Zovoilis et al., 2016). However, this is not adequately explained. In line with this, the table 1 is not required since the data are already provided by Zovoilis et al., 2016, unless the authors handled the data using additional new criteria that have to be explained. Moreover, Zovoilis and colleagues (2016) focused on SRGs regulated upon heat shock and using NIH/3T3 and HeLa cell lines, therefore, it is difficult to me understand how, searching for "cellular function connected with B2 RNA regulated SRGs", the list resulted enriched of neuronal tissue terms or cellular compartments related to neuronal functions. Please clarify this point since the following analyses are based on these findings.

    -In Figure 1F there is no arrow indicating that some of the SRGs regulate directly miR-34 as stated in the main text. Moreover, it is more appropriate to replace SRGs with learning‐associated genes both in the figure and in text (2nd paragraph of the results) since Zovoilis and colleagues focused on them. Finally, they did not show in their manuscript the rescue of p53 expression mediated by mir-34; indeed, for miR-34-p53 regulatory axis Zovoilis and colleagues referred to Peleg et al, 2010 and Yamakuchi & Lowenstein, 2009. Please fix all these concerns.

    -The Fig.1A and Fig.1F are wrongly indicated at the end of the sentence "....levels of these genes are normally downregulated in 6m and 12m old mice compared to 3m old mice (p=0.02 and p=0.04, respectively)"; please correct this point.

    -Figure 2:

    a) Since three mice for each condition have been used for the RNA seq analyses, please provide a blot with the Principal Component Analysis (PCA).

    b) Fig 2F comes first of Fig 2E in the text, however, I suggest to move this latter to supplementary material.

    c) In general, this study lacks validation of the RNA-seq results. Western blot and/or qRTR-PCR to verify the variation of p53 and of some selected SRGs have to be provided.

    d) It is also not clear how the authors defined SRGs in the hippocampus: do they correspond to learning‐associated genes described by in Zovoilis et al, 2011 or to B2 RNA H/S regulated genes by Zovoilis et al, 2016?

    -APP 12 month old mice show the sever phenotype of the terminal AD-like pathology, however this does not correlate with significant SRGs and B2 processing increase. Can the author make a comment on this?

    -Figure 5:

    a) a gel with no-protein control for the time course of panel B was cited in the text but missing among the panels. Moreover, the time course shown in the graph in 5C does not correspond to the one in 5B.

    b) 5G indicates that four samples for each condition have been analysed by RNA-seq, since they do not seem to be homogeneous please provide a PCA analysis together with the validation by qRT-PCR of a selected group of deregulated genes. Moreover, it is not clear whether all the genes shown in the heatmap or a number of them, as stated in the text, were found upregulated in 6m old APP mice. Please clarify this point and modify the figure and the text accordingly. A Venn diagram showing the overlap between genes upregulated in 42vsR treatment and those upregulated in 6m old APP mice might help the comprehension of the experiment.

    -Figure 6:

    a) The evaluation of the levels of Hsf1 mRNA and protein upon LNA transfection is missing for both R and 42 treated HT22 cells. From TPM in panel B, Hsf1 downregulation seems to have been more effective in 42 than in R condition. This would mess up the interpretation of the data.

    b) Again, in this case any validation of the RNA seq data is provided (any B2 regulated SRGs).

    c) Panels E and F should be swapped or panel E moved to supplementary material.

    -In a previous paper the authors discovered B2 RNAs as a class of transcripts bound to EZH2 and this interaction leads to B2 RNA destabilization in heath shock (H/S) condition. The authors also conclude that the genes controlled by B2 RNAs may not overlap with the ones controlled by Hsf1 during H/S. The author should make a comment on this explaining why during H/S B2 RNAs work independently from Hsf1 and on different target SRGs while, during beta amyloid stress ,the two act together on the same SRGs. Moreover, as shown for EZH2, Hsf1-RIP experiment should be performed in order to confirm the direct involvement of Hsf1 in the SRGs-B2 destabilization.

    -There is any table listing the results of the RNA seq experiments performed in this paper: control vs APP 3-6-12 m old mice and in R vs 42 treated HT22 cells in presence or absence of LNA against Hsf1. Please provide these data.

    -In the discussion the authors claim that healthy cells are able to restore the expression of Hsf1, SRGs and B2 RNA upon removal of the stress. Since there are evidence for the rescue of SRGs and B2 RNA expression post H/S, no data are available for Hsf1, SRGs and B2 RNA upon the removal of 1-42 beta amyloid peptide. This might be a nice information to add to the manuscript.

    Minor criticisms:

    -In the introduction the reference Yamakuchi M and Lowenstein CJ, (2009) MiR‐34, SIRT1 and p53: the feedback loop. Cell Cycle, should be added in the sentence: "In contrast, hippocampi of mouse models of amyloid pathology and post- mortem brains of human patients of AD.....and neural death (Zovoilis et al., 2011)."

    -Authors refer to Hernandez et al., 2020 to state that B2 self cleavage is stimulated by some proteins however, Hernandez and colleagues studied only the effect of EZH2 protein. Please rephrase the sentence accordingly.

    -Indicate a reference for the sentence: "......Ezh2, was reported as being responsible for the B2 RNA accelerated destabilization and processing during response to stress."

    -The format of many references is not consistent and has to be revised.


    The research fields of non coding RNAs and neurodegeneration are attractive and challenging and, in my opinion, the molecular circuitry involving B2 RNAs might add important insights for understanding beta amyloid toxicity and neuronal death. However, this manuscript does not really add technical advances since the authors employed experimental approaches and bioinformatic analyses previously published by Zovoilis and colleagues in 2011 and 2016.

    The reported findings might of interest of an audience of experts in non coding RNAs and neurodegeneration.

    The area of my expertise almost regards the biology of non coding RNAs from biogenesis to function manly focusing on neuronal and muscular systems both in physiological and pathological conditions.

  3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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    Referee #2

    Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


    This manuscript follows from previous work by the corresponding author showing that SINE-encoded B2 RNAs function as regulators of the expression of stress response genes (SRGs). Specifically, stimulus triggers the processing of repressive B2 RNAs that are bound at the SRGs, thereby activating SRG transcription. In this work, the authors investigate whether a similar mechanism might be controlling the expression of genes in models of amyloid beta neuropathology (i.e. mouse hippocampi from an amyloid precursor protein knock-in mouse model, and a cell culture model of amyloid beta toxicity). They performed RNA-seq in these models. Their data show a correlation between the progression of amyloid pathology, expression of genes thought to be regulated by B2 RNA, and the processing of B2 RNA. In addition, they show biochemical data supporting a role for Hsf1 in enhancing the processing of B2 RNA. Knockdown of Hsf1 also reduced B2 RNA processing and the expression of SRGs.

    Major comments:

    1 . In the RNA-seq data one cannot distinguish between Pol III transcribed B2 RNA and Pol II transcribed B2 RNA (typically embedded within introns and UTRs of mRNAs). The models they present, and the structures they show, clearly imply regulation by Pol III transcribed B2 RNA. However, there is no way to know that the short B2 RNAs they sequence aren't coming from degraded mRNAs. This needs to addressed. Minimally, in writing as a caveat of their model. Ideally, it would be addressed experimentally.

    2 . The direct regulation of SRGs by B2 RNA was not shown in their model systems for amyloid beta neuropathology. Rather, the authors' used the genes identified in their prior studies as B2 RNA-regulated, which I believe were in the NIH3T3 cell line. Given that transcription is highly cell-type specific, these genes might not be regulated by B2 RNA in mouse hippocampi or their cell culture model, despite the correlations shown. This needs to be addressed. Ideally, a targeted approach to show that transcription of even a couple genes in their system is indeed regulated by B2 RNA would provide stronger support for their conclusions.

    3 . The following bioinformatics analyses would strengthen their conclusions. This should be straightforward to do because it involves data they already have, and perhaps analyses they have already have performed.

    a. Regarding the plot in Figure 3A (lower panel). The same plot should be shown for the 3m old and the 12m old APP mice (i.e. not just the 6m data). This would show the specificity of processing B2 RNA and that it indeed correlates with disease progression.

    b. Regarding the plots of B2 RNA processing rate. This value could increase either due to more short RNAs or less full length RNA. Which is it for the 3m, 6m, and 12m APP mice? Showing the short and long B2 RNAs as boxplots (as opposed to only the processing rate) would address this and also provide additional insight into the regulation involved. The same applies to the data in Figure 6. (As an aside... do the authors mean processing ratio as opposed to rate? I'm not clear where the time component is coming into play to call this a rate.)

    c. The random genes in Figures 2E and 6E are plotted as heat maps, but statistical significance is hard to see. What do boxplots of the random genes look like, and is the significant difference between 6m old APP and 6m old WT then lost?

    4 . It is interesting that B2 RNA self-processing is enhanced by both Ezh2 and also Hsf1. It would strengthen the data to perform a control with a protein prepared more similarly to the Hsf1 (rather than PNK) to confirm that the enhanced B2 RNA breakdown is indeed attributable to Hsf1 and not a contaminant in the protein prep. Similarly, the authors should provide information on which RNA was added as the negative control for Hsf1-stimulated breakdown (i.e. the ~80 nt RNA).

    Minor comments:

    1 . Regarding the GO analyses in Figure 1 (panels B, C, and D). I wasn't clear whether the authors are showing all statistically enriched terms, or only those relevant to neuronal processes and learning. I recommend showing a supplemental table with all terms that have an adjusted p value below a specified cut-off (e.g. 0.05).

    2 . The authors show several figures that are not new data (2B, 4A, 4B, Suppl. Fig 1 and 2). I think it would be more clear if these data were summarized and referenced in the results, rather than shown.

    3 . In Figure 3A the schematic shows that B2 is 155 nt, the plots in Figures 3A,B,C show B2 RNA is 120 nt, and Figure 5 shows the RNA is 188 nt. Can the authors please clarify these differences?

    4 . In the Methods section, the sequence of the g block template didn't contain the T7 promoter sequence that was used as the forward primer for PCR amplification?

    5 . In Figure 6B, why were Hsf1 levels not decreased in the R treated cells after treatment with the LNA?


    The models presented for the regulation of stress response genes (SRGs) in amyloid beta neuropathologies are compelling. As are the correlations they found between the progression of amyloid pathology, expression of genes thought to be regulated by B2 RNA, and the processing of B2 RNA. This is a unique direction of research for brain disease and represents an interesting conceptual advance. Most prior studies in this area use common model cell lines, and this lab seems well-positioned to unravel the proposed molecular mechanisms in neuronal systems.

  4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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    Referee #1

    Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

    B2 RNAs, encoded from SINE B2 elements has been directly implicated in stress response by its inherent ability to bind RNA Pol II and suppress stress response genes (SRG) in homeostatic conditions. However, upon stimuli, B2 RNAs are cleaved and degraded, resulting in the release of RNA pol II and upregulation of SRGs. Previous work from the senior author identified PRC2 component EZH2 to be the B2 RNA processing factor, cleaving B2, and releasing POL2. SRGs are upregulated upon stress, for example in age-associated neuropathologies like Alzheimer's disease (AD). Considering that the hippocampus is a primary target of amyloid pathologies as well as since SRGs are suggested to be key for the function of a healthy hippocampus, the authors set to understand the role of B2 RNAs that are linked to SRG regulation in the mouse hippocampus with amyloid pathology. They use disease-relevant in vivo and in vitro models combined with unbiased RNA seq data analysis for this endeavor, which indicates the potential relevance of B2 RNAs in APP mediated neuronal pathologies in mice as well as identifies Hsf1 as the factor cleaving B2 RNAs in the hippocampus. The work is interesting and identification of Hsf1 as the processing factor for B2 RNAs in the hippocampus is significant. I would like to credit the authors for their elegant in vivo experimental design in Figure 2. However, I find some of the conclusions to be overstated and I would like to bring the following concerns I have to your attention:

    Major comments:

    1 . In figure 1, the authors indicate a strong connection between B2 RNA regulated SRGs and learning and memory. In figure 2, they identify the SRGs in the hippocampus, please provide a direct comparison of learning and memory associated SRGs and the SRGs they identify in figure 2 that are significantly upregulated in APP mice in 6 months.

    2 . To better understand the data in the context of hippocampal function, please include functional annotation of SRGs they identified in Figure 2F as they do it in Figure 1 (desirably for each time point, at least for 6M). How many of the SRGs they identify in Figure 1 are part of Figure 2F? Please include functional annotation of significantly upregulated B2 regulated SRGs in Fig2 and compare them with that of Figure 1.

    3 . In figure 3, the authors report that the B2 processing rates are high at the 6M time point at in hippocampi of the APP mice. Please include the levels of unprocessed and processed B2 RNAs in these samples along with this figure, without which it is difficult to gauge the significance of its correlation with SRGs in Figure 2.

    4 . What is the % of B2 regulated SRGs that are hsf1 bound in Figure 4C? What is there dynamics in the wild type and APP hippocampi?

    5 . What is the distribution of Hsf1 binding sites on (a) non-B2 regulated SRGs and (b) non-SRG genes in hippocampi?

    6 . In Figure 4D, the 3months old Wt HSF1 levels are high, yet B2 processing (Figure 3E) is low. Please comment.

    7 . While the authors show in vitro cleavage of B2 RNA by Hsf1, the experiment lacks controls to be conclusive. At least, please include a similar size protein as HSF1 with no-known RNA binding activity and a similar size protein with RNA binding activity as controls in 5A. Please justify the use of PNK as the control protein. Please include the use domain-based deletions of Hsf1 to map the region of HSF1 that is binding and potentially cleaving the B2 RNA. Please include an RNA of similar size and Antisense-B2 RNA to show the specificity of the Hsf1 based cleavage of B2 RNA. Without these controls, the conclusions in Figure 5 cannot be substantiated.

    8 . The authors should show that the incubated APP peptides are taken up by the cells (experiments in Figure 5F and Figure 6).

    9 . Please provide the list, functional annotation, and % of the SRGs upregulated upon incubation with APP in HT22 cells in comparison to 6month old APP mice. Comment on learning-related Genes.

    10 . The authors should show the efficient downregulation of Hsf1 (protein) upon anti-Hsf1 LNA transfection.

    11 . Please present the total B2 RNA levels for conditions in Figure 6C.

    12 . Hsf1 levels are not significantly downregulated in Control cells which were inoculated with the reverse APP peptide. Please comment.

    13 . Please compare and contrast the % of genes, the overlap, and the functional distinctions in 6F to that of 5G and Figure1. What are the genes that are common between Figure1, and that are specifically upregulated upon Anti-Hsf1 LNA transfection along with 1-42 APP. What is % of the occurrence of B2 binding sites in those genes? What are their functional annotations and what is their connection to learning, memory, and cell survival?


    1 . Please include TPM/ FPKM values for hippocampal markers as control in Figure 2 to do justice to the hippocampus specific RNA seq conducted by the Authors.

    2 . In figure 2D the authors show that B2 RNA regulated SRGs in the 3 months' wild type mice are significantly high. P53 has been reported to be high in young wild types hippocampus, but not SRGs in my opinion. The authors should comment on this.

    3 . In figure 2F, under the 6m APP condition, the replicate 3 looks substantially different from the other replicate. This can significantly impact the analysis and conclusions made. Either remove that replicate and present the analysis without it or please provide a valid explanation. To make the data more valid, please provide hierarchical clustering of the entire data, the non-B2 regulated genes and the B2 regulated SRGs. In Figure 2C RNA seq data is represented in TPM while its FPKM in Figure 2D. Figure 2: the number of replicates in the case of 3-month-old wild types only 2. Please specifically denote it and comment why only 2 replicates are provided

    4 . Considering that p53 and SRGs are significantly upregulated in 6months in the APP model, it would be great if (allowing that these samples are still available) the authors can include a staining for apoptotic markers, for example, Active Casp3 or similar. This will allow us to better gauge the gene expression changes presented by the authors especially regarding SRGs.

    5 . Under subheading: Hsf1 accelerates B2 RNA processing, 3rd paragraph when the authors comment on known hsf1 binding sites on SRG genes, please correct from: Increased Hsf1-binding was found.... "To the increased number of hsf1 binding sites were found", unless the authors would like to show increased Hsf1 binding by performing CHIP-seq for Hsf1 in the hippocampus at least at the 6-month time point between Wt and APP mice.


    B2 RNAs, encoded from SINE B2 elements has been directly implicated in stress response by its inherent ability to bind RNA Pol II and suppress stress response genes (SRG) in homeostatic conditions. However, upon stimuli, B2 RNAs are cleaved and degraded, resulting in the release of RNA pol II and upregulation of SRGs. Previous work from the senior author identified PRC2 component EZH2 to be the B2 RNA processing factor, cleaving B2, and releasing POL2. SRGs are upregulated upon stress, for example in age-associated neuropathologies like Alzheimer's disease (AD). Considering that the hippocampus is a primary target of amyloid pathologies as well as since SRGs are suggested to be key for the function of a healthy hippocampus, the authors set to understand the role of B2 RNAs that are linked to SRG regulation in the mouse hippocampus with amyloid pathology. They use disease-relevant in vivo and in vitro models combined with unbiased RNA seq data analysis for this endeavor, which indicates the potential relevance of B2 RNAs in APP mediated neuronal pathologies in mice as well as identifies Hsf1 as the factor cleaving B2 RNAs in the hippocampus.

    The work is interesting and identification of Hsf1 as the processing factor for B2 RNAs in the hippocampus is significant. I would like to credit the authors for their elegant in vivo experimental design in Figure 2.