Gravity and Riemann Hypothesis

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Based on the understanding of relativity and quantum mechanics, this paper demonstrates that gravity is the result of spatial shape and dimension changes. The concept of space as dimension is expounded, and the difference between gravitational field space and material space is distinguished. The reason why the photon moves in space at a constant speed of c is explained. The concept of positive and negative energy is discussed, and the microscopic performance of positive energy as compression space and negative energy as stretching space is explained. Trying to understand increases the understanding of micro-uncertainty in dimensions. Guess the time travel hypothesis of black holes and white holes. It explains how matter generates new dimensions in the process of collision, especially through elastic collision to generate different dimensions and energy forms. The hierarchical control of dimension formation and how to achieve dimension balance are mentioned. The influence of dimension on life is discussed, especially how the change of dimension affects the basic properties of matter. proposed four forces that are most easily observed in any dimensional matter and explained their relationship to dimensional change. Through the mapping phenomenon of memory and reality, the role of residual energy is discussed. The concepts of π and e in mathematics are used to explain the process of dimension formation and energy transmission. The application of Riemann hypothesis and in understanding physical phenomena is mentioned. The imbalance of positive and Euler's formula negative energy in the universe is emphasized.How to maintain the balance and stability of the universe through collision and energy transfer is discussed. It explains why quantum is both a particle and a wave, and how this characteristic is related to the change of dimension. The only possibility to explain the universe before the change from the vibration. Explain the reason of path integral, so as to judge whether there is superposition state. It is proposed that the time in quantum motion is only a parameter, which further strengthens the relationship between gravity and spatial shape. By combining mathematics, physics and philosophical thinking, the article reveals the complex and subtle mechanisms hidden behind nature.

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