Oligomerization-dependent and synergistic regulation of Cdc42 GTPase cycling by a GEF and a GAP

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Cell polarity is a crucial biological process essential for cell division, directed growth, and motility. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae , polarity establishment centers around the small Rho-type GTPase Cdc42, which cycles between GTP-bound and GDP-bound states, regulated by GEFs like Cdc24 and GAPs such as Rga2. To dissect the dynamic regulation of Cdc42, we employed in vitro GTPase assays, revealing inverse concentration-dependent profiles for Cdc24 and Rga2: with increasing concentration, Cdc24’s GEF activity is non-linear and oligomerization-dependent, which is possibly linked to the relief of its self-inhibition. In contrast, Rga2’s GAP activity saturates, likely due to self-inhibition upon oligomerization. Together, Cdc24 and Rga2 exhibit a strong synergy driven by weak Cdc24-Rga2 binding. We propose that the synergy stems from Cdc24 alleviating the self-inhibition of oligomeric Rga2. We believe this synergy contributes to efficient regulation of Cdc42’s GTPase cycle over a wide range of cycling rates, enabling cells to resourcefully establish polarity. As Cdc42 is highly conserved among eukaryotes, we propose the GEF-GAP synergy to be a general regulatory property in other eukaryotes.

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  1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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    Reply to the reviewers

    We thank the reviewers for their careful reading of the document and feedback which will help us to improve our manuscript. We will go through their comments one by one.

    Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

    This study would be much convincing if additional line of eukaryotic cells can be used to demonstrate the GEF-GAP synergy tis important for cell physiology. In addition, it would be best to demonstrate the spatiotemporal interaction of GEF-GAP using high-resolution live cell imaging.

    Response from the authors:

    The reviewer requests additional in vivo data to support our in vitro findings:

    (1) The reviewer requests in vivo data showing that GEF-GAP synergy is important for cell physiology. We believe that in order to show GEF-GAP synergy in vivo, Cdc42 cycling rates would need to be measured in vivo. For that single-molecule resolution is required – to track a single Cdc42 molecule and measure its GTPase cycling. We agree that such data would indeed be interesting, but are unaware of established techniques that would facilitate measurements of Cdc42 cycling rates in vivo.

    (2) The reviewer requests in vivo data showing the spatiotemporal interaction of GEF-GAP. Cdc24 and Rga2 are shown to interact (direct or mediated by another protein) (McCusker et al. 2007, Breitkreutz et al. 2010, Chollet et al. 2020). Cdc24 and Rga2 share 11 binding partners (https://thebiogrid.org/31724/table/saccharomyces-cerevisiae-s288c/cdc24.html, https://thebiogrid.org/32438/table/saccharomyces-cerevisiae-s288c/rga2.html) and have been found at the polarity spot (Gao et al. 2011). Live cell imaging of fluorescently tagged Cdc24 and Rga2 will show that they exhibit some interaction, but not specify the role of the interaction nor if the interaction is direct or mediated by one of the shared binding partners. In order to show a direct interaction between Cdc24 and Rga2, one could consider (A) super-resolution imaging or (B) FRET experiments: For both fluorescently tagged Cdc24 and Rga2 cell lines would need to be constructed.

    (A) Super-resolution imaging could show direct interaction between Cdc24 and Rga2, but even with the techniques available this would be on the limit. Further, it is usually done in fixed cells, and not in live cells (as requested from the reviewer).

    (B) To show a direct interaction of Cdc24 and Rga2 using FRET, suitable protein constructs would need to be engineered. We believe that the main obstacle in showing direct binding of Cdc24 and Rga2 using FRET is to design the fluorophore linker. The linker would need to be designed in such a way that it is flexible enough to give a FRET signal even if the two large proteins bind on the opposite sites of the fluorophore, but also is stiff/short enough to not show binding if both proteins are in close proximity through binding to a common binding partner.

    __We believe that an investigation of GEF GAP binding in vivo is beyond the scope of this study. Instead, we will further explore one possible mechanism underlying GEF GAP synergy - Cdc24 Rga2 binding - through conducting Size-Exclusion Chromatography Multi-Angle Light Scattering experiments with purified Cdc24 and Rga2 (alone and in combination). __

    Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

    The revised study would provide first line evidence that GEF-GAP synergy to be general regulatory property in eukaryotic kingdom.

    Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

    The study entitled, "The GEF Cdc24 and GAP Rga2 synergistically regulate Cdc42 GTPase cycling" by Tschirpke et al., uses an in vitro GTPase assay to examine the GTPase cycle of Cdc42 in combination with its GEF and GAP effectors. The authors find that the Cdc24 GEF activity scales non-linearly with its concentration and the GAP Rga2 has substantially weaker effect on stimulating Cdc42 GTPase activity. Not surprisingly, the combined addition of Cdc24 and Rga2 lead to a substantial increase in Cdc42 GTPase activity.

    **Referees cross-commenting**

    In Zheng, Y., Cerione, R., and Bender, A. (1994) J. Biol. Chem. 269: 2369-2372 (Fig. 3C), the authors show that Cdc24 combined with the GAP Bem3 lead to a large synergy in boosting Cdc42 GTPase activity.

    Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

    There is very little new information in this manuscript. Previous studies (Rapali et al. 2017) have shown that the scaffold protein Bem1 enhances the GEF activity of Cdc24. It is expected that the reconstitution of a GEF and GAP protein promote the GTPase cycle and indeed Zheng et al. (1994) showed that that Cdc24 combined with the GAP Bem3 lead to a large synergy in boosting Cdc42 GTPase activity. Hence the only potentially interesting finding in this work is that, in solution Cdc24 activity scales non-linearly with its concentration. However as this GEF and Cdc42 are associated with the membrane, the relevance of solution studies are less clear and furthermore the mechanistic basis for the non-linearity is not explored in detail. Given the limited new information from this work, the findings are, in their current form, too preliminary.

    Response from the authors:

    __We appreciate the reviewer recognizing our work on the non-linear concentration-dependence of Cdc24’s activity. We disagree that this is the only new finding in our study: __

    We explore the effect of Cdc24 and Rga2 on Cdc42’s entire GTPase cycle and show that Cdc24 and Rga2 synergistically upregulate Cdc42 cycling. So-far Cdc42 effectors were only characterized in isolation (with the exception of Cdc24-Bem1 (Rapali et al. 2017)) and through how they affect a specific GTPase cycle step. The regulation of single GTPase cycle steps through an effector yields mechanistic insight into this specific GTPase cycle step. However, it does not show how the effector affects overall GTPase cycling of Cdc42 – a process Cdc42 constantly undergoes in vivo. Our approach allows us to study synergistic effects between proteins affecting different GTPase cycle steps. Synergies are another regulatory layer of the polarity system, adding further complexity: Which polarity proteins exhibit synergy, to which extend? The assay employed here, which studies the entire GTPase cycle, enables studying the effect of any GTPase cycle regulator, alone and in combination with another regulator.

    The reviewer states that the GEF GAP synergy is to be expected, as it was already shown in Zheng et al. 1994. In Fig. 3C Zheng et al. shows the time course of the GTPase activity of Cdc42 in presence of Cdc24, Bem3, and Cdc24 plus Bem3. Fig. 3C is the only data in which the combined effect of a GEF (Cdc24) and a GAP (Bem3) is investigated. The data indicates synergy, but is neither discussed as such in the text of the publication, nor analyzed quantitatively. Further, only one concentration of each effector (GEF/GAP) is used and the study uses a Bem3 peptide containing codons 751-1128 (30%) of the full-length BEM3 gene. Zheng et al. 1994 gives an early indication of GEF GAP synergy, but does not claim, discuss, or further investigate the synergy as such. In contrast, we use full-length Rga2 (not Bem3) as GAP, conduct several concentration-dependent assays, and analyze them quantitatively. We thank the reviewer for pointing out the pioneering character of Zheng et al.‘s study and will mention it more prominently in our report. However, we disagree that Zheng et al. sufficiently studied the GEF GAP interaction. To our awareness no theoretical studies include a GEF GAP synergy term, which we would expect if GEF GAP synergy is well-established in the field.

    The reviewer criticizes the relevance of bulk in vitro studies (lacking membranes) of proteins that bind to membranes in vivo. We agree that the presence of a membrane can affect the protein’s property, and we can not exclude that membrane-binding could alter the magnitude of a GEF GAP synergy. However, we believe that membrane-binding does not impede the GEF GAP synergy altogether. If membrane binding would influence GTPase properties that strongly, other studies on Cdc42’s GTPase activity and GEF and GAP activity, that do not include a membrane, would be inconclusive as well (e.g. Zheng et al. 1993, Zheng et al. 1994, Zheng et al. 1995, Zhang et al. 1997, Zhang et al. 1998, Zhang et al. 1999, Zhang et al. 2000, Zhang et al. 2001, Smith et al. 2002, Rapali et al. 2017). Both studies mentioned by the reviewer (Zheng et al. 1994, Rapali et al. 2017) were also conducted without membranes present.

    We believe that an inclusion of membrane-binding into reconstituted Cdc42 systems will enhance our understanding of Cdc42 and recognize it as a next step, which could be enabled by the assay used in our study.

    Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

    This work reports a biochemical analysis of the effects of a recombinant yeast GEF (Cdc24) and GAP (Rga2) on Cdc42 GTPase cycling in vitro. The central conclusion is that the GEF and GAP act "synergistically", which occurs "due to proteins enhancing each other's effects". By this they appear to mean that the GEF enhances the GAP's activity and vice versa. I was not persuaded that this is correct, and was confused by many aspects of the approach and interpretation, as outlined below.

    1. GEF and GAP are expected to accelerate GTPase cycle synergistically even with no effect on each other's activity:

    The Cdc42 GTPase cycle is understood to occur via distinct steps (GDP release, GTP binding, and GTP hydrolysis): GDP release and GTP hydrolysis are intrinsically slow steps that are accelerated by GEFs (GDP release) and GAPs (GTP hydrolysis). This fundamental biochemistry was established in the 1990s using biochemical assays that measure each step independently. Here instead the authors use an assay that measures [GTP] decline in a mix with 5 uM starting GTP, 1 uM Cdc42, plus or minus some amount of GEF or GAP. They assume exponential decline of [GTP] with time, yielding a cycling "rate". If that is so, then one would expect that added GEF would accelerate only the first step, leaving a slow GTP hydrolysis step that limits the overall cycling rate, while added GAP would accelerate only the last step, leaving a slow GDP release step that limits the overall cycling rate. Adding both together would speed up both steps, and should therefore "synergistically" accelerate cycling. This would be expected based on previous work and does not imply that GEF or GAP are affecting each other's action (except trivially by providing substrate for the next reaction). If the authors wish to demonstrate that something more complex is indeed happening, they need to use assays that directly measure the sub-reaction of interest, as done by prior investigators.

    Response from the authors:

    The reviewer raises the point that we do not consider a simpler, rate-limiting model and that this rate-limiting model could explain our synergy between GAP and GEF in accelerating the GTPase cycle.

    We very much welcome this consideration of the reviewer! We will add a clarification to our manuscript to explain why a rate-limiting model/interpretation does not match our data.

    Intuitively, the rate-limiting model is appealing, as it permits interpretation of cycle rate increases in terms of individual biochemical steps. So, a consideration of this model is indeed relevant. However, as also noted by the reviewer in the next points, data from e.g., figure 3e are not compatible with a simple rate-limiting model with two steps (hydrolysis and nucleotide exchange). We will explain how the acceleration of the total rate by both GAP and GEF individually does not match the rate-limiting model, even if we assume maximal effects of adding GAPs and GEF to the cycle. For this purpose, we consider the rate-limiting model scenario where the sensitivity of the GTPase cycle to adding GAP/GEF is maximized, so the best case-scenario for the rate limiting step-model.

    In the rate-limiting step model, we assume that we have a GTPase cycle in which at least one of the three GTPase cycle steps is rate-limiting: (A) GTP binding, (B) GTP hydrolysis, and (C) GDP release.

    We assume that the addition of a GEF and GAP only accelerates GDP release and GTP hydrolysis respectively. Biochemically, all three steps in the GTPase cycle are expected to be relevant. However, here we will consider only the final two steps, as sensitivity to rate limitation by GAP/GEF is maximized when time spent in the GAP/GEF-independent step in the cycle (step A: GTP) is negligible (i.e. never rate-limiting). The two-step model thus consists of (1) a nucleotide exchange step (step C+A) which is dominated by GDP release (step C) and assumed to be accelerated exclusively by the GEF, and (2) a GTP hydrolysis step (step B) exclusively enhanced by the GAP.

    In the rate limiting step model GEF-GAP synergy can appear if one of the conditions applies:

    1. the addition of a GAP speeds up the GTP hydrolysis step so much that the hydrolysis step stops (or almost stops) being the rate-limiting step, or
    2. the addition of a GEF speeds up the GDP release step so much that the release step stops (or almost stops) being the rate-limiting step. In these conditions, the acceleration of the GTPase cycle, accomplished by adding only a GAP or adding only a GEF, is interdependent. Therefore, we consider the possible acceleration of the GTPase cycle by GAP and GEF individually, and compare these to our observations to determine whether the rate-limiting step model can explain our data.

    The GTPase cycle time Tc is thus composed of hydrolysis Th and nucleotide exchange time Te, and the rates r are connected through:

    1/rc=1/rh + 1/re

    If we compare the ratio of the rates with protein (GAP/GEF) added in the assay (index 1) with the basal rate without protein added (index 0), we obtain the cycle acceleration factor alpha:

    alpha=rc1/rc0=(1/rh0 + 1/re0)/(1/rh1 + 1/re1)=(re0 + rh0)/(re0*rh0/rh1 + rh0*re0/re1)

    Here, rc1 and rc0 are the total GTPase cycle rate with and without effector respectively, rh1 and rh0 are the GTP hydrolysis rate with and without effector respectively, and re1 and re0 are the nucleotide exchange rate with and without effectors respectively.

    There is indeed an interdependence created between how much the GAP and GEF can both accelerate the total cycle, if the GAP and GEF are assumed to only accelerate GTP hydrolysis and nucleotide exchange respectively. E.g., how much the total GTPase cycle rate rc is accelerated by an increase in GTP hydrolysis rate rh depends on and can be limited by the current nucleotide exchange rate re. However, this interdependence is too strict to match the data in Figure 3e, as we will explain in the next paragraphs:

    When we only add a GAP and the GAP accelerates only the GTP hydrolysis rate (re1=re0), then the maximal total GTPase cycle rate acceleration alphaGAP that the GAP can accomplish is when rh1>>rh0,re0:

    alphaGAP=rc1/rc0=(1/rh0 +1/re0)/(1/rh1+1/re0)=(re0+rh0)/(re0*rh0/rh1+rh0)

    ~(re0+rh0)/rh0=1+ re0/rh0

    We thus assume the GAP accelerates the cycle so much that the hydrolysis step is much faster than the exchange step, at which point the effect of adding more GAP would saturate. We note that we do not consider the GAP concentration regime where we see saturation, thus in reality the acceleration by the GAP is more restricted than predicted here.

    Analogously, if the GEF accelerates only the nucleotide exchange rate (rh1=rh0), then the maximum GTPase cycle rate ratio will be when re1>>re0,rh0 , yielding acceleration factor alphaGEF :

    alphaGEF= rc1/rc0=1+ rh0/re0

    Again, note we assume the GEF accelerates the cycle so much that the exchange step is much faster than the hydrolysis step, at which point the effect of adding more GEF would saturate. We note that we do not observe the GEF concentration regime where we see saturation, thus in reality the acceleration by the GEF is more restricted than predicted here.

    We see that the maximum gain in rates for GAP-only and GEF-only assays is limited by the same basal GTP hydrolysis and nucleotide exchange rates (rh0 and re0), leading to the following interdependence:

    alphaGAP=1+ 1/(alphaGEF -1)=alphaGEF/(AlphaGEF -1)

    In our GAP-only and GEF-only assays (Fig. 3e, Tab. 2), we see both a 2-fold and 100-fold increase in the total rate respectively. A 100-fold acceleration factor of the GEF would maximize the GAP acceleration factor to 1.01 (or alternatively, the 2-fold GAP acceleration would maximize the GEF acceleration to 2), which are both significantly lower than what we observe. So even though we made favorable assumptions for the rate-limiting model to maximize rate sensitivity to GAP/GEF, namely neglecting nucleotide binding and assuming GAP/GEF concentrations that saturate in their effects, we still cannot reproduce the acceleration factors in our GAP-only and GEF-only assays.

    Moreover, a rate-limiting step model would also imply saturation effects as stated in the next point of the reviewer. While we observe saturation in total rate acceleration for certain GAP concentrations, we use GEF and GAP concentrations in the combined protein assays for which no saturation effects were observed. Absence of saturation in both cycle steps simultaneously is also not reconcilable with the rate-limiting step model, as will be further discussed in the next point of the reviewer.

    In summary, this means that the rate-limiting model is not sufficient to explain our results: the GAP/GEF synergy we observe is not simply resulting from GEF and GAP independently lifting two different rate-limiting steps.

    Model-based interpretation of the GTPase assay is poorly supported:

    The assay employed measures overall GTP concentration with time. It is assumed (but not well documented-see below) that [GTP] declines exponentially, and that the rate constant for a particular condition can be fit by the sum of a series of terms that are linear or quadratic in the concentrations of Cdc42, GEF, and GAP. There is no theoretical derivation of this model from the elementary reactions, and the assumptions involved are not well articulated.

    As discussed in point 1 above, one would expect that a GEF or GAP alone could only accelerate the cycle to a certain point, where the other (slow) reaction becomes rate limiting. But that does not appear to be true for their phenomenological model, where slow steps (small terms in the sum) will always be overwhelmed by fast steps. This is not the traditional understanding of how GTPases operate.

    Response from the authors:

    The reviewer expresses the concern that because we do not derive our coarse-grained model from elementary reactions, we miss important effects that can occur when adding GAP and GEFs, particularly saturation.

    We understand the concern of the reviewer that if a rate-limiting step model is considered, saturation effects of GAP/GEF will limit the amount with which these effectors can speed up the total cycle. Our coarse-grained model indeed does not account for this saturation. However, as discussed in the previous point of the reviewer, we do not opt for the rate-limiting model interpretation, as the GAP and GEF effects are not compatible with the rate-limiting step model.

    Secondly, we agree that for high enough concentrations of GEF and GAPs, we would experience a saturation in the effect of adding the effectors. We are aware of this possibility, and we verify that we are not in saturation regimes with our added proteins by checking the plots of the individual protein titrations (see Figure 3a-d). If we enter the saturation regime, we expect a negative second derivative in the rate as function of protein concentration (the curve shallows off). We do not see this for any protein except for Rga2 at some point, as discussed in our main text of the manuscript. However, for this protein we only use the data in the linear regime for further analysis. In short, we understand the concern of the author but we empirically check that we are not in the saturation regime.

    Data that do not conform to expectation are not explained: Strangely, the data (as interpreted by the model assumptions) also appear inconsistent with the expectation of rate-limiting steps. GEF addition (alone) is said to accelerate cycling 100-fold, while GAP addition (alone) accelerates it 2-fold. But that would seem to imply that GDP release takes up >99% of the basal cycle (so accelerating that step alone reduces cycling time 100-fold), while GTP hydrolysis takes up >50% of the basal cycle (so accelerating that step alone reduces cycling time 2-fold). In the conventional understanding of GTPase cycles, these cannot both be be true (as the steps would then add to >100% of the basal cycle). There is no attempt to reconcile these findings with previous work.

    Response from the authors:

    The reviewer raises the point that our findings do not match the expectations of the rate-limiting model perspective.

    We fully agree with the reviewer that our data is not compatible with the rate-limiting step model. The 100-fold and 2-fold gain of the total cycle rates for GEF-only and GAP-only assays are one of our arguments against the rate-limiting model view, as described in the first point of the reviewer. Also, our lack of saturation as described in the previous point of the reviewer provides another argument against using expectations based on rate-limiting steps to interpret our findings.

    Lack of detailed timecourse data:

    The decline in [GTP] with time is stated to be exponential, allowing extraction of an overall cycling "rate". But this claim is supported only weakly (S3 Fig. 1 uses only 3 timepoints, is not plotted on semi-log axis, and does not report fit to exponential vs other models) and only for the Cdc42-alone scenario: no data at all are presented to support exponential decline in reactions with GEF or GAP. Most assays seem to measure only a single timepoint, so extraction of a "rate" is very heavily influenced by the unsupported assumption of exponential decline. And if the decline is not exponential, it becomes extremely difficult to interpret what a single timepoint means.

    Response from the authors:

    The reviewer requests additional timeseries data with GEF and GAP to support the assumption of an exponential decline of GTP in the assay and requests to plot it on a semi-log axis.

    We will add data for Cdc42 + Cdc24 and for Cdc42 + Rga2 with two to three time points, and plot it as requested on a semi-log axis.

    Other issues with interpretation of the data:

    (i) It is unclear why the authors chose to employ an assay that is much harder to interpret than the biochemical assays used by others. In biochemical studies, assays that report an output of multiple reactions are always harder to interpret than assays targeting a single reaction. As well-established assays are available for each individual step in GTPase cycles, any conclusions must be supported using such assays.

    Response from the authors:

    The reviewer wonders why an assay that investigates several GTPase steps at once was chosen over assays that investigate sub-steps of the GTPase cycle, given that these give more mechanistic insights.

    We agree that assays investigating GTPase cycle substeps can give more mechanistic insights into these specific steps. However, they do not allow to study how proteins affecting different steps act together. We were interested in investigating the overall GTPase cycle of Cdc42 and a possible interplay of GEFs and GAPs. Cdc42 GTPase cycling was found to be a requirement for polarity establishment (Wedlich-Soldner et al. 2004) and Cdc42 GTPase cycling is physiologically relevant. Ultimately, we hope that in vitro results provide stepping stones towards understanding the complex and less controlled in vivo environment. The in vivo environment often entails the output of many reactions combined, so there is every incentive to study aggregated effects of a full cycle which are not necessarily the sum of individual outputs.

    __We believe that both assay types – assays that investigate sub-steps and yield mechanistic details, and assays that investigate the entire cycle – are important and disagree that one assay type is superior to the other. Instead, we believe they complement each other. __

    (ii) The reported basal (and GEF/GAP-accelerated) rates are very slow, perhaps due to poor folding of recombinant proteins. This raises the possibility that much of the Cdc42 is inactive. If so, then accelerated GTP hydrolysis could come from increasing the active fraction of Cdc42, rather than catalyzing a specific step.

    Response from the authors:

    The reviewer wonders whether the reported rates are slow due to poor folding of recombinant Cdc42. We used S. cerevisae Cdc42, for which it has been shown that it has a significantly lower basal GTPase activity than Cdc42 of other organisms (see Zhang et al. 1999). Many other studies on Cdc42 were conducted with human Cdc42, which has a significantly higher basal GTPase activity (Zhang et al. 1999). We assessed the activity of several recombinantly expressed Cdc42 constructs previously (Tschirpke et al. 2023). We there observed that most constructs had a similar GTPase activity, only some purification batches and constructs had a significantly reduced GTPase activity (which might be linked to poor folding). The Cdc42 construct used here shows a similar activity as the active Cdc42 constructs in Tschirpke et al. 2023, and we therefore believe that it exhibits proper folding. If recombinant Cdc42 folds poorly, we would expect greater variations between Cdc42 constructs and purification batches (caused by different levels of folding/ a different fraction of active Cdc42) than what we observed previously (see Tschirpke et al. 2023).

    Tschirpke et al. 2023:

    Tschirpke et al. A guide to the in vitro reconstitution of Cdc42 activity and its regulation (2023) BioRxiv. (https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.04.24.538075) (in submission at Current Protocols)

    (iii) The GEF and GAP preparations include multiple partial degradation products and it is unclear whether the measured activities come from full-length proteins or more active fragments.

    Response from the authors:

    We agree with the reviewer that the Cdc24 and Rga2 preparations contain degradation products.

    It would be more ideal if the protein purifications were entirely pure, but this is experimentally very difficult to achieve for the used proteins (which are large and partially unstructured, making them prone to partial degradation). Further, it is not uncommon to use protein preparations where some degradation products were present (e.g. Zheng et al. 1993, Zheng et al. 1994). Other studies did not show their purified preparations.

    The vast majority of the Cdc24 preparation is the full-length protein. We therefore expect that the degradation fragments only contribute in a small extend to the overall protein behavior.

    The Rga2 preparation contains a higher amount of degradation product, but only larger size protein fragments (> 60kDa), suggesting that the fragments contain at least and more than 1/3 of the full-length protein (the protein fragments are thus the size or larger than of the GAP peptides used previously). The fragments could in principle have a higher or lower activity. We account for fragments of no/lower activity by comparing our cycling rates to those of BSA/Casein, which has no specific effect on Cdc42. The cycling rate Rga2 is almost an order of magnitude greater than that of BSA/Casein, suggesting that the effect of the full-length protein dominates. We could only imagine that a Rga2 fragment has a higher GAP activity if the fragment consists mainly of the GAP domain and if in Rga2 the activity of the GAP domain is downregulated. Nevertheless, we will do an additional experiment using a purified GAP domain peptide to assess that if a GAP domain by itself has a higher GAP activity than our Rga2 preparation. Using that data, we will discuss possible implication of the GAP fragments in our manuscript.

    (iv) Cdc42 cycling is also accelerated by BSA and casein, suggesting that there are poorly understood aspects of the assay and that GEF and GAP actions may (like BSA and casein) involve non-canonical effects on Cdc42. As GEF and GAP are expected to interact better with Cdc42 than BSA or casein, these effects could dominate the observed changes in GTP levels.

    Response from the authors:

    The reviewer raises the concern that the effects of the added effector proteins on the rates could be caused by non-canonical effects. We do not believe non-canonical effects play a relevant role in our assays. While BSA and casein accelerate the GTPase cycle in our assays, the GAP effect and GEF effect are orders of magnitude stronger.

    (v) Cdc42-alone cycling assays are said to be reproducible. However, assays with added GEF/GAP/BSA/Casein yield rates that vary almost an order of magnitude between replicates. This poor reproducibility further reduces confidence in the findings.

    Response from the authors:

    The reviewer is concerned about the variations in Cdc42 effector rates.

    __We disagree that the variations are concerning and believe to have accounted for them in our analysis: __The Cdc42 (Cdc42 alone) data is very reproducible (see Tschirpke et al. 2023). The GTPase assay is generally sensitive to small concentration changes and errors introduced through pipetting small volumes (as required for the assay). We believe that the small variation observed for Cdc42 alone is because Cdc42 has such a low basal rate and therefore the small concentration changes due to pipetting have a smaller effect. Once other effectors are added, especially highly GTPase stimulating ones as Cdc24, small concentration changes due to pipetting can lead to larger variations between assays (small variations in Cdc24 concentration lead to larger changes in remaining GTP due to Cdc24’s strong and non-linear effect on Cdc42). We conduct the assays multiple times to account for these variations. In our analysis we do not compare single rate numbers but the orders of magnitude of the rate, and report the variations present. Even given the present variations, the differences in effect sizes are still significant. We map and discuss assay variation in (Tschirpke et al. 2023), to which we refer to several times throughout the manuscript.

    Tschirpke et al. 2023:

    Tschirpke et al. A guide to the in vitro reconstitution of Cdc42 activity and its regulation (2023) BioRxiv. (https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.04.24.538075) (in submission at Current Protocols)

    (vi) It is unclear what timepoint was used for the different assays. 1.5 h at 30 degrees seems to be the standard here for the Cdc42-alone assays, but I assume that cannot be what was measured to assess GTP decline for GEF-containing assays as there would be very little GTP left at 1.5 h.

    Response from the authors:

    We used 60-100 min as incubation times for all assays. The assay data will be published on a data server, where all these numbers can be checked. We further added a clarification to the materials and methods section. In order to still have remaining GTP for the Cdc42 GEF mixtures after 60-100 min, we lowered the used protein concentrations.

    (vii) The graph reporting GEF activity is plotted only for [GEF]Response from the authors:

    The graphs show the full range of protein concentrations used.

    In order to calculate K1, K2, K3,Cdc24, K3,Rga2, K3,Cdc24,Rga2 from k1, k2, k3,Cdc24, k3,Rga2, k3,Cdc24,Rga2, …, a protein concentration has to be included in the term (as K1 = k1 [Cdc42], ….). In order to make K comparable, we chose to use 1uM for all protein concentrations. This was done to compare the cycling rate values of different proteins. 1uM was a choice, in the same fashion 0.2uM could have been chosen.

    __We will further discuss in the manuscript how the choices in protein concentration affect the effector strength on Cdc42. __

    (viii) S8 Data with casein seems very noisy and it is no longer at all clear that the quadratic fit for [Cdc24] is justified. Also, the symbol colors are very similar so it is hard to tell what data corresponds to what condition. The synergy between Cdc24 and Rga2 is also very noisy and the fits seem arbitrary.

    Response from the authors:

    The reviewer is concerned with (1) the noise in the S8 data, and (2) the Cdc42-Cdc24-Rga2 fits.

    (1) We acknowledge in the manuscript that the S8 data is noisy and should be viewed with caution. We do not put much emphasis on these data sets and their interpretation and show them only in the supplement.

    (2) We disagree that the Cdc42-Cdc24-Rga2 fits are arbitrary. The fits contain several data points per protein, and reproduce the rate values from Cdc42-Cdc24 and Cdc42-Rga2 assays well.

    The reviewer is concerned with the color scheme choice in the fits.

    __We will adapt the color scheme of the fits to make the colors more distinguishable. __

    (ix) It is disturbing that different Cdc42 constructs behave quite differently (S4). This suggests that protein behavior is influenced by the various added epitope tags and protease cleavage sites (they also leave the C-terminal CAAX box rather than removing the AAX as would happen in vivo). These features raise the concern that these findings may not be directly relevant to the situation with endogenous yeast Cdc42. Of course, it is also the case that relevant Cdc42 biochemistry occurs with prenylated Cdc42 on membranes.

    Response from the authors:

    The reviewer is concerned that the behavior of the Cdc42 constructs is influenced by their tags. In a previous manuscript (Tschirpke et al. 2023) we explored the effect of various N- and C-terminal tags on Cdc42, by comparing it to Cdc42 that is not tagged in that position. We found that most tags, including the tags present in the Cdc42 construct used here, do not affect Cdc42’s properties.

    Instead, we found a general, tag independent, heterogeneity in Cdc42 behavior (which can occur between purification batches and between constructs (but not between different assays)): in some batches GTPase activity depended quadratically on its concentration, others showed a linear relationship. Most batches exhibited a mixed behavior. The differences between the batches are generally small, and only visible in the activity to concentration plots and because of the assay’s high accuracy. We use a two-parameter fit (k1 [Cdc42] + k2 [Cdc42]2) to phenomenologically account for this heterogeneity, and to estimate the basal Cdc42 GTPase activity. We do not interpret this heterogeneity, as more research is needed. We believe that Cdc42 still has unexplored properties, of which this heterogeneous behavior can be one. We speculate in Tschirpke et al. 2023 that it is linked to Cdc42 dimerization mediated by its polybasic region, a relationship that is far from being fully understood yet. __We believe that it is of scientific interest to point out heterogeneous behaviors to encourage more research. __

    Tschirpke et al. 2023:

    Tschirpke et al. A guide to the in vitro reconstitution of Cdc42 activity and its regulation (2023) BioRxiv. (https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.04.24.538075) (in submission at Current Protocols)

    The reviewer is concerned that our findings are biologically not relevant, as our experiments (1) included Cdc42 that was not prenylated and (2) did not include membranes.

    (1) We here used recombinantly purified proteins, which do not contain posttranslational modifications, such as prenylations. So-far Cdc42’s prenyl group, which is responsible for binding it to membranes, has not been linked to its GTPase properties. We therefore believe that unprenylated Cdc42 is an equal choice to prenylated Cdc42 when studying Cdc42’s GTPase cycle. Further, the use of recombinantly purified proteins can be of advantage: when proteins are purified from their native host, the post-translationally modified protein is purified. However, many proteins contain a multitude of post-translational modifications (PTMs). Thus, the purified protein is a mixture of protein with different PTMs. For example, S. cerevisae Cdc42 undergoes ubiquitinylation (Swaney et al. 2013, Back, Gorman, Vogel, & Silva 2019), phosphorylation (Lanz et al. 2021), farnesylation and geranyl-geranylation (Caplin, Hettich, & Marshall 1994). We here used protein preparations that do not contain PTMs, and show how they behave. Natively purified proteins would be mixtures of various PTMs, and the observed protein behavior would be that of the mixture. If Cdc42’s PTMs affect it’s GTPase behavior, the observed behavior of natively purified Cdc42 would represent the average behavior of the mixture. It then would require additional work to disentangle which PTMs affect the GTPase cycling in which way. The use of recombinantly expressed Cdc42 does not require this work, and can set the baseline for how Cdc42 without PTMs behaves. If in the future a link between Cdc42’s GTPase behavior and PTMs are found, the work here could be used as a baseline for Cdc42’s behavior when it is without PTMs.

    (2) The concern about missing membranes was also raised by reviewer 2 (significance), and we like to refer to our response there.

    Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

    The basic biochemistry of Cdc42 cycles was figured out about 30 years ago. However, those studies did not examine how combinations of Cdc42 regulators (as opposed to individual regulators) might interact to produce effects not expected from combining their individual actions. Recently, this combination approach did lead to interesting findings by Rapali et al. This approach is worthwhile and addresses a major question of interest to the broader field of GTPase biochemistry.

    One main limitation of this study is technical: the main assay is less informative (though perhaps easier) than traditional assays, and it is unclear whether the recombinant proteins employed retain their normal activities. Another limitation is the model-based interpretation of the assay that does not include the potential for rate-limiting steps.

    Response from the authors:

    We thank the reviewer for the detailed comments.

    One important point of confusion originated from our lack of discussion concerning a rate-limiting step model, which is an obvious starting point for modelling the GTPase cycle. We thank the reviewer for pointing this out, and we will include an explanation in our manuscript why we reject this model and instead opt for a coarse-grained model.

    Firstly, a rate-limiting model would generate saturation effects that we would observe when adding GEF and/or GAPs. In assays exploring GEF GAP synergy we use GEF and GAP concentrations for which no saturation effects were observed.

    Secondly, in our data we observed a two-fold increase of the total GTPase cycling rate when adding a GAP and a 100-fold rate increase when a GEF is added. These increases are not compatible with a model where either hydrolysis or nucleotide exchange limits the GTPase cycle. While a synergy could arise from the rate-limiting model perspective, the incompatibility of the rate-limiting model with the GAP-only and GEF-only assay data excludes this synergy explanation. Finally, through coarse-graining our model we avoid using single step parameters from literature which are incompatible in terms of proteins/buffers used. (For example; the mayor studies that kinetically characterized the individual GTPase steps of Cdc42 used human Cdc42 (Zhang et al. 1997, Zhang et al. 2000). Because human Cdc42 exhibits a higher basal GTPase activity (Zhang et al. 1999) we are skeptical how useful it is to transfer these parameters to S. cerevisae Cdc42.)

    At the same time, coarse-graining our model permits absorbing unidentified molecular details which is essential when we wish to incorporate BSA and casein rate contributions.

    The reviewer finds our assay, which investigates the GTPase cycle as a whole, less informative. Assays investigating single GTPase cycle sub-steps give more mechanistic insights into these steps. We opted for an assay that studies GTPase cycling as a whole instead, as we were interested in studying how proteins effecting different steps act together. We believe that both assay types are important as they complement each other.

    The reviewer is concerned about our use of recombinant proteins, and whether they retain their normal activities. We assessed Cdc42’s GTPase activity and the influence of added purification tags extensively (Tschirpke et al. 2023), and found that added tags do not affect Cdc42’s GTPase properties. We checked Cdc24’s GEF activity using the GTPase assay and found that it bound strongly to Bem1, as expected (Tschirpke et al. 2023). The Cdc24 concentrations needed to affect Cdc42’s GTPase activity were similar to those used previously (Rapali et al. 2017), suggesting that it is fully active. A similar comparison for Rga2 was not possible, as so-far only domains of Rga2 were used (Smith et al. 2002). We here used recombinantly purified proteins, which do not contain posttranslational modifications (PTMs). To our knowledge the PTMs of the herein used proteins are not linked to their GTPase/GEF/GAP properties. Thus, a lack of PTMs does not diminish our findings. Further, when proteins are purified from their native host, the post-translationally modified protein is purified. However, many proteins contain a multitude of post-translational modifications in vivo. Natively purified proteins would be mixtures of various PTMs, and the observed protein behavior would be that of the mixture. We here used protein preparations that do not contain PTMs, and show how they behave, setting the baseline for proteins without PTMs behaves. If in the future a link between GTPase behavior and PTMs are found, the work here could be used as a baseline for the proteins behavior when it is without PTMs.

    Reviewer #4 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):


    The GTPase cdc42 is a key determinant of yeast polarization. Its activity is amplified at the site of polarization through a poorly defined positive feedback mechanism, and depends on numerous GAPs regulating GTP hydrolysis and the GEF cdc24 that regulates GDP release. These components have previously been evaluated for their quantitative effects on the individual steps in the GTPase cycle that they modulate, but potential interactions between the cdc24 GEF and any GAP could not be examined based on these assays. The authors validate and employ a bulk assay of the total GTPase cycle based on GTP consumption to study the activities of and potential interactions between cdc24 and the GAP Rga2. Fitting their data to a mathematical model, they come to three central conclusions: (1) the activating activity of cdc24 to activate cdc42 GTPase activity is nonlinear, showing a quadratic relationship, (2) Rga2 shows a much lower activating activity that is linear at low levels before saturating, and (3) there is a strongly synergistic interaction between the activating activities of cdc24 and Rga2. Some hypotheses for the mechanistic bases of these findings are hypothesized, but not further investigated. Their conclusions are well supported by the data which appears to be of sufficient rigor.

    Major comments

    The three main conclusions of the manuscript are well supported by the data and associated modeling.

    One unresolved issue is the discrepancy between the authors' conclusion that the non-linear activation by cdc24 is likely a result of oligomerization, whereas Mionnet et al 2008 reach the opposite conclusion. It seems that the authors wish to discount the Mionnet results because they used truncated constructs to test deficient oligomerization and an engineered construct to test induced oligomerization. If the authors are correct, then a relatively easy test would be to introduce the oligomerization deficient mutants defined by Mionnet into their fuill length construct and compare to wild type protein. While the authors' measured results don't depend on the offered mechanism and this experiment is therefore optional, their explanation is quite unsatisfying, especially since an experiment to resolve the difference is entirely feasible and not very strenuous.

    Response from the authors:

    __The reviewer suggests to conduct experiments with oligomerization deficient Cdc24 mutants to test our hypothesis that the non-linear concentration dependence of Cdc24’s activity is due to Cdc24 oligomerization. __

    We agree that this is an insightful experiment, and will conduct it. In order to observe the effect in our GTPase assays, we require a mutant that is oligomerizes substantially less than wild-type protein. Mionnet et al. constructed several Cdc24 mutants, but none were entirely oligomerization deficient. However, the DH5 (L339A/E340A) mutant showed a 10-fold reduction in oligomerization and the DH3 (F322A) mutant exhibited 2.5-fold reduction in oligomerization. We will therefore use the DH5 and DH3 mutant for two additional experiments.

    Minor comments

    The results in Fig S4 serve as assay validation, and this should be pointed out early in the Results section. I was initially concerned when the assay was described as based on consumption of GTP that a significantly diminished pool would alter the rate and thereby distort results, and being made aware of the S4 result would have alleviated that concern as I read further.

    Response from the authors:

    We believe that the reviewer refers to S3 (not S4). We appreciate this suggestion and now mention it earlier.

    On page 4 and Fig S4 the authors mention several cdc42 constructs, some of which show linear activity curves and others slightly non-linear curves. I was unable to find where these constructs or their differences are discussed. The authors should also tell us if the construct used for the remaining experiments was one of the two shown in S4, or a different one.

    Response from the authors:

    We added the requested information and explanations to the manuscript.

    It seems that in Fig 4 and Fig S8, some points are missing from the graphs. Were all concentrations for each condition not always assayed, or is some data omitted for some reason? For example, for the 0.125 microM Rga2 condition, only two points are shown vs 4 for some other conditions, and the two missing ones are expected to not be excluded by the >5% GTP remaining criterion.

    Response from the authors:

    The reviewer wonders whether Fig.4 and Fig. S8 miss data points. This is not the case, and __we added clarifying information to the manuscript. __

    In detail: Not all assays contain the same amount of data points/ concentrations for each protein. We first assessed Cdc42 alone using several Cdc42 concentration. We then examined the individual Cdc42 – effector mixtures, using a larger number of effector concentrations. We included a reduced number of effector concentrations in the assays containing two effectors and Cdc42. It would be ideal to include more concentrations, but this is not always feasible: The assay involves a multitude of pipetting steps and is sensitive to any pipetting errors. Further, assays can vary slights from each other, therefore all samples that ought to be compared need to be included in each assay.

    Each three-protein assay contains samples shown (Cdc42, Cdc42 + effector 1, Cdc42 + effector 2, Cdc42 + effector 1 + effector 2) and additional ‘buffer’ wells used for normalization. Each data point shown corresponds to the average of 3-4 replica samples per assay. We therefore did not include all concentrations in all conditions. As pointed out, Fig. 4a only shows two data points for the 0.125uM Rga2 axis (Rga2 + Cdc42 and Rga2 + Cdc24 + Cdc42). The rational was the following: We included three Cdc24 concentrations (for proper fitting for K3,Cdc24), three Rga2 concentrations (for proper fitting for K3,Rga2), and 5 mixtures of the used Cdc24 and Rga2 concentrations (for proper fitting for K3,Cdc24,Rga2).

    The Cdc42-Rga2-BSA and Cdc42-Rga2-Casein data is rather sparse and would benefit from additional data points. However, we only use those as control experiments and are cautious in their interpretation.

    In these graphs, a diamond symbol of slightly varying color is used for the different conditions. The different colors are hard to distinguish. Please use different shape symbols for the different conditions, and choose colors that are more distinct.

    Response from the authors:

    We will adapt the color scheme of the fits to make the colors more distinguishable.

    There are a few sentences that are of unclear meaning, for example on page 10, "It was suggested that each GAP plays a distinct role in Cdc42 regulation, of which the level of GAP activity could be a part of [Smith et al., 2002]." There are also typos and grammatical errors that should be fixed.

    Response from the authors:

    __We will further check the document for potentially unclear sentences and will try to clarify them, as well as further check for grammatical and spelling errors. __

    Reviewer #4 (Significance (Required)):


    The most novel and important finding is the strong synergy observed between cdc24 and Rga2 in activating cdc42 GTPase activity. This is undoubtedly an important mechanism underlying positive feedback in polarization. The measured non-linear activity of cdc24 alone is also quite important given that availability of cdc24 is thought to be a critical in vivo stimulus for polarization. However, the unexplained discrepancy between this result and that of Mionnet leaves one to wonder which result is more reliable. Only Mionnet attempts to directly test whether oligomerization is important in cdc24 activity.

    The conclusions are of importance to a broad audience of cell biologists, though the lack of any mechanism for the synergy or the non-linearity of cdc24 activity somewhat diminishes significance.

    Note that my expertise and that of my co-reviewer is in the biology, and while we are able to follow the contributions of the modeling, we do not have the expertise to critically evaluate for potential errors or weaknesses in the modeling itself.

    The reviewer wonders whether our data or the data of Mionnet et al. on the link between Cdc24 oligomerization and its GEF activity is more reliable and suggests to conduct experiments with oligomerization deficient Cdc24 mutants.

    We thank the reviewer for this recommendation and we will do the suggested experiments to resolve the seemingly contradicting observations by us and Mionnet et al..

    The reviewer would find mechanistic insights into (2) the non-linear concentration dependence of Cdc24’s activity and (2) the Cdc24-Rga2 synergy useful.

    (1) We will conduct experiments with partially oligomerization deficient Cdc24 mutants, as suggested by the reviewer.

    (2) We speculate that Cdc24-Rga2 binding could lead to the synergy. ____We will add data on Cdc24 – Rga2 binding (in vitro: Size-Exclusion Chromatography Multi-Angle Light Scattering) to this study.

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    Referee #4

    Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


    The GTPase cdc42 is a key determinant of yeast polarization. Its activity is amplified at the site of polarization through a poorly defined positive feedback mechanism, and depends on numerous GAPs regulating GTP hydrolysis and the GEF cdc24 that regulates GDP release. These components have previously been evaluated for their quantitative effects on the individual steps in the GTPase cycle that they modulate, but potential interactions between the cdc24 GEF and any GAP could not be examined based on these assays. The authors validate and employ a bulk assay of the total GTPase cycle based on GTP consumption to study the activities of and potential interactions between cdc24 and the GAP Rga2. Fitting their data to a mathematical model, they come to three central conclusions: (1) the activating activity of cdc24 to activate cdc42 GTPase activity is nonlinear, showing a quadratic relationship, (2) Rga2 shows a much lower activating activity that is linear at low levels before saturating, and (3) there is a strongly synergistic interaction between the activating activities of cdc24 and Rga2. Some hypotheses for the mechanistic bases of these findings are hypothesized, but not further investigated. Their conclusions are well supported by the data which appears to be of sufficient rigor.

    Major comments

    The three main conclusions of the manuscript are well supported by the data and associated modeling.

    One unresolved issue is the discrepancy between the authors' conclusion that the non-linear activation by cdc24 is likely a result of oligomerization, whereas Mionnet et al 2008 reach the opposite conclusion. It seems that the authors wish to discount the Mionnet results because they used truncated constructs to test deficient oligomerization and an engineered construct to test induced oligomerization. If the authors are correct, then a relatively easy test would be to introduce the oligomerization deficient mutants defined by Mionnet into their fuill length construct and compare to wild type protein. While the authors' measured results don't depend on the offered mechanism and this experiment is therefore optional, their explanation is quite unsatisfying, especially since an experiment to resolve the difference is entirely feasible and not very strenuous.

    Minor comments

    The results in Fig S4 serve as assay validation, and this should be pointed out early in the Results section. I was initially concerned when the assay was described as based on consumption of GTP that a significantly diminished pool would alter the rate and thereby distort results, and being made aware of the S4 result would have alleviated that concern as I read further.

    On page 4 and Fig S4 the authors mention several cdc42 constructs, some of which show linear activity curves and others slightly non-linear curves. I was unable to find where these constructs or their differences are discussed. The authors should also tell us if the construct used for the remaining experiments was one of the two shown in S4, or a different one.

    It seems that in Fig 4 and Fig S8, some points are missing from the graphs. Were all concentrations for each condition not always assayed, or is some data omitted for some reason? For example, for the 0.125 microM Rga2 condition, only two points are shown vs 4 for some other conditions, and the two missing ones are expected to not be excluded by the >5% GTP remaining criterion.

    In these graphs, a diamond symbol of slightly varying color is used for the different conditions. The different colors are hard to distinguish. Please use different shape symbols for the different conditions, and choose colors that are more distinct.

    There are a few sentences that are of unclear meaning, for example on page 10, "It was suggested that each GAP plays a distinct role in Cdc42 regulation, of which the level of GAP activity could be a part of [Smith et al., 2002]." There are also typos and grammatical errors that should be fixed.


    The most novel and important finding is the strong synergy observed between cdc24 and Rga2 in activating cdc42 GTPase activity. This is undoubtedly an important mechanism underlying positive feedback in polarization. The measured non-linear activity of cdc24 alone is also quite important given that availability of cdc24 is thought to be a critical in vivo stimulus for polarization. However, the unexplained discrepancy between this result and that of Mionnet leaves one to wonder which result is more reliable. Only Mionnet attempts to directly test whether oligomerization is important in cdc24 activity.

    The conclusions are of importance to a broad audience of cell biologists, though the lack of any mechanism for the synergy or the non-linearity of cdc24 activity somewhat diminishes significance.

    Note that my expertise and that of my co-reviewer is in the biology, and while we are able to follow the contributions of the modeling, we do not have the expertise to critically evaluate for potential errors or weaknesses in the modeling itself.

  3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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    Referee #3

    Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

    This work reports a biochemical analysis of the effects of a recombinant yeast GEF (Cdc24) and GAP (Rga2) on Cdc42 GTPase cycling in vitro. The central conclusion is that the GEF and GAP act "synergistically", which occurs "due to proteins enhancing each other's effects". By this they appear to mean that the GEF enhances the GAP's activity and vice versa. I was not persuaded that this is correct, and was confused by many aspects of the approach and interpretation, as outlined below.

    1. GEF and GAP are expected to accelerate GTPase cycle synergistically even with no effect on each other's activity:

    The Cdc42 GTPase cycle is understood to occur via distinct steps (GDP release, GTP binding, and GTP hydrolysis): GDP release and GTP hydrolysis are intrinsically slow steps that are accelerated by GEFs (GDP release) and GAPs (GTP hydrolysis). This fundamental biochemistry was established in the 1990s using biochemical assays that measure each step independently. Here instead the authors use an assay that measures [GTP] decline in a mix with 5 uM starting GTP, 1 uM Cdc42, plus or minus some amount of GEF or GAP. They assume exponential decline of [GTP] with time, yielding a cycling "rate". If that is so, then one would expect that added GEF would accelerate only the first step, leaving a slow GTP hydrolysis step that limits the overall cycling rate, while added GAP would accelerate only the last step, leaving a slow GDP release step that limits the overall cycling rate. Adding both together would speed up both steps, and should therefore "synergistically" accelerate cycling. This would be expected based on previous work and does not imply that GEF or GAP are affecting each other's action (except trivially by providing substrate for the next reaction). If the authors wish to demonstrate that something more complex is indeed happening, they need to use assays that directly measure the sub-reaction of interest, as done by prior investigators.

    1. Model-based interpretation of the GTPase assay is poorly supported:

    The assay employed measures overall GTP concentration with time. It is assumed (but not well documented-see below) that [GTP] declines exponentially, and that the rate constant for a particular condition can be fit by the sum of a series of terms that are linear or quadratic in the concentrations of Cdc42, GEF, and GAP. There is no theoretical derivation of this model from the elementary reactions, and the assumptions involved are not well articulated.

    As discussed in point 1 above, one would expect that a GEF or GAP alone could only accelerate the cycle to a certain point, where the other (slow) reaction becomes rate limiting. But that does not appear to be true for their phenomenological model, where slow steps (small terms in the sum) will always be overwhelmed by fast steps. This is not the traditional understanding of how GTPases operate.

    1. Data that do not conform to expectation are not explained: Strangely, the data (as interpreted by the model assumptions) also appear inconsistent with the expectation of rate-limiting steps. GEF addition (alone) is said to accelerate cycling 100-fold, while GAP addition (alone) accelerates it 2-fold. But that would seem to imply that GDP release takes up >99% of the basal cycle (so accelerating that step alone reduces cycling time 100-fold), while GTP hydrolysis takes up >50% of the basal cycle (so accelerating that step alone reduces cycling time 2-fold). In the conventional understanding of GTPase cycles, these cannot both be be true (as the steps would then add to >100% of the basal cycle). There is no attempt to reconcile these findings with previous work.
    2. Lack of detailed timecourse data:

    The decline in [GTP] with time is stated to be exponential, allowing extraction of an overall cycling "rate". But this claim is supported only weakly (S3 Fig. 1 uses only 3 timepoints, is not plotted on semi-log axis, and does not report fit to exponential vs other models) and only for the Cdc42-alone scenario: no data at all are presented to support exponential decline in reactions with GEF or GAP. Most assays seem to measure only a single timepoint, so extraction of a "rate" is very heavily influenced by the unsupported assumption of exponential decline. And if the decline is not exponential, it becomes extremely difficult to interpret what a single timepoint means.

    1. Other issues with interpretation of the data:

    (i) It is unclear why the authors chose to employ an assay that is much harder to interpret than the biochemical assays used by others. In biochemical studies, assays that report an output of multiple reactions are always harder to interpret than assays targeting a single reaction. As well-established assays are available for each individual step in GTPase cycles, any conclusions must be supported using such assays.

    (ii) The reported basal (and GEF/GAP-accelerated) rates are very slow, perhaps due to poor folding of recombinant proteins. This raises the possibility that much of the Cdc42 is inactive. If so, then accelerated GTP hydrolysis could come from increasing the active fraction of Cdc42, rather than catalyzing a specific step.

    (iii) The GEF and GAP preparations include multiple partial degradation products and it is unclear whether the measured activities come from full-length proteins or more active fragments.

    (iv) Cdc42 cycling is also accelerated by BSA and casein, suggesting that there are poorly understood aspects of the assay and that GEF and GAP actions may (like BSA and casein) involve non-canonical effects on Cdc42. As GEF and GAP are expected to interact better with Cdc42 than BSA or casein, these effects could dominate the observed changes in GTP levels.

    (v) Cdc42-alone cycling assays are said to be reproducible. However, assays with added GEF/GAP/BSA/Casein yield rates that vary almost an order of magnitude between replicates. This poor reproducibility further reduces confidence in the findings.

    (vi) It is unclear what timepoint was used for the different assays. 1.5 h at 30 degrees seems to be the standard here for the Cdc42-alone assays, but I assume that cannot be what was measured to assess GTP decline for GEF-containing assays as there would be very little GTP left at 1.5 h.

    (vii) The graph reporting GEF activity is plotted only for [GEF]<0.2 uM, but the rates used in the subsequent experiments are reported for mixtures with 1 uM GEF. The full range of GEF data should be plotted.

    (viii) S8 Data with casein seems very noisy and it is no longer at all clear that the quadratic fit for [Cdc24] is justified. Also, the symbol colors are very similar so it is hard to tell what data corresponds to what condition. The synergy between Cdc24 and Rga2 is also very noisy and the fits seem arbitrary.

    (ix) It is disturbing that different Cdc42 constructs behave quite differently (S4). This suggests that protein behavior is influenced by the various added epitope tags and protease cleavage sites (they also leave the C-terminal CAAX box rather than removing the AAX as would happen in vivo). These features raise the concern that these findings may not be directly relevant to the situation with endogenous yeast Cdc42. Of course, it is also the case that relevant Cdc42 biochemistry occurs with prenylated Cdc42 on membranes.


    The basic biochemistry of Cdc42 cycles was figured out about 30 years ago. However, those studies did not examine how combinations of Cdc42 regulators (as opposed to individual regulators) might interact to produce effects not expected from combining their individual actions. Recently, this combination approach did lead to interesting findings by Rapali et al. This approach is worthwhile and addresses a major question of interest to the broader field of GTPase biochemistry.

    One main limitation of this study is technical: the main assay is less informative (though perhaps easier) than traditional assays, and it is unclear whether the recombinant proteins employed retain their normal activities. Another limitation is the model-based interpretation of the assay that does not include the potential for rate-limiting steps.

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    Referee #2

    Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

    The study entitled, "The GEF Cdc24 and GAP Rga2 synergistically regulate Cdc42 GTPase cycling" by Tschirpke et al., uses an in vitro GTPase assay to examine the GTPase cycle of Cdc42 in combination with its GEF and GAP effectors. The authors find that the Cdc24 GEF activity scales non-linearly with its concentration and the GAP Rga2 has substantially weaker effect on stimulating Cdc42 GTPase activity. Not surprisingly, the combined addition of Cdc24 and Rga2 lead to a substantial increase in Cdc42 GTPase activity.

    Referees cross-commenting

    In Zheng, Y., Cerione, R., and Bender, A. (1994) J. Biol. Chem. 269: 2369-2372 (Fig. 3C), the authors show that Cdc24 combined with the GAP Bem3 lead to a large synergy in boosting Cdc42 GTPase activity.


    There is very little new information in this manuscript. Previous studies (Rapali et al. 2017) have shown that the scaffold protein Bem1 enhances the GEF activity of Cdc24. It is expected that the reconstitution of a GEF and GAP protein promote the GTPase cycle and indeed Zheng et al. (1994) showed that that Cdc24 combined with the GAP Bem3 lead to a large synergy in boosting Cdc42 GTPase activity. Hence the only potentially interesting finding in this work is that, in solution Cdc24 activity scales non-linearly with its concentration. However as this GEF and Cdc42 are associated with the membrane, the relevance of solution studies are less clear and furthermore the mechanistic basis for the non-linearity is not explored in detail. Given the limited new information from this work, the findings are, in their current form, too preliminary.

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    Referee #1

    Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

    This study would be much convincing if additional line of eukaryotic cells can be used to demonstrate the GEF-GAP synergy tis important for cell physiology. In addition, it would be best to demonstrate the spatiotemporal interaction of GEF-GAP using high-resolution live cell imaging.


    The revised study would provide first line evidence that GEF-GAP synergy to be general regulatory property in eukaryotic kingdom.