From Exposure to Detection: Unraveling the Digital Signature of Infectious Diseases and Patient Behavior Using Smartwatches and Patient Self-Reporting

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  1. Robert Wu

    Review 3: "From Exposure to Detection: Unraveling the Digital Signature of Infectious Diseases and Patient Behavior Using Smartwatches and Patient Self-Reporting"

    While acknowledging the promising findings of the large-scale study, the reviews highlight the need for further technological advancements, validation studies, and public awareness to maximize the use of wearable technology in mitigating disease spread.

  2. Colin Drummond

    Review 2: "From Exposure to Detection: Unraveling the Digital Signature of Infectious Diseases and Patient Behavior Using Smartwatches and Patient Self-Reporting"

    While acknowledging the promising findings of the large-scale study, the reviews highlight the need for further technological advancements, validation studies, and public awareness to maximize the use of wearable technology in mitigating disease spread.

  3. Kaio Bin

    Review 1: "From Exposure to Detection: Unraveling the Digital Signature of Infectious Diseases and Patient Behavior Using Smartwatches and Patient Self-Reporting"

    While acknowledging the promising findings of the large-scale study, the reviews highlight the need for further technological advancements, validation studies, and public awareness to maximize the use of wearable technology in mitigating disease spread.