Emergence of Low-density Inflammatory Neutrophils Correlates with Hypercoagulable State and Disease Severity in COVID-19 Patients
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Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a novel viral pathogen that causes a clinical disease called coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Approximately 20% of infected patients experience a severe manifestation of the disease, causing bilateral pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome. Severe COVID-19 patients also have a pronounced coagulopathy with approximately 30% of patients experiencing thromboembolic complications. However, the etiology driving the coagulopathy remains unknown. Here, we explore whether the prominent neutrophilia seen in severe COVID-19 patients contributes to inflammation-associated coagulation. We found in severe patients the emergence of a CD16IntCD44lowCD11bInt low-density inflammatory band (LDIB) neutrophil population that trends over time with changes in disease status. These cells demonstrated spontaneous neutrophil extracellular trap (NET) formation, phagocytic capacity, enhanced cytokine production, and associated clinically with D-dimer and systemic IL-6 and TNF-α levels, particularly for CD40+ LDIBs. We conclude that the LDIB subset contributes to COVID-19-associated coagulopathy (CAC) and could be used as an adjunct clinical marker to monitor disease status and progression. Identifying patients who are trending towards LDIB crisis and implementing early, appropriate treatment could improve all-cause mortality rates for severe COVID-19 patients.
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SciScore for 10.1101/2020.05.22.20106724: (What is this?)
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Table 1: Rigor
Institutional Review Board Statement IRB: Study Participants and Clinical Data: The Institutional Review Board at University of Louisville approved the present study and written informed consent was obtained from either subjects or their legal authorized representatives (IRB No. 20. 0321).
Consent: Study Participants and Clinical Data: The Institutional Review Board at University of Louisville approved the present study and written informed consent was obtained from either subjects or their legal authorized representatives (IRB No. 20. 0321).Randomization not detected. Blinding All COVID-19 patients were followed by the research team daily and the clinical team was blinded to findings of the research … SciScore for 10.1101/2020.05.22.20106724: (What is this?)
Please note, not all rigor criteria are appropriate for all manuscripts.
Table 1: Rigor
Institutional Review Board Statement IRB: Study Participants and Clinical Data: The Institutional Review Board at University of Louisville approved the present study and written informed consent was obtained from either subjects or their legal authorized representatives (IRB No. 20. 0321).
Consent: Study Participants and Clinical Data: The Institutional Review Board at University of Louisville approved the present study and written informed consent was obtained from either subjects or their legal authorized representatives (IRB No. 20. 0321).Randomization not detected. Blinding All COVID-19 patients were followed by the research team daily and the clinical team was blinded to findings of the research analysis to avoid potential bias. Power Analysis not detected. Sex as a biological variable not detected. Table 2: Resources
Software and Algorithms Sentences Resources CyTOF Data Analysis: CyTOF data was analyzed using a combination of the Cytobank software package(49) and the CyTOF workflow(50), which consists of suite of packages(51) (52-55) available in R (r-project.org). Cytobanksuggested: (Cytobank, RRID:SCR_014043)For analysis conducted within the CyTOF workflow, FlowJo Workspace files were imported and parsed using functions within flowWorkspace(52) and CytoML(53). FlowJosuggested: (FlowJo, RRID:SCR_008520)The analyses were carried out in the Statistical software R (https://www.r-project.org/) and Prism version 10. https://www.r-project.org/suggested: (R Project for Statistical Computing, RRID:SCR_001905)Prismsuggested: (PRISM, RRID:SCR_005375)Results from OddPub: We did not detect open data. We also did not detect open code. Researchers are encouraged to share open data when possible (see Nature blog).
Results from LimitationRecognizer: An explicit section about the limitations of the techniques employed in this study was not found. We encourage authors to address study limitations.Results from TrialIdentifier: No clinical trial numbers were referenced.
Results from Barzooka: We did not find any issues relating to the usage of bar graphs.
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