The whole blood microbiome of Indonesians reveals translocated and pathogenic microbiota

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Pathogens found within local environments are a major cause of morbidity and mortality. This is particularly true in Indonesia, where infectious diseases such as malaria or dengue are a significant part of the disease burden. Unequal investment in medical funding throughout Indonesia, particularly in rural areas, has resulted in under-reporting of cases, making surveillance challenging. Here, we use transcriptome data from 117 healthy individuals living on the islands of Mentawai, Sumba, and the Indonesian side of New Guinea Island to explore which pathogens are present within whole blood. We detect a range of taxa within RNA-sequencing data generated from whole blood and find that two pathogens—Flaviviridae and Plasmodium—are the most predominantly abundant, both of which are most pronounced in the easternmost island within our Indonesian dataset. We also compare the Indonesian data to two other cohorts from Mali and UK and find a distinct microbiome profile for each group. This study provides a framework for RNA-seq as a possible retrospective surveillance tool and an insight to what makes up the transient human blood microbiome.

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  1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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    Reply to the reviewers

    Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

    Summary: Authors performed a metatranscriptomic analysis from publicly-available datasets of whole blood from 3 places in Indonesia. Their goal was to explore which pathogens were present on the blood of those 117 healthy individuals. It was interesting that reads from Flaviviridae and Plasmodium were detected in asymptomatic subjects.

    Major comments:

    1. How did the authors assess and correct batch-effects between different datasets?

    Our response: We have sequencing batch information for the Indonesian dataset and saw no clear clustering based on batches in the first 8 PCs. We recognize that sampling variations may exist between islands, though the taxa matrix we acquired from the unmapped reads are very scarce that such variations did not have a strong enough effect to introduce batch effects in our microbiome analyses, and that the signals were driven by pathogenic reads. For our comparative analyses between datasets, we made sure that all three datasets shared similar processing (collected using Tempus Blood RNA Tubes and went through globin depletion method) and have trimmed both Indonesian and Malian reads to match the length of the UK reads (75BP).

    1. Did the RNA-seq capture poly-A mRNAs? If so... these reads that did not map the human genome were captured because of internal priming. Can they find internal poly A sequences in the genome of Flaviviridae and Plasmodium pathogens? I would like to know that to understand the source of the reads and which other pathogens may be missing (due to the lack of internal priming).

    __Our response: __No, our dataset did not capture poly-A mRNAs. We performed ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and globin mRNA depletion.

    1. Principal coordinates analysis (PCoA) is often utilized in metagenomics analysis. Although they are equivalent, is there a reason for using PCA?

    Our response: Since we used CLR transformation, the resulting matrix lies in Euclidian space. PCA is just a form of PCoA in Euclidian space.

    Minor comments:

    1. "Indonesia is a country with large numbers of endemic and emerging infectious diseases [16], making it a crucially important location to monitor and understand the effects of pathogens on human hosts." Is there any epidemiological data that shows differences in infectious diseases across these 3 places? Can the authors provide a map and better explanation about the importance in comparing these 3 areas?

    __Our response: __We have added references to malaria infection being more prevalent in the eastern side of Indonesia in the discussion section.

    1. Why is it so hard to try to identify (only for Flaviviridae reads) reads that map to very relevant viruses, such as Zika, Dengue, and Yellow Fever? Why did the authors state that they "were unable to refine this assignment further" if this is one of the most interesting finding?

    __Our response: __Our reanalysis showed a small percentage of the Flaviviridae reads to be assigned to the Pegivirus genus. As more diverse microbial genomes are added to reference databases and identical regions become more common between them, it becomes harder for the classifer to further define reads to species level ( Flaviviridae has distinct species spread across six different genera ( In comparison, despite Plasmodiidae having more species recorded compared to Flaviviridae, an overwhelming majority of the species is part of the Plasmodium genus, hence we were able to refine them down to species-level (

    1. Is the script available at ? This reviewer could not access it. __Our response: __We thank Reviewer 1 for pointing this out and have amended the link, now accessible here:

    Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

    Interesting paper that enable to extract additional knowledge from whole blood RNA-seq data. There are already several papers that do this and I think authors could go one step forward (for instance, PCR validation of additional individuals). I don't think this can be used for surveillance if it cannot identify species, it is more expensive than running targeted assays, and that may be many false negative pathogens in the samples.

    __Our response: __We thank Reviewer 1 for their comments. We have updated our manuscript to reflect our updated analyses which minimizes false positive taxa and the project’s significance not as a mainline surveillance tool, but a retrospective one.

    Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):


    Bobowik and colleagues perform a computational analysis of whole blood RNA-seq datasets from healthy individuals of three different regions of Indonesia. Their goal is to identify infecting pathogens and other microbes and correlate their abundances to host gene expression patterns or health characteristics in these populations. They find a broad range of bacterial, viral and microeukaryote taxa. When comparing the three Indonesian populations, they find that the Korowai population is the most diverse and different from the other two, possibly driven by the higher prevalence and abundance of Plasmodium (Apicomplexa) in this population.

    Then, the authors conduct a statistical decomposition of human gene expression in these samples in independent factors using ICA, and correlate each of these factors to the abundances of the microbial taxa detected. This analysis allows researchers to associate specific patterns of gene expression, such as immune-related pathways, to the presence of members of the Apicomplexa and Kitrinoviricota phyla.

    Lastly, the authors use previously published data from other two cohorts (from Mali and the UK) to contextualize their blood microbiome findings. They find microbial reads in all datasets. The Mali cohort is characterized by a large abundance of archaea, not found in the other two populations, while the UK cohort has the lower diversity. Altogether, the authors propose the use of RNA-seq data from human whole blood as a way to study the blood microbiome and establish potential associations between blood resident microbes and host gene expression

    Major comments:

    1. The methodology to filter and remove reads from potential contaminants needs to be more stringent to ensure the results do not contain spurious contaminants and that the conclusions are correct. It has been described that genomic databases are heavily contaminated with human sequences (Steinegger and Salzberg, 2020), and in this manuscript, even after a two-pass alignment with STAR, reads mapping to helminths also corresponded to the human genome. Additionally, ad-hoc removal of specific taxa (Metazoa and Viridiplantae) was only performed after suspicion of contamination. However, this ad-hoc removal cannot be performed with microbial (bacterial, viral, etc.) contaminants as there is a risk of removing actual bacteria from the samples. But it has been confirmed that many microbial assemblies also suffer from human contamination. Possible actions to take are the following: a.Perform the human mapping with more lenient parameters to avoid human reads to map to other (likely contaminated) genomes in genome databases. b.Remove common contaminants that have been documented, for instance in blood (Chrisman et al., 2022). c.Run a tool to detect contaminated contigs in the database used to map reads to microbes and remove these problematic contigs from further analysis.

    Our response: We thank Reviewer 2 for the suggestions, especially to address contaminants. We have reanalyzed our data which resulted in much fewer taxa yet still retained the main pathogenic findings.

    1. In line with the above, removing singletons (as I have understood these are taxa that are represented by a single read), is a way to minimize the risk of contamination. To take advantage of the functional profiling of RNA-seq, a measure to ensure that microbes found in blood are active would be to include in the analysis only taxa for which expression of more than a few genes is detected. This type of filtering has been previously applied in studies where very low microbial loads are expected (Lloréns-Rico et al., 2021). In this study, it has only been applied to the specific case of the archaeal taxon Methanocaldococcaceae. However, I would expect cleaner results if applied consistently to all taxa detected.

    __Our response: __We have reanalyzed the data and applied this to all taxa detected.

    1. The specificity of Methanocaldococcaceae in the samples from Mali is very striking. I am highly suspicious that this only occurs due to a batch effect, even though the authors were highly selective in their cohorts to avoid these. In fact, I extracted the genes spanning the regions highlighted in Supplementary Figure 9 of the Methanocaldococcus jannaschii genome. A BLAST search of these sequences returned, among Methanocaldococcus hits, hits from the ERCC synthetic spike-in sequences, used as internal controls in many RNA-seq experiments. ERCC synthetic spike-in hits appeared for all 4 regions in the genome of M. jannaschii highlighted in this figure. In the original publications of this dataset, there is no reference to the use of these ERCC controls, but given the observed matches, I suggest the authors to perform an extra step in their filtering pipeline to remove all reads mapping to these ERCC standards in all their three cohorts to prevent these sort of batch effects.

    __Our response: __We thank Reviewer 2 for pointing this out. Our reanalysis, which now used proper 2-pass mapping and further downstream classification with both pairs of the reads, no longer detected any archaea.

    1. I am puzzled by the inconsistencies shown between forward and reverse reads when mapping paired-end data. I expect these inconsistencies at lower taxonomic ranks (species or genus level) due to incomplete genomes, but not at higher taxonomic ranks. I wonder if, by performing more stringent filtering of contaminants as suggested above, the consistency between forward and reverse reads increases and both mates can be used, making the mapping more reliable.

    __Our response: __We have reanalyzed the data using both pairs of the reads for classification, resulting in less detected taxa. We believe the new results are more robust as it no longer includes taxa that are not typically found in humans (such as the archae Methanocaldococcus and other environmental bacteria).

    In summary, my main concerns regarding this manuscript involve the possibility that contaminants in the sequencing data may be the cause of some of the results presented, and I tried to propose ways of dealing with these contaminants. While some of the results may not be affected by detection of contaminants (i.e. the association between Apicomplexa and some ICs), others such as the diversity measures or the comparison across cohorts may be severely affected. I will consider these results highly preliminary until a more thorough and stringent approach for contaminant removal is applied.

    Our response: We thank Reviewer 2 for the suggestions and have updated our manuscript with results updated analyses that are more stringent towards contaminants, as can be seen from our updated findings.

    Minor comments:

    1. I would appreciate some of the analyses done at lower taxonomic levels if the sparsity of the data allows it, after removing contaminants. Given that the CLR transformation does not allow for zeros, other alternatives such as GMPR (Chen et al., 2018) or adding a pseudocount would allow these analyses?

    __Our response: __After our reanalysis, we ended up with even sparser data and therefore could not perform the analyses at lower taxonomic levels.

    1. In the PCA shown in figure 1, does the number of microbial reads detected correlate with any of the first two components?

    __Our response: __Yes Plamosdiidae correlates well with PCs 1 and 2 (0.66 & 0.73) and Flaviviridae correlates very strongly with PC1 (0.917). We have added this detail in the results section.

    1. In Figure 1C, the x axis is wrongly named PC2.

    __Our response: __We thank Reviewer 2 for pointing this out and have amended this detail.

    1. There is a typo in the legend of Figure 1A ("showeing")

    __Our response: __We thank Reviewer 2 for pointing this out and have amended this detail.

    1. In the alpha diversity estimates comparison across the three different cohorts, after subsampling each population to achieve similar sample size in each cohort, it is stated that "after subsampling, each population had similar diversity estimates". However, the numbers shown afterwards corresponding to the mean values of alpha diversity, without confidence intervals or a boxplot/violin plot together with an accompanying statistical test, are not enough to assess similarity. I would appreciate a figure (similar to Figure 3E and F) or a test accompanying these mean values.

    __Our response: __We thank Reviewer 2 for pointing this out and have amended this detail.

    1. In the volcano plots (Figure 3A, B and others throughout the manuscript) it would help the reader to add lines for the thresholds chosen for the effect size and -log10(p-value) to separate significant results.

    __Our response: __We thank Reviewer 2 for pointing this out and have amended this detail.

    1. In Figure 3E and F, I would appreciate having bars for the statistically significant comparisons.

    __Our response: __We thank Reviewer 2 for pointing this out and have amended this detail.

  2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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    Referee #2

    Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


    Bobowik and colleagues perform a computational analysis of whole blood RNA-seq datasets from healthy individuals of three different regions of Indonesia. Their goal is to identify infecting pathogens and other microbes and correlate their abundances to host gene expression patterns or health characteristics in these populations. They find a broad range of bacterial, viral and microeukaryote taxa. When comparing the three Indonesian populations, they find that the Korowai population is the most diverse and different from the other two, possibly driven by the higher prevalence and abundance of Plasmodium (Apicomplexa) in this population.

    Then, the authors conduct a statistical decomposition of human gene expression in these samples in independent factors using ICA, and correlate each of these factors to the abundances of the microbial taxa detected. This analysis allows researchers to associate specific patterns of gene expression, such as immune-related pathways, to the presence of members of the Apicomplexa and Kitrinoviricota phyla.

    Lastly, the authors use previously published data from other two cohorts (from Mali and the UK) to contextualize their blood microbiome findings. They find microbial reads in all datasets. The Mali cohort is characterized by a large abundance of archaea, not found in the other two populations, while the UK cohort has the lower diversity. Altogether, the authors propose the use of RNA-seq data from human whole blood as a way to study the blood microbiome and establish potential associations between blood resident microbes and host gene expression

    Major comments:

    1. The methodology to filter and remove reads from potential contaminants needs to be more stringent to ensure the results do not contain spurious contaminants and that the conclusions are correct. It has been described that genomic databases are heavily contaminated with human sequences (Steinegger and Salzberg, 2020), and in this manuscript, even after a two-pass alignment with STAR, reads mapping to helminths also corresponded to the human genome. Additionally, ad-hoc removal of specific taxa (Metazoa and Viridiplantae) was only performed after suspicion of contamination. However, this ad-hoc removal cannot be performed with microbial (bacterial, viral, etc.) contaminants as there is a risk of removing actual bacteria from the samples. But it has been confirmed that many microbial assemblies also suffer from human contamination. Possible actions to take are the following:
      • a.Perform the human mapping with more lenient parameters to avoid human reads to map to other (likely contaminated) genomes in genome databases.
      • b.Remove common contaminants that have been documented, for instance in blood (Chrisman et al., 2022).
      • c.Run a tool to detect contaminated contigs in the database used to map reads to microbes and remove these problematic contigs from further analysis.
    2. In line with the above, removing singletons (as I have understood these are taxa that are represented by a single read), is a way to minimize the risk of contamination. To take advantage of the functional profiling of RNA-seq, a measure to ensure that microbes found in blood are active would be to include in the analysis only taxa for which expression of more than a few genes is detected. This type of filtering has been previously applied in studies where very low microbial loads are expected (Lloréns-Rico et al., 2021). In this study, it has only been applied to the specific case of the archaeal taxon Methanocaldococcaceae. However, I would expect cleaner results if applied consistently to all taxa detected.
    3. The specificity of Methanocaldococcaceae in the samples from Mali is very striking. I am highly suspicious that this only occurs due to a batch effect, even though the authors were highly selective in their cohorts to avoid these. In fact, I extracted the genes spanning the regions highlighted in Supplementary Figure 9 of the Methanocaldococcus jannaschii genome. A BLAST search of these sequences returned, among Methanocaldococcus hits, hits from the ERCC synthetic spike-in sequences, used as internal controls in many RNA-seq experiments. ERCC synthetic spike-in hits appeared for all 4 regions in the genome of M. jannaschii highlighted in this figure. In the original publications of this dataset, there is no reference to the use of these ERCC controls, but given the observed matches, I suggest the authors to perform an extra step in their filtering pipeline to remove all reads mapping to these ERCC standards in all their three cohorts to prevent these sort of batch effects.
    4. I am puzzled by the inconsistencies shown between forward and reverse reads when mapping paired-end data. I expect these inconsistencies at lower taxonomic ranks (species or genus level) due to incomplete genomes, but not at higher taxonomic ranks. I wonder if, by performing more stringent filtering of contaminants as suggested above, the consistency between forward and reverse reads increases and both mates can be used, making the mapping more reliable.

    In summary, my main concerns regarding this manuscript involve the possibility that contaminants in the sequencing data may be the cause of some of the results presented, and I tried to propose ways of dealing with these contaminants. While some of the results may not be affected by detection of contaminants (i.e. the association between Apicomplexa and some ICs), others such as the diversity measures or the comparison across cohorts may be severely affected. I will consider these results highly preliminary until a more thorough and stringent approach for contaminant removal is applied.

    Minor comments:

    1. I would appreciate some of the analyses done at lower taxonomic levels if the sparsity of the data allows it, after removing contaminants. Given that the CLR transformation does not allow for zeros, other alternatives such as GMPR (Chen et al., 2018) or adding a pseudocount would allow these analyses?
    2. In the PCA shown in figure 1, does the number of microbial reads detected correlate with any of the first two components?
    3. In Figure 1C, the x axis is wrongly named PC2.
    4. There is a typo in the legend of Figure 1A ("showeing")
    5. In the alpha diversity estimates comparison across the three different cohorts, after subsampling each population to achieve similar sample size in each cohort, it is stated that "after subsampling, each population had similar diversity estimates". However, the numbers shown afterwards corresponding to the mean values of alpha diversity, without confidence intervals or a boxplot/violin plot together with an accompanying statistical test, are not enough to assess similarity. I would appreciate a figure (similar to Figure 3E and F) or a test accompanying these mean values.
    6. In the volcano plots (Figure 3A, B and others throughout the manuscript) it would help the reader to add lines for the thresholds chosen for the effect size and -log10(p-value) to separate significant results.
    7. In Figure 3E and F, I would appreciate having bars for the statistically significant comparisons.


    Chen, L., Reeve, J., Zhang, L., Huang, S., Wang, X., and Chen, J. (2018). GMPR: A robust normalization method for zero-inflated count data with application to microbiome sequencing data. PeerJ 6, e4600.

    Chrisman, B., He, C., Jung, J.-Y., Stockham, N., Paskov, K., Washington, P., and Wall, D.P. (2022). The human "contaminome": bacterial, viral, and computational contamination in whole genome sequences from 1000 families. Sci Rep 12, 9863.

    Lloréns-Rico, V., Gregory, A.C., Van Weyenbergh, J., Jansen, S., Van Buyten, T., Qian, J., Braz, M., Menezes, S.M., Van Mol, P., Vanderbeke, L., et al. (2021). Clinical practices underlie COVID-19 patient respiratory microbiome composition and its interactions with the host. Nat Commun 12, 6243.

    Steinegger, M., and Salzberg, S.L. (2020). Terminating contamination: large-scale search identifies more than 2,000,000 contaminated entries in GenBank. Genome Biol 21, 115.


    The research reported in this manuscript may have both technical and clinical significance, once the concerns raised above are adequately addressed. At the technical level, once contamination can be ruled out or securely minimized, this work can provide guidelines for microbial identification from whole blood RNA-seq data, applicable to both prospective studies as well as to retrospective studies using previously generated datasets. From this perspective, this work would add to the existing body of bioinformatics pipelines aimed at detecting microbes from host RNA-seq data (Simon et al., 2018). From a clinical perspective, it can provide an additional means of pathogen and disease surveillance without the need of microbial culturing or pathogen-specific tests. However, the requirement of blood samples may still hamper use in rural or underdeveloped areas. Lastly, another advantage is the possibility to directly link microbial abundances to gene expression patterns in the host.

    Field of expertise: bacterial transcriptomics, metatranscriptomics, low-biomass microbiome analyses.

    Limitations in my expertise: I cannot evaluate the clinical implications of the associations between host gene expression patterns and microbial abundances. Also, I am not familiar with the ICA methodology.


    Simon, L.M., Karg, S., Westermann, A.J., Engel, M., Elbehery, A.H.A., Hense, B., Heinig, M., Deng, L., and Theis, F.J. (2018). MetaMap: an atlas of metatranscriptomic reads in human disease-related RNA-seq data. GigaScience 7, giy070.

  3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

    Learn more at Review Commons

    Referee #1

    Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


    Authors performed a metatranscriptomic analysis from publicly-available datasets of whole blood from 3 places in Indonesia. Their goal was to explore which pathogens were present on the blood of those 117 healthy individuals. It was interesting that reads from Flaviviridae and Plasmodium were detected in asymptomatic subjects.

    Major comments:

    1. How did the authors assess and correct batch-effects between different datasets?
    2. Did the RNA-seq capture poly-A mRNAs? If so... these reads that did not map the human genome were captured because of internal priming. Can they find internal poly A sequences in the genome of Flaviviridae and Plasmodium pathogens? I would like to know that to understand the source of the reads and which other pathogens may be missing (due to the lack of internal priming).
    3. Principal coordinates analysis (PCoA) is often utilized in metagenomics analysis. Although they are equivalent, is there a reason for using PCA?

    Minor comments:

    1. "Indonesia is a country with large numbers of endemic and emerging infectious diseases [16], making it a crucially important location to monitor and understand the effects of pathogens on human hosts." Is there any epidemiological data that shows differences in infectious diseases across these 3 places? Can the authors provide a map and better explanation about the importance in comparing these 3 areas?
    2. Why is it so hard to try to identify (only for Flaviviridae reads) reads that map to very relevant viruses, such as Zika, Dengue, and Yellow Fever? Why did the authors state that they "were unable to refine this assignment further" if this is one of the most interesting finding?
    3. Is the script available at ? This reviewer could not access it.


    Interesting paper that enable to extract additional knowledge from whole blood RNA-seq data. There are already several papers that do this and I think authors could go one step forward (for instance, PCR validation of additional individuals). I don't think this can be used for surveillance if it cannot identify species, it is more expensive than running targeted assays, and that may be many false negative pathogens in the samples.