Sfp1 integrates TORC1 and PKA activity towards yeast ribosome biogenesis

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Target of Rapamycin Complex 1 (TORC1) and Protein Kinase A (PKA) are two major regulators of cell growth in Saccharomyces cerevisiae , coupling nutrient availability with resource-intensive anabolic processes such as ribosome biogenesis. Even though TORC1 and PKA signaling converge on several shared targets, little is known on how these targets integrate signals from the two pathways. This is the case for Sfp1, a transcriptional activator of hundreds of ribosomal protein and ribosome biogenesis genes. To disentangle the roles of PKA and TORC1 in Sfp1 regulation, we constructed a large collection of Sfp1 (phospho)mutants and studied their intracellular localization and phosphorylation. Besides the already known TORC1 phosphorylation sites, we discovered that Sfp1 contains two PKA sites and a functional Nuclear Export Signal (NES) which is regulated by TORC1 and PKA. We further showed that TORC1 and PKA regulate Sfp1 phosphorylation independently of each other, with loss of activity of either pathway being sufficient to relocalize the protein from the nucleus to the cytoplasm, and the C-terminal zinc fingers being necessary for the responsiveness of Sfp1 to TORC1 and PKA inputs. This work contributes to our understanding of how cells regulate their growth by monitoring the outputs of multiple nutrient-sensing pathways.

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  1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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    Reply to the reviewers

    Reviewer 1

    The paper is overall convincing. However, a little more attention to data presentation and possibly the addition of at least another technique (see below) would greatly strengthen the findings.

    As we hope to demonstrate below, we have taken steps to improve our manuscript on both fronts (data presentation and experimental evidence).

    The absence of statistics catches immediately the eye. I am sure that the shown differences are statistically significant (thanks to the number of analyzed cells), but reporting the result of some statistical test would help the reader in identify the relevant data in a plot. This is somehow necessary considering that sometimes in the text something is deemed to be "significant" or "not significant", and I felt that I really needed that when looking at the plot in Fig. 3D.

    To facilitate the interpretation of figures that contain data from multiple strains (such as the one mentioned by the reviewer), we have carried out a nonparametric single-step multiple comparison test (Games-Howell) to identify mutants whose means differ significantly from each other. To avoid overcrowding the figures, we have graphically summarized the p-values of all pairwise comparisons in a small matrix within the corresponding panel, and provided 99% confidence intervals and p-values of all differences in the Supplement.

    Related to the previous point: for every N/C distribution analysis, a number of analyzed cells is reported. By the way it is written, it seems that the replication relies solely by the cells in that specific population, i.e.: each cell is treated as a replicate. At least I could not find if that is not the case in the legends or in the methods. I wonder what the results would be (and their significance) if each replicate would be a new assay on another population.

    Cell populations exhibit significant variability in their phenotypic characteristics. Consequently, the quantification of a specific feature (e.g., the Sfp1 nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio) across a sample of cells from a given population results in a distribution rather than a single fixed value. For each quantification, we report the number of cells that were used to construct the corresponding distribution, i.e. the sample size. To compare samples from different populations (e.g., different Sfp1 mutant strains), we run them in parallel during microscopy experiments and compare their means, as described above. Throughout our study, we have tried to ensure that we quantify a sufficiently large number of cells to overcome cell-to-cell variability and enhance the reliability of our results.

    In this context, the question of the reviewer is not entirely clear to us, as individual measurements of a sample are not replicates. However, one can replicate the entire experiment on a different day by re-growing the different strains, running microscopy, quantifying the new movies etc. In this sense, the experiments shown in the manuscript consist of single replicates, i.e. experiments that were carried out on the same day, with all the relevant mutants and controls quantified together. However, we have monitored many of our mutants multiple times over the course of our work. For example, Fig. 1 below shows replicates of the Sfp1 N/C ratio distributions at steady-state in the analog-sensitive (A) and wild-type (B) background, which were quantified several times across various experiments. While day-to-day variability in the empirical distributions of the same mutant exists to a small extent, it is quite small.

    The scale of x axes in N/C ratio plots. Besides not being consistent throughout the figures, it originates from 1, visually enhancing the differences.

    We believe the reviewer was referring to the y-axes, as the x-axes represent time. Summarizing the N/C ratio dynamics of different Sfp1 mutants has been challenging. First, the average N/C ratios at steady-state vary considerably across different mutants, as shown in the panels that summarize steady-state N/C ratios. To compare the magnitude and features of their responses, normalization is necessary. We chose to normalize the time series of each mutant to have a mean of 1 prior to the onset of a perturbation. This allows the normalized time series to represent the percentage-wise changes in the Sfp1 N/C ratio upon perturbation.

    Using a common y-axis scale for all plots of N/C ratio dynamics not ideal, as some responses are subtler than others. Additionally, we do not believe that N/C dynamics across different figures need to (or should) be compared to each other. However, within a figure, panels that require comparison are placed in the same row and share the same y-axis scale. We believe that this approach optimizes data visualization and facilitates important visual comparisons.

    Related to the previous point: it is evident from the plots that the N/C ratio is always positive, even in the most deficient of the analyzed mutants. This implies that a relevant fraction of Sfp1 is still nuclear. I thus wonder what the impact of these mutations would be on the actual function of Sfp1. For this reason, I feel that qPCR evaluation of transcripts of Sfp1 target genes is particularly needed. Since lack of Sfp1 is known to yield some of the smallest cells possible, it would also be cool to have an estimate of the size of mutants where Sfp1 is less nuclear. These analyses could confer phenotypical relevance to the data, but would also help in assessing a currently unexplored possibility, that phosphorylation events by PKA influence Sfp1 function besides its localization, i.e.: the still somehow nuclear fraction is not as functional as wt Sfp1 in promoting transcription.

    It is indeed the case that the recorded N/C ratios are larger than 1 in all strains that we have monitored. We have never observed an N/C ratio smaller than 1 using widefield microscopy for two main reasons: first, out-of-focus light from the cytosol above and below the nucleus is added to the nuclear signal, causing the nuclear signal to always be non-zero, even for predominantly cytosolic proteins. Second, both in- and out of focus vacuoles are devoid of the fluorescent protein fusions that we quantify, which reduces the average brightness of the cytosol. For these reasons, even when a protein is largely cytosolic, the average N/C ratio over a cell population is no lower than around 1.5. Keeping these points in mind, one can observe that our most delocalized Sfp1 mutants have an N/C ratio that is around 1.6-1.7, which is very close to the lower limit. This means that these Sfp1 mutants are largely cytosolic, and the nuclear fraction (if non-zero) is quite small.

    We agree that assessing the phenotypic relevance of Sfp1 mutations is of interest. However, this was impossible with our original strains, as we introduced each Sfp1 mutant as an extra copy in the HO locus while leaving the endogenous Sfp1 locus intact. This was done in order to avoid any phenotypic changes that might result from changes in Sfp1 activity.

    To address the suggestion of the reviewer, we therefore deleted the endogenous Sfp1 copy in strains carrying sfp1PKA2A, sfp1PKA2D and sfp113A, leaving only the mutated Sfp1 copy at the HO locus. Surprisingly, the growth rate and drug sensitivity (determined by halo assays) of these single-copy mutants did not differ much in comparison to the mutants carrying the functional Sfp1 copy and from the wild-type (Supp. Figs. 4J and 7). This observation aligns with findings for the single-copy sfp1-1 mutant in [Lempiäinen et al. 2009], which corresponds to sfp1TOR7A in our work. [Lempiäinen et al. 2009] had suggested that Sch9 compensates for the loss of Sfp1 activity via a feedback mechanism, which could explain our results as well. If this is the case, acute depletion of wild-type Sfp1 could unveil transient changes in cell growth, before the compensatory effect of Sch9 was established. Unfortunately, we were unable to efficiently degrade wild-type Sfp1 carrying a C-terminal auxin-inducible degron. Instead, we followed the same approach with [Lempiäinen et al. 2009] and deleted SCH9.

    As we describe in the last section of Results, the difference was dramatic for sfp1__13A __mutants, which were extremely slow-growing in the absence of Sch9 (doubling time was around 4 hours, but it was hard to estimate because we could not grow the cells consistently). Interestingly, SCH9 deletion had a negative impact on sfp1__PKA2D __but not sfp1__PKA2A __cells (Supp. Fig. 7). Overall, these results demonstrate that Sch9 can compensate for loss of Sfp1 activity, which makes it challenging to study the impact of Sfp1 mutations on cellular phenotypes.

    To further understand to what extent Sch9 compensates for loss of Sfp1 phosphorylation, we carried out RNA-seq on WT and cells carrying a single copy of sfp113A (with the endogenous SFP1 copy removed). Despite the fact that sfp1__13A __grow as well as WT, RNA-seq picked up several differentially expressed genes related to amino acid biosynthesis. This surprising finding is presented in the last section of Results, and in Supplementary Figures 8, 9 and 10. We explore the relevance of these results and their connection with past literature on Sfp1 and Sch9 in the Discussion section.

    I found some typos here and there, and it would greatly help to report them if in the manuscript line numbers were included.

    We apologize for the typos. We have tried to eliminate them, and we have also added line numbers to the manuscript.

    Reviewer 2

    There is no biochemical evidence presented that the putative PKA sites (S105 and S136) are genuinely phosphorylated by PKA. The fact that they match the PKA consensus motif, alone, does not guarantee this. In order to claim that they are looking at the effect of PKA by mutagenizing these residues, the authors have to demonstrate the PKA-dependency of S105 and S136 phosphorylation by, for example, mass spec experiments or western blotting with phospho-specific antibodies (Cell Signaling Technology #9624 for example). Also, does the band-shift caused by PKA inhibition (Fig 3C) is canceled by the S105A/S136A mutation?

    We took several actions to demonstrate that the putative PKA sites are indeed phosphorylated by PKA. We first tried to detect Sfp1 phosphorylation using the antibody mentioned by the reviewer, but failed as the sensitivity of this antibody appears to be quite low. On the other hand, mass spectrometry did not produce the right fragments to detect the sites of interest. We therefore resorted to an in vitro kinase assay using [γ-32P]ATP together with purified PKA and Sfp1. Unfortunately, bacterial overexpression of MBP-tagged Tpk1, Tpk2 and Tpk3 (the catalytic subunits of PKA) was quite challenging and we were unable to produce soluble protein. We therefore resorted to commercially available bovine PKA (bPKA, PKA catalytic subunit, Sigma-Aldrich 539576), which shows high homology to the yeast Tpk kinases [Toda et al. 1987]. Moreover 87% of bPKA substrates have been shown to also be Tpk1 substrates [Ptacek et al. 2005], and bPKA has been used to identify new Tpk substrates in budding yeast [Budovskaya et al. 2005__]. As we show in the revised manuscript, bovine PKA does phosphorylate Sfp1. Moreover, phosphorylation is reduced by 50% in the double S105A, S136A mutant (Fig.1F), and becomes undetectable in the 13A mutant__ (Supp Fig. 6). Together with the rapid response of Sfp1 localization to acute PKA inhibition which we had already reported, we believe that these results provide strong evidence that Sfp1 is a direct PKA substrate, and that the two phosphosites that we identified are functional.

    As the above in vivo experiments do not exclude S105/S136 phosphorylation by other kinases downstream of PKA, in order to claim the direct phosphorylation, the authors need in vitro PKA kinase assay. These biochemical experiments are not trivial, but I think absolutely necessary for this story.

    One cannot exclude that S105/S136 are also phosphorylated by other kinases of the AGC family (note that [Lempiäinen et al. 2009] has already excluded Sch9). However, as we hope to have shown, PKA indeed phosphorylates Sfp1. Examining if other kinases besides PKA and TORC1 target Sfp1 is a very interesting question that should be addressed in future work.

    The authors only look at the localization of Sfp1. To assess its functionality and so physiological impact, it would be informative to measure the mRNA level of target ribosomal genes in various Sfp1 mutants they created.

    As we described in our response to Reviewer 1 above, we did perform RNA-seq on WT and cells carrying a single copy of sfp113A. We observed a notable absence of differentially expressed ribosomal genes and ribosome-related categories in the GO analysis (Supp. Figs. 8, 9 and 10). Together with our observations on SCH9 deletion (Supp. Fig. 7), these results suggest that Sch9 can largely compensate for the loss of Sfp1 activity. On the other hand, the emergence of differentially expressed amino acid biosynthesis genes is a finding that merits further investigation, as it connects with previous observations made with Sch9 deletion mutants and the [ISP+] prion form of Sfp1 (cf. Discussion).

    In the experiments using analog-sensitive PKA (Fig 1D and E for example), they directly compare wildtype-PKA versus analog sensitive-PKA, or with 1-NM-PP1 versus without 1-NM-PP1. This makes interpretation difficult, particularly because 1-NM-PP1 itself has a significant impact even in the wild PKA strain. The real question is the difference between wild-type Sfp1 versus mutant Sfp1. In the current form, they compare Fig 1D versus 1E, these two do not look like a single, side-by-side experiment. They should compare wild-type Sfp1 versus mutant Sfp1 side-by-side.

    Figure 1D shows that 1-NM-PP1 has a transient off-target effect on Sfp1 localization in WT cells, which could also affect Sfp1 mutants. This observation prompted us to use wild-type PKA as a control when testing the effect of 1-NM-PP1 on sfp1PKA2D in cells carrying PKAas (Figure 1E). As Fig. 1E shows, the effect of 1-NM-PP1 on sfp1PKA2D localization in PKAas cells is quite similar to the off-target effect in cells carrying sfp1__PKA2D __and wild-type PKA. This behavior of sfp1__PKA2D __is clearly different from the response of wild-type Sfp1 to PKAas inhibition, which results in sustained delocalization. We have made the latter observation repeatedly, both in this study and our previously published work [Guerra et al. 2021].

    In Figure 3, the argument around the additive effects of PKA and TORC1 is confusing. The authors say they are additive referring Figure 3E, but say they are not additive referring Figure 3B. Which is true? In fact, Figure 3B appears to show an additive effect as well.

    We did not use the word "additive" in the text, because we find it difficult to interpret. Instead, we state that PKA and TORC1 appear to control Sfp1 phosphorylation independently of each other. PKA and TORC1 phosphorylation converges to the same response, affecting Sfp1 localization. It appears that loss of either kinase delocalizes Sfp1, while loss of both kinases may only have a small additional effect.

  2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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    Referee #2

    Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


    The authors investigated how Sfp1, a transcription factor for ribosomal genes, integrates signals from TORC1 and PKA pathways. They did so by analyzing the nuclear localization of the GFP-tagged Sfp1 variants harboring unphosphorylatable or phosphomimetic mutations on either TORC1 target sites, putative PKA target sites, or a combination of both. This approach was complemented by examining the effect of pharmacological inhibition of either pathway on Sfp1 localization. The obtained results support that TORC1 and PKA independently promote nuclear localization of Snf1, provided that the putative PKA sites are genuinely PKA sites (see Major point). In course of their investigation, the authors made two novel findings about the regulatory mechanism of Sfp1 localization. First, they identified the 98-106aa region as a nuclear export signal (NES). Because this region overlaps with a putative PKA site, it is conceivable that PKA regulates Sfp1 localization via altering the functionality of NES. In addition, they found that the nuclear localization of Snf1 requires its C-terminal zinc fingers, although this domain appears to work independently from TORC1- and PKA-dependent regulations.

    Major points:

    1. There is no biochemical evidence presented that the putative PKA sites (S105 and S136) are genuinely phosphorylated by PKA. The fact that they match the PKA consensus motif, alone, does not guarantee this. In order to claim that they are looking at the effect of PKA by mutagenizing these residues, the authors have to demonstrate the PKA-dependency of S105 and S136 phosphorylation by, for example, mass spec experiments or western blotting with phospho-specific antibodies (Cell Signaling Technology #9624 for example). Also, does the band-shift caused by PKA inhibition (Fig 3C) is canceled by the S105A/S136A mutation?
    2. As the above in vivo experiments do not exclude S105/S136 phosphorylation by other kinases downstream of PKA, in order to claim the direct phosphorylation, the authors need in vitro PKA kinase assay. These biochemical experiments are not trivial, but I think absolutely necessary for this story.

    Minor points:

    1. The authors only look at the localization of Sfp1. To assess its functionality and so physiological impact, it would be informative to measure the mRNA level of target ribosomal genes in various Sfp1 mutants they created.
    2. In the experiments using analog-sensitive PKA (Fig 1D and E for example), they directly compare wildtype-PKA versus analog sensitive-PKA, or with 1-NM-PP1 versus without 1-NM-PP1. This makes interpretation difficult, particularly because 1-NM-PP1 itself has a significant impact even in the wild PKA strain. The real question is the difference between wild-type Sfp1 versus mutant Sfp1. In the current form, they compare Fig 1D versus 1E, these two do not look like a single, side-by-side experiment. They should compare wild-type Sfp1 versus mutant Sfp1 side-by-side.
    3. In Figure 3, the argument around the additive effects of PKA and TORC1 is confusing. The authors say they are additive referring Figure 3E, but say they are not additive referring Figure 3B. Which is true? In fact, Figure 3B appears to show an additive effect as well.


    TORC1 and PKA are major pro-growth signaling pathways widely conserved in eukaryotes, that often converge on the same target proteins. How the information from the two pathways is integrated is an interesting question, which the authors directly and meticulously address here with yeast Sfp1 as an example. Provided that they can demonstrate that the putative PKA sites are the real ones (this is really important- TORC1 sites are already known, what is new here is PKA sites), their data and conclusion should be of interest to the signal transduction field.

    Their additional discovery of NES and the role of zinc fingers in Sfp1 localization should be of interest to those working on Sfp1, or transcriptional regulation of ribosomal genes in general.

    My area of expertise: yeast TOR

  3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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    Referee #1

    Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


    In this paper, Vuillemenot and Milias-Argeitis investigate in budding yeast the role of Protein Kinase A (PKA) in regulating through phosphorylation the subcellular localization of the transcription factor Sfp1, known for controlling transcription of RP genes. Sfp1 is very well known for being regulated by another signaling pathway, centered on the kinase TORC1. Thus, regulation of Sfp1 by PKA raises the intriguing possibility of a downstream crosstalk between the two pathways. Indeed, the authors find that Sfp1 is regulated by PKA independently from TORC1. In the study, the authors employ mainly single-cell microscopy to monitor the nucleo/cytosolic localization of Sfp1 mutants, an experimental set-up they established in a previous paper, with some contribution by PhosTag bandshift assays.

    Major comments:

    The paper is overall convincing. However, a little more attention to data presentation and possibly the addition of at least another technique (see below) would greatly strengthen the findings. Summarizing my major concerns:

    • The absence of statistics catches immediately the eye. I am sure that the shown differences are statistically significant (thanks to the number of analyzed cells), but reporting the result of some statistical test would help the reader in identify the relevant data in a plot. This is somehow necessary considering that sometimes in the text something is deemed to be "significant" or "not significant", and I felt that I really needed that when looking at the blot in Fig. 3D.
    • Related to the previous point: for every N/C distribution analysis, a number of analyzed cells is reported. By the way it is written, it seems that the replication relies solely by the cells in that specific population, i.e.: each cell is treated as a replicate. At least I could not find if that is not the case in the legends or in the methods. I wonder what the results would be (and their significance) if each replicate would be a new assay on another population.
    • The scale of x axes in N/C ratio plots. Besides not being consistent throughout the figures, it originates from 1, visually enhancing the differences.
    • Related to the previous point: it is evident from the plots that the N/C ratio is always positive, even in the most deficient of the analyzed mutants. This implies that a relevant fraction of Sfp1 is still nuclear. I thus wonder what the impact of these mutations would be on the actual function of Sfp1. For this reason, I feel that qPCR evaluation of transcripts of Sfp1 target genes is particularly needed. Since lack of Sfp1 is known to yield some of the smallest cells possible, it would also be cool to have an estimate of the size of mutants where Sfp1 is less nuclear. These analyses could confer phenotypical relevance to the data, but would also help in assessing a currently unexplored possibility, that phosphorylation events by PKA influence Sfp1 function besides its localization, i.e.: the still somehow nuclear fraction is not as functional as wt Sfp1 in promoting transcription.

    Minor comments:

    Experimental issues and suggestions on data presentation are reported in the major comments section, since I felt those were major issues.

    Just a side remark: I found some typos here and there, and it would greatly help to report them if in the manuscript line numbers were included.


    The finding that both PKA and TORC1 impinge on Sfp1, and therefore presumably on protein synthesis, is a valuable conceptual addition to the field of cell signaling. The audience potentially interested by the findings of the study include not only yeast cell biologists, but also computational biologists interested in modeling crucial cellular processes. One example is the regulation of cell size, where TORC1, PKA and Sfp1 are already know to play a role, but were potentially missing a crosstalk link.

    As requested by Review Commons, I specify that my expertise is on TORC1/AMPK/PKA pathways, on their crosstalk and their regulation by metabolic intermediates.

  4. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

    Learn more at Review Commons

    Reply to the reviewers

    Reviewer 1

    The paper is overall convincing. However, a little more attention to data presentation and possibly the addition of at least another technique (see below) would greatly strengthen the findings.

    As we hope to demonstrate below, we have taken steps to improve our manuscript on both fronts (data presentation and experimental evidence).

    The absence of statistics catches immediately the eye. I am sure that the shown differences are statistically significant (thanks to the number of analyzed cells), but reporting the result of some statistical test would help the reader in identify the relevant data in a plot. This is somehow necessary considering that sometimes in the text something is deemed to be "significant" or "not significant", and I felt that I really needed that when looking at the plot in Fig. 3D.

    To facilitate the interpretation of figures that contain data from multiple strains (such as the one mentioned by the reviewer), we have carried out a nonparametric single-step multiple comparison test (Games-Howell) to identify mutants whose means differ significantly from each other. To avoid overcrowding the figures, we have graphically summarized the p-values of all pairwise comparisons in a small matrix within the corresponding panel, and provided 99% confidence intervals and p-values of all differences in the Supplement.

    Related to the previous point: for every N/C distribution analysis, a number of analyzed cells is reported. By the way it is written, it seems that the replication relies solely by the cells in that specific population, i.e.: each cell is treated as a replicate. At least I could not find if that is not the case in the legends or in the methods. I wonder what the results would be (and their significance) if each replicate would be a new assay on another population.

    Cell populations exhibit significant variability in their phenotypic characteristics. Consequently, the quantification of a specific feature (e.g., the Sfp1 nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio) across a sample of cells from a given population results in a distribution rather than a single fixed value. For each quantification, we report the number of cells that were used to construct the corresponding distribution, i.e. the sample size. To compare samples from different populations (e.g., different Sfp1 mutant strains), we run them in parallel during microscopy experiments and compare their means, as described above. Throughout our study, we have tried to ensure that we quantify a sufficiently large number of cells to overcome cell-to-cell variability and enhance the reliability of our results.

    In this context, the question of the reviewer is not entirely clear to us, as individual measurements of a sample are not replicates. However, one can replicate the entire experiment on a different day by re-growing the different strains, running microscopy, quantifying the new movies etc. In this sense, the experiments shown in the manuscript consist of single replicates, i.e. experiments that were carried out on the same day, with all the relevant mutants and controls quantified together. However, we have monitored many of our mutants multiple times over the course of our work. For example, Fig. 1 below shows replicates of the Sfp1 N/C ratio distributions at steady-state in the analog-sensitive (A) and wild-type (B) background, which were quantified several times across various experiments. While day-to-day variability in the empirical distributions of the same mutant exists to a small extent, it is quite small.

    The scale of x axes in N/C ratio plots. Besides not being consistent throughout the figures, it originates from 1, visually enhancing the differences.

    We believe the reviewer was referring to the y-axes, as the x-axes represent time. Summarizing the N/C ratio dynamics of different Sfp1 mutants has been challenging. First, the average N/C ratios at steady-state vary considerably across different mutants, as shown in the panels that summarize steady-state N/C ratios. To compare the magnitude and features of their responses, normalization is necessary. We chose to normalize the time series of each mutant to have a mean of 1 prior to the onset of a perturbation. This allows the normalized time series to represent the percentage-wise changes in the Sfp1 N/C ratio upon perturbation.

    Using a common y-axis scale for all plots of N/C ratio dynamics not ideal, as some responses are subtler than others. Additionally, we do not believe that N/C dynamics across different figures need to (or should) be compared to each other. However, within a figure, panels that require comparison are placed in the same row and share the same y-axis scale. We believe that this approach optimizes data visualization and facilitates important visual comparisons.

    Related to the previous point: it is evident from the plots that the N/C ratio is always positive, even in the most deficient of the analyzed mutants. This implies that a relevant fraction of Sfp1 is still nuclear. I thus wonder what the impact of these mutations would be on the actual function of Sfp1. For this reason, I feel that qPCR evaluation of transcripts of Sfp1 target genes is particularly needed. Since lack of Sfp1 is known to yield some of the smallest cells possible, it would also be cool to have an estimate of the size of mutants where Sfp1 is less nuclear. These analyses could confer phenotypical relevance to the data, but would also help in assessing a currently unexplored possibility, that phosphorylation events by PKA influence Sfp1 function besides its localization, i.e.: the still somehow nuclear fraction is not as functional as wt Sfp1 in promoting transcription.

    It is indeed the case that the recorded N/C ratios are larger than 1 in all strains that we have monitored. We have never observed an N/C ratio smaller than 1 using widefield microscopy for two main reasons: first, out-of-focus light from the cytosol above and below the nucleus is added to the nuclear signal, causing the nuclear signal to always be non-zero, even for predominantly cytosolic proteins. Second, both in- and out of focus vacuoles are devoid of the fluorescent protein fusions that we quantify, which reduces the average brightness of the cytosol. For these reasons, even when a protein is largely cytosolic, the average N/C ratio over a cell population is no lower than around 1.5. Keeping these points in mind, one can observe that our most delocalized Sfp1 mutants have an N/C ratio that is around 1.6-1.7, which is very close to the lower limit. This means that these Sfp1 mutants are largely cytosolic, and the nuclear fraction (if non-zero) is quite small.

    We agree that assessing the phenotypic relevance of Sfp1 mutations is of interest. However, this was impossible with our original strains, as we introduced each Sfp1 mutant as an extra copy in the HO locus while leaving the endogenous Sfp1 locus intact. This was done in order to avoid any phenotypic changes that might result from changes in Sfp1 activity.

    To address the suggestion of the reviewer, we therefore deleted the endogenous Sfp1 copy in strains carrying sfp1PKA2A, sfp1PKA2D and sfp113A, leaving only the mutated Sfp1 copy at the HO locus. Surprisingly, the growth rate and drug sensitivity (determined by halo assays) of these single-copy mutants did not differ much in comparison to the mutants carrying the functional Sfp1 copy and from the wild-type (Supp. Figs. 4J and 7). This observation aligns with findings for the single-copy sfp1-1 mutant in [Lempiäinen et al. 2009], which corresponds to sfp1TOR7A in our work. [Lempiäinen et al. 2009] had suggested that Sch9 compensates for the loss of Sfp1 activity via a feedback mechanism, which could explain our results as well. If this is the case, acute depletion of wild-type Sfp1 could unveil transient changes in cell growth, before the compensatory effect of Sch9 was established. Unfortunately, we were unable to efficiently degrade wild-type Sfp1 carrying a C-terminal auxin-inducible degron. Instead, we followed the same approach with [Lempiäinen et al. 2009] and deleted SCH9.

    As we describe in the last section of Results, the difference was dramatic for sfp1__13A __mutants, which were extremely slow-growing in the absence of Sch9 (doubling time was around 4 hours, but it was hard to estimate because we could not grow the cells consistently). Interestingly, SCH9 deletion had a negative impact on sfp1__PKA2D __but not sfp1__PKA2A __cells (Supp. Fig. 7). Overall, these results demonstrate that Sch9 can compensate for loss of Sfp1 activity, which makes it challenging to study the impact of Sfp1 mutations on cellular phenotypes.

    To further understand to what extent Sch9 compensates for loss of Sfp1 phosphorylation, we carried out RNA-seq on WT and cells carrying a single copy of sfp113A (with the endogenous SFP1 copy removed). Despite the fact that sfp1__13A __grow as well as WT, RNA-seq picked up several differentially expressed genes related to amino acid biosynthesis. This surprising finding is presented in the last section of Results, and in Supplementary Figures 8, 9 and 10. We explore the relevance of these results and their connection with past literature on Sfp1 and Sch9 in the Discussion section.

    I found some typos here and there, and it would greatly help to report them if in the manuscript line numbers were included.

    We apologize for the typos. We have tried to eliminate them, and we have also added line numbers to the manuscript.

    Reviewer 2

    There is no biochemical evidence presented that the putative PKA sites (S105 and S136) are genuinely phosphorylated by PKA. The fact that they match the PKA consensus motif, alone, does not guarantee this. In order to claim that they are looking at the effect of PKA by mutagenizing these residues, the authors have to demonstrate the PKA-dependency of S105 and S136 phosphorylation by, for example, mass spec experiments or western blotting with phospho-specific antibodies (Cell Signaling Technology #9624 for example). Also, does the band-shift caused by PKA inhibition (Fig 3C) is canceled by the S105A/S136A mutation?

    We took several actions to demonstrate that the putative PKA sites are indeed phosphorylated by PKA. We first tried to detect Sfp1 phosphorylation using the antibody mentioned by the reviewer, but failed as the sensitivity of this antibody appears to be quite low. On the other hand, mass spectrometry did not produce the right fragments to detect the sites of interest. We therefore resorted to an in vitro kinase assay using [γ-32P]ATP together with purified PKA and Sfp1. Unfortunately, bacterial overexpression of MBP-tagged Tpk1, Tpk2 and Tpk3 (the catalytic subunits of PKA) was quite challenging and we were unable to produce soluble protein. We therefore resorted to commercially available bovine PKA (bPKA, PKA catalytic subunit, Sigma-Aldrich 539576), which shows high homology to the yeast Tpk kinases [Toda et al. 1987]. Moreover 87% of bPKA substrates have been shown to also be Tpk1 substrates [Ptacek et al. 2005], and bPKA has been used to identify new Tpk substrates in budding yeast [Budovskaya et al. 2005__]. As we show in the revised manuscript, bovine PKA does phosphorylate Sfp1. Moreover, phosphorylation is reduced by 50% in the double S105A, S136A mutant (Fig.1F), and becomes undetectable in the 13A mutant__ (Supp Fig. 6). Together with the rapid response of Sfp1 localization to acute PKA inhibition which we had already reported, we believe that these results provide strong evidence that Sfp1 is a direct PKA substrate, and that the two phosphosites that we identified are functional.

    As the above in vivo experiments do not exclude S105/S136 phosphorylation by other kinases downstream of PKA, in order to claim the direct phosphorylation, the authors need in vitro PKA kinase assay. These biochemical experiments are not trivial, but I think absolutely necessary for this story.

    One cannot exclude that S105/S136 are also phosphorylated by other kinases of the AGC family (note that [Lempiäinen et al. 2009] has already excluded Sch9). However, as we hope to have shown, PKA indeed phosphorylates Sfp1. Examining if other kinases besides PKA and TORC1 target Sfp1 is a very interesting question that should be addressed in future work.

    The authors only look at the localization of Sfp1. To assess its functionality and so physiological impact, it would be informative to measure the mRNA level of target ribosomal genes in various Sfp1 mutants they created.

    As we described in our response to Reviewer 1 above, we did perform RNA-seq on WT and cells carrying a single copy of sfp113A. We observed a notable absence of differentially expressed ribosomal genes and ribosome-related categories in the GO analysis (Supp. Figs. 8, 9 and 10). Together with our observations on SCH9 deletion (Supp. Fig. 7), these results suggest that Sch9 can largely compensate for the loss of Sfp1 activity. On the other hand, the emergence of differentially expressed amino acid biosynthesis genes is a finding that merits further investigation, as it connects with previous observations made with Sch9 deletion mutants and the [ISP+] prion form of Sfp1 (cf. Discussion).

    In the experiments using analog-sensitive PKA (Fig 1D and E for example), they directly compare wildtype-PKA versus analog sensitive-PKA, or with 1-NM-PP1 versus without 1-NM-PP1. This makes interpretation difficult, particularly because 1-NM-PP1 itself has a significant impact even in the wild PKA strain. The real question is the difference between wild-type Sfp1 versus mutant Sfp1. In the current form, they compare Fig 1D versus 1E, these two do not look like a single, side-by-side experiment. They should compare wild-type Sfp1 versus mutant Sfp1 side-by-side.

    Figure 1D shows that 1-NM-PP1 has a transient off-target effect on Sfp1 localization in WT cells, which could also affect Sfp1 mutants. This observation prompted us to use wild-type PKA as a control when testing the effect of 1-NM-PP1 on sfp1PKA2D in cells carrying PKAas (Figure 1E). As Fig. 1E shows, the effect of 1-NM-PP1 on sfp1PKA2D localization in PKAas cells is quite similar to the off-target effect in cells carrying sfp1__PKA2D __and wild-type PKA. This behavior of sfp1__PKA2D __is clearly different from the response of wild-type Sfp1 to PKAas inhibition, which results in sustained delocalization. We have made the latter observation repeatedly, both in this study and our previously published work [Guerra et al. 2021].

    In Figure 3, the argument around the additive effects of PKA and TORC1 is confusing. The authors say they are additive referring Figure 3E, but say they are not additive referring Figure 3B. Which is true? In fact, Figure 3B appears to show an additive effect as well.

    We did not use the word "additive" in the text, because we find it difficult to interpret. Instead, we state that PKA and TORC1 appear to control Sfp1 phosphorylation independently of each other. PKA and TORC1 phosphorylation converges to the same response, affecting Sfp1 localization. It appears that loss of either kinase delocalizes Sfp1, while loss of both kinases may only have a small additional effect.

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    Referee #2

    Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


    The authors investigated how Sfp1, a transcription factor for ribosomal genes, integrates signals from TORC1 and PKA pathways. They did so by analyzing the nuclear localization of the GFP-tagged Sfp1 variants harboring unphosphorylatable or phosphomimetic mutations on either TORC1 target sites, putative PKA target sites, or a combination of both. This approach was complemented by examining the effect of pharmacological inhibition of either pathway on Sfp1 localization. The obtained results support that TORC1 and PKA independently promote nuclear localization of Snf1, provided that the putative PKA sites are genuinely PKA sites (see Major point). In course of their investigation, the authors made two novel findings about the regulatory mechanism of Sfp1 localization. First, they identified the 98-106aa region as a nuclear export signal (NES). Because this region overlaps with a putative PKA site, it is conceivable that PKA regulates Sfp1 localization via altering the functionality of NES. In addition, they found that the nuclear localization of Snf1 requires its C-terminal zinc fingers, although this domain appears to work independently from TORC1- and PKA-dependent regulations.

    Major points:

    1. There is no biochemical evidence presented that the putative PKA sites (S105 and S136) are genuinely phosphorylated by PKA. The fact that they match the PKA consensus motif, alone, does not guarantee this. In order to claim that they are looking at the effect of PKA by mutagenizing these residues, the authors have to demonstrate the PKA-dependency of S105 and S136 phosphorylation by, for example, mass spec experiments or western blotting with phospho-specific antibodies (Cell Signaling Technology #9624 for example). Also, does the band-shift caused by PKA inhibition (Fig 3C) is canceled by the S105A/S136A mutation?
    2. As the above in vivo experiments do not exclude S105/S136 phosphorylation by other kinases downstream of PKA, in order to claim the direct phosphorylation, the authors need in vitro PKA kinase assay. These biochemical experiments are not trivial, but I think absolutely necessary for this story.

    Minor points:

    1. The authors only look at the localization of Sfp1. To assess its functionality and so physiological impact, it would be informative to measure the mRNA level of target ribosomal genes in various Sfp1 mutants they created.
    2. In the experiments using analog-sensitive PKA (Fig 1D and E for example), they directly compare wildtype-PKA versus analog sensitive-PKA, or with 1-NM-PP1 versus without 1-NM-PP1. This makes interpretation difficult, particularly because 1-NM-PP1 itself has a significant impact even in the wild PKA strain. The real question is the difference between wild-type Sfp1 versus mutant Sfp1. In the current form, they compare Fig 1D versus 1E, these two do not look like a single, side-by-side experiment. They should compare wild-type Sfp1 versus mutant Sfp1 side-by-side.
    3. In Figure 3, the argument around the additive effects of PKA and TORC1 is confusing. The authors say they are additive referring Figure 3E, but say they are not additive referring Figure 3B. Which is true? In fact, Figure 3B appears to show an additive effect as well.


    TORC1 and PKA are major pro-growth signaling pathways widely conserved in eukaryotes, that often converge on the same target proteins. How the information from the two pathways is integrated is an interesting question, which the authors directly and meticulously address here with yeast Sfp1 as an example. Provided that they can demonstrate that the putative PKA sites are the real ones (this is really important- TORC1 sites are already known, what is new here is PKA sites), their data and conclusion should be of interest to the signal transduction field.

    Their additional discovery of NES and the role of zinc fingers in Sfp1 localization should be of interest to those working on Sfp1, or transcriptional regulation of ribosomal genes in general.

    My area of expertise: yeast TOR

  6. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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    Referee #1

    Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


    In this paper, Vuillemenot and Milias-Argeitis investigate in budding yeast the role of Protein Kinase A (PKA) in regulating through phosphorylation the subcellular localization of the transcription factor Sfp1, known for controlling transcription of RP genes. Sfp1 is very well known for being regulated by another signaling pathway, centered on the kinase TORC1. Thus, regulation of Sfp1 by PKA raises the intriguing possibility of a downstream crosstalk between the two pathways. Indeed, the authors find that Sfp1 is regulated by PKA independently from TORC1. In the study, the authors employ mainly single-cell microscopy to monitor the nucleo/cytosolic localization of Sfp1 mutants, an experimental set-up they established in a previous paper, with some contribution by PhosTag bandshift assays.

    Major comments:

    The paper is overall convincing. However, a little more attention to data presentation and possibly the addition of at least another technique (see below) would greatly strengthen the findings. Summarizing my major concerns:

    • The absence of statistics catches immediately the eye. I am sure that the shown differences are statistically significant (thanks to the number of analyzed cells), but reporting the result of some statistical test would help the reader in identify the relevant data in a plot. This is somehow necessary considering that sometimes in the text something is deemed to be "significant" or "not significant", and I felt that I really needed that when looking at the blot in Fig. 3D.
    • Related to the previous point: for every N/C distribution analysis, a number of analyzed cells is reported. By the way it is written, it seems that the replication relies solely by the cells in that specific population, i.e.: each cell is treated as a replicate. At least I could not find if that is not the case in the legends or in the methods. I wonder what the results would be (and their significance) if each replicate would be a new assay on another population.
    • The scale of x axes in N/C ratio plots. Besides not being consistent throughout the figures, it originates from 1, visually enhancing the differences.
    • Related to the previous point: it is evident from the plots that the N/C ratio is always positive, even in the most deficient of the analyzed mutants. This implies that a relevant fraction of Sfp1 is still nuclear. I thus wonder what the impact of these mutations would be on the actual function of Sfp1. For this reason, I feel that qPCR evaluation of transcripts of Sfp1 target genes is particularly needed. Since lack of Sfp1 is known to yield some of the smallest cells possible, it would also be cool to have an estimate of the size of mutants where Sfp1 is less nuclear. These analyses could confer phenotypical relevance to the data, but would also help in assessing a currently unexplored possibility, that phosphorylation events by PKA influence Sfp1 function besides its localization, i.e.: the still somehow nuclear fraction is not as functional as wt Sfp1 in promoting transcription.

    Minor comments:

    Experimental issues and suggestions on data presentation are reported in the major comments section, since I felt those were major issues.

    Just a side remark: I found some typos here and there, and it would greatly help to report them if in the manuscript line numbers were included.


    The finding that both PKA and TORC1 impinge on Sfp1, and therefore presumably on protein synthesis, is a valuable conceptual addition to the field of cell signaling. The audience potentially interested by the findings of the study include not only yeast cell biologists, but also computational biologists interested in modeling crucial cellular processes. One example is the regulation of cell size, where TORC1, PKA and Sfp1 are already know to play a role, but were potentially missing a crosstalk link.

    As requested by Review Commons, I specify that my expertise is on TORC1/AMPK/PKA pathways, on their crosstalk and their regulation by metabolic intermediates.