Molecular and structural innovations of the stator motor complex at the dawn of flagellar motility

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The rotation of the bacterial flagellum is powered by the MotAB stator complex, which converts ion flux into torque. The origin and evolution of this remarkable complex is understudied. Here, we perform the first phylogenetic and structural characterisation and classification of MotAB and nonflagellar relatives. Using 193 genomes sampled across 27 bacterial phyla, we estimated phylogenies and ancestral sequences, and generated AlphaFold predictions for all extant and reconstructed proteins. We then mapped them onto the phylogeny to determine patterns of diversity and distribution of structural innovations. We identify two discrete groups: the Flagellar Ion Transporters (FIT) and the Generic Ion Transporters (GIT). The FIT proteins are structurally conserved and have a square fold domain and a torque-generating interface (TGI). FIT proteins are divided into two clades, termed TGI4 and TGI5, referring to whether there have 4 or 5 short helices in the TGI. TGI5 motors are predominantly found in Proteobacteria and include the well-studied E. coli K12 system, while TGI4 motors are found in diverse phyla and include the Na + -powered polar motors of Vibrio (PomAB). The GIT proteins, on the other hand, are structurally diverse and lack these attributes. The interaction between the A and B subunits is conserved across the FIT and GIT proteins. The two subunits are jointly necessary for function, with the genes typically adjacent within an operon. Motility assays in E. coli show that the structural elements unique to FIT play an important role in flagellar motility. Our results indicate that the stator motor complex has a single origin and shares unique motility-related structural traits.

Significance Statement

Flagellar motility is a key feature in bacterial pathogenicity and survival. It allows bacteria to propel themselves and direct movement according to environmental conditions. We investigated the molecular and structural diversity of the stator motor proteins that provide the ion motive force to power flagellar rotation. This study integrates phylogenetics, 3D protein structure modeling, motility assays and ancestral state reconstruction (ASR) to provide insights into the structural mechanisms that first powered the flagellar motor. We provide the first phylogenetic and structural characterisation and classification of MotAB and relatives.

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