Hafez, a Secure E-Voting System Based on Simorgh Communication System
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Electronic voting (e-voting) is an electronic concept for casting and counting ballots.This process is a practical and efficient method of voting and is capableof safely handling large data in real-time. However, there is a growing concernregarding network security and connection privacy in the e-voting process. Creatingan e-voting system that can simultaneously guarantee anonymity, verifiability,and transparency is a challenging and complicated task. Recently, considerableefforts have been made to design blockchain-based e-voting systems. Blockchainallows designing a new generation of software capable of storing data in a safeand transparent manner. The primary challenge of blockchain-based e-votingsystems is maintaining the anonymity of users. It is also a challenging issue tosimultaneously create coercion-resistance, end-to-end verifiability and soundnessproperties in an e-voting system. Simorgh [1] is a safe communication systembased on blockchain. Simorgh uses smart contracts and mediator authenticationnodes (a decentralized concept) to create a safe connection between the senderand the receiver. Here, we introduce Hafez∗e-voting system, which is based onthe communication structure of Simorgh and designed according to the capabilitiesof blockchain technology. Hafez has all the features required for an e-votingsystem and can play the role of a suitable alternative to traditional e-voting.