Placodiscus bijugus (Sapindaceae) a new species of Endangered lowland evergreen forest tree from the western foothills of Mt Cameroon and from Korup National Park, Cameroon

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A new range-restricted species of Placodiscus Radlk. is described, mapped and illustrated. Placodiscus bijugus is a cauliflorous tree (4 –)5 – 10 m tall, characterised by having two pairs of leaflets, 1(– 2)-flowered cymules with minute bracts, a glabrous disk, pedicels 3 – 3.2 mm long and large (3 – 4 cm diam.), shortly stipitate, retuse fruits, orbicular in outline. It is similar to P. caudatus Pierre ex Pellegr. which has been reported from surveys in Cameroon. We discuss the typification and range of the latter species which in fact appears to be absent from Cameroon.

Placodiscus bijugus is provisionally assessed as Endangered (EN B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)) using the IUCN standard, since only three locations, with threats are reported. The species has a small, slightly range, disjunct between Mt Cameroon and Korup National Park in coastal SW region Cameroon. We review other species with this disjunct range.

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