15 Evidences That the Scope of Special/General Relativity Is Limited

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Today’s physics describes nature in “empirical concepts” (concepts that are based on observation), such as spatial/temporal, wave/particle, and force/field. There are coordinate-free formulations of special and general relativity (SR/GR), but there is no absolute time in SR/GR and thus no “holistic view” (view that is universal for all objects at the same instant in time). Here I show: A holistic view is required to solve the Hubble tension and 14 other mysteries. Euclidean relativity (ER) provides a holistic view by describing nature in “natural concepts” (concepts that are immanent in all objects). “Pure distance” replaces spatial/temporal distance. “Pure energy” replaces wave/particle. I give one example where a “process” replaces force/field. Each object’s proper space d1, d2, d3 and its proper time τ span absolute, Euclidean spacetime (ES), where d1, d2, d3 and d4 = cτ are pure distances. The new invariant is absolute, cosmic time θ. All energy moves through ES at the speed of light c. An observer’s reality is created by orthogonally projecting ES to his proper space and to his proper time. Information is lost in projections. Thus, there will always be unsolved mysteries if we ignore ES. ER solves 15 mysteries purely geometrically, that is, without forces and fields. On top, ER declares four concepts obsolete, such as dark energy and non-locality. I conclude: (1) ER describes the master reality ES. (2) SR/GR describe all observers’ realities. (3) ER neither replaces nor extends SR/GR but holds additional information that is hidden in absolute time and thus not available in SR/GR.

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