Detecting item misfit in Rasch models

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Psychometrics in general have long relied on rule-of-thumb critical values forvarious goodness of fit metrics. With more powerful personal computers it is bothfeasible and desirable to use simulation and/or bootstrap methods to determineappropriate cutoff values. This paper illustrates and evaluates the use of an R pack-age for Rasch psychometrics that has implemented functions to simplify the pro-cess of determining simulation-based cutoff values. Through a series of simulationstudies, a comparison is made between the two methods of information-weightedconditional item fit (“infit”) and item-restscore correlations using Goodman andKruskal’s 𝛾. Results indicate the limitations of small samples (n < 500) in cor-rectly detecting item misfit due to multidimensionality, especially when a largerproportion of items are misfit and misfit items are off-target. Item outfit showsvery low performance in general. Conditional infit with simulation-based cutoffsperforms better than item-restscore with sample sizes below 500. Both methods re-sult in problematic rates of false positives with large samples (n >= 1000). Largedatasets should be analyzed using nonparametric bootstrap of subsamples withitem-restscore to reduce the risk of type-1 errors. Finally, the importance of aniterative analysis process is emphasized, since a situation where several items showunderfit will cause other items to show overfit to the Rasch model. Underfit itemsshould be removed one at a time, and a re-analysis conducted for each step to avoiderroneously eliminating items.

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